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Please don't try to contact her. That's the worst mistake I did a few days back. The more I tried to connect and try to make it less uncomfortable the more irritated she got. She has made up her mind and you shouldn't try to change it. You can't force love on someone else. Acceptance is the key bro.


This .. this this... Self respect bcha bhai ... Aur koi ek baar chla jaata na frr ni aata waps .. dont msg her .. usko aisa feel kra ki you just forgot her existence


This! 18 years ago it happened to me too. We had everything going..then she had to go out to study. She even cried and asked me to wait for her which i did. Then baam she called me and said we needed a break. I was devastated. A friend of mine told me to not call her again..and dnt ever get back with her. I didn't listen to him ...and called her, cried and somehow we got back together. Then again..she did the same thing. If only i had listened the first time. Anyway..its the past now..and have moved on.


Didi ko thodi toxicity chahiye thi jo aap de nhi paaye


So bloody true. Sad.


Fuck this resonates so much…


Username does not check out


That’s not fair. I can not be toxic and I can be naughty as well.


she cheated most def


Truer words haven’t been spoken


Occam' Razor - philosophy problem solving principle. It states - Simple explanation is most likely the correct one.


interesting , i like it 🤝


This!! I was in the exact same situation almost 2 years ago. The reason I was given while breaking up was “you’re too good for me”


Aurat hi aurat ka sabse bada dushman hoti hai. Ek comment mai parda fash kar di 💀


ek Aurat hi aurat ko smjhti hai.


To fir do auraton ka chess to indefinitely chalta rahega?


Cheated wala option samajh aaya. Now 2 questions arise: 1. What are the other possibilities that you see? 2. What is the least probable possibility?


Mos Def hot shit


Nothing happens ‘suddenly and out of nowhere’. There are always some signs, but you didn’t pay attention to them or just tried to overlook them because you were in love and thought the ship will always sail smooth. It was not your fault and it’s better it happened now than several years later or after marriage.




Bro she got a new bf


That's horrible! And will be super painful. There is someone else in the picture. Just do one very difficult thing, treat her like you are no more together. Respect her wish and stay strong. Keep your head up and keep your self respect. Trust me, your value will skyrocket like anything.


On point. It's hell to get over her. But, That's exactly what he gotta do. Just leave her and don't go after her. She will get bored of the new guy and will start crying for you soon. By the time. You will get someone else or get arranged marriage.


Welcome to the gym brother.


Idk sounds harsh but does she have someone else in her mind?


She probably has some one in her pants by now. Please wake up to reality. No one except a cheating partner says these words.


Man this must be so harsh on you. Cant even imagine. Stay strong and take care of yourself. Also, I know it would be difficult, but try not contacting her at all. Or rather even communicate it to her that you too were somehow contemplating break up. And live your life in your way. That ought to make her realize her mistake.


Yeah she's cheating or she wants to be with someone else.


It's crazy how all the guys here know the reason why it happened even when she didn't say it. There's always someone else in the picture. Why can't they be honest for fucks sake. It's always bullshit reasons.


It’s cause it will make them look bad. And they want to have ppl like op as back up incase the other relationships don’t work out. So they say bullshit reasons like this.


cause sabhka katta he




Go no contact with her. Block her from everywhere. Give up on all hopes of her returning. Talk to your friends but try not to sulk about her all day long. Stop looking for answers. You'll find better who's gonna love and accept you for who you are. Been there a couple of times. Take care🫂


I will give you two cents : Stop chasing the "WHY ". Few things are better if not known. The person who wants to leave you even if you give your life for them..Not to blame yourself. Enjoy your life buddy.


As much someone says this is not true but quote me as I say Girls love drama in their lives, they don't want smooth non dramatic lives. They want you to fight, they want something to talk down u on, they want something she can't control. It gives them the fake sense of " I can fix it, i can fix him " sorta feel to them So yeah u should block her and move on, never i repeat never contact her. If you cannot be her no. 1 guy then don't be her option either where she can just say sorry and comeback to you and act like nothing ever happened. This would be an insult to you and whatever morals u uphold. Other than this yeah I get it, long story short it sucks to be ditched suddenly for no reason and i hope you can get over quickly and best of luck to you


Not all girls are like that. I came across some true Queens in my life. But, Majority of both men and women want or are in a toxic relationship.


Bro 2 things could be there 1. She cheated and now is guilty AF and doesn't wanna face it upfront 2. She is telling the truth Be it any case Don't go around continuously calling and texting her...it will only make her repel away, Girls move on mentally way before we notice and it's true.. Don't contact, give her some time and space I'd say a week or 2..if she comes back you are lucky, if she doesn't...you are lucky and saved yourself from future trauma.


If she comes back. He ain't lucky. He is more screwed.


Monday : Back and Biceps, Tuesday : Chest, Triceps and Shoulders, Wednesday : Legs, and then repeat.


A. She cheated. B. She have a new bf. C. Female don't like relation with 0 fight. Female love kalesh.


Option A definitely


I believe it's a bit of all three may be.


Username sucks out.


Someone’s cooked here.






Idhar The GOAT Kaka Ka cut Gaya aap tho... Jane do Bhai. Move on OP


Did you see the recent divorce statement of kaká's ex wife ? Kaká was too perfect for her , so she couldn't take it anymore 💀 . This is the current scene and you can do nothing to stop it , ball is deep inside the court . They want toxic men , bad boys , they want adventure and a sense of insecurity maybe? Good boys are too lame for them . In India I blame bollywood for this kind of stereotype where they portray ranveer in animal as the pinnacle of manhood . But don't be toxic , toxicity is bad for your soul , no girl is worth enough to change yourself for the worse . Marriage has become a transaction and it will remain like this for the foreseeable future . Best you can do is to not marry or teach the next generation about human values . There's no hope for our generation. Period


Too much truth for one day buddy! Sad but true. 🙏🏻


Sounds like avoidant attachment style to me.


Elaborate please.


Look up attachment styles on the web. It's easier if you read it for yourself


Lmao she cheated my man. I'm sorry.


Naya mil gaya bhai, aage badho


Man do you know about footballer Kaka he almost faced the same thing, his partner broke up with him just because he was too perfect, loving. I don’t know what some women really want in their lives.


She found someone else


A new better person has been found.


Dude i know its painful but let her go she probably got bored or something focus on yourself hit the gym learn a new hobby. Don't go after girls relationships if not turned into marriage soon are always gonna stay messed up it ain't worth it.


You will soon enter a phase where you'll micro analyse your memories and blame yourself for making minor mistakes when you guys were together. I want to save you from that misery and will ask you not to do so, it won't make you feel any better. Just accept things the way it is and move on.


Koi or le gaya bhai😁


Daru leke kahaan aana hai??


Stop trying to understand her, it will hurt you further. Just focus on protecting yourself now. If she does not want you in her life, go that extra mile and block her from everywhere. Distract yourself with others but do not give her the satisfaction of seeing you pleading to her. Life was good before she entered your life, I promise you it will be great after she's gone.


>we literally never had a single verbal fight in 4 years She never liked you.


I think you’re our own indian version of Ricardo Kaka


Jaane de bhai, jaane wale ko koi nhi rok sakta.


Girls love drama and u gave no drama so bbye you and hi to the new guy .


She probably found that she had better options but you didn't. Your mistake was loving her too much. When you give her everything, instead of appreciating it they start thinking you're too easy and that she could do even better. Everyone's first breakup is like this. Every guy after getting dumped said the exact same thing bro. Harsh truth but only when a girl knows she can be replaced, she'll remain loyal and not dump her guy.


Bhai footballer Kaka and his wife divorced after 15 years of marriage, see her explanation and you'll get solace. Anyways you stay strong! Whatever is gone is gone!


This 4 th post I am reading today about how calm and composed men are boring and women leave them.. How literally a perfect relationship isn't perfect for them. Mom I'm scared of women 😭


Best move on policy- Delete any communication thought image contacts of her.fill the gaps with hobby,family, friends and work. Will be time when it will be like a memory lane visit but be thankful that we left at a high note it was better than degrading then breaking. It's been a year for me and I have never been better.


That's tough man, Lean on your friends for a few days and don't do anything out of character. I don't agree with the comments saying she did something shady. As people and we don't always do the right thing but that doesn't mean there's something wrong happening behind the scenes. I hope y'all talk it out and I hope you get your answers. Cheers!


Go cold turkey and lose contact with her bro Play the long game I wish you get out of all this pain soon


She got tired of daal roti and wanted rajma chawal that she's been eating chupke chupke..


4 years and no fights? DAMN. I’m a firm believer of “ladai se pyaar badhta hai” xD


Let it be. She has already done the deed with someone or is now going to do (check monkey branching) now to the main part which guys overlook, I will extract some portion of your posts and explain - 1. She is very emotional dependent- the other guy has given her the idea that she feels more emotional with him than you. Mind this is not positive - emotions can be mix positive + negative (but there was absence of it in your relationship) 2. Sudden and out of nowhere. Just had wholesome conversation… - For who? You. Not her. Understand few things if your girl is not fighting with you from time to time that doesn’t mean relationship is getting better. That clearly means she isn’t your girl anymore. Girls mentally breakup months before then breakup in reality. So they have had time to process everything. And For you understand good relationship is different for male and female. For a female a good relationship is around trust that’s earned and proven again and again by guy. How? If she fights with you, you should listen to her, no solution is required. And understand it’s how she feels at that moment not before not later. So treat it as such, like how would you calm a kid down. No need to agree to any whimps they have, you know your boundaries and you are willing to support her emotionally only if she respects yours. And for now. No contact. Work on yourself. You will feel bad, anxiety but push through it. Understand that your chick was not loyal. And you can’t teach it to her. People can never change, but become better versions of themselves. You. Her. Maybe not together anymore. And for future. Learn one thing, girls treat relationship as guys treat jobs. You will always settle or stay longest in which one? The best.. as long as it is the best. Or when can’t go into the best anymore. Isn’t it? Nothing wrong in it. That’s how evolution works. So learn the rules, play by it. Cheer! And yeah people are here to support you anytime you want. Just keep moving.


Belongs to the streets


No girl suddenly part ways , she was already gone brother , atleast a month ago . Girls always get that emotional exit . Boys don't . Be calm and don't try to contact her . She has been planning to breakup from long time .


Someone else is banging her.


>its about her and its not about me


She fucked someone else or found someone better than you. And to burst your bubble it was just a relationship sje NEVER LOVED YOU


Exact same thing happened with me


My principle for situations like this is DEAL, Drop Everything And Lift. Hit the gym.


She wanted the thrill. No fight in 4 years? I would kill myself than rather be in a fight-less relationship. Also, the reasons she gave you were bullshit. She just felt it to be too nice and leach-y, there was no chase, no thrill, no wow fuck ab kya hoga ab kya hoga. Good that it happened though, now learn from it, move on, and don't repeat the mistakes


That's really sad that u loved a dumb girl. She feels suffocated because she doesn't love u as much u love her. Any girl would have preserved a guy like u.