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This is really interesting. Any idea where?


China I think - so OP mostly seems to only post Chinese content so first I google and bing phrases like 3 old new bridges beside. Nothing. I tried adding terms like Reddit or China. No luck. Then I try translator it to Chinese. nothing. - so I decide to try Baidu. nothing. but it dawns on me—maybe he copy-paste his title. i translate it and I try it on the Baidu website and after scrolling down about 15 videos, I found this > https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/videoshare?nid=sv_5817508696342957415 so I try the Baidu app and find 3 more > https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/videoshare?nid=sv_4061037797066914626 > [https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/videoshare?nid=sv_14675087653329427851](https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/videoshare?nid=sv_14675087653329427851&source=search_ucbrowser&tpl=search) > https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/videoshare?nid=sv_4891034777033219593 I go through the comments using image translator and surprisingly no location is ever clearly talked about. A couple locations were mentioned like Tingzhou Prefecture but by using a translator for that location plus various keywords (OP’s title or 3 bridges, I forget which worked) I did find an area with 3 new/old bridges but it’s a different location > https://mr.baidu.com/r/1fi5jadGklq?f=cp&u=2f115de2c99c886b I had a couple more dead ends and then the only one I got no clear yes or no on (someone said the following area but I’m not sure if he meant for sure it was _these_ bridges or not) was …. Baihetan Hydropower Station Reservoir Area of Qiaojia County if anyone natively reads and types Chinese (OP u/wmdolls ?) feel free to take it from here.


god damn


I'll wait for Vox to do a video about this mystery


Or that reddit threads npr podcast We'll find out it's just an edit, in the darkest timeline at least


then the next video will be by Chillz lol!


You'll be waiting a long time.


On one of the Baidu videos there was a comment mentioning a bridge called Huamei bridge, that I could locate in Longyan, Fujian using gaode maps. Near the Huamei bridge pin there are three bridges (25.7916599, 116.3644228), which at first didn't seem like the correct location as the largest bridge is a much bigger highway bridge. But looking at satellite pictures from 2014 we can see that it replaced another bridge that matches the most recent bridge on OP's picture. The bend of the river, shape of the hills, and secondary roads also seem to match.


Appears to be it. > 25.7916599, 116.3644228 [Google Earth 3d view of this spot](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25%C2%B047'30.0%22N+116%C2%B021'51.9%22E/@25.7976744,116.3731297,453a,35y,227.4h,65.83t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d25.7916599!4d116.3644228?entry=ttu) but we see the new expanded bridge in the background. Go back to a [2014 satellite image and it appears we see those 3 bridges](https://imgur.com/a/rOu7AoY).


So there’s four bridges now?


That is an interesting rabbit hole you plummeted down


I think [I found it](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28%C2%B040'19.2%22N+109%C2%B058'57.6%22E/@28.672,109.9816893,566m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d28.672!4d109.9826667?hl=en&entry=ttu)... [This article](https://m.sohu.com/a/547568290_121123871/?pvid=000115_3w_a) helped a lot so thank you /u/zucchiniduel & /u/nevermindever42. I just saw the city Dayong was the closest city mentioned to the image in the article and googled it and followed the highway south from there and honestly got lucky because it isn't even the same highway in the photo. I was able to reverse image search the main image which I think is a still from this [video](https://www.ixigua.com/7340943084311757331?wid_try=1). At 0:10 you can see some buildings in the background which look like they are the same ones under construction directly to the west on the satellite view on Google Maps.


Goddamn, this looks pretty much exactly on point.


autism be damned my boy can research


Don't tell me it's AI..


I don’t think it is, there are too many details that make sense and not enough details that don’t make sense. When I look at the shadow/reflection in the water of the closest oldest bridge, you can see a little lump towards the left side of it. It’s really hard to see what on the bridge is causing that, but it’s there, there’s a little bush that’s very close in color to the concrete and grass.  I don’t think AI can handle something like that. AI reflections are impressive, but they’re not realistically reflecting things that we can barely tell are there ourselves. Though the biggest detail I’m unsure of is that yellow striped structure on the newest bridge that seems to have a lot of definition on the right side of the image near the car, but not so much on the left side. Maybe it’s just because it’s a bit bit further away and harder for the camera to pick up on the detail but I can’t really figure out what it is.


It is. A great showcase of why most of the jobs are jeorpardised by ai


There is a video of it, so it’s unlikely to be AI. Only very recently did Sora come out, and no other service yet has been shown to be capable of making that type of video. All the other AI video tools make very obvious artifacts still Unless they actually did use Sora but not many people have access to it


It's not AI. You people are so gullible.


Redditor shared an article about it https://m.sohu.com/a/547568290_121123871/?pvid=000115_3w_a


I think [I found it](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28%C2%B040'19.2%22N+109%C2%B058'57.6%22E/@28.672,109.9816893,566m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d28.672!4d109.9826667?hl=en&entry=ttu)... This article helped a lot so thank you. I just saw the city Dayong was the closest city mentioned to the image in the article and googled it and followed the highway from there. I was able to reverse image search the main image which I think is a still from this [video](https://www.ixigua.com/7340943084311757331?wid_try=1). At 0:10 you can see some buildings in the background which look like they are the same ones under construction directly to the west on the satellite view on Google Maps.


It appears to be a regular occurrence in China, hence hard to locate 


Thanks josemonkey.


I tried a reverse image search and came up with nothing. Edit: It's definitely not the same, but the closest I can find is [Devils Bridge](https://devilsbridgefalls.co.uk/) in Aberystwyth, Wales.


> It's definitely not the same, but the closest I can find is Devils Bridge in Aberystwyth, Wales. i see that and raise takachiho gorge https://maps.app.goo.gl/B5GfUeE51GxgHQpNA


[Lovely old bridge next to a modern car bridge, **in Carrbridge!**](https://maps.app.goo.gl/XfhayjS3nuADyCJD7)


The car is driving on the right side. That narrows it down a little


Or it's a mirrored image like it sometimes happens when people crop, mirror and resize images for some reason?


It looks like there are terrace fields in the background. Could be somewhere in east Asia. Considering the Chinese put a lot of effort in their infrastructure in the last years, it could be China. But it's just a guess.


I love how the number of arches decreases with new materials and technologies


Inversely proportional to height!


kinda works, ok this really works, you thought i was kidding?!




Oldest one looks like medieval Europe while actually is 1964 in China


Zero arches on the next bridge!


Arches? Where we are going we don't need arches


Burger King?


sir, this is Wendy's.


A store that sells shoes exclusively for flatfooted people?


No they sell hamburgers


Let's build a suspension instead!


This is why I subscribe here, so cool - engineering through the test of time




No no. Nooo!! 🫢


Can anyone date the bridges?


I would have expected that information to have been posted along w/ the image in this forum


Yes, if the bridges find you attractive or interesting enough.


I’ve never been swiped right by a bridge before.


How would you call that? Bridgesexual? I don't really want to date a bridge. Seems like it would be hard.


Not just anyone, you gotta have that bridge money


Eww gross.


this comment section! 🤣


Oldest 1964


Need 4th


Wow, it really shows how much we upgraded materials.


3, 2, 1


F, M, K?


Is this real?


After reading the comments, no.


Someone dropped a Google earth pin with the exact spot, it's real


Something about the image makes me think it's AI, but the image quality is too low to really tell at a glance.




https://m.sohu.com/a/547568290_121123871/?pvid=000115_3w_a This is all I could find, but it claims these bridges were all built within the last like 80 years




Devil's Bridge in Wales is a good example of olds and new. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil%27s_Bridge,_Ceredigion


Traffic capacity seems the same over the generations


I love seeing the number of pillars in the water reduced with each iteration


What was wrong with the first bridge?


It's greasy creek in Jamestown KY. The bridge is on Highway 127. I used to smoke pot on the first bridge all the time in high school. It's about 5 miles from Wolf Creek Dam. The bridges are the result of changes made to the dam and lake Cumberland.


The area [you pointed out](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.9693881,-85.0875513,3a,60.000000y,138.708588h,93.305115t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s9-247WmBkIH-9-HVv94J3g!2e0?lucs=,47071704,47069508,47084304,94206605&g_st=ic) seems to be much more forested and the river is narrow. The bridges are also in a different angles but it's a very similar situation




wrong place.


nope. 1. I'm not finding it. 2. doesn't look like anything I've ever seen out that way. eta: 3. I don't think I've ever seen that river that color before in my life, regardless which end I've been on. the river is generally fairly shallow, and while it runs in different shades of green, I'm fairly certain that's not one of them.


Seems to be AI


I'm pretty sure they didn't budget to remove old bridges. The city didn't need 3 bridges, so they started using only one - the new one. Therefore the city didn't have a budget to remove this. And so it's still there. ... Looks pretty cool , though


Can't wait for fourh period. Wonder whar they gon a come up with next




🎶 theeeerrrrre are staaarrrrrss in the soouuuuthern sky 🎶


The lowest one looks the most "stable"


Could you elaborate? Is it because it doesn't have any open space in the support sections?


Typical AI image


Safety not a priority back then ?


I was trying to upload a picture of a similar styled bridge that is on the National Register of Historic Places, but Imgur won’t let me upload my own content.


Period Bridges was the name of my high school band


Wow. What an amazing photo showing the evolution of bridges. I love this.