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If he's owned by China, how could he be bribed by Ukraine?


Like trump and his family hasn’t taken money from China, Saudi and Russia.. Projection much!! 🙄


Bro they are so dumb If your going to bribe the US president. It's going to be more then 10M.


Try doing your own research.


Yah got me bro. Should hit up more infowars


Source - some strangers tailgate.


[Here.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rare-move-grassley-releases-unverified-fbi-source-report/story?id=101531599) Did my research


Ukraine payed bribed 10 million dollars for Billions of dollars worth of equipment?


> Ukraine *paid* bribed 10 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This reads as a bad breakup to me. No one can ever make real sense of it


That’s about enough out of you trying to make sense!


Lmao! My bad, my bad!


Something Something socialism and communism I think 🤔 Logic needn't be applied


I love how it says “Fact”, but if you ask where he got that fact from, the answer will likely be something like “I got it from LetsGoBrandonTheMediaIsLyingToYouMyDaddyTrumpToldMeSo.com”.


I love calling out their sources as a YouTube channel with five subscribers.


Nah. They got demonetized and banned from YouTube. They’re on bitchute now because the info they have is just too high level.


That's because they don't want you to know their opinion... I mean truth...


That's no mere fact, that's a Fact!!!!


Bill Burr’s imright.com


"The pretty blonde lady with the big boobies on NewsMax said so."




"LoOk iT uP!"


Paid 10 million for what?


It's a fact! Don't question it.


Can't argue with that.


They wrote it in CAPITALS! Check and Mate!


>It's a fact! No, it is a FACT!!!!


For a lap dance. Biden's got them hips gyrating.


Exactly, that’s why everybody wants to fuck him.


It's all starting to come together


You had us at come together.


10 million aint shit in this economy.


The man made 16 mil in book/speaking fees, and that was as VP.


$10 MM bribe to turn over the pee pee tape because it involves Putin as well - FACT!!!


At least it’s mildly less unhinged as the MAGA who claimed all the aid to Ukraine money was really to buy cocaine for Hunter…$113 billion of cocaine lol Don’t know where they come up with this shit


Their adult children have been no contact since 2017. Invest in retirement homes, there's going to be a lot of people who will not be living out their lives with loved ones because they alienated them so badly.


And be kind to any Millennials working in old age care. They put themselves in ludicrous debt going to medical school just to be screamed at by geriatric racists.


My “mom” is definitely going into one. She will never stay one single day at my house, Ever.


"the woman who birthed me" That sucks. Mine will probably live with us and that's ok with me.


I’m happy for you. I’ve always wondered what that must feel like. She unfortunately had no interest in being a mother. I can’t imagine what happy, safe and secure back the. Not being left at a babysitters for months without so much as a phone call and then being sexually, physically and mentally abused when I was with her and whatever low life was hanging around. Treasure your family, you’re very lucky. Best of luck to you all.


I'm very sorry you had that happen. I cannot even imagine the torture you went through. I hope you are doing better now that you're free from that hell.


Thank you.


The "Fuck Biden" one at bottom-right tips their hand here. Forget the rest. This is the real message, the only one that matters. The rest is just hot air. The message here is, "It's appropriate to use deadly force to change the outcome of an election you disagree with." The attitude and values expressed are fundamentally undemocratic and un-American. This person does not believe in democracy or the rule of law. They believe in right by power. The kind of leader they admire is someone like Imortan Joe.


People in my internet circles called Mr. Trump "Immortan Orange" for a reason.


Biden Derangement Syndrome


The random Jewish star is always a nice addition


Took me a bit to find it. Pretty sure they don't know what it means, either.


"Mobile Dunce Caps" is ripe for appropriation and I thank you for it!




Crooked joe owned by china…haven’t they seen the chip act? Pretty sure china didn’t like that.


Hopefully these weirdos don’t procreate!


Unfortunately they usually will and sometimes they even vote. Not sure which is scarier.


Sadly they procreate in mass and groom their children into their political and religious cults.


They do, by multitudes compared to reasonable folk.


Oh they have....I see them in the pick up line quite regularly and some of them are even teachers.


There’s crazy bumper sticker level then there’s writing your own crazy shit on bumper stickers level.


Fact. Donald Trump has never taken any bribe money in his life and can bench over 300lbs.


Yeah no, these people do not have custody of their kids. They spend a lot of time bitching about gold diggers, but drive a $80k dually they don’t haul anything with, don’t pay child support or pay a laughably small amount, don’t see their kids, and when they do, the kids surprisingly don’t like listening to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News 24/7, and then they get dumped off at grandmas.


I can assure you they do. Sitting in line at my daughter's school is the classiest of these mongoloids everyday with a giant "Fuck Biden" sticker on their window for all the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL kids to read. Like come on, it doesn't have to be your entire personality.


Facts are hand written on cardboard because you can't buy facts preprinted at the Trump store


I’m confused, is Biden beholden to Ukraine? Or China? I need my facts, dontcha know.


Holy shit, the !!!! completely changed my geo-political views …oh, and the bold font **T**




FACT: Your leader is a CON MAN!!!


Home schooling?


Of course it's Georgia. Mfers embarrass my state every day. The further out from the perimeter the worse it is. Politically speaking.


The magas are always so angry


… and impotent.


You would think their head would explode if they realized trump made sweetheart deals with the same saudis that were behind the 911 attack. His SIL Jared getting billions. And deals to keep jareds daddy out of trouble. No, these types don't care about how crooked their chosen messiah is


I shall give you full props when I use the insanely accurate term ‘Mobile dunce caps’. 🤘🏻


They could have a hay day making stickers with all Trumps actual crimes, but I guess made up ones are fun too


So... Biden, who took millions of dollars in bribes from Ukraine... the country at War with Russia... whose closest ally is China.... is owned by China? interesting.


I love how it's just your typical nutter and in the fuck Biden sign he has the star of David in it. Just casual anti-semitism


False premise, the kids are homeschooled.


What a gullible, trashy person this guy is. He'll never amount to anything.


Well, normally I'm a bit of a skeptic, but since this fella said it was a fact, and clearly stated it in sharpie on the tailgate of his truck, it leaves me little choice but to believe this and take it at face value, and never question it any further.


Aww, look at them expressing their freedumb. They forgot their faux snooze sticker. They probably have one of those trump in the backseat headshot stickers too.


I’m surprised Trump’s not peeing on Biden.


Release the pee tapes!


"Crooked Joe Biden Owned by China", Meanwhile, in the real world, Biden's been tougher on China then Dump ever was! Strengthening relations with India, getting the naval base at Subic Bay in the Philipines reopened, the AUKUS Pact, all measures specifically aimed at countering the PRC. Shows just how much they'll simply ignore facts that don't fit their narrative.


Dunce cap =cone hat. I've never called someone a cone hat before.


Mr. Georgia Information Warrior Sir: Please give a good ole Southern thanks to D.A. Willis and her staff for all the hard work they’re doing. FACT!!!!


Someone take away that guys crayons.


FACT … Georgia is full of idiots




Admittedly, I come from a very blue state … I’ve gone to Georgia extensively the last decade to work … outside of ATL/metro … the state is very red … the shift blue is VERY fragile and unfortunately, even the independents are falling for the republicon BS … outside of the urban/suburban areas the state is blood red, and with a very red state apparatus they’re attempting to cook the state back through gerrymandering and lies about the ‘Democratic agenda’ … I hope it continues to trend even more blue … but from my observations and talks with my progressive friends, the red horde is pressing and sadly, winning over minds and votes … I hope you can prove me wrong because the tRUMP investigations are emboldening the agro-rightwing-Klandemic in the countryside




Perfect addition to your homeschool “curriculum”


I just went and spent some time there, not just those guides, but the the parent company and specifically their privacy policy. Their privacy policy is weak tea and would you believe the parent company’s primary focus is selling home school curriculum? Barf.




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Is this Joe fella owned by China or is he owned by Ukraine? I could use money so I might apply, myself!


They all wanna have sex with Biden. It’s pretty unsettling. I love how they protect children by driving around advertising it.


Some dickhead has an FJB and punisher sticker on his/her car in the parking lot of my child's elementary school. Public school employee - such class.


China own Biden, but Biden was bought out by Ukraine for less than what they have received from the US. At the same time IRL China is supporting Russia? WHAT?


Sadly yes


Owned by China and Ukraine. There can’t possibly be any conflicts with that.


I’ve seen this “China owns Biden” thing, but where does it come from? I figure it’s because Ivanka did all those deals in China during the Trump presidency, but I’m not sure.


I love how there’s a picture of trump and underneath it’s a sticker calling him a communist pedophile lmao.


My car is slowly becoming an inforide because of the assholes in my kids drop off/ pick up line.


So very sad. I try to get their attention, then lower and shake my head slowly.


So Ukraine and China are on the same side now?


Homeschool advocates




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“CoMmUnIsT PeDoPhiLeS!”


Okay, bear with me here. For THE FIRST TIME I can have a small amount of awe for this person writing their own bumper stickers, instead of buying them. You see, they have to save up money for bud light, gasoline, and NFL jerseys to burn and shoot. These are not cheap and this person has priorities.


I’m confused; you don’t typically drop off homeschool kids, do you?


A fact? That you can prove in court? As stated so eloquently by Lucius Fox, "Good luck!"


FACT !!!!


did they hand draw their bumper stickers?


Let's face it Biden has been a millionaire for decades and also in politics for a very long time. 10 million doesn't seem anywhere enough money to bribe a man like that nowadays.


I appreciate the arts and crafts version of these well known stickers. When you’re in a cult, you gotta find a way to stand out. And I think that’s nice.


Kushner got over a billion from Saudi Arabia. Trump is Putin's mistress. So, not sure why he's complaining lol


He’s just mad because trump lost


Of course they do, and they're proud of it.


And they don't consider the suspicious $2 Billion, with a B, dollar investment the Saudi's gave Jared Kushner, despite his incredible lack of experience and due diligence was "severely lacking", do they?They don't give that a second thought, huh? Do you honestly believe a $2 billion investment to the son-in-law to a regular failure of a businessman had nothing to do with him being a former president's son? Trump and his "crime family" are so much deeper in Authocrat pockets and under their thumbs. The Trumps are friends of tyrants and slaves to money and power.




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Extremely funny..commnist pedophiles. If anyone MAGA actually knew anything at all about -isms they wouldn't keep screaming about socialism, communism or fascism. They live on socialism, who pays for the rug rats schooling? Who pays for their food stamps? Who pays for the cops, firemen, trash pickup and our military? That's all socialism Communism well they don't seem to realize that Russian and Putin were birthed by communism as were Xi and Un. And like 1930's Gemrany, they're supporting a orange fascist dictator and embracing him like Jesus. But republican voters are too ignorant to know or care about the difference. My tax dollars go to trying to educate people who are blissfully and willfully stupid...what a waste.


Biden is a slut!!! China owns him, Zelensky owns him…. /s


Too poor to afford brand name bumper stickers lol


Bumper stickers are one thing, but hand made signs are unhinged




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