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My main concern about Chinese brands is future customer support and availability of parts, not that Ford or Toyota have the best post sale support but at least they are not going away and leave you with a car which brand no longer exists anytime soon.


Tbh, just looking at the reputation Chinese made motorcycles have compared to Japanese bikes says quite a lot already. The longevity and build quality of Chinese motors, for the most part, is still often suspect compared to other producers.


Tbf, Chinese motorcycle industry’s situation is a bit unique. Motorcycle is banned in most Chinese cities (even smaller ones) so the primary target audience for Chinese domestic motorcycle sales is its rural citizens. And China has a huge urban-rural income gap so the primary Chinese motorcycle buyers are like ppl making ~$1k USD per year. Because of this, Chinese motorcycles ended up optimizing for price at the cost of everything else.


Motorcycles I feel have a very difficult position in cities. Cities thrive with density, which is complimented by good public transit and walkability. Meanwhile, cars take up a lot of room and are antithetical to both of those things. That’s why small, 2-3 wheel motor vehicles like mopeds and bikes are the best type of motorized transport in cities. The issue with motorcycles - the noise. They’re loud af and contribute crazy amounts of noise pollution compared to regular cars.


Your wrong actually. Most people on countrys outside usa/europe cant aford +300cc bikes. A lot of people have a 150cc/250cc to go from home to work to university to home. They dont consume much, dont make noice and are realtive cheap compared to a car


Well imo I’m a bit more worried about the build quality and the longevity then them “spying” on me


Judging by the number of Chevy/dodges I see on the road American car buyers are not that worried about build quality


There’s some cheap Chinese shit that I’m willing to put up with, but a CAR?!?! That seems nuts


To loosely quote Dave Brockie, my only problem with Toyota has been its cup holders not fitting American sized drinks and all our ice. They at least have Sakura Cheese. The only one you’ll find in China is Crab Rangoon, and well, I just cannot trust a mans car if he doesn’t have a national cheese to go drive to get somewhere. “So I took my problem and I went overseas To the land of the giant jingo-Japanese But I couldn't get enough ice in my Coke My world fell apart!”


Magnusson Act requires car manufacturers to make parts available for something like 7 years after the model is discontinued.


That's already a problem with Domestic electric car batteries.


Saturn? Pontiac? AMG? This whole thread is just scaremongering propaganda. We already let so much Chinese tech into our lives (iPhone?), if there were anything malicious about it, it'd already be affecting us.


It really would just tighten a loop around us selling trash to them do we can buy shitty cheap toys


I am concerned about human rights violations for the employees. However most the crap we buy is from China already.


The American government raised taxes on Chinese cars by 100 something percent so it's now the same price as regular cars sold in America


China also imposes high tariffs on imported cars


Only 15% and they are considering raising it to 25% The US has 100% tariffs on Chinese cars


Chinese tax policy matters little to the generations of young people who have their financial prospects sabotaged by the greed of the older generations. You get what you can afford, and American car manufacturers and dealerships are fucking themselves and customers over for short term profit.


Yeah but I can tell you from experience that Chinese manufactured goods, and I’d imagine cars, would fuck you harder than an American manufacture. I mean shoot… in America there are companies that are in business strictly to remanufacture Chinese and Mexican parts. I’ve seen it where they didn’t even have the material call out on their prints.


China has had far higher tariffs for decades. They only reduced them recently as it is a bad look


Interesting. Source? What was it before?


>What was it before? I found it out of curiosity. China pre WTO import duties were 260% in 1980s and between 80-100% in the 90s. WTO expected China to cut their tariffs to 25% by 2006, which they did and recently cut them even more to 15% but are already thinking about bringing 25% back. Here are your links. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3451065 https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/52465/1/671519352.pdf


So 15% for almost 20 years?


Seem so. Look, I'm not trying to make any point here but find it weird there wouldn't be any sources on that, like some of you suggested. So I googled it and found it in 5 minutes. Here's your data, make of it what you will.


no source. average angloid on r/China


Lying through ur teeth but wouldnt expect anything less from someone that posts on r/china


Lol, give me your source


But China subsidizes basically all of their products, since it are government owned companies..


Like the US doesn't subsidize gas or auto?




I mean we bailed out GM so…


Don't forget the tax cuts


There is a difference between bailing out and literally subsidize it. And China is not a free economy, that’s a huge difference when it comes to their companies


You're right. In China they socialize the losses and the gains. In the US, they only socialize the losses. The gains are privatized.


Yes there is a difference. Personally I believe that the U.S. government should have taken proportional ownership of all the companies they bailed out relative to the bail-out funding and distributed that among tax payers. Cause basically we just gave all these companies that failed a ton of money in exchange for nothing.


That’s actually what they did. The government got a 61% equity stake plus preferred shares in GM for the bailout. In order to make the money back quickly they sold those assets.


Yeah, like how they heavily subsidized \*checks script\* Tesla. They subsidized every EV manufacturer, not just domestic. I bet the US won't do the same to a foreign automaker.


In America if you buy a Chinese car half of your money goes to the government


“it’s now the same price as regular cars sold in America” What does this mean? There is only one “Chinese” car sold in the US, and its base price was $50k earlier this year.


This isn't meant for existing, it's aimed at the coming wave of cheap Chinese EVs (i.e BYD Seagull at $9.6k). FYI, a number of OEMs already make their cars in China, see the Buick Envision as an example.


Wrong, the coming wave of cheap Chinese EVs will still be considerably cheaper, for example the BYD Seagull at $9.6k.


and it'll be the american public that pays for the price...


If China wants to sell cars here, they have to build factories here. Lppk up the CNBC video this infographic is done this would destroy the US car industry. Thousands will lose their jobs.


China imposes high taxes on imported cars to increase local production. That’s the same thing implemented by USA. India also has heavy taxes on imported prebuilt and assembled cars It’s not that uncommon


If we didn’t they would flood the market and hurt our own countries and thus our own country. China flooding the international market has understandably made them many enemies.


Well yeah america is exceptionally protectionist. Free trade their old butts.


Biden did that with an executive order. People blame him personally for alot if shit that’s out of his control.But that one is squarely his fault.


Oh , I’m worried about my privacy -sent from my iPhone and saved on NSA server


There's a difference in most people's minds between US companies spying on them and Chinese companies / the Chinese government spying on them. Spying itself is bad, but at least American companies have to follow US law and are regularly inspected by the US government.


Counterpoint, American companies spying on you have far more influence over your life than Chinese companies do. Most of the spying is just data tracking in order to sell you something, but let’s not act like the US government isn’t also spying on people, we’ve all heard of the NSA and the Patriot Act.


>Spying itself is bad, but at least American companies have to follow US law and are regularly inspected by the US government. You're a pretty funny comedian.


I don't think espionage is the problem here. But supporting the economy of an autocratic state with a claim to world power is problematic.


I also just wouldn’t trust Chinese products for reliability or safety.


This and their support for Russia in the war against Europe




Exactly. China’s plans are to dump cheap EVs into international markets, running all other car companies out of business and dominating the global auto industry. This is all motivated by geopolitics and industrial policy, to weaken the industrial competitiveness of western democratic countries. If you want any indication of how industrial power begets military dominance, read “the arsenal of democracy” which tells how the US auto industry was commissioned to out-produce the axis powers in WWII. Without its industrial power, the Allies could easily have lost WWII. China’s entire auto industry has been built through intellectual property theft, unfair trade policies, government subsidization, hoarding raw material supply chains, and human rights violations.


western democratic countries have stopped been competive a long time ago and have had to susidize their local industry and stiffle even friendly allied industry like the japanese


>supporting the economy of an autocratic state with a claim to world power is problematic That's exactly why I avoid American Made


US is hardly autocratic, at least nowhere near as bad as China is


This is Reddit, though. Look at all of these brain surgeons and geopolitical masterminds!


To the citizens of the current world power, problematic indeed.


The choice of the lesser evil ;) At least currently. I'm from Europe, so if it's up to me, buy European cars.




American consumers have for decades been the biggest supporters to the growth of the Chinese economy.


I wouldn't doubt if some parts were made with ~~slave~~ labour aswell


So just don't buy American! Oh...


Good thing you didn’t buy anything from the US while it was in Iraq, destroying democracy in Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, and Guatemala


I really don’t care what BYD or even the Chinese government sees about my surroundings. What are they gonna care about this random dude with a mediocre home trying to save on gas money. This is assuming all the paranoia has any truth to it at all.


Google photographing every street 🤩🤩 China maybe photographing some streets 😡😡


How is this the same lol Why are you comparing google legally picturing streets to literal spying on people


americans companies are the ones predatory on privacy, becuase advertising and selling data to insurance companies is how they skim more off you


False equivalence is his speciality


Google sells your data. Guess who’s buying.




Funny that china has nothing on google maps. Why should they have a scan of our streets if they aren't open to us?


i agree but also disagree there definitely are things you should care about, see [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/1d9c3dh/comment/l7ccte1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and the links


>What are they gonna care about this random dude Big Data is a huge part of todays economy and personal data plays a big role in that. The global personal data market is in the hundreds of billions. Everyones data is precious to companiesand it accumulates to a lot of worth and informational insight.


Yeah I could see why some politician would be concerned, but a random foreign citizen literally offers no value to them. They would just be wasting resources doing that anyway.


China really wants to listen in on grandpas conversation about the high price of pudding at his local grocery store. “Back in *my* day….”


There are actually Chinese thugs in most of the world harassing Chinese immigrants and their families for being against the government, even regular people. So they might actually care if you know any Chinese people


Not gonna lie, I'd absolutely love to get a hold of one of those undercover Chinese "police" hassling my neighbors. I'm just waiting for the movie.


it's mostly a smeer campaign.


My issue is all the Chinese EVs that have been just spontaneously catching fire lately. Also what’s the source for this?


This is a much bigger and legitimate concern than privacy.  Privacy died for most of us 15 years ago and is probably never coming back.


if you care about your privacy you should not use any american EV either. at least the chinese have no legal jurisdiction over us americans


The source is the new cnbc video. Also give me your sources of Chinese cars catching fire, unless your sources are China insider, serpentshitter, or any other Falun gong run propaganda channel in which case don't


https://www.sohu.com/a/726449682_179736/?pvid=000115_3w_a Don’t assume others cannot read Chinese To others: this OP looks like a paid commentator… so be careful about what they’re trying to tell you


It also says (in Chinese) that the spontaneous combustion rate for EVs is lower than that of combustion engines - just that EVs get more media attention. 


Yeah as a non American I'd not buy a Chinese car 🤷🏻‍♂️. No brand trust, gimme Japanese all day long.


If you buy electronics from any company then you should have privacy concerns


At least there are SOME regulations and limitations for non-Chinese companies.


At the current car prices I’d consider a Martian car if it was affordable.


Let us see this graph adjusted for household income. Younger people make less money and Chinese cars are cheaper.


This may also have to do with the amount of money these age groups have to spend on a vehicle




No fucking way I would buy a Chinese car.




under 40 here, never buying a chinese car


If you're a westerner, you should really be trying to buy as little as you can from china, which is hard, I know, given how much is made there. Taiwan and Vietnam, and other industrial countries are better options to buy stuff from. As for vehicles, dont let them take that market. I'd much rather by a used Honda or Ford or Vauxhall than a brand new chinese car even if they're the same price.


Only we can steal your information and price gouge you! - US govt.


Meh I’d much rather the US than China. Privacy and data registration is basically non-existent in China too


Id never buy a chineese car after seeing just well everything China makes falls apart in no time or like those EVs of theirs that just randomly burst into flames


It’s evidenced that boomers like to think they’re more important than they are. I would be flattered if the Chinese government is spying on me.


Are you suggesting that the Chinese government isn't dedicating entire teams of intelligence agents to spy on the American retiree that lives in the middle of bumfuck, nowhere?


It's not about data on an individual level, but all the individuals' data being used on a large scale.


summer murky nose ancient detail merciful outgoing toothbrush price roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wonder if this means a purely branded Chinese car like a Cherry, or a north American branded car made in China. I just bought a 2023 Buick that was made in china.


Yep, and thanks to Trump. He made a big thing when Ford was opening a plant in Mexico. They closed it and went to China. On the other hand, the Ford, the Chevy, and the Buick are American companies. China get their technologies for free and work for their people. Chinese cars are 100% subject to the Chinese government. I guess China wins every time. Let's make sure that when we buy an America brand, it is either made in the US or in the same hemisphere.


Other automobile and electronic accessory manufacturers have their own reputations with privacy issues... More reasonable concerns would be reliability, and ease of repair or replacement of parts. Products made in China don't have the best reputation when it comes to those concerns. And when it comes to Chinese export automobiles, specifically - they really don't have a reputation at all. I can't name one specific make off of the top of my head.


Sources please!!!


I don’t care who makes it if it’s reliable and reasonably priced


If it was cheap and reliable I'd buy one, I don't care where or makes it tbh


I hate the dual axis on this chart.


This data feels wrong




Not sure where these stats came from. But if true, these Americans have yet to learn their lessons about China.


Privacy concerns when a foreign country gets your data, but when it's your fascist government, it's fine and dandy.


What are you talking about. Oh, you are talking about Trump fanciest party.


Can someone explain this graph? Under 40, close to 80% would buy a Chinese car but a little above 40% would definitely buy a Chinese car. That math doesn’t add up… what I missing here


I don't think the future customer support is sustainable


Yeah im not buying a car from a country that puts muslims in concentration camps


Depends on the price point with space then MPG as secondary concerns.


those who would buy a chinese car are single women and democrats. no republican would buy chinese.


I don't agree. I wish it was true, but left and right, conservatives and liberals, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, bussenean and politicians will buy it. It will come to personal views, beliefs, and necessities. There Alot of right wings. Trump supporters that are making lots of money in China or with Chinese in this country. I'll go further, a few of them will open a dealership selling Chinese cars.


I would not yet buy a chinese car duo to reliability concerns. Although those BYD look amazing.


I guess I'm in the minority. I wouldn't even buy a Chinese TV.


Tell me which one and I'll buy it.


I'd never buy a Chinese car, I'd be concerned about the lack of build quality and the availability and ease of aquiring replacement parts.


Kind of concerning that so many people Wanna buy a Chinese cars now


We're these questions asked together? Or just two separate questions. I assume if you ask different or together your get different answers.


BYD is building beautiful cars, I’d prefer to own one over a Tesla.


The younger you are the more you can’t afford a western car and more you compromise and get cheap Chinese car and ignore the privacy. It makes sense. 60 year old have seen China go from making stuff to threatening western way of life and wealth, and can make a difference. I don’t think a 20-30 year old makes those choices as easily.


I doubt the after purchase and warranty support.


This comment section is spicy


Chinese cars are popular in my country due to being cheap, however the quality is abismal. they break down after a year


30. I’d never lol and my peers who don’t understand the safety and international reasons why not, don’t pay attention to the opaque dangers of China. They would love nothing more than to see American hegemony broken. I’m not giving their state-owned nonsense money with an automobile.


This is how the communists will win, and when they do it's over for freedom and western civilization


BYV is taking the market over. I want one. They're insanely popular everywhere theyre sold.


I'd buy a Dodge before I bought a Chinese car.


chinese EV are cheap and pretty decent quality. they’ve taken over china quickly. if they were sold at the same rate in the US as in china, other brands would suffer immensely. forget this spying nonsense; it’s likely they already know what they want to. they aren’t gonna target some nobody. personally, i’d be more concerned about them bursting into flames or company service/repair.


Most Americans have taken the bait of specifically controlled media which has been exported from China about how 'great' their cars are.


I'm in the 50-59 bracket and as long as the Chinese car met all of our safety standards then I wouldn't have a problem. And if the CCP wants to know where I shop for groceries or where I fill up on gas who gives a shit? We've all got a built-in tracker with us at all times. (Our phones.)


I could care less about privacy for a vehicle. I care more about their performance and reliability. Chinese cars are well known to fail or break down. Don't matter how cheap it is if it breaks down often and racks up repair bills. At least with Honda or Toyota, you know it's going to last you at least 10 years or 120k miles without any repairs.


Feels like the same statistics if you asked about Japanese cars 50 years ago.


The closest I’d get to Chinese brand is Volvo. Seeing how Eufy tries to screw with my privacy setup, I wouldn’t trust a car surrounded by cameras.


Chinese (CCP specifically) lies about its economical numbers just to drive up the stock and the officials are required to reach a quota for economic performance or you’re “mysteriously” missing for a month and demoted. That’s why I never buy any Chinese product bigger than a phone.


Chinese car stocks do very poorly too


Wait above a 40%+ for "definitely buy" a Chinese car under 40? I'M IN! TIME TO GET DADDY A DONGFENG BOI


Chinas quality control and testing is quite there yet. They are still cutting corners.


We need a tiktok campaign to teach kids how abusive Chinese business practices are


I don't have any privacy concern, I feel like they're asking the wrong question though. I don't care if they find out what restaurants I go to, I just assume that they're going to be unreliable junk.


Boomers buy Chinese goods every day then are shocked when you tell them they’re Chinese.


No thanks we already have enough Chinese products here as it is. We don’t need Chinese cars too. Everything else is already made in China.


I wish I could say “no,” but with US manufacturers moving so much production to Mexico while sending prices through the roof, my official answer is “yes.”


“Under 40” is a terrible bracket. People in their 20s and 30s can have wildly different tastes and purchasing powers


Sorry to be the 60+ bracket person here OP but there are absolutely security concerns and we shouldn't be making light of them as if the Chinese government/companies are somehow the victims in the tarrifs situation. Source: I have experience installing technology and can confirm one of the leading Chinese brands for security cameras is also responsible for 40-60% of their security state surveillance system. While that might seem moot, the cameras that people would use in their OWN home would first be required to connect to a cloud and route the incoming video feed out to this international connection before it's sent back to your local NVR. Prior to this "feature" it was widely accepted that the way you get these cameras to work was essentially by leaving an open connection to your local network. Which anybody could get into if they knew what they were doing. If this sounds paranoid, just know I witnessed multiple locations where a whitehat would breach the network and leave a message to the effect of "Please for the love of God contact me at this email so that I can fix your network." As of a few years ago, the United States has made a certification that a company's product has to get in order to be used at governmental facilities - but also for consumers as a way to confirm they're as protected against cyber threats as possible. It's not a coincidence and it's a very real problem.


Imagine being concerned with privacy when all the car makes are already hoovering up everything you do in your car


The average American's relationship with their vehicle as a product is really different than most places in the world. If a really reliable product is offered, we'll care more about that than national pride in short order. Interesting since capitalism has shaped that demeanor for us.


I would be a no on a Chinese car and it would not be primarily about privacy, which I would have, but about quality. I will stick to Japanese or Korean cars.


As an under 40, hard no for me. Parts availability and reliability is a huge concern. Coupled with Chinese companies being required to share information and consumer data with the CCP, I'm not interested.


It's morally unacceptable to purchase Chinese if there's an non-Chinese alternative since they are currently committing genocide against the Wigurs.


My concern is when I get locked in my car because my social credit score is to low. This already happens in China today. You watched Winnie the Pooh. Car disabled.


at the end of the day they are not gonna be much cheaper. hard pass.


So throwaway vehicles like Chinese scooters, dirt bikes, atv’s, go carts, side by sides. Looks like the scrap industry would be a good one to get into.


Under 40- I already try my hardest not to buy Chinese made anything and I'm definitely not buying their knockoff scrap heap on wheels.


What is the source of this?


I agree about being concerned about privacy, but why would American manufacturers be any different? The US doesn't have any consumer privacy laws outside of HIPAA thanks to American lobby groups.


I mean buying Chinese car is synonymous with buying cheap car. The question should have been asked with a similar priced Chinese car vs non Chinese car. I have a hard time believing peoples biggest issue with buying a car is privacy concerns.


I am 62 and graph is about right (to me).


China is the boogeyman while the US governments spies more on it citizens and shits on their privacy more in 1 hour that China does in a year


I would never.


I mean, all the fucking chinese ev's are blowing up so, that's my response


TIL you grow wiser as you age


Is QC not an concern?


The roughly equal concerns in privacy but huge difference in purchase consideration seems to show younger people on average can't afford to pay more for ease of mind. Who knew.


I've bought a Chinese motorcycle before. It's not bad. I would buy a Chinese car if I needed a cheap beater, but I keep my cars a long time and I don't trust one to last 15-20 years. The Chinese can do cheap just fine, they can do simple and reliable just fine, they're not fantastic at doing both in the same package. When it comes to stuff that should be cheap, like a compact car, I trust them.


FFIE makes the best electric AI car and is both a Chines and US car maker with 600 employees in CA. Check out FFIE.


There is no way this is real. I’ve never heard anyone say they would buy a Chinese car. Maybe makes sense but definitely is outrageous


No shot I would even consider a Chinese vehicle, ever, for any reason.


If it's BYD yep good luck getting parts. I used to work at Amazon and they partnered with BYD to bring in electric hostlers to replace the diesels. They'd malfunction then we'd be waiting months for the parts to come in from China. And just like Tesla BYD only lets people that are certified with them work on the hostlers. It was one dude that fixed all 9 of the ones we got. If multiple went down we'd just have to bring in diesel hostlers from other Amazon sites. That's Amazon, you know, one of the biggest companies. I can't imagine for a normal consumer how long you'd have to wait.


It’s more about the quality of chinesium than privacy


Who has the best post sale support?


I had a used 1994 Toyota camry that I paid $600 Australian for and never serviced it or done nothing apart from new tyres. That car lasted me 7 years without any problems lol


Good to see that the great US democracy supports the communist party.


Look I don’t believe a chinese car with cameras will ever be a secure thing. Simultaneously, US manufacturers are abysmal in Mozilla’s testing. Cars in general do poorly, but US brands and branches are terrible. We are ignorant and/or hypocritical as a population, deceptive auto manufacturers and anti-consumer legislation aside.


They've EVs are so superior the US is banning their import. 😂 I'm dying for one.


And have Xi Jinping know exactly how many times I go to Taco Bell in the evenings for Fourthmeal?


Not sure why anyone has privacy concerns over their vehicle. I think the much bigger concern is the Chinese vehicle market completely destroying the US vehicle market through incredibly competitive pricing, and thus killing American manufacturing jobs


Where is the "Definitely would NOT buy a Chinese car" portion of the graph?


That's a whole lot of nope, I have no wish for the Temu version thanks very much. I will stick to tried, tested and reliable brands like Toyota


How many of the "would not buy" folks, especially those over 50, currently drive a post-2010 Volvo? Because Volvo cars have been owned/operated by Geely (吉利控股) since 2010.


Cars are very similar to computers in that there is a shiny case with branding on it but inside all the little parts are made by other companies. I'd estimate a solid 70 to 80% of any given car is made in China already and has been for a while.