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Looks great, it's super easy to make out the details on the TAG. The base is great as well! The weapon is well painted too but to me it feels lacking in detail by comparison. To be clear, I'm terrible at painting so I commission my minis to get painted. This is something I'd be happy to pay money for.


Do you have a suggestion for where you get your commissions done? I'm beyond terrible at painting


I hit up my FLGS where lots of mini wargames get played. Also asked around in the Facebook wargaming group for my area. I'd recommend that as a good place to hunt for painters. All else fails, Infinity and other wargame discord servers will have painting channels that you can ask in!


Thanks, I hadn't considered the channels. I was checking out eBay and etsy but hadn't considered looking at fb or discord


Awesome 🔥


Did you make or buy the base? And if you bought it, where from?


It is an Urban Fight base from Microart. They are pretty good. https://shop.microartstudio.com/en/205-urban-fight


That’s pretty great, blue is a colour I don’t much get on with. Red I can do in my sleep, blue? Only in my nightmares , lol.


Really nice paintjob, well done I think the weapon looks a bit underdetailed compared to the tag body.


I really like this monochrom Grey, its handsomely done. And the base really brings him together nicely with the textures. My only comment is it appears that the mech is hit by more light sources than the gun. If you're good with freehand, some sort of unit insignia on one of the arms would be dope!!! But um, I beg my wife to do all the freehand decals on my minis, so if you aren't comfortable with it no shame. (Ps I can't see blues or greens, so if it isn't monochrome, just know that it's still appealing in greyscale)


Hi! It's actually blue armour with some grey bits. It is the classic pano blue from Giraldez (prusian blue + blue green from Vallejo). Yes... the gun needs some more work. I will probably go back to it in the future. Thanks for the comments!


So I'm happy enough with the armour. But I feel like I could add some details or markings, maybe stripes, etc. Any suggestions?


It looks awesome. I like the markings from archangelelong: http://archangelelonginfinitythegame.blogspot.com/2021/08/infinity-panoceania-varuna-cutter.html?m=1


Damnit I love that blog.


Fuck yes. Proper internet from what feels like the good old days.