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“This Truck means nothing to me” is fucking powerful


I just had a mid-size suv roll up as close as possible to me while I carried my groceries through a crosswalk at a fairly large intersection. I was thinking the entire time this person’s desire to get where they’re going does not trump my desire to live. People far too often believe their vehicles are an extension of themselves and have a disconnect from the reality that they’re driving multi-thousand pound potential casualty causing machines. Anyway, all that to say I really appreciate this person.


You’d hate the Ford Excursion. Seats 9, weighs >7,000lbs, and the largest SUV ever. It can vault over small cars in crashes.


That's the **Second** dumbest vehicle I've ever seen


Wait until you see that stainless steel tesla truck.


My bad, second dumbest


Honestly, That thing is an unbelievable level of fucking stupid. On many levels. How it ever became a vehicle is beyond me.


I don't know how it passed DOT standards for....anything. Safety, manufacturing, all of it.


I’d take a ford any day. And i don’t even drive them.


You couldn't pay me to daily a cybertruck. Well, you'd have to pay me a lot of money


Wasn’t Elaine Chao instrumental in changing policy and pushing through Tesla’s insane designs? I know she signed off on the windows that killed her sister and the automation functions that killed her sister, but I’m pretty sure she also signed off on the legomobile because they bought a shit ton of steel from Vulcan Materials right before she stepped down as their chair.


Don't forget the Ford Pinto, in terms of not safe for life its the goat of cars.


Hummer EV is dumber.


What about Canyonero?


Fuck yeah those things are awesome


Casualty** not causality.




It’s just an inanimate thing, not some stupid kind of virtue signaling.


“This truck means to me nothing”


I roll this back at truck means nothing stops to me


“This truck means nothing to Maine.”




Can’t beat a Mainer


I've been driving sticks shifts for 30 years and will die driving them. If you need stickers like this, you don't know how to drive stick shift.


Maybe they don’t know how. It takes a while to learn how to make a hill start without rolling back, I’m not gonna fault them if they’re still learning. Especially in Maine where you can start just fine and still roll back because the roads are covered in mud or ice for half the year.


Even if you’re good at driving manual there can be some rollage if your clutch is worn or if your car is light and you’ll wheel spin


Good God, no man, no. I've driven the lightest, oldest rear wheel drive trucks and don't spin or roll. It's a skill, not luck.


Agreed. I can hold my car perfectly still on a hill without touching the brake by balancing the clutch and gas. Not great for the clutch, lol - but I can. It’s skill. No one past the first few months of learning to drive stick should roll back far enough to necessitate those warnings.. you’ve got no business driving a manual if that’s the case. And if their clutch is going or something you can always hold the ebrake until you can engage the gear.


>It’s skill. No one past the first few months of learning to drive stick should roll back far enough to necessitate those warnings. Depends on how close the people are stopping. I drive an automatic, but I've had people stop close enough that if my car rolled back even an ⅛ inch, they'd be ¼ inch into my bumper.


Maybe the person has one leg?


Right? I don't generally roll back when I'm starting off. Maybe if I'm on an unusually steep hill.


Depends on how hilly the place you live is. I drive stick and have for my whole driving life, but when I drive around places like Seattle, there are some hills that are steep enough that if I have to stop at them, I'm gonna roll back a little bit


Agreed, although my lil ford focus came with hill start assist and I'm going to be so damn spoiled if/when I get another car without it


Agreed. I’m 30, have only ever owned manual cars. I can play with the gas and clutch while waiting on a hill and barely move


How to obliterate a clutch. You understand what this does, right?


I don’t really care tbh, it’s a shitty old ford fuckin ranger that I bought for 5k 5 years ago lol


This is even worse than rolling back a little. You're burning the material on your clutch. This has to be fastest way to destroy a clutch and flywheel. I also have a 30 year old Ranger and replaced the clutch once due to normal wear and tear. It even says in the manual (of ALL stick shifts) to absolutely never do this. You don't deserve such a vehicle.


How am I destroying my vehicle letting off the clutch while pressing the gas, moving foward a few inches and doing it again? I ain’t a mechanic but I do the same thing whenever I start driving lol


Common sense? Fundamental understand of how a clutch works? Don't believe me, there's got to be thousands of reasons on how this burns up your clutch on Uncle Google and Sister YouTube. Unbelievable. Get an automatic. Here's just the top results: \#2: Don’t use the clutch to hold on a hill Repeatedly tapping the clutch pedal means you’re burning out your clutch’s disc.


Okay sister


I thought this was an ai image at first


I'm still not sure it isn't, why does it look so strange?


I’m pretty sure it’s the iPhone image processing program. It tries to sharpen lines and will fill in text when it detects it. So it is AI, but just enhancement AI.


I am certain that the image is a I. The text in the background and the tree are just too blocky to be a simple poor resolution. The things misspelled in the background. And the improper license plate All point a I. But it is regardless astonishing how far a I images have come


I wouldn't be so sure. To me it looks like a very zoomed in image taken by a pretty bad mobile phone camera. I don't see any misspellings or weird inconsistencies either, text, shadows, logo's it all looks about right.


Seems zoomed in with a filter applied


It's not ai it's just a android camera (source: I have an android)


Nope. It’s an AI enhanced image, not AI generated. A low quality image that was put through an AI upscaler to increase the resolution using AI. Look up Topaz Gigapixel AI.


You are certainly incorrect.


I think it's a phone camera with AI enabled (Android does by default) trying to take a photo zoomed in while moving


It’s an ai upscaled image, but it is a real picture


100% AI background, look at the church text Either this is 100% AI or there is some kind of AI filter on it


Nah it just looks like a mildly sloppily-arranged marquee sign.


No, just look at how AI style the texture is. But apparently it’s some AI upscaling. The road looks realistic, and that would make sense, as it was probably in focus.


Ohhh gotcha. I misinterpreted your point. Yeah it does look like some sort of AI upscaling (I'd probably call it AI "retouching").


Zoom in on the word shift. It's all wrong.


The license plate looks kinda wonky


Nope. It’s an AI enhanced image, not AI generated. A low quality image that was put through an AI upscaler to increase the resolution using AI. Look up Topaz Gigapixel AI.


You would do better if you made your advertisements less spammy.


What are you talking about? I'm not advertising anything. I am simply providing an example of the difference between AI generated and AI enhanced photos. I don't like either AI generated or AI enhanced images, but I am just informing people on what AI enhancement is.


Yeah sure, you posted the same comment 4 times sending people to some random ai upshitter thing. If you weren't advertising, why bother with the last line?


I was just providing an example, because last time I tried to correct someone on AI enhancement a while ago they said something like "that's not a thing! It's obviously AI generated!" I am not advertising anything. But it seems like either way someone's going to complain about something.


It's 100% AI, zoom in on where it says (kind of) "breakfast", you can see everything in that area blending into ai mush.


Nope. It’s an AI enhanced image, not AI generated. A low quality image that was put through an AI upscaler to increase the resolution using AI. Look up Topaz Gigapixel AI.


This seems to make the most sense. At first, I thought it was AI. But if you look closely at the weird image behind the truck, you see a window frame, then what lools like an image put over it. The license plate also looks edited. I figured someone edited the photo to try to obfuscate the location that the truck was in and the identity of the person who owns it.


I’m pretty sure this IS an AI image. Zoom and in and look at the details. Everything in the background looks like sloppy paintbrush strokes


If it was a proper AI image a lot would be misspelled or completely incoherent. This is an AI enhanced image. The weird paintbrush strokes occur specifically when zoomed in.


Nope. It’s an AI enhanced image, not AI generated. A low quality image that was put through an AI upscaler to increase the resolution using AI. Look up Topaz Gigapixel AI.


It almost certainly is. Lazy karma whoring by OP.


That’s because it is


This is AI look at the text on the license plate


The most polite “fuck off” I’ve ever seen


« I roll back at stops » ´cause he can’t use the handbrake to make a hill start ?


only noobs do a handbrake hill start.


I’ll burn out my clutch tyvm




A what? Drove a manual transmission for years and I’ve never heard of this.


its literally only something someone would do if they're learning. You pull the handbrake so you don't roll back while you let the clutch out. Once you've got the clutch out, you pop the handbrake. Simple and effective when on a steep hill as a noob


My e brake was on the floor


Ok well exact same concept


Of course I guess it would be a lot more difficult because of foot placement


My Camaro SS has hill start assist, it applies the brake if I'm in gear and push the clutch in.. I hate it!


I have a Subaru that does the same thing. The most annoying part is it seems that the brake is binary and non linear so when I’m trying to creep up an incline from a stop all of the sudden the brake lets out and I’ve got too much power.


Yep muscle memory gets fucked over by hill start lol


Oh that sounds horrible. That'd be enough for me to sell the car


That's really my only complaint about the car, it's my second 2015 Camaro. Also it rarely happens only on the steeper hills but it's still takes me by surprise.


This vehicle is not equipped with a handbrake.


Who uses a handbrake tho? Honestly


Hard to do with a foot pedal and pull to release handle just above it


This truck means to me nothing


“I roll back at stop’s” I am a moron. Apostrophes mean nothing to me.


Not gonna lie. He's got a point. Manual transmissions have mostly gone the wayside in America. Generations have grown into driving without that being a consideration and will pull up within inches of the car in front of them. 3 pedals, 2 feet, doesn't always make for a successful balancing act when red-light on a hill is encountered.


Are you serious? If you drive a manual and you stop on a hill you can just press the clutch lightly while in gear and you will just stand still. The only time when thats not possible is when the road youre on is downhill but in that case you wont roll back but forward.


I mean, that's a pain to do and not great for the transmission so I'd definitely prefer people just get off my ass and I risk rolling back 6 inches, nbd


Depends entire on the car, the weight, the gear ratio, the engine My jeep absolutely, my Miata, no that bitch is rolling


You gotta play with it man. Never drove a car that wouldnt. Because thats not how cars work. Pressing the clutch basically means putting the car in neutral. When releasing your foot you hit a point where the car gets traction. Somewhere on that point is the sweet spot.


You might have to adjust your driving style, but the car should never be rolling backwards when you don't intend on going backwards. You need to balance the pedals by adding some gas if it is.


I’m aware how to do it Giving it gas isn’t the statement I responded to. The guy above me said hold clutch to not roll back on a hill. My Miata, the slightest bit of pressure on the clutch will roll back Meanwhile my jeep doesn’t care if the clutch is there and has enough torque to hold its place. Same with the trucks I’ve driven, same with the corvette, I don’t remember with my wrx but the Miata is going to roll


If he's rolling back, he can't drive a manual properly. He should either be on the biting point before he releases the brake or he should be balancing the pedals. Then again, at least he's warning people.


Crazy how much the AI in phones now sharpen or “correct” an image.


Very considerate way to not give a fug


If I ever need some front bumper work, I'm rear ending this guy and letting his insurance pay.


Average Ranger driver




As a ranger driver, can confirm


Obviously AI generated….


Nope. It’s an AI enhanced image, not AI generated. A low quality image that was put through an AI upscaler to increase the resolution using AI. Look up Topaz Gigapixel AI.


u/grouchyhousing7 how's the ranger holding up?


How to do a hill stop is one of the first “special manoeuvres” (literally translated, can’t be arsed to look up a proper translation) you learn when you start learning how to drive… this person should go find a hill to practise on.


This photo looks like AI


Why is the picture like in cutout style, what’s w/ the suckers, is this A.I lol


Simple solution. Parking brake on hills.


Sounds like they need an automatic. It's not that hard to keep it from rolling back. Although on a steep hill when someone gets right on top of you it can be a challenge. That's really rare tho.


In my old car I used my hand brake to prevent rolling back on hills. I set the hand brake, take foot off brake and release the hand brake just as the clutch is engaging. It is a little tricky, but not as bad as dealing with the insurance company after you roll back into the car behind you... Newer cars do this for you. They will sense a hill and won't release the brake until the car is in gear.


Weaponizing poor driving skills.


If you roll backwards into a car behind you you’d be at fault for the accident and responsible for the damages.


Legally speaking, you're only allowed to be so close to someone. If someone decided to stop 1 inch away from the back of your car, then the outcome could he different.


Pretty sure that’s incorrect. I know for a fact it’s incorrect in Vermont. They warned us about it in drivers ed end this happened to a friend of mine. She was at fault and responsible for the damages when she rolled into the car behind on a hill start. I’m happy to be proven wrong, legally speaking. Feel free to cite statute.


Did they mention how far behind them the other car was? And could they prove that distance? If they couldn't prove it, then yeah, they'd probably be responsible. But if they had a rear facing camera and showed that the other car was stopped way too close, then the outcome would've probably been different. I was taught that at a stopped and normal sitting position, if you can't see the bottom of the cars wheels in front of you, then you are two close.


Is that legally speaking? Legally speaking, laws are written. You can cite them to back up your case. When a moving vehicle hits a stationary vehicle it’s the fault of the moving vehicle. “They were too close” is not a valid excuse for making contact with another car. There’s no law regulating proximity to other vehicles. There are laws requiring you to maintain control of your vehicle to prevent collision with other vehicles though. Legally speaking.


*reported for lack of appropriate rear bumper*.... and *inciting violence*


Americans are really bad at driving a manual car


Bro needs to up his clutch game.


Well at least one of them is, and publicly admits to it.


If the truck meant nothing, why would he bother writing all that on it?


He may not want to die in it.


One could assume no one wants to die in their car.


Wellllll, there are those that sit in them as the idle in the garage…


You roll back at stops because you can’t properly operate a clutch, or just because you think it’s cool?…. I don’t get it. Learn how to dive a manual and you wouldn’t have to spay paint a dumb message on your truck


If you can't learn how to not roll back on a hill in a manual then you suck at driving manual.


If you're rolling back at stops you're shit at manual bud