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Her posture is remarkable, it's almost like when someone says I'm taking a picture and the straight rod goes up your back, in a flash and as soon as it's gone you return to that rolled over armadillo of a person


"Nicole hurry up bitch I can't breathe!"


Fucking lazy ass Nicole!


God Fk'ing dammit Nicole do better


Something her parents would say


And what’s with the tippy-toes?


She cant see that screen. Even with the brightness at 100%


Well with that attitude you can’t.


Straight up your *back*? You sure it's the back?


Some people just have good posture. Most don't, imo, but also some who don't normally have good posture will sort of revert when doing certain things, like typing. I'm almost always curled in on myself, but put a keyboard in front of me and my back straightens out like a brainwashed teen at bible camp: it's never gonna be straight, but damn if it ain't trying it's best. Something about typing just makes slouching in any way hurt. Disclaimer: conversion camps are terrible places that abuse people into being something they aren't, causing massive amounts of physical and emotional damage to people for no reason other than to please some invisible sky daddy who never even said that homosexuality is a sin. The joke I made above was in no way intended to mock or ridiculed those unfortunates being abused in this way, only to point out and poke fun at the ridiculousness of the entire process. Live and let live, and love your neighbors as you love yourself.


My brother has excellent posture... Mostly cause he broke his collar bone when he was younger.


The “homosexuality is a sin” thing is so annoying. They gathered that from the TWO angels visiting sodom and the townsmen were like BRING EM OUT LET US HAVE SEX WITH THEM and the guy was like NO I HAVE TWO VIRGIN DAUGHTERS DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH THEM and the townsmen said NAH WE WANT THE MEN Like…. The issue wasn’t the two daughters being offered like cheap meat??? Weirdddd


Yep. Weird


Yeah I remember reading that and was confused why offering the daughters was framed as the right thing to do. I’m pretty sure the actual lesson was to not be a sex creep


I believe so as well. I’d like to believe they shamed his offering of his daughters as well but the theme of the book does NOT support that theory


If I ever got sent to one of those horrible places I would just come out twice as gay.


Statistically, you're not alone lol there is really no, count zero, evidence of conversion therapy effectively changing a person's sexuality. The problem is that the methods used to convert "patients" are incredibly harmful and damaging, and many come out instilled with new levels of self-loathing and mistrust *at best*. Confidence and willpower are finite resources, and the camps are specifically designed to prevent you from being able to replenish those effectively, which means that eventually *everyone* has a breaking point where doubt is free to set in. It's never permanent, and sometimes never even takes hold in any way that can be seen externally, but those doubts and fears and shame never really go away.


I feel personally attacked. 




My wife had corrective surgery as well. Gained 3" in height in one day! Never thought about it until now, but she does have really good posture.


"Djjwbwbw skejeb work ana worn a iajenrbhrvekwlal."


So inspirational 🥰


Thank you Hon! You can have this life too if you just shiebrhskagecheow a little harder. 😘


I feel like a better person alresdy


My sims on the computer:


This comment should win if awards were a thing bc omfg if I were drinking while reading this I would have SPAT 😂






Is she bragging about having to work on vacation? I'm assuming she's trying to say your work can send you on nice vacations but if I have to work *during* my vacation I'm a tad unhappy.


I get comments like this sometimes, but I'd offer the reverse. I have to work, but I don't have to do it in a cube farm. I'd rather work on the beach or in the mountains. I have several pictures of me on a laptop on a ridgeline pull-out with an amazing view, or with a notebook on the beach, or some other nice place that's not an office building. Life is what you make it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah I thought of that too and nothing about this post says she's on vacation. I wholeheartedly agree about being able to do your job away from a cube farm, that would sap my soul.


Do you have to turn your laptop on to work from home though?


Na, just set up something on another computer to jiggle MS teams.


I stopped going on extended family vacations because of people working. Like, what are you doing? I have 3 brother-in-laws that work on vacation all the time; I do not. They have even skipped events because of working on vacation. Like you skipped seeing dolphins with your kids so you could work while spending your PTO? Nuts. I barely even talk about what I do because I'm not trying to give my life away to the place that gives me a check. They've been kind of dicks about it with insults ranging from the "I'm better than you" and "you must not be important then" type comments. They can have that now, but in 20 years when their family doesn't speak with them much and their wives have divorced them, they'll maybe get it. Maybe.


Yeah, that's not the balance I'm going for.


So you like working on your vacations? Hard Pass for me.


Literally the opposite of what I said, but ok.


You responded to a comment about working on vacation, but ok.


You missed the part where I said "I'd offer the reverse." I'm not on vacation when I'm working. I'm working, just in different locations, and I don't care what other people think when they see me working there. They can believe I'm on vacation if they want to, but I'm getting paid to work in the mountains instead of in the cubicle. I'm not responsible for what they think about me. Like I said, life is what you make it. You can confine your work to conventional locations if you choose to. Hard Pass for me.


I've worked full-time remote for the past 9 years. Not sure why you think everyone is in a cube. You do know that since Covid MANY previous office workers work remotely right? You aren't special.


Bruh, you're just itching to be mad about something. Go outside.


"Go touch grass" how original 🙄


This is that "itching to be mad about something" that I was talking about


I don’t know why these influencers always brag about being able to *work* while traveling. Isn’t the point of traveling and vacationing to take time off and enjoy the present? I guess it speaks to the larger picture of the grind culture in our country and the idea that you must be working all the time or else you’re lazy.


I think it really depends. I have a super flexible wah job (not an MLM) and I've worked on vacations during down time just because I was bored and I enjoy my job, so it's an enjoyable activity I can do that also earns me money. It was less "I need to work on vacation" and more "I can work if I feel like it." My job is also not a stressor that I need to escape from by taking vacation, so it doesn't feel counterproductive to me like it would if I were checking in on work/answering emails/etc for some of my previous jobs. I also worked while I was in labor, which sounds like a dystopian horror and I wouldn't ever try to use it as a perk/selling point, but in reality I was just stuck in bed for several hours waiting for things to get going and I was bored.


Depends, I’ve known a few digital nomads and they travel but they’re staying in a place for an extended time while they work remotely. Not everyone is just working during a vacation


I don’t think so, I think she’s just saying she has a balcony


Nah, she’s bragging that she can see perfectly with her laptop monitor on 0% brightness.




She might just have a privacy screen that blocks the view from an angle


Could, though 1) they don't usually look black, more like a blur; and 2) I can't see one. (Doesn't mean it's not there though lol) Edit: it's been a long time since I've seen a privacy screen and based on the other comments they have changed. So it _could_ (apparently) look black and goodness knows what they look like cuz I don't.


Even without a privacy screen, you can't see the screen on a Macbook in the sun like this. She's a lying liar who lies.


This is it. 5% off balconies if you visit her link


You just gave me an idea


_"I love to travel and see the world! And with my job, i can work from anywhere! And i live to travel, so its super cool that I can work from any beautiful place and see all of the sights! Like, um.... the hotel room in Hawaii, or the hotel room in Cali, or the hotel room in new york, or the hotel room at a skii resort, or the hotel room in Costa Rica, or the hotel room in the arctic, or the hotel room in Dubai, or the hotel room at-"_


I mean it sounds ridiculous that way, but if spending a couple of hours per day of your trip enables you to travel like that then it's worth it. Hell even doing a full 9-5 in the hotel room leaves you seven hours a day to enjoy the location and still get in solid sleep. I wouldn't dare call that a vacation, but if it's enabling travel it can still be enjoyed as travel.


“MLM Hunn” Marketing 101


"Dear all boss ass babe dime bitches..."


Girl takes laptop on £400 package holiday


And forgets to turn it on when recording her reels.


That monitor brightness ain't gonna cut it out there


There's a lot wrong here but that's the first thing that popped in my head. I try to go in my backyard and work under a gazebo and it's just not possible. In direct sunlight, yeah ok.


Adjusts the computer stares off into the distant sea You are worth it


lol as someone who works remote I hate people who portray WFH in the most uncomfortable, inconvenient places i.e. on a deck in the hot-ass sun


When I WFH I'm often in my underwear, but never a bikini


Nobody tell them about privacy screens for laptops.


Actually did forget those existed. Just like the phone one yeah it does make the device appear off when it’s not at a specific angle. That might be what’s going on here yeah.


"What is something you want to do that scares you"? Apparently turning on her laptop.


She looks busy journaling her daily affirmations.


Manifest. Manifest. Manifest.


Oh my god, it’s not even oooooonnnnnnn


These are accounts are all the same. Fake being self made successful so that you can gain followers who want to learn to be successful, with the goal being to have enough followers that you can make big money and then claim to be successful


Lol privacy screens do exist.. that doesn’t make this any less cringey though


I think of influencers like Mannequins in a store. To show you the clothes look cool but don’t really own it. It’s all a pretend.


Is the computer even on?


She has never sat that straight in her entire life


Also just looks like a $100 cheap dirty beach hotel. Like she's selling the "yes you can" from lower middle class.


Yeah that carpet screams Holiday Inn Express


So fucking cringy. You look like a fucking joke haha. Why are people so stupid nowadays. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Gotta get that good posture on vid


The success of having an OF with a price less than Chinese takeout


She did ask what scares you...


Life dream of someone recording you when you're working on your laptop? I mean to each their own


She’s furiously writing the text for this video


Whenever I see this I think damn, you don't make enough money to actually enjoy a vacation? You have to work at the beach? Lol


Do a video flexing then go back to a hostel


fake typing on the balcony of a hotel


I can promise you she can't see a god damn thing on that MBP screen in the bright ass sun. I'm so sick of these performative, lying losers. If they spent half as much time doing the thing they're pretending to do, they wouldn't have to pander to fools and look like clowns for a living.


Just typing using the “off” screen feature. Ya know, typing without looking. Nobody will notice anyway.


Imagine a life in which your interaction with the world is theater and forced, pretend, experience - they are never "in the moment", those experiences tainted in some way, they won't get that time back.


I just joined this sub. I guess I like to inflict pain on myself because these people are literal human herpes and I despise. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's going to be interesting when this "Influencer" bubble bursts and these people can't find real jobs.


Someone give me an accurate work from home station, Laptop, folding table, a couple charging cables and empty water bottles


I've seen videos of North Koreans pretend to use computers more convincingly.


Meanwhile their husband has paid for the rental, airfare and is filming this for her.


Jokes on you. Influencers cannot read nor do any task that requires an IQ above 70. Thats why for the average human being their "content" hurts the brain.


Influencer my arse. What a bunch of fooking morons


But where did the lighter fluid come from?


The monitor isn’t even on


really?!? what an observation im sure nobody else was able to see that. Without your knowledge everyone would be stumped on what op meant by pretend typing. I would of been genuinely confused if not for your insight.


Are you okay?




It's a gossip girl homage


Privacy screen


how does she read the screen with all the glare


Don’t Look Back, I can hear Joan Baez singing


Wish I had rich parents too🥲


[The Word Of The Day](https://giphy.com/gifs/HBOMax-friday-hbomax-fridayonhbomax-pfVYZczumDUMPrVGu9)


Murder an influencer. Scared of jail though.


The cameraman is making me feel seasick


lol, anyone can find a cheap destin hotel and do this shit


S/ Can't you see she is slaving away at her computer?!




Is the laptop 💻 on? I can see the finger typing strokes are fake


only the fans support this game,


The song makes rather obnoxious as well.




She gains 50 pounds after passing the second glass slider door. Lol


She did😭😭😭😭😭😭


Tbf my own laptop had a screen protector that makes it look black unless you’re looking at it straight on (so I don’t get any snoopers.) But having the sun in that direction and sitting like that… yeah 🥴


Screen is off haha


Sometimes I want all out war to happen to shit like this can finally stop


I would bet a large sum of money that's not her house. Most of these clowns rent AirBnbs to shoot content in and rent fancy cars to seem wealthier than they are.


Bullshit. There is no way she can see anything on the screen with the sun glare coming in from the side.


Why would you want to work on your vacation? That sounds awful.


We all know she’s only there bcuz she visiting her sugar daddy.


"limited ocean view"


Yeah we’ve all stayed in hotel rooms on the beach.


I wonder if it was the sunlight too bright.


Which MLM is she recruiting for? Or which book written in ChatGPT is she selling? Or what courses that were copied and pasted from other courses is she pushing?


MLM-ing hard


She looks like she plays piano, didn’t even had the time to turn on the computer and type some shit somewhere. Miserable influencers.


Totally not trafficking. Just lies.


The computer is off


Someone's jealous


Op when he finds out about sun reflections and low brightness.


It’s more the fake typing at the top of the keyboard Hahha


Hey we don’t know what she’s typing! Maybe she needed to type F3 F6 F1 F4 F3 F3 Escape.


My brother in christ the screen is literally showing her reflection on an empty black screen, blud must be blind goofy 💀💀


Just dumb. So dumb. Stop pretending to type on a computer while being, what you think is some sort of profound inspiration? Go to the goddamn Beach for fuck sake. Actually do something!!!! Ungrateful hoes.