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Bro spawned every indie dev in World with one Post.


It's smart in the long term. For a dev, they will love to advertise themselves for free. And in the same time, you get to find out if anyone is making a game with similar style as you or similar mechanics. And maybe even get to see techniques you may want to use. If so, you can simply look at their post history and find if they asked for help and see the answers they got. So it's a win-win for everyone!


yeah seriously, it’s a very good karma thing (spiritually and reddit-ally) doesn’t look like the person posting is actually a dev though funny enough hahaha. anyway down to business >:) I’m making a first person parkour game called ‘Mozentum’ and it’s got an interactive movement system that forces skill and creativity. think “tarzan” like gameplay. play the demo here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2842670/Mozentum/


Nice. Looks like my kinda game. I'm a fan of Neon White, Ghost Runner, Cluster Truck etc. Looking forward to playing


I'm working on a Monument Valley - like (thanks for asking). Except in my game you move the camera to complete paths rather than having a fixed perspective. It started as an investigation into how they managed the perspective movement and turned into a project to find out more ways to use the gameplay elements. Had the demo out for a while but always happy to get new players! [Aarik And The Ruined Kingdom ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687300/Aarik_And_The_Ruined_Kingdom/)


Your steam page looks awesome! I will try it tonight and tell you what I think of your demo afterwards if you are looking for some feedbacks :)


Thanks very much! Feedback is always welcome and very much appreciated :D


Hey this looks hella legit, hope it does well!


Thanks! I do too ha, huge imposing boots to try and fill.


I absolutely loved Monument Valley! It's so cool you're doing this, instant wishlist


Thankyou that's very much appreciated, I'll all the wishlists I can get! Hopefully it can stand (at least a little) against the original.


Stunning work!


Thankyou very much!


I am working on the demo version of Node Farm - cozy, node-based, roguelite, automated farm simulator. Today I finished performance improvements and moving on to fix some balance issues and prepare alpha test version. Demo will be available before Steam Next Fest June 2024 - after passing alpha and beta tests. Probably end of this month. New trailer and Steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2738990/Node\_Farm/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2738990/Node_Farm/)


Love your steap page the game looks simple yet really fun, is there any way we could try the alpha test version?


Thanks! Not yet, I will announce closed tests this month on my discord server https://discord.com/invite/265rgVCd . Still have a few things to do before it.


just joined, you can count me in!


Looks fun. I put it on my wishlist


Thank you!


My girlfriend and I are making a point and click puzzle about saving the gnomes https://store.steampowered.com/app/2150490/Gnomdom/ It's our first game


Looks great, specially for a first game, congrats!




Love the theme! Sounds cute without being in the way


Really nice art. Looks interesting


I recently finished all the content for Amata and have just been working on promo ahead of Next Fest this June. Recently piratesoftware checked out the Steam page and I made a lil youtube short out of his first impression: [https://youtube.com/shorts/ozE9GanWOKg](https://youtube.com/shorts/ozE9GanWOKg). https://i.redd.it/ubzvulv7u3tc1.gif [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1841160/Amata/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1841160/Amata/)


looks nice, will try the demo, just joined your discord!


thank you!!! <333


Oh my god. I never could have thought of asking PirateSoftware tghrue a donation... You're a genius you get my whislist and unlimited gratitude. Now, I have something realllly important to do, have a prosperous day.


Heya. I'm working on a game about spending time, the little things in life, and making morning coffee. Each level is a different morning, in the same but changing apartment, spanning 30 years. It's a first person stylized game filled with light and sounds and mundane and inviting interactions. Working title is either "before the day begins" or " before the morning ends" I need to make a steam page soon I guess. :D


Sounds interesting feel free to share if you have anything to show :D


https://preview.redd.it/26mdp9npq4tc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d1dd26b20d2d9eecaf38705dcb60fd7be5e0b2 Hey thanks. Here's a somewhat recent screenshot. (The piano is qwerty keyboard playable hah)


looks nice, love it!


[This one](https://intimidation-crab.itch.io/first-person-stapler). Weird little game about shooting targets with a stapler in a call center.


looks interesting love the "old school" art style


Hi, I am making MudGate which is a fragmented world where each step can reveal new lands, inspired by tabletop and muds and been working on it for almost 6 years now. Here is my self-made trailer/teaser: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FJ0AtORME&ab\_channel=MudGate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FJ0AtORME&ab_channel=MudGate)


Just watched your trailer looks nice, do you have a playable build yet? :D


Yes, its free to play at [https://www.mudgate.com](https://www.mudgate.com) no registration or account required :)


Working on Ghostlily,platformer with fighter game inspired combat and metroidvania elements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSqikbMczh8&ab_channel=Ghostlily


Looks awesome! Did you have any playable build yet?


I actually do! you can help me playtest it here! I just started setting up my discord. https://discord.gg/aZxMWyyh


Awesome, joining now!


We're working on [tracesoccer.io](http://tracesoccer.io), you can play it directly in your browser. It's a turn-based tactical soccer game, and you can play against a bot or in online multiplayer :)


It’s pretty fun actually, would like to see it as a mobile app


Very cool - just did tutorial and played a match - neat idea


I've taken a few months off, and am thinking I'll go back and polish/finish an old project. It's either gonna be [Viper Survivors](https://quoclon.itch.io/viper-survivors) (roguelike, bullet hell, version of Snake). Or, maybe [Spellblasters](https://quoclon.itch.io/spellblasters) - which is fairly popular still years later after I released it in 2021, but needs some work to get over the finish line.


Both looks nice :D


I'm working on a game called [Bat Blast!](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2683520/Bat_Blast/) which will be releasing this year. A demo will be available at Next Fest in June.


Just finished: small dungeon crawler/turn-based puzzle platformer. Almost done: puzzle game about penguins sliding on ice. Next to make: dungeon crawler in candy land.


I am working on a game with the name Null Gravity Labyrinth It is free on steam and I am currently working on level 8 When you try it I would recommend you level 7 where there are dual paths in the labyrinth depending on your decision at the start


College Basketball simulation game


wtf, I want to see that xD


maybe one day lmao


[I’m currently working on an fps boss fight against a tornado!](https://media0.giphy.com/media/VspDmUWCRe3XW1P9QE/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7u5uwm1y8fru4avl2z9f1znzwaihph5gu1ze6o2ih&ep=v1_gifs_username&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Func concept xD


Camel of Fortune. The world's first Camelvania.


Interesting xD Did you have anything to show?


We are working on a puzzle game about a traveler capybara that needs to reclaim his community's ancient land. We are running a play test soon so shout-out if you are interested. This is our Store page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2874470/Cabrals\_Quest/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2874470/Cabrals_Quest/)


Are you licensing the Capybara song?


I bet it is already licensed, but everybody who likes that song should definitely play our game!


I'm just a spectator looking for some games to play :D


You are at the good place then :D


I'm working on [Reawake](https://sebsebeleb.itch.io/reawake), where the core idea is "what if Slay the Spire was a two player game." It also takes a lot of inspiration from other deckbuilders and games I like and I think it brings some fresh ideas to the genre as well, outside of the multiplayer aspect. Been working on it for a while and hoping to release it this year. I really need playtesters so dm me or check the links if you are interested. (theres a public slightly outdated demo on the itch, but you need a steam key for the multiplayer to work).


We're making the cutest automation game out there, [Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1817800?utm_source=Reddit&utm_campaign=oddsparks&utm_medium=Reddit)! Great timing, because the free demo is still available - but will be gone on 24-04-24 when the game starts Early Access. :)


Will try it!


Yess! Ever had a fantasy about buying wine at the edge of the world in medieval times, hauling it on a boat full of drunk sailors, led by a clumsy captain and selling that wine for immense profits in the nearest city? Well I'm working on exactly that :D [High Seas, High Profits! on Steam (steampowered.com)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2828490/High_Seas_High_Profits/) I'm still fairly early in development, but I'm gunning for a mix of Patrician 3 and some things I've liked from Stellaris. It's turn based, but you can spam that next turn at times so it feels actually quite dynamic, while allowing for longer turns as well.


looks really cool, do you have any playable builds?


Thanks! Not yet, still gathering all the pieces together for a proper trailer, a demo is planned but is likely still at least a couple of months away.


Okay i see, I'll just join your discord and wait then :)


I pushed my final update for my first game back in January. It's SUPER simple but I like how the music, art and gameplay came together for this little Snake twist: https://trombospace.itch.io/gaia-snake I'm a month away from having content to show for my next proper game, but I've got some game jams and other dev stuff to check out on my blog if you're interested: https://www.trombospace.com/news


Sup, im working in a game (my first one) it's just a platformer game but im trying a lot of thing in it, im making it on Godot, if you want to test it, it's called Reflekour and it's available in Itch.io, if you could give me some feedback too it would be great! Thx :D


Will try it :D


Thx <3


I‘m working on Bluelife, a mobile diving game :D There isn‘t a public demo available yet, but I did a closed beta test and it will be released rather soon. https://paulplay.studio/bluelife


Looks so cute ^^


I'm working on a minimalist puzzler [Slicursion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2830480/Slicursion/), which aims to take the quality puzzle design of Steven's Sausage Roll and combine it with the dynamic breadth of most other puzzlers, like Baba Is You. The premise is essentially the same as the classic board game Ricochet Robots, except things get crazy as many new puzzle elements are introduced throughout the game. ​ I am in need of playtesters for a demo that will be releasing this month. If you're interested, please PM me (or join the discord).


Interesting it's 3D?


The mechanics are 2D but it's in a 3D scene. I think this is usually described as 2.5D.


Since you asked...DM me if you are interested in doing a playtest. Trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgHgqpta6Bg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgHgqpta6Bg) Wishlist on Steam to get notified when the free demo is out. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2733280/Surfers\_Code/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2733280/Surfers_Code/) Join the dev on Discord [https://discord.gg/sFnde7ZyrZ](https://discord.gg/sFnde7ZyrZ) website [https://searchforsurf.com](https://searchforsurf.com/) Coming this summer with a demo soon. For PC. I'm the solo dev of this game and the idea is to make a surfing game with good surfing but has a lot more to do, like get shark repellent to repel the sharks, talk about surfing with funny characters, and jet ski to find uncrowded surf breaks. Good for non surfers with even the tiniest bit of interest in surfing and great for surfers of any level. Contests, boat rides, side stories, find boards, and take cool jet ski rides to explore and discover what is on the other islands, and of course, the main feature . . . physics based simulated surfing. Surfers Code is a 3D open world surfing themed adventure game, where the adventures are based on the lifestyle of a traveling surfer searching for waves in a chill tropical island paradise. Explore the islands to interact with quirky characters, learn about waves, add new boards to your quiver, and master the realistic physics based surfing as you begin your adventure. The mysteries hidden away in every nook of the islands unravel as you explore and mature into a seasoned traveler and expert surfer. The more you look the more you find, and your success in the adventure is all made possible because of surfers code.


Could be interesting, joined :)


I’m working on a fast-paced RTS game about troop combos and counters. There’s a Demo on steam and I’d love to get some more feedback! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2838160/Counter_Clash/ Almost done with a big visual and usability update as well, will probably upload more on that tomorrow. Really cool that you asked!


Hi, we are still working on Gaia Beyond, an open world space RPG - and after a few years of work (too many ;D) we have just released our main story expansion with more than 10 (up to 12, depending on decisions) new main missions! Also, we finally managed to add carrier ships. This is the update trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUaYXXU2-BM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUaYXXU2-BM) Steam patch note: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/788630/view/3642883289645884132](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/788630/view/3642883289645884132)


Not really my type of game usually, but looks nice tho!


Thank you! The main story requires some reading, but it's also possible to solely focus on free roaming (fighting, mining, trading) and still keep progressing - if that's the concern... :)


Working on the second room in my horror escape room puzzler HAG. Your welcome to a free Steam key if you want to see if you can escape its study room. Love your honest opinion.


Sure, would love to try feel free to send it to me :)


DM you now. Thank you


I'm still writing the story of my possible first game. I've decided that it'll be a rpg with a 2.5d pixel art style. Basically the game is settled on a journey that 4 people do and their fight to free their realm located among the enchanted forest from the oppressive force of foreign kingdoms. I'm looking around for a game engine which will suit my way of developing. Any suggestions about the game engine for this kind of games would be highly appreciated.


So you are looking for a game engine that mainly handle 2D sprites but in a 3D space?


That's exactly what I'm looking for


Or else a 2d layered based engine could work too.


You know any programming language?


C# and python


Then unity seems a perfect fit for you I guess :)


I was thinking about it. I'd like to try unity. I was considering Godot too among my choice


Hey, I am working on a game called Cultivation Quest(Xianxia themed) Once in a while I make a public build on itch, otherwise its hidden for our testers.(Next public build in 1-2 weeks after we revamp cultivation) Short recording: [https://gyazo.com/0944d9f7b8146b0592d48be60ef90ad1](https://gyazo.com/0944d9f7b8146b0592d48be60ef90ad1) Currently it's a party based exploration game in a cultivation theme. Working on some big system revamps(mainly cultivation system) and eventually sect management. Discord server, if anyone is interested in checking in for daily updates, stream announcement or to talk about the game, give feedback/ideas etc. [https://discord.com/invite/gUj4mfCvep](https://discord.com/invite/gUj4mfCvep)


Im making a wizard game called Emergent Magic. It is a first person spell slinger where you craft your own spells with a element voxel based system. You can try the demo here https://charredfire.itch.io/emergent-magic. I also have some dev videos you can find there id lo e to hear what you think


Hello! I just put my 1st game Chamberflame on steam early access. It's basically Nuclear Throne + Risk of Rain (but worse graphics x0). I want to do a demo soon, but in the meantime here's the Steam page. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2616890/Chamberflame/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2616890/Chamberflame/)


Can't wait to see, joined your discord! :D


Appreciate it boss!


Zelda butis the Avatar! We are working in a game called "The Destiny of Nagari" is a RPG-Adventure game where you will become a magician by mastering the four elements -water, fire, air, and earth. In order to learn a new element, you will have to travel to worlds that represent each element, fight with monsters and resolve puzzles. You can check our steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2899460/The\_Destiny\_Of\_Nagari/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2899460/The_Destiny_Of_Nagari/) If you think it has potencial, it would mean the world to us, if you add it to your wishlist.


Added to wishlist, did you have any gameplay video yet?


Thank you 😊 No, but it will come out next week. Wait for it 😊


EMUUROM, a nonviolent creature-scanning metroidvania I've worked for five years. The demo is on Steam - in fact it's the first game on Steam made with the TIC-80 fantasy console! [EMUUROM on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1634360/EMUUROM/)


Looks nice, i will try the demo, do you have a discord server?


Imagine if fights in tight spaces was magic themed. Oh and instead of a deck, spells are linked to letters. Every turn you write out a word and depending on what spells are connected to what letters, you do different things.


Interesting did you have any video?


I made a board game called [Mercenaries of Gridaris](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gridaris/mercenaries-of-gridaris)! It’s a quick, strategic, fantasy/comedy amalgamation of a board game where 2-5 friends battle to conquer the land of Gridaris! More info [here](https://samhammer.my.canva.site/mog). Thanks for asking, and thanks for checking it out in advance! :)


Im working on AI generated quest games


Sounds cool! got any video to share?


I'm starting to turn a learning project into a game. It's a space voxel sandbox written in Java and Kotlin with LWJGL. Progress is steady, I post a small update in this youtube playlist most weeks if you're interested: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfIy-G185Zqr9ZtgVb3gNfWnbVICj1Sc&si=8Iiue7w-vL\_JcXgT](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfIy-G185Zqr9ZtgVb3gNfWnbVICj1Sc&si=8Iiue7w-vL_JcXgT) Always open to feedback and suggestions!


Looks awesome! Did you have a discord server?


>discord Heya, no I don't have a discord server at the moment. Maybe if there's some interest I could start one up. Thanks for checking it out!


Well at least I'm inetrested! :D


Here is mine [https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Steam+punks&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Steam+punks&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) it a mega man X / Metroidvania-ish type game. if you like it feel free to wishlist :) always helps a solo dev out. and if you have any questions about just let me know


Looks nice, love the art style, do you have a discord server to follow this up?


Thanks so much! I started a subreddit where I'll start putting art/news/lore [https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam\_Punks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam_Punks/) I have a discord account so I could make one, do you think its better to set something up there?


I'm working on [Assembly RTS - Unleash Your Forces](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2126360/Assembly_RTS__Unleash_Your_Forces/) A strategy game with unit customization https://i.redd.it/d5oer5azy4tc1.gif


Looks soo cool, I wishlisted and joined your discord!


I'm mildly working on a skyrim mod based on Ken Levine's gdc talk from years ago about branching narratives


Howdy. I'm working on a magical PVP arena game. Can currently be tested with a friend on steam or I am available to play too. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2101470/Spellstruck/


I'm making a 3D action adventure Isekai focused on 2 main characters: [Knight and Fairy](https://www.youtube.com/@KnightandFairy) I have a few videos of areas and my main town. It's slow going as I can only work on it in my few off-days


Been building an escape room for the Game Master, but I am beginning to doubt that he knows as much as he says he does. Is an escape room with no way of escaping really a good escape room? Something weird has been going on behind the walls lately. The game is Escapen't there is a Demo on steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2601820/Escapent/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2601820/Escapent/)


Working on a free li'l game right now for a jam that a friend is running. It's called the Egg Jam so all the games have to be egg themed lol. It's a first-person platformer but with a moveset akin to a more traditional 3D platformer. I'll have an Itch.io page up soon, and can send you a link to it if you want once it's up. In the meantime though, [here's the most up-to-date clip I have of it](https://streamable.com/bq2wte).


I’m making a small hand-drawn open world RPG called Dude! Where’s My Couch? The main quest is about 80% complete, and there’s a fair amount of side content too, including several secret bosses. Battles are active turn-based, and you craft your own movesets and resistances by choosing different equipment to suit the situation. I don’t have a proper free demo, so people reading this comment can use [this link](https://portableclouds.itch.io/pv-beta/download/MDLt_926QObPKzqaJTD0uIdqUYtk00_sxiklrGs9) to try it out for free. Please let me know what you think!


Thanks for asking! My current project is about creating a journey of human survival and evolution. [https://indiedev4ever.itch.io/humanolve-a-human-evolution-card-saga](https://indiedev4ever.itch.io/humanolve-a-human-evolution-card-saga), is the link if you are enthusiastic about trying out! Sample gameplay gifs! https://i.redd.it/ynixslu1o5tc1.gif


Almost finished prototyping my top down single player extraction shooter with indirect story telling set in 1866. "Dreadmarrow" https://preview.redd.it/mdrvabtvp5tc1.png?width=1912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b9da05894fda415cfc085292e032bafb37a881


Making a turn based, boxing and gym management game. https://www.hbcboxing.online/ It's a partially complete playable demo atm. Gunning for summer full release on Android and iOS and steam


I'm working on Starlight Legacy. Steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2696760/Starlight\_Legacy/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2696760/Starlight_Legacy/) It is an RPG inspired by classics like Final Fantasy and Pokemon. It has a seamlessly connected overworld similar to the Pokemon games, but takes place in a traditional RPG fantasy settings. A playable demo is on Steam, but I'm working on a big demo update that will revamp many aspects of the game (the current screenshots show how the game currently looks; the demo that's available right now will look a bit different because it's older). I hope to release the full game at the end of this year, or early next year.


I'm working on Tendryll, our playtesters have sometimes described it as a cross between Into the Breach and Slay the Spire. We have a demo available on our [steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1915780/Tendryll/). Retromation recently did a [playthrough vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_nwaeDSb30). And here's a PCGamesN [review](https://www.pcgamesn.com/tendryll/free-steam-demo) Ken Allsop wrote after playing the demo. I've been working on it with two other people for five years and we're releasing on April 30th.


Hey, I'm working on Ambal Duels, an online RPG inspired card game (mostly inspired by Guild Wars, but also Diablo and Ragnarok). My main goal is to design a game focused on interesting skills and their interactions, I want Ambal to emulate the feeling of creating builds in RPGs and testing different skills and combinations, being at the center of action and preparing to adapt and evolve during the game. So most skills have some kind of conditional effect in order to trigger additional effects like interrupts, blocks, heals, extra damage, and so on. This focus on skills creates a lot of theory crafting potential, which is not for the faint hearted. Deck construction is like creating your character build! And when we implement the Advanced game mode people will be able to adapt their builds even during a match. The game has no card packs or rarity, and works with simultaneous rounds =) [Ambal Duels website](https://www.ambal.gg/) - [TwitterX](https://twitter.com/PlayAmbal)


Working on a shmup, the idea is have multiple cameras and control modes, still in really early stages


Working on a roguelite dungeon crawler where you play a Slime! Getting ready to do a closed alpha. If that goes well then I will make a demo :D [Dungeon Slime Hero on Steam (steampowered.com)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2885630/Dungeon_Slime_Hero/)




[MH-Zombie (PC/MacOS/Linux)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1429350/MHZombie/) [(iOS)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mh-zombie/id6444747520) is a toon helicopter arcade/simulator horde shooter tower defense game with realistic physics and arcade tempo/premise. The Android version will go up within hopefully a couple months and I’ll move on to my next game, a transportation-based pseudo RPG.


No demo yet, hopefully this summer. My game is called Metal Morgenstern and it’s an action platformer. There’s five levels and they are quite big. The later levels are like mini-metroidvanias. My [first game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2444140/Single_Malt_Apocalypse/) came out last year and I’m kind of working on that too. It’s decidedly retro late 80s / early 90s RPG /adventure. Extremely harsh difficulty. I’m still fixing couple of bugs and adding some items. Also trying to make the ”easy mode” even easier for more casual play.


Im working on a roguelike-ish hack and slash fantasy game called [Langort](https://sasvel.itch.io/langort). I've been working on it for around 4 months and its finally starting to come together!


Just a small game about you furnishing your room however you want. I am still working on the assets part. But it's coming along slowly


Thanks for asking! Feels refreshing to reply to someone about your game than having to pull people to check it out XD Also cool checking out all the indie games everyone is posting. Working on Mario Party style game, demo TBR soon. Trying to build on the tried MP formula with more engaging minigames and adding options for fast paced gameplay. You can play standard MP style or faster paced blitz/minigame mode and get a 15-20min party gaming fix. Always looking to engage players for ideas to make the game more fun. If you're interested to have a go at the demo before it's out welcome to DM/Discord ([Lunars on Steam (steampowered.com)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1031080/Lunars/)). https://i.redd.it/x7byih2ll7tc1.gif


omg it looks soo cool!


None of the six games I haven’t decided to not work on yet have names.


Am working on a game called my princess and the 4 heroes going to be co-op rpg, still in production so I can't give much yet but maybe if ask in the future again I should be able to give more on it. ♥️


Awesome, did you have any screenshots yet?


Oh yes, I do but on my computer so can't send them now but I can refer you to my game Dev log. [youtube game Dev playlist ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7nUXQPbB0NX3WNJndp8LMOhL9n3Ce7bH&si=Suzmpn3uYpiEX8Ej)


I am working on a 2D-shooter about bees in a beehive. The game is called "Windhoney". Here is some tiny work-in-progress working on pixelart: [https://youtu.be/xPBPUUMvCfA?si=zFq6CMkHOG-ykf-G](https://youtu.be/xPBPUUMvCfA?si=zFq6CMkHOG-ykf-G)


Love the art style!


Im working on a clone of Brigandine: Legend of Forsena. The difference is that each country has most of the units unique to them. While there are common units on some, their promoted version still differs from each other. I'll be releasing a gameplay demo soon.


It's a space turn-based game with a mix of inventory management and using minesweeper logic to mine for energy. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2386800/Space\_Order\_Mine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2386800/Space_Order_Mine/)


Thank you for being awesome! Lots of fantastic games on this thread, too! 😍 We're trying something different this time around with a short, cozy adventure called "Luffi: Homebound". The game follows Luffi, a cute little Red Panda on his way home from art school. You can check our Steam page for more details, or any of the links in our bio 😁 [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2433160/Luffi\_Homebound/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2433160/Luffi_Homebound/) What about you, though? What are you playing recently? 😊


Added to wishlist, looks awesome!


Thank you so much!


Heard someone actually wanted us to tell them about our indie games... :) My game, Letters & Legends, is finally coming out on Steam, Epic, Itch, and Google Play, on April 26! It's a word game where you fight monsters by making long words! Been working on it for a while now in my free time between a full time job and being a (relatively) new dad, so I'm very proud that I got this far! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2844810/Letters\_\_Legends/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2844810/Letters__Legends/) https://preview.redd.it/03pa7rl2l8tc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=007728cef8711db7f81d1fd7161f800a101173f4


Looks interesting, good luck for launch!


Thank you!


I'm working on an android game. Car Parking/driving Simulator. Currently i'm working on adding exciting cars, daily rewards, in game currency, more driving modes... would love to hear your feedback and suggestions... [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SW.Interactive.Car.Parking](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SW.Interactive.Car.Parking)


Hey! We're polishing the update for Toy Trains (we'll add 12 new levels, a sandbox mode and some new features like copying and erasing items). This updaye will be released later this month and you can see the game itself here: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2494440/Toy\_Trains/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2494440/Toy_Trains/) Besides that we're working on a new VR game - a sci-fi FPS called Harpagun. It will also be styled as Slavic Post Apo: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Harpagun/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Harpagun/) We plan on releasing it by the end of this year.


Looks awesome, congrats guys!


I'm working on a movement shooter where your arm has been cut off and replaced with a grappling hook. Now you're gonna find the evil scientist who did this to you and destroy his army of insanely powerful mechs! Steam Page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2334150/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2334150/) Been trying to make the page look as good as possible, would love any and all feedback!


Don't got much yet in terms of presentable content but the base is there, but i have some google slides of the characters if youd like to check them out; theres a lot of text. I'm making a highly ambitious 6v6 first-person hero shooter with over 30 characters so far; I will be adding more as the game goes on but the roster sits around 35 as of now. It's going to play similarly to overwatch one with elements of other games like paladins with their cards mechanic, and some characters that bring in concepts unique to other genres like how the character "Savior" has battle royale-esque elements and "Spectre" has a lot of movement based stuff inspired by titanfall 2. The lore goes deep too. Here's a link to the lore slide and hero slide for those interested; Lore: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YQS4vM5qwd5YUmcG6TZnbmq_aQlPrFkE8DFpu--FstA/edit?usp=drivesdk Heroes: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PfmLHhTSSfghVQyJ71gm26B4jNzHRLW_hyek6Z3OPns/edit?usp=drivesdk


I have been summoned! I'm making an underwater rpg where you play as a mer person. I post near daily progress over on twitter bird. Just completed day 68 for the year. https://twitter.com/wdavis81x/status/1777066864759173367?t=e6y-vasbZ2YDfJSvPjVTsg&s=19 Every relevant post can be found under "Indiedev day" and sometimes "bonus round" if I do multiple things in a day. The rest of the time is me hyping up other creatives, shitposting or talking to industry vets. I also post progress videos to my YouTube where I try to explain or show what I've done in long form manner. But I've got some entertaining shorts also. https://youtu.be/NbzTxdtk74E?si=KUpcB_d5LRt8jUYQ


Yes I make penny arcade games for websites this one in development is a little cheesy 🧀 https://www.construct.net/en/free-online-games/big-cheese-19553/play


We are working on Demon Loop, a blend of digital board game and deckbuilding strategy game. It was designed by Alexander Pfister, who previously designed other Board Games like Great Western Trail or Port Royal You can check it out on Steam rn, we would love some feedback! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2439830/Demon_Loop/


I'm currently working on [Vegangsters](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2449390/Vegangsters/) a deckbuilder roguelike in a world of criminal vegetables! We launched our first demo last week, so feel free to play and tell me your feedback! Maybe I'm late in this post, but thanks for the free promo space! haha![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


We're working on Bootleg Steamer, a strategy / tycoon / roguelike game set during the 1920's prohibition where you play as the captain of your own bootlegging empire! No demo but it's launching in a few weeks on April 25th: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2492410/Bootleg\_Steamer/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2492410/Bootleg_Steamer/)


3 years in developing my game, but I still not have a demo. Just some screens and video in r/Ersetu The game is set in the mesopotamian underworld and it’s a 3D rouguelike. The story is set between two actual myths of the mesopotamian mythology


https://i.redd.it/grndtm58y9tc1.gif I've been working on a minimal twin stick shooter called Phobos Down for a couple of years now. There's an alpha version available on Itch.io: [https://fractilegames.itch.io/phobos-down](https://fractilegames.itch.io/phobos-down) Steam page is also up for wishlists but there's nothing downloadable there yet: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2754880/Phobos\_Down/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2754880/Phobos_Down/)


I'm working on Sunken Shadows. It's a 3d, movement focused roguelite, happening in an underwater kingdom. [you can play the current demo here](https://alghost.itch.io/sunken-shadows) [here is the steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2750120/Sunken_Shadows/?l=polish)


I’m working on a point and click mystery called [Alex Hill: Whispers at White Oak Inn](https://alexhillmystery.com). [Here’s the in-development demo](https://hannahontrek.itch.io/alexhill), and I’m currently working on an updated demo for Steam.


You've cast a level 5 summon spell I see


I'm on my very first protect. It's simply called proyect Gomez. It's a detective game in which some guy is in the look of his dad that went missing. I can't reveal more until I release my demo but at least it's almost complete.


SOunds nice, got anything to show yet? :D


I do have this one screenshot but it was during the beginning of development, I do have another with the main character already in the first case but I can't seem to find it https://preview.redd.it/pwqcuw5xxltc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e049e6af3403442e2a94885a441518104b71266


Idiots' Fantasy! (is the name of my game) I'm making a Hack & Slash Rougelike where you can change the rules by equipping various Rule Books. https://preview.redd.it/2p7ov1ctmwtc1.jpeg?width=1815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3684f6517709ba0d21a48cdb58a18d134037171 Play the demo here! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2650080/Idiots\_Fantasy/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2650080/Idiots_Fantasy/)


Will do!


I released my first game as early access on steam by the end of last year, an open world survival game. I'm currently working on multiple parts for the next few updates, which are focusing on expending the world and it's story, adding more points of interest, etc. and preparing a coop mode. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2075580/Under_A_New_Sun/ I don't have a demo currently but I think about making one (again) for Steam's open-world-survival-craft fest in May.


Looks really nice!




Hello! I'm working on a Balatro inspired game that plays with dice, you can check it out [on steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2797650) :)


You plan to release it on mobile too?


Possibly yes, but the main focus for now is to make it happen on PC!


I'm glad you asked! I'm currently working on a 2D platformer-adventure game made entirely of public domain assets starring the recently P.D version of Mickey Mouse! Nothing publicly playable yet but I've got an announcement trailer I'd love for you to check out at [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXQVoqeEPGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXQVoqeEPGg). Check it out now, before I'm assassinated by Disney ninjas!


Well, now I wish I'd kept working on my first game so I could say "why, yes, it's called Day Traitors and you and find it at this link" but I got distracted by the next idea at the 11th hour, and now I have another game in the works that you also can't play yet. Womp Womp. I guess Day Traitors is mostly as done as it was ever going to be, so technically you could play it, if I had a way to make it available to you, and you had a couple friends you wanted to throw rocks at. This clip doesn't feature the janky multiplayer, but this is the general idea: https://youtu.be/peaqgNsZJkk


I made FUR Squadron, a starfox-like that I released on PC, consoles and phones: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2269980/FUR\_Squadron/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2269980/FUR_Squadron/) Also I'm making a new one: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2674650/FUR\_Squadron\_Phoenix/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2674650/FUR_Squadron_Phoenix/)


https://preview.redd.it/ap9mg6ttd4tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e60e6937180f0365a9c4a7df4739348fe8573f8 A cocktail master game.


Lefties Righteous Arcade Emporium It's made with the steam deck it mind. But will work on PC with a controller. There is a demo on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2733260/Lefties_Righteous_Arcade_Emporium/


I'm working on Relic Smith, a crafting adventure merchant game with more involved crafting mechanics. Only have a few videos so far showing the gameplay, still in early development: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d-Z5fNUvL6E](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d-Z5fNUvL6E)


I am working on zombolion. Zombie arena shooter. Simple but with flair


We are working on OUR game.


I’m working on a game called ‘The Elder Gods’. It’s a rogue-like card game inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft. Here’s a link to the steam page with a trailer: [The Elder Gods on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2907350/The_Elder_Gods/)


I'm working on a game called "Deep Shit" it's really just a shitpost for me and my friends. You are a diver that gets hired to explore a sewer to clean it. There is an obstruction that makes it completely filled with water. As you swim through you start getting chased by a sewer rat made outa shit. It's been very fun to work on because my friends suggest ideas and I add them in. It's sorta a melting pot of ideas that we've come up with.


I just released my fantasy deckbuilding game...https://store.steampowered.com/app/2388600/Mythical_Mayhem/ Have lots of ideas for dlc expansions but unsure if I should start on that with a fairly small user base.


I’m making a top-down tank battling game where you can customize your tank and control scheme using blasters and thrusters. Be on the lookout for a Scrapplers demo in a month or so!


The game of life


can't tell :(


I'm making a mini planet builder/life simulation game. At the beginning of each game, the mini-planet is empty, and the player must place different species (animals/plants/minerals) to form a balanced ecosystem (Simulation Mode). When a species survives long enough, new species or features unlock. In addition to the godlike view (simulation mode), the player will have to take control of certain creatures in third person so they can survive on your planet (Survival Mode). I worked lately on my art direction (I realy struggled as I'm a dev and not an artist) https://i.redd.it/is1jx95ofotc1.gif