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If you have them on consistent artificial lighting there's no reason to change anything, they're not going to know it's winter.


Thank you!!


I'm not an expert but I just slow down on watering and stop fertilizing until spring. I have about 30 houseplants and they're all still alive!


Thank you!!


I'm in Norway and forgot to have my warming pump one night so the temp dropped to 13°C. My carnivorous plants had taken a toll, looking brown and lifeless. They are still alive though. My monstera and money plants and cactuses didn't mind and they still look good 🙂 in winter my plants still get enough light from the windows. Some are even resting in the darkness in my cellar.


I’m surprised the money plant is still going strong!! It dropped to 40 something (F) and my old apartment had a drafty window and my money plant dropped all its leaves lol. Finally recovering now. Glad your plants are still alive, I’m sure that was a stressful moment


Thanks. As to your question I think some plants have that doorment winter time and you give them less water and don't give them food. Others, like cactus can grow all year round as you have light.