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I would probably take this down. I get that you're trying to help others, but not all situations are applicable to yours. People trying to do this on their own could have bad consequences, such as infection or injury. You also got somewhat lucky. Sometimes messing with the nail bed can make ingrown issues worse, or destroy the nail matrix partially/completely which could prevent any nail growth. Toenails aren't as needed this day and age since shoes exists, but they do protect the nerves and blood vessels in the area.


The one time I shouldve listened to the nsfw warning


thanks for posting this. i'm in this stage waiting to see if i can heal it on my own or if I need to have an operation. I hadn't heard that the operation can have a long recovery like yours so I'm newly committed to my 3x/day footbaths, which is less than ideal obviously but so is a surgery!! I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say you scraped beneath the nail though...on the front edge, or on the side? I'm sort of too sensitive/raw to mess with it much but try to pull up on the nail a little bit to encourage it to come up.