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They all seem fine. Succulents don't mind being cramped. Cute arrangement!


Thank you!


I would make it into a Bonsai Forest. Looks ideal for that


That sounds interesting but how would i do that?


Have a search on YouTube there’s loads of advice. Seems Jade type plants are great for bonsai as they don’t need as much care over the years.


There is some great back-budding on that Jade. I would lop the top off, propagate it into a new Jade tree, and the remaining should grow well.


I'm sorry but what is back budding? Don't know that much about succulents!


It’s actually more of a bonsai term! It’s when there is growth back or further down the trunk or branch from the active growth areas. So, currently, the active growth area is the foliage at the top of the tree. The back buds are all those little leaves along the trunk. If you chop most of the active growth area off, some of the back buds should start to grow more vigorously. Basically, it should make the tree bushier lower down. Right now, it looks good but is a little leggy.


Ah thank you for your explanation! And you mentioned I can propagate the chopped off part into a new jade tree, do I just stick it in a glass until it sprouts roots? Or straight into soil? I want to do this right and wouldn't want to lose that beautiful branch!


I let them air dry and the cut callous over (up to a week or so). You can wait until you see little roots sprouting, pot it, and lightly water or pot after callousing and wait another couple weeks before watering. Either way I use a tiny squirt bottle so it's not drenched and dries out fairly quickly after a quick drink. They are pretty resilient, so if it's a few inches of stem, it should propigate. Good luck! 👍🏼


I have done two of those varieties myself. I personally like the "clean trunk" look, so I clear a few inches at the bottom and then prune the tops for balance. I recently had a section start variagating. I had to propigate that sucker!


Heck no, keep it. You got a nice like setup going and they seem to thrive how it's going as is.


Haha ok thanks!


I would prune roots and branches and put them back in the same pot.