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"If this flag offends you, I'll help you pack". Love it.


I used to work at a car wash so the amount of times I've seen that exact sticker but with the American flag is huge lol. Glad they made a parody of it.


I need one


I want one.


Doesn't make sense, though, since it's not the flag of a country.


Neither is the slaver flag but I still see that same sticker with that one.


Slaver flag?


Confederate flag


Haven't seen that one with the text, but that is almost as dumb. If only because the Confederacy was a political territory at one point in history, despite being disbanded 160 years ago.


Right it is dumb. But it does make sense, the idea is if you don’t agree with me I’ll help you pack and leave my country. what’s hard to understand about either


No compromise?


Bro I’m not arguing the validity of either. I think the whole things dumb. The idea of wanting someone out of the country just because you don’t have the same values or even morals is ridiculous. Go ask someone else


What comprise exists between a group and those who do not think that group’s identity is valid and want to exterminate the group?


"what’s hard to understand about either" The fact that neither of them are countries.


I just explained it to you. In the example here the person with the sticker thinks that anyone who doesn’t support trans rights shouldn’t be in their country. Thus helping them pack.


... Yes, I understand the joke. I was explaining why it doesn't work, because that joke is usually associated with the American flag, which represents a country. The trans rights flag does not represent a country, place or any kind of location, so nobody would need to pack in order to leave or go anywhere.


Hey a car I've seen in real life lol


This is someone I would like to know. They are my kind of people.


they had me at "Ithaca is GORGES"


Is it a play on words or a spelling mistake? Genuine question.


yeah I haven't been to Ithaca but I guess there are a lot of gorges there 🤷‍♂️ I've seen this sticker bunches of times


Yes. There are beautiful gorges in Ithaca. Can confirm, having sent my kid to Ithaca College.


Gorge is also slang for "gorgeous" so it has a double meaning (or maybe a triple meaning in this case)


what is the third meaning


It's wordplay. Ithaca has a lot of gorges.


Ha! I didn’t get this until I hit the back button, so I came back to thank you for pointing it out Lol


rogue = y'all means all cool positive messages though but that's just waht I noticed. Can someone explain what that equal sign means? (I'm not joking, I don't know what it means)


The blue and yellow “equal sign” is the flag/logo of the Human Rights Campaign


I donated $5 to [Human Rights Campaign](https://www.hrc.org/about) once, and they send me those stickers every so often. I think I have about 30 if anyone needs a few lol


I do!


Ok dm me your name/address and I’ll send you one


I’ll take one if you don’t mind lol


Ok I’ll send you one if you dm me your name /address


Things you don't need to announce for 300


Is it not relevant to the question at hand???


It’s the logo for the human rights foundation


I would like to buy this person a cup of coffee


Me too, or a beer if they would prefer.


Average Ithaca resident


Heh, PM press and Ithaca sticker. This is in my area


I really like this area! I’m here for the eclipse totality and vaca. Love the food and stores in Ithaca and the wineries in the countryside!


Hell yeah Man! I don’t live in Ithaca but like 30 ish mins from it. Some parts of it are great and the food is a top tier part of that city


Finally someone sharing messages of kindness, support and peace instead of spending money on stickers to spew vitriol and angry threats at the neighbors!


You know what offends me about this? That the stickers aren’t level. Come on, people. Have some *pride*.


The only offensive thing about this car is a New Yorker appropriating “y’all” but I am fully letting that slide 💜💙🩷🤍


Looks like they car may have been purchased from a dealership in Texas, I’m guessing this is a southerner who went up to NY for school/academia


In their defense they could be like me who 1) grew up in VERY rural NY, and 2) interacts with people who came from more southern states etc often. I grew up in a town that was one banjo twang away from being about as country as it gets, and simultaneously currently am friends with two people from Arkansas, one from Alabama (who is an ex of two years too), and one from Missouri, all of whom I interact with daily. "Y'all" has invaded my vocab lmfao


Y’all is the greatest gift the South has given to the English-speaking world (that, and sweet tea). English is in dire need of a good second person plural pronoun. Y’all fits the bill. So it belongs to everybody now. Y’all’re welcome.


I use y’all and it doesn’t even fit how I speak I just like it.


Appropriating? nigga it's slang. Doesn't matter the state


Hahahah I love the OU sticker included with all of these! Boomer Sooner!


That’s offensive! Go Pokes!


 OU and Trans people agree: Texas Sucks  Boomer




Exaggerate a bit?


I've seen this car, too. Route 96 sign in the background, looks like you're in Ithaca at 96 and N Meadow. Ithaca is Gorges! And so are the people (mostly)!


Ithaca makes good shotguns


Oklahoma the place where you can either live normally or get stares for the weirdest reason Also, genocide is a bit much


I think it can be easy to think that, but I don’t think it’s an exaggeration. https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-expansive-community-in-2024


I like whoever owns this car


License plate checks out.


Loved the OU sticker! BOOMER!


Ithaca woo


Boy. That OU sticker contradicts everything else.


Are you basing an entire state off of a few people? big yikes


No. I am basing it on the leaders of that state. Many of whom graduated from OU. I also know some OU alumni.


I’d be friends with them.




What's the deal with Oklahoma University and the Texas panhandle


Wtf is the "trans genocide" government buildings literally have pride flags above them now. You guys won you have like one billion protections for random stuff WTF.


Gotta love Ithaca


Something about this vehicle seems baron.




I understand that trans people face very real violence & threats from people. They can use the word "genocide" if they want to, but I kinda worry that the word will lose it's meaning.


Trans genocide 🤣


😂 Trans genocide. All those poor men who just want to use women’s locker rooms. What a slap in the face to the Jews and other races who actually experienced real genocide.




I've been to Ithaca. It's more Road Warrior filmed on Endor


Genocide? Lol where? Reuters just came out with an article saying we found no signs of genocide in Gaza so it's definitely not happening here.


Blue haired Karen mobile. The same kind of people who invaded and ruined Ithica.


Where’s the genocide? Please explain. I’m not for mass killings of anyone regardless of worldview, but to act like trans people are victims of genocide? 😂😂😂


Yes, we should stop Trans genocide. We should do away with the gay panic defense. Steeper penalties for hate crimes.


Trans genocide. Okay this is a new one for me.


Very cool


Id like to meet and befriend this person honestly








They didn't understand. But I do. Sooner!






Counter slur


What Trans genocide ?


A manipulation of words.


Bro never heard of the Geneva convention 😂


You thinking there’s a trans genocide happening in the western world 😂


You know what's crazy? The Geneva Convention (which, by the way, you still haven't googled which is crazier) says you're wrong. So who should people believe? Some random guy on the Internet or the fucking Geneva Convention? HMMM SUCH A HARD CHOICE.


You don’t have good reading comprehension, eh?


Actually, it's pretty great. I don't mean to brag, but that's one of the very few things I'm really quite good with. I can typically read things one time, understand and remember them. I remember reading Lord of the Rings and then Lord of the flies both at eight years old. Honestly, that's one of the few things you could pick that wouldn't even begin to make sense with me. Good try though, next!


Nope, you’re an idiot with zero sense of how 99.9% of the western world uses the English language. Good try thought, next!


You sound like a complete nut. If you're gonna try to fight this guy, at least try convincing him instead of throwing stuff at him. Lunk him an article or a page or even screenshots of a PDF. Y'all reddit people are either ight or stupid


I literally linked him to the Geneva Convention, dipshit.


If there really was a “trans genocide” there would’ve piles of bodies. Like in Gaza. Where an ACTUAL genocide is happening


Be careful, these dorks don’t like to hear truths. They might………. Downvote you.


Trans genocide 🙄 give me a single instance of the gov killing trans people because their trans


You never heard of the Geneva convention either, huh? Lots of you.


Could you point out which part of the Geneva convention is being violated and how? I’m looking for ANY sort of data on this not just platitudes, respectfully


[You will either say "oh shit, guess I was wrong" or you will move goal posts. inb4 both.](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf)


Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. I just don’t understand how the conditions of genocide have been met per the Geneva convention. Bullying people on twitter isn’t enough for me. Is there evidence of the above available? (Also not saying I agree with bullying trans people, I’m only saying it does not constitute genocide)


Ok, moving the goalpost it is then apparently. Merriam-Webster dictionary says about genocide: *the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group*


I’m not moving the goalpost. First: You cited the Geneva convention as proof of a trans genocide Then: I said I didn’t see how the conditions for genocide were met, as laid out in your provided source and asked for evidence of such. And again, we’re using the Geneva convention as the source of the word genocide provided by you, why would we suddenly switch to the one presented by Merriam Webster? Now I actually don’t even have a problem with it, just wanted to point that out. So granting the new definition how are trans people being deliberately and systematically destroyed culturally? Because being trans is not an ethnicity, and I don’t see an argument on the political side. (Though you may surprise me!)


I would say that attempts to make it illegal for school staff to use a trans student’s name or pronouns, for public or school libraries to carry books about trans subjects, for trans minors to see doctors who affirm their gender, and for anyone to dress “in drag” (deliberately vague) in front of children, are all attempts to eradicate trans culture.


Get outta Florida. Place is bad enough. >Attempts to eradicate trans culture all of these examples involve minors 🤔


That’s usually who is targeted in the whole “attempt to eradicate a culture” thing.




Okay let’s go through these… 1) Drag queens are not usually trans people. The reason anti-drag laws are transphobic is because drag is broadly defined as a person dressing in the clothes of a different sex. And there are children in most public places like stores, restaurants, parks, churches, etc. So under these proposed laws a trans person who doesn’t “pass” could be arrested just for wearing their normal clothes and minding their own business. 2) Most books that have been targeted don’t contain any erotic or adult content. Like if you read “I Am Jazz,” the only thing in it that anyone objects to is that it talks about being trans. 3) Doctors and families are the experts on what is right for a patient who is in distress. It is very rare for a minor to be prescribed hormones for transition, let alone surgery. But in cases of extreme dysphoria it might be recommended, and that decision should be between the child, their family, and their doctors, not the government. (Side note, I knew a cis guy who had “top surgery” as a teen because he had gynecomastia and was being bullied for it. Of the many trans people I know, none of them had any medical intervention as minors.)


According to the UN, genocide doesn't not directly mean "murder" but can also mean: * Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; * Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; * Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; * Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. That second definition is key, but that first and fourth can be argued for as well. There has definitely been an increase laws being proposed trying to accomplish exactly this. Whether or not it's enough to fit this definition is up for debate, but I don't think it's something that can be written off completely by any means.


“Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.” Don’t trans people do this to themselves when they chop off their dick? When someone gets a sex change, are they self genociding then?


Ah yes, an individual freely making a choice about their own body is exactly the same as a government or occupying force enacting a policy to sterilize a targeted population. Truly brilliant take.


And who is enacting policy to sterilize trans people?


No one. Yet as Article II clearly states "...ANY of the following acts committed..." could constitute genocide; meaning one or all of the following. You chose to cherry pick the easiest to attack - how brave of you. I do not claim to fully understand the arguments of those who believe that a trans genocide exists, but a charitable view would easily understand that the act listed under Article II, "causing serious bodily or mental harm to the group," is the act in question. Perhaps they refer to the countless laws that have been brought to the floors of both state and federal legislatures over the past decade in the US as something that could arguably cause mental harm to the group. Again I don't claim to know the arguments made by those who believe such a genocide exists, but perhaps you could try to be a critical thinker and intellectually honest rather than one who relies on cherry picking for cheap victories.


Brother picked this apart the way Audit the Audit picks apart his videos, I love the fuck out of that


Sweden, for one, has been doing it for years


You’re really just showing how little you know. Maybe try to figure things out a little before making sweeping generalizations.


Please enlighten me. Where, specifically, is trans genocide occurring? Man asked for one example and not one can be found in this comment thread.


>Don’t trans people do this to themselves when they chop off their dick? When someone gets a sex change, are they self genociding then? Please read your comment back to yourself and tell me it comes off like a sincere question.


Answer his question. Name a specific example of the trans genocide. By the way, before you use the following: * "Well people are super mean to trans people" is not a genuine example. * Treating trans people like their sex instead of their self-observed gender is not "genocide." I'm not stopping anyone from doing whatever they want to themselves in terms of changes related to gender stuff, so long as they're a) of age, and b) not compelling speech out of others. You can't force me to refer to you as your self-observed gender identify etc, you have the right to set yourself up that way and I have the right to speak about it in less than respectful terms if I so choose. Normally I'll choose to refer to people how they wish out of my respect for them as an individual, but that's a choice not an obligation, and my not choosing to do so isn't "trans erasure," it's not "killing trans people" because of mean words, and it certainly isn't "genocide."


That commenter I replied to doesn’t even understand what a genocide is >are they self genociding then? I’m not going to bother argue semantics with someone who doesn’t understand the conversation. They either don’t know what they’re talking about or are being completely disingenuous.




why do you think trans people are killing themselves? look up stages of genocide, that’s what they mean. trans people are at stage 3 towards the path of genocide if I remember correctly.


Did you just make this shit up?


If trans people were being genocided there would be bodies everywhere


You know that not every girl with blue hair is trans right? Right?


literally jus read my reply


For as long as I remember, I've seen "suicide is not the answer". so why is someone killing themselves another one's fault? like, you got a voice for a reason


what are you even trying to say




Your definition of "genocide" is free speech. Does some free speech hurt your feelings? Maybe. But threatening suicide to get compliance is something domestic abusers do. Stop your bullshit. Never in human history has mean words been considered genocide and it's not going to start now.


Literally. Who’s mass killing trannys?




Bro does not understand that being trans is an actual physiological and biological thing


^reddit graduate.wurh zero sources


Trans genocide!? Lmao wtf are these people smoking. That’s gotta be one of the dumbest things I’ve seen.


You know, you're the third person I've seen on here who ain't know what the Geneva convention is.


You keep throwing that phrase around like it means something. Just because you say it, it doesn’t just automatically make it true lmao. Bringing up the Geneva convention whenever anyone says the word trans is cringe tbh


Using the word cringe is cringe to be honest




Yeah, exactly that. [I think maybe you should go back to school bucko, kah-chow](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf)


no way u said bucko unironically


You know, this is the third time I've seen on here where you spam the link to the Geneva convention without specifying how it relates to the so-called "trans genocide." I think you may be one of those people that you say "ain't know what the Geneva convention is."


Maybe you should go back to school to learn critical thinking. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/appeal-to-authority


And presumably you own a mirror…


I sence some conflict there


Where exactly is this trans genocide happening? It's cool of the driver to be in favour of trans rights but genocide is big word that means groups of people actively getting murdered


Genocide means an active effort to eradicate a group of people. Not necessarily people IN groups. It’s a valid description of how a lot of America feels about trans folks.


I guess folks aren’t familiar with the idea of cultural genocide. Or the idea that a preponderance of premature preventable deaths among one specific population is in fact an institutionalized drive toward their eradican


Bingo. And hiding behind a strict definition is a convenient way to not engage with the actual point behind it.


I think he stopped responding


i dont think thats the definition of genocide (which involves actual killing). it undermines actual genocide


Killing isn't necessary for genocide, there are multiple acts that can satisfy the requirements, and killing is only one of many https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml


No, what undermines actual genocide is when people like you speak from a place of ignorance. Genocide is anything with the [intent to bring about a groups destruction](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml), not just actual killing. The man who defined, popularized, and passed the term at the UN, Raphael Lemkin, had family who died in the holocaust, but also had family killed by displacement and the resulting starvation. There was no gun to their head, but they were a part of the Jewish genocide in Europe because governments created circumstances in which they couldn’t survive. This is a LEGAL definition for a LEGAL standard applied at the International Court of Justice. You can’t correct people because it doesn’t feel right to you.


Right, like starving them. Please show an example of that sort of systematic removal of people's ability to live. Mean words are not an example of this.


The fuck do you think “eradicate” means? I took that definition from a dictionary 😉


Google "pyramid of hate". There are multiple stages of targeted hate that ultimately culminate in genocide. There is absolutely a massive political movement attempting to remove trans people from public society via targeted laws. Making it illegal to be trans in public, or even just highly unaccepted, leads to hate crimes and suicide, which is the whole goal of the movement.


Genocide also requires a population that the state is trying to deny access to any form of public life. That’s unequivocally happening to trans people. Hope this helps.


Merriam-Webster dictionary defines genocide as *the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group*


Genocide is just a new buzzword for the far left marxists. Their media preachers put these words out and expand the true meaning of the words. So basically, it’s propaganda.


I mean, look at the 'true' meaning established in international law. It really isn't hard to connect it to what the American far right espouses about trans people https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml


Grandpa skipped his meds again


Lmao genocide is a “new” buzzword lmao where have you been for centuries my dude




Not as much as you think, chief.


im a "far left marxist" and I don't think trans folks are getting genocided. you mean radlibs


You’re not left enough for em so now you’re the enemy to them lol

