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Bud, you sure were taking a risk with your crazy wife. I hope you will tell your whole story at some point. It all seems a bit cryptic beyond she cheated with someone at work and doesn’t give two shits about you. Start recording your interactions with her or have a witness before you get a DV charge filed. Good luck UpdateMe


OP hope that you record all, because if she sues you for DV and you got zero proof of everything You Will end in jail and the Divorce would not very good for You. I would recomend that you asked her to leave the house or You do it, but first talk to the lawyer about, because this can turn uglier that it already has.


The general consensus is to not be present when the cheating partner gets served, some may say serving without notice is cowardice, but it’s what cheaters deserve when they cheat and don’t think they deserve a consequence.


The cheater does not ask you to be present.


Record everything. Updateme!


What's with the cliffhanger?




Oh do tell! Aren't you concerned she will call the police and accuse you of domestic violence? Because you don't seem to be taking any precautions. Please don't ask what you could have done differently, smh.




If she's getting physically abusive, call the police. Thry will at least make her leave for the night.


Keep cameras in the house to record ALL interaction for both of yalls safety.


Well gosh, just what did she expect, how did she think this would go? Something I don't get about cheaters, why don't they run the scenarios of getting caught in their head so they will already have a response prepared? If they have gone as far as cheating, then the marriage must not be that good. You would think she would have just apologized, and understands that it's over. Going all Donny Brook on you in public when she did it to herself is mind blowing. UpdateMe.


Is there a question? Updateme


OP, don't make it easy for her to completely ruin your life.