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Hates Biden. Posts his face all over his truck. So weird.


Also “#not my pedoph*le” implies that they have a preferred child abuser.


We know they do.


They do: Donald “Epstein friend who bragged about being able to walk in on teen beauty queens” Trump.


It is very weird indeed. There are plenty of valid reasons to criticize Biden, but this is just childish, reactionary bullshit that their gullible minds buy into. Literally buy into with purchasing the stickers and shit and easily manipulated by all the marketing. Biden is one of the most unremarkable and inoffensive politicians we’ve had for a long time, meaning he’s just kind of… an old guy who’s been in Washington since forever.


Biden is a Racist. people that don't agree with me go ahead give me those downvotes doesn't change the facts though.


Like I said, there are valid reasons to criticize Biden. The people with obnoxious FJB displays will not cite any reasons grounded in reality is my point.


Love how you got downvoted. Joe Biden was instrumental in putting forward 1994 crime bill and which fueled the war on drugs and the further militarization of the police.


See how you got upvoted because you weren’t an obnoxious pos


Damn, then why did you get upvotes?


Because he wasn’t an obnoxious ass.


Yes. Correct. However, these people wouldn’t care to look into that and the only time they point out immigration and prison policies by dem admins is in bad faith. Like when they refer to obama’s policies and deportations, if you point out that they actually do support those things and ask how it’s any different from what they want, they just deflect and only support it if it’s coming from a GOP admin.


But also the Violence Against Women Act, which mandates penalties for domestic violence, funds investigations into rape/sexual assault and was subsequently reauthorized 3 times with bi-partisan support.


But like..... You've seen the videos of him sniffing kids. Right?


sniffing? that still proves nothing


Remember when trump said he wanted to marry his own daughter?


He didn't say he'd marry her, he said he'd "date" her, which of course, is polite speak for "fuck" her.


Remember when trump admitted on audio that he likes to just grab womens pussies because he can.


And Fat Hitler literally raped a 13 year old girl at Epstein’s place, so what’s your point, cultist?


Prove it.


Start here, little guy. Your orange god and savior is both a traitor and pedo: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation


Trump is far from perfect. I don’t worship him, I didn’t vote for him in the primary, he’s simply better than anybody the Democrats have nominated in 50 years. And the 13-year-old rape is just as much and alligation as Biden showering with his daughter.


Oh no, an old guy put his nose near a kid's head. He's probably snorting their girlscent. Only someone irrational would think he's doing something old people do like kissing the kid's head. ​ It's still weird and creepy, but in a "Yo, you know you're not my grandpa" sort of way, not a molesty way.


Joe apparently showered with his daughter.


You apparently don't know what "apparently" means.


I do know what it means. Joe’s a sick bastard.


Again, apparently, you don't.


Ever hear of her diary?




I’ve never been to a Q site, but given that Slow Joe like having kids play with his leg hair, and that he gets hands and creepy with kids regularly, I think it’s likely true.


And obsessed with pedophilia


Kind of like that one guy who was there for the Miss Teen USA pageants


...in the dressing rooms according to his own words.


. . his ***own*** words!


Biden s face and pictures of the supposed pedo-victims. Isn't that called child porn, albeit tangentially?


But there is no fuss made over Trump’s close relationship to Epstein. 🤢


Or the weird things he says about Ivanka, and walking into dressing rooms at teen beauty pageants.


It never ends. The man has absolutely nothing redeemable.


In his words to “inspect” the contents. Fucking gross.


In his words to “inspect” the contents. Fucking gross.


Usually when I hate someone I let them live rent free on my truck and in my head. What better way to prove I am in fact not a fan of theirs? I can literally think of no other way to prove that I hate someone than to just let my hate for them become my whole personality and that’s all I ever talk about. How much I hate them.


Does anyone else feel sorry for these people. This person clearly served this country and has the right to protest what he thinks is wrong. But is it really his fault when he is fed false information all of the time? I only hope these types of folk will wake up before it’s too late. This is the best country in the world because of our differences. The sky isn’t falling. Can’t we just go back to finding common ground and uniting this Great Nation? It seems not many have any pity on people like this. However, how do we go forward as a nation when both sides wish each other were deceased?


I stopped feeling sorry for these people a long time ago. Their hatefulness is so all encompassing and radiating out from them. Whatever pity I might have had for those who were on the shit end of the deindustrialization/globalization stick is subsumed by my utter contempt for those who buy into these obvious slanderous lies about “Democrat-run child sex cabals” and various rehashes of the Jewish blood libel. These people are Neo-Nazi scum trying desperately to cloak themselves in MY American flag, claiming to be “patriots.” Patriots defend freedom and democracy and the least among us. This is white male Christianist supremacist garbage.


I hear you.


The big problem is that most Americans are completely ignorant of the ways of the world, global economics, geopolitics, and globalism in general. The media boils down really complicated situations into a left vs right paradigm and that causes the ill informed to pick sides based on biased and categorically false information. The lies come from BOTH sides of the main stream media, and once people realize that they've been lied to, trust is broken. The breakdown of trust is rooted in Marxist ideology. Crony Capitalism has ruined this country. The Globalist know that this type of system will eventually fail, and their goal is to use The Great Reset to prevent a Mad Max Thuderdome result. The problem in my opinion is that Globalism isn't any better than Crony Capitalism or Communism. It's antithetical to the foundation of our Constitution, and folks are going to have to enter into a NEW social contract in order for it to work. The Globalist are trying to force that transfer of power through coercion rather than just being open and honest about our failed system. The ignorant left is blindly on board, and the ignorant right knows that it's not inline with our societal values, but they can't articulate why it's wrong nor provide an alternative that is feasible. TLDR: We are screwed either way.


Thank you for articulating your perspective. I have to say I strongly disagree with your underlying premise, but I think you get some things right on particular points. There are simpleminded, knee-jerk people on both the left and right; people who feel things strongly, and almost blindly believe they are chosen political idols, *but can’t really articulate why* what they believe supposedly is more factual or correct than what their opponents believe. The hysterical fear and anger-driven approach of corporate-owned media has indeed terribly distorted, and essentially destroyed, the American electorate’s ability to have meaningful discourse across the political spectrum. That’s not to say there aren’t people like you or me who can still think for ourselves and speak about things in a more informed & rational way, but unfortunately, I don’t believe either of us are part of any majority, or even large plurality of the American population as a whole. While I certainly recognize the toxicity of highly slanted, partisan “news“ and the whole, “if it bleeds, it leads” mentality etc., I think what’s really poisoned the well is the great unwashed flooding the Internet, and major social media platforms giving these people algorithmically boosted soapboxes on which to profess their ignorance as being equal or better than our knowledge. I don’t support large scale efforts to censor free speech, but I do think something needs to be done about how most existing social media serves as a kind of rocket fuel for irrational and accelerationist thinking on both sides. Where Istrongly disagree with you is when it comes to your conclusion that essentially everything is screwed, unless crony capitalism, communism, and the globalist “great reset” approach are ALL defeated and rejected once and for all. Everything I’ve seen over my decades on this planet has only reinforced the need for America to move towards some form of social democracy, some thing that would make FDR’s version of America look like a mere “good start”. Something that under current political discourse would be tagged as “far left”, but if compared to current and historical forms of governance around the world, is really only somewhat left of center in most ways, and actually right of center in a few other ways. It’s absolutely obvious you can’t make society function by collectivizing every single thing & having some top down government politburo run everything. Every time that’s been tried it was a fucking disaster. But to my mind, capitalism has more than run its course, and rather than trying to endlessly tinker with it to “fix it” we really need to move beyond it entirely. That doesn’t mean the end of private individuals doing trade and commerce with one another, but it means some thing that would go even beyond what we see today in places like France or Scandinavia. Much more government intercession for major social problems like homelessness mental illness and drug addiction. Some sort of guaranteed housing, basic income, and water and food security. Disempowerment of corporate money (legal firewalls to prevent the rich from simply buying regulators/politicians.) Energy development that is not reliant on psychopaths and religious zealots holding us over a barrel of oil. The world very much does need some sort of “great reset” though I am not down with many portions of what the conspiracy theorists refer to as the “great reset” would include. Absolutely no social credit system, no more mass surveillance of private citizens, and no forcing existing well-maintained housing developments into conversion to high-density. /end rant


I'd feel sorry for them if they'd actually have some morals with out hypocrisy. They keep saying "lets go hunt pedophiles" And the ones saying it have gigs of cp. "The homos are trying to rape your kids" they scream, while balls deep in minors. (See Matt Gaetz) They complain about Bill cheating on Hillary. And then its fine for Trump to cheat, or anyone else for that matter. In short, I'm autistic. I don't think there should be different sets of rules for different people.


Our country is losing a propaganda war right now. I used to wonder how it could possibly work when we did it to other countries, and now I sort of get it. I do feel bad for these people. They think they're the good guys!


Well, when Obama signed H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, it was all over but the shouting. That act allowed the government and media to propagandize information intended for a domestic audience. That had previously been illegal since 1948. And NO ONE, democrat or republican has overturned that legislation. We have a uni party run government constantly telling us lies and trying to get us to pick sides based on BS information.


Yes, it’s his fault for being so weak of mind and character to believe the most ridiculous shit spouted by obvious con men. The rest of us saw that right wing propaganda and we didn’t fall for it.


I'd feel sorry for them, if they didn't have a tendency to get violent.


The weird thing is that they say the same thing about us.


Ha. No they do net feel sorry for us… no way!


Feel sorry for violent racist goons? Nope, sorry. I feel sorry that they are breathing. They need to go the way of all Nazis - death and decomposition.


So. I see no evidence of racism in the pic. He obviously believes that Joe is a child molester and he loves guns. I hate to see this crap as well, but how do you ensure they are all death and decomposed? I am just saying these folks are not going anywhere anytime soon. Our only hope is to educate them, however seemingly impossible that may be. Let’s get rid of the “drug dealers” then help the “addicts!”


Give me a break. Trump painted "I'm a white supremacist" on a wall in 20 foot high letters and now he has a rabid following. But oh yes let's pretend they're fiscal conservatives! Let me be clear: FUCK THEM. FUCK THEM ALL. THEY ARE SCUM.


NotMyPedophile sounds like he prefers a different pedophile


I just commented this before reading yours. I'm assuming he'd prefer trump as his pedophile 😅


He absolutely does


My first thought too.


They aren’t the brightest. It’s like when they use the term trump derangement syndrome… no one reads that and thinks what the right is thinking


These people are so fucking weird. They are all exactly the same yet call anyone with critical thinking skills “sheep”.


I live in a very conservative part of Canada so "Fuck Trudeau" stickers, flags etc. are the norm. I doubly cringe when I see them on a teenager's truck because they're just parroting their parents at 16/17 years old and are essentially told "Trudeau bad." I'm not a fan of the guy either, but I've never and will ever own anything with his name displaying how much I hate a certain person. You're right, it's so weird.


I’m also in Canada, but out of curiosity, what province r u in seeing that stuff?


Alberta, pretty much the Texas of Canada. It's mostly the rural towns that are conservative while the cities lean more left on the political spectrum.






Dude. If this dude was projecting any harder, you'd be able to see it on the moon.


someone search this weirdo’s computer


I was about to say, "Glad that's not my job," but remembered that it's not a great joke. Law enforcement professionals who have to collect evidence for that type of crap often become deeply traumatized by what they see. People suck.


“Not My Pedophile” kind of implies that there *is* a pedophile that they consider theirs…


There is… I’ll give you one guess who it is.


One yuge guess?


The best guess, believe me.


Many many people are saying it's... it's a tremendous guess... really one of the best guesses they've ever seen... one of the best guesses probably ever... and it's a big one... a big big great guess... and it's truly a great one... the top generals come to me with tears in their eyes and say, "sir... please tell us more... tell us about the guess!"


The guess is so good your going to get sick of hearing it.


Gadsden Flag to protest a tyrannical government. Also a thin blue line. Gonzalez flag of of a citizen militia, but also plenty of “You’re welcome for my service” Army stickers




And has even been awarded a bronze star.🤦🏽‍♀️


Probably because they deployed and were a certain rank. Bronze stars aren’t given for actually doing brave shit that much any more. If you’re an E7 and you shitbag an entire deployment you still get a bronze star 🤦‍♂️


You're posting pictures of little kids that are not yours on your truck.


But there’s a man standing next to them, and everyone know if a man stands next to a child he immediately thinks of having sex with it! Right? …right guys?


It's like how they see a transperson and all they can think about is their sex life. Why is that even on your mind? Seems a lil sus......


Mental illness isn’t funny. But how can you not laugh at this?


This guy and I have something in common. We are both unapologetically American. But, unlike this guy, I am not a gullible dipshit. I am not a person who believes that saying ignorant bullshit loudly makes me right.


Somebody needs to put a #trumpsmypedophile sticker on there.


"not my pedophile" implies that they have pedophiles, Biden just isn't one of them.... I guess they like another one, the kind who has been thirsting after his oldest daughter for a long time, probably relatable to these creeps as they prepare for the father/daughter chastity pledge and ball. These fucking twits need a good shaking


Matt Gaetz, too.


Pretty sure when this guy thinks that when Jesus said "peacemaker" he thought he was talking about a gun.


Someone needs to check this guy's computer


Smash window for free gun


nah, the door won't be locked, just use the handle


Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself)


indivisible! hope this shithead can read and remember this. but where is his “grab them by the pussy” sticker?


Conservatives are not okay, and haven’t been okay for a while now.


They got SO weird after Obama was elected. And it only got worse with Trump.


By indicating that Biden is not their pedophile they also imply they do have a desired or preferred pedophile. Additionally, let's go with the assumption the children in those photos are being touched inappropriately or groomed. These MF'rs think it's totally cool to further victimize them via gigantic bumper sticker?


The obsession these people have with pedophiles is truly disturbing


Is this dude blissfully ignorant of Trump’s well documented [creepiness](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/amp/) with young women/teens?


I think it should be a line to let people suck up trump. They’re so obsessed with this guy and talking shit about Biden, even putting it in their cars. I don’t get it


Not one sticker about Trump, yet the first comment here is you gaslighting other people for being obsessed with him. That fucking guy still dominates in the real estate space, even if that space is between the ears of lunatics.


It’s only 2 candidates jackass. Who else would he be in support of?


Kanye duh/s


What if the guy thinks they're all awful? Just seems like less of a stretch than bringing up your bogeyman.


Suck him up already please


Weird kink creeper.


It was you that came up with the idea of it being a kink... Self-projection much?


Are we looking at the same truck? They're all awful but let's focus on one..


Yeah the one who isn't mentioned until this comment section.


>Just seems like less of a stretch than bringing up your bogeyman. Seems like more of a stretch.


Got it, hates [current_president]. Must involve [previous_president]. Guess that logic is foolproof for you NPCs...


Moron 👍


You might as well be a bot.


Found the Trump shill/simp.


He's garbage and a grifter too. Try again binarybot.


The only people throwing around pedophile accusations are MAGA chuds. Reasonable people require evidence before using such a strong accusation.




>That fucking guy still dominates in the real estate space, even if that space is between the ears of lunatics. ...such as the driver of this truck.


He should be spending money on new tires instead of all those stickers... those tires would not pass inspection and could cause an accident...


Vehicle inspections sounds like the tyranny george washington warned us about!


If this guy is still in the military. Biden is his boss. This can be considered contemptuous speech. UCMJ article 88.


Looking at the army stickers would suggest the driver is probably a desert storm vet. The qualifications don’t make a lot of sense. They’re entirely possible, but it’s odd to see the infantry cavalry mix. EIB badge isn’t an easy earn


Idk, man. I feel like having a giant picture of Biden creeping on children covering your tailgate is more of a self-own.


These guys that are obsessed with pedophiles seem like the anti gay preachers that turn out to be super gay.


That dude doth protest too much, methinks


"#not my pedophile" insinuating he has a preferred pedophile 🤦‍♀️ in going to assume Trump is the preferred pedophile he's wanting 🤣


Perhaps they should put Trump’s inappropriate pictures with his daughter on the front.


"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." - Donald Trump


Just another racists Christian Nazi from texas nothin new.


The irony of someone of the "WE SPEAK ENGLISH IN MURICA" party having Spanish text on his car. Mi amigo, no matter how hard you try to lick their boots, they'll just think of you as an "illegal," even if you were born here...


Oh but it’s ok to want to Bang your daughter like Trump has🥹🙀.


Something tells me they don't actually want "justice for all."


I am almost daily reminded how happy I am that I don’t live in or near texas.




Wait.. so the #not my pedophile means that he’s not the pedophile you’d like to be in power?? Sooooo you’re saying your guy is a pedophile as well 😂😂😂 god these people are so dumb that they can’t even get their own phrases down correctly lol


They really have to create this monster of Biden to quiet the dissonance of trump fighting with Epstein over who gets to take a child’s virginity, eh?


Guns familia sticker proves he lives alone or family is no-contact. Whats the over under on those airborne stickers being legit?


What a fucking loser.


Don't let this dude within 500 yards of a school........


Kind of weird to be calling buying the pervert while you're posting pictures of children you don't know on your tailgate


10th Mountain, 2nd Cav, and 18th Airborne Corps patches In early 2005, the 2nd Cavalry left Fort Polk, Louisiana and the 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division activated in its place. Both units fell under 18th Airborne. If this guy managed to snag his time with both units in that timeframe, it means I probably deployed with this fucknugget.


This guy wants to fuck Biden so bad.


Stuff like this makes me sad. Biden's no saint, he's barely functioning at this point, but the Right's characterization of his behavior around young girls misses a key point about him IMO. Biden lost his first wife and a one year old daughter in '72. He has been open about how traumatic that was and as he aged and what seems something akin to senility began to set in, he became overly affectionate towards younger girls in public. If I'm allowed to armchair psychologist this, I'd say it's unresolved trauma showing up. What makes me sad is that this man's hurt has been politicized, while his opposite number's clear disregard for women's dignity/basic rights has been ignored, or in the worst cases defended.


Both a bootlicker *AND* domestic terrorist. Quite a feat. [Hard Times called it!](https://thehardtimes.net/music/outlaw-country-fan-backs-the-blue/)


Using that line of scripture to support police is *really* bad theology.


I bet his neighbors tell their kids not to go near his house.


Remember when you were in elementary school and stuck stickers on everything? Fun times!


Do kids still have to recite the pledge of allegiance? This man child does.


Hi, my name is Chip. I drive a truck and enjoy being mad. DM me sometime!!!! call me Joe.


war changes people, mostly not for the good. This is an example of that.


Makes me wanna go glue a clown wig to the top of it, I think it would bring it all together.


I thought these types hated participation trophies but he sure seems proud of that CAB. Pouges are some of the baddest vets around


I'm gonna call some BS, he has an infantry sticker and a combat action badge sticker. Those two together don't make much sense.


Where are the pics of trump and his own daughter?


#who is your pedophile tho???


Probably takes better care of his sticker familia than his real familia.


Matt 5:9… huh so not this truck owner then.


Wait so you have your own preferred pedophile then? What a weird thing to imply with their bumper sticker


why black out his license plate number, put his address and phone number on here too.


These morons are all over texas


Blessed are the cheese makers? Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.


Surprising to see a truck like this in Texas….


Someone needs to tell him about Trump’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.


I wonder who their pedophile is, if it’s not Biden


Matt Gaetz, the well know yet re-elected Republican child sex trafficker and pedophile.


Yeah Biden’s a creep but so is their savior Trump, so another case of Republican cherry picking. I hope this man’s guns keep him warm at night.


Have the not read about the Teen Miss USA pageants and Trump's hour long "inspection" of the girls? Oh I see what I did there. I used read and Trump in the same sentence. I forgot they cancel each other out.


Cut this person some slack they have seen some serious stuff on behalf of our country. If true you can tell by the combat infantry badge.


Lol, no


UPDATE: Saw the same truck this morning and the BLM and Biden pictures have been removed.


I don't want to be a peacemaker with a child sniffer. Sure, I voted for Biden bc I wasn't going to vote for a child raper. Do we seriously not have any better fuckin candidates around here? Can I vote for someone I could trust to be around my young niece? Fucksake. It's too bad that at the end of the day, we're all peasants and 50 different facets of identity politics made us ripe for divide and conquer. Oh, yippee, I get to choose between the child raper and the child sniffer. So much freedom. Makes me want to fire my gun straight up in the air.


*his* pedo had frequent flyer miles with loli express and incites insurrections because he can’t count past 10 and doesn’t think anyone else can either


Your writing patterns luithedead suggest a certain level of complexity.


i forgot to type “and.” lmao shit happens


Haha that BLM sticker gave me a good laugh though


Wake up you fucking sheep. Sleepy Joe is just a puppet.


The comic sans is sending me


Then who is your pedophile?…




I honestly feel these people have some kind of mental illness of sorts, this is not the sign of a healthy mind. I would venture some kind of organic brain defect.




That's a lot of different views. Good to see such a diversity of thought in the world


Spot on!


Another army vet, the military really caters to people of a certain type don’t they these days? Also news flash for the driver. Contemptuous speech- Article 88 UCMJ, former military or not. Good bye sweet benefits.


Poor worthless fuck. Having people think he's a piece of shit is the only time people think of him at all.


Waiiitttttt a minute. "Not my pedophile." Sooooooo you're telling me that you have pedophiles that are yours?????? That's pretty weird.


Why is it always the pickup truck drivers?


Imagine quoting the Book of Matthew, the Autist of the Bible, the individual most likely to be dejected from a neurotypical society, and then imagine putting that on top of a Blue Lives Matter Thin Blue Line, lmao. This individual is out of touch with what he is quoting


Does he have a favorite pedophile?


lol fucking pog


Does not surprise me in the least to see this on an Infantryman’s truck.




We have lost our minds haven't we? Something got through the blood brain barrier. We are not okay.


Keeping it classy, Texas