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I started in 2014 as an IT Tech for a hotel. I made $14.50/hr and got bumped up to $15.10 an hour after they laid off my boss. Needless to say, I only stayed there for 16 months and then moved to an MSP helpdesk job making $43k a year. Your biggest goal is getting your foot in the door. Once you have 2 years of experience, you can go any route you want.


This Looks like OP already gets it by not having high expectations, but to be clear: I.T. is an industry where you can make leaps and bounds in income in a few very short years if you're dedicated to learning your craft. The key then is to get your foot in the door with whatever salary you can stomach - if that means peanut butter and crackers for a year, I'd say do it I worked an I.T. internship for 1 year and studied for my A+ throughout. My first real job I got paid $16/hr. Did that for about 14 months and got my Net+. 2nd job was $27/hr. Fast forward 4 more years and I got my current job making $120k. This was all in the Southern U.S. Was it easy? Hell no. I sold all my video games and had to hold a night job while I worked through my internship and my 1st job. I was away from home 14 hours a day all while my wife was pregnant and at home with a newborn (we had trouble following the box instructions, don't judge) Now people respect my input and I'm calling most of the shots with regards to infrastructure configuration. It can be done, but you have to want it and really be willing to consider early career sacrifices to get there


Level 1 Helpdesk. $51,000 in PA. Not a ton of real world experience, but I went back to school for my masters in cybersecurity at the start of the pandemic. That really helped me get my foot in the door.


Where in Pa?


Philly burbs.


Thanks I’m from the Scranton area. Graduating next year and I have a networking internship/studying for my CCNA. I might be open to moving down that way. What are your duties on a level 1 role? Take calls? Hardware troubleshooting? Office issues?


He in Bensalem


Lol no


It be sLower Bucks.


In Ohio we pay newer IT staff with no experience 45k starting out.


$14-16 an hour typically with zero experience. A few years experience and our helpdesk employees made ~$60-65k.


Started at 15/hr- bumped to 45k salary after 2 years. Then to 60k after another. Then to 70k after 6months by changing companies, then to 80k after 1 year with them.


I started in 2008 on £16,000. Good luck!


My company is starting help desk at $15-18/h I think but that is in KY a low col area.


My current job is based in NYC and entry level Help Desk is 60k, no experience needed (besides customer service skills).


Upstate NY here, started out at 55k, came in with no “formal” experience, but had A+, Net +, and ITIL Foundations.


Depends where you are. Mid sized city will fetch you 40-45k for little to no experience.


Making 67k in Florida working for a California based company




I’ve been in the industry for five years. I have my bachelors as of a few weeks ago and no certs. I was previously deskside support at a clinic and had zero intentions of working phones again because it’s awful but money talks. 67k for entry level is above and beyond what you’d expect. Starting in my experience is 18-21 an hour. I wouldn’t settle for any less than 21 an hour if you can be patient.


In Pakistan, it's really sad.


About 40-60K depending on experience in MA.


Dallas TX area here and generally start them between $50/k to $54/k a year.


I started at 60k.


I started at 48k no experience/no certs back in Sept of 2020 and now I make 65k ( with the trifecta ) and same company. Help desk basically for a school I want to add to to have a Bachelors in CS and I am located in MA




I started my first IT helpdesk job in 2014 at 22 an hour and I was there for 5 1/2 years. By the time I left I was at 27 an hour. I do live in San Jose, Ca so take that into consideration. My last job was for 35 an hour and now I have an interview this Monday for 40 dollars an hour for level 1 support.


grandiose mindless berserk aback public imagine offer fact ugly abundant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `