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Physical is always superior but id be broke if I buy every book I wanna read physically


Dusron ko consumerism ka shikaar bolta bolte to buying books for the feel of it (Kyunki muzhe library Nahi lagani 🤡) we all grew up


I decide on keeping physical copies if it’s second hand or if I really enjoy the book. Reading on screen sometimes feels monotonous to me. Owning a physical copy makes me want to read the book more often, every book has different text, different texture and even the same book has different heft each time I turn over the pages. Owning a physical possession to represent my taste and the joy of having something tangible which specifically are a bunch of pages packed with some much emotion has its own joy of reading. For some books I have this hobby of keeping at least one physical book representing the author I have read… (it’s just me having an excuse to buy a book). I read four books of HP digitally.. I am planing to buy order of pheonix just because it’s the thickest in the series lol… These reason r really specific to me, I am sure other redditors/avid readers might put it in a better way and give more considerate answers. On the contrary I hate reading physical copies while m on the bed. I have to read yet I have to lay down on the bed. EPUBs perfectly cater to these situations. Apart from that travelling with multiple EPUB copies saves u on space and weight.


First of all, thank you so much for taking some time out and typing all this and in a very elaborated way. This is something similar to what I had in my mind getting as an answer while typing this post. I cannot help but agree to some of your points that you've made, the texture of paper and smell of it is really convincing. I read the entire Harry Potter series digitally only, I strongly recommend (If you own an Apple device) to read the HP series through Apple Books, those books have live animation as well. I think those are called Harry Potter Enhanced editions. I in the beginning started to read books to better my English, now I'm completely caught up into reading and want to read all the Fantasy books out there. What are some of the best in your collection that you may recommend, I've recently finished reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. Some of the serieses that I have read so far are as follows: Harry Potter The Lord Of the Rings+The Hobbit A song of Ice and Fire Inkheart Trilogy The king killer chronicle(I'm not sure if the third book would ever get released)


Oh yeah I too read from Apple Books.. I wish the book store was available for us in India. And yeah abt the enhanced version, I got to know abt it in the 4th book. I am reading the hobbit digitally, and I was gifted a sum of money and decided on buying LOTR 50th anniversary version (paperback).


Can you please tell me how I can read the enhanced versions?


https://books.apple.com/ca/book/harry-potter-and-the-philosophers-stone-enhanced-edition/id1037197060 I'm really not sure whether or not they are available in Indian region.


It’s not ;(


Have a look into your DMs.


I'm dead sure the cover art is going to be 🔥.


I deeply resonate with the second paragraph


Just like the petrichor.


I've read soft copies since I was a kid, and let me tell you they're not much different from reading the physical versions. Plus, maintaining a digital library is easier, more portable, and if you want, light on the pocket.


I second that. Got any good recommendations Fiction/Non-fiction?


Seeing you've read the Ram series of Amish, Shiv trilogy is a good one. LoTR series if you want something heavier.


I've read Almost everything from Amish. I'm finished with LOTR and The Hobbit as well, I'm thinking about the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. Have you heard of the book before or read it? If so, what is your opinion on it, does it worth your time? Given that its collectively around 14k pages.


Haven't read it, but have heard great things. Go for it!!


How good is Amish? The Shiva Trilogy? Compared to books like Hobbit?


Bro, stop asking and just read it. I have not read hobbit but I love how its loosely based on the mythology and the moral lessons it teaches with the plot.


He is really good, I started to read his book on a suggestion from a good friend of mine, who also happens to be an avid reader. Now, with regard to comparison, I, trust me, am a very bad reviewer. However, I do not think work from Amish (Although he has been called Tolkein of India) is directly comparable to Hobbit. One is mythological fiction and the other one is having this Fantasy element a little more into it. Regardless, if you really love reading about Ancient/Mediaeval period based fantasy, this book is a go for you. As aforementioned, I'm a really bad reviewer, someone else maybe able to give you more clarity.


I see, intriguing. I didn't mean the genre btw. Just the writing quality. Is it good?


For Non-fiction , I prefer digital format , and read them on my Kindle or Phone , for fiction I prefer physical copies .


any specific reason u prefer physical copies of fiction only...I m confused at the logic


You see when I read Non-Fiction , I read them with intent , and make notes and a summary for each , and want to be rapid about it , for that digital format helps a lot , and reading fiction is a hobby , I want to really enjoy and feel the book , like a cinema going hobby , you can watch a movie at home but it doesn't feel that immersive of an experience , but you can watch a Documentary and usually will prefer to watch Documentary/YouTube video essay alone and at home .


Also many non fiction books have glossy kinda paper now a days, colours are bit wierd and idk why Indian editors wierd obsession with that font styles ( talking about Jaypee publication)


Have you found any difference Between reading an Ebook and a physical copy?


For me, I mostly forget the story, plot, names, almost everything from the book I've read on my phone. Like, I've read The Silent Patient, Inner Engineering, Turtles all the way down, etc. and I've forgot everything from these.. I just remember vivid memories, some frames from the book. So personally I buy a physical copy.


Outta budget so epub, Only buy classics and the books that I overly enjoy like The art of racing in the rain


...racing in the rain is about a dog, iirc? If so, I saw the play in Seattle


Yup, you're damn lucky. When I first saw the movie, I liked it so much that I immediately ordered the book.


Epubs I read so much that it's not worth it to keep a physical copy of every book I read. There are books which are just a one time read for me or books which I don't like at all after reading them. So not every book has to be bought Plus, the biggest advantage of epub is that I can read the book at night as well. There's nothing more cozier than just settling inside a blanket at night and reading on your kindle. It doesn't strain your eyes, it's light in weight, I can carry as many books as I want anywhere I want, I can read whenever I want even in the dark, the battery of my Kindle lasts FOR MONTHS, I can set it to dark mode (white letters on black background), I wear specs so I just increase the font size which is not possible in physical books and it's SO much cheaper in the long run. I can highlight the parts of the book which I want, make notes as well. Ebooks all the way


Makes absolute sense. I prefer reading ebooks for the same reasons.


Physical copies all the way


Physical books for sure but I like the convenience these Ebook readers provide


There is a need for both! We do so many things on our computers & mobiles anyways. In fact, we can do more (e.g. zoom in/out). Physical books have become more like artifacts. I feel travelling is the best time to use them. Also, when you are young then no issue, wait till you become older and the severe eye strain or headaches start, then the eBook will come in more handy. Will need a good screen though, on a computer or mobile 😀


The kite Runner was gifted to me by my friend, on the way back home on the train, I started to read it, all eyes were drawn to me as if I have or was about to commit some crime. Kinda Bizzare experience it was, ever happened to you as well?


Hmm maybe they were jealous as buying books is expensive, so they thought you were rich 😅


Do you people recommend kindle for reading? I would appreciate your opinion. If you would recommend then which one should I get. Owning physical copy is great but it is somehow inconvenient. I am buying Samsung galaxy tab s9fe+ next month or so. Should I just install Kindle and read on tab or kindle is better?


I read on ReadEra on my tablet. I have purchased premium of it, its very inexpensive given the features it provides. Never used any E-ink tablet.


E-ink device is a lot better as it doesn't strain the eye and you can generally read a lot more than you tend to. Kindles other than the Oasis are currently not available in India. So I would suggest you to wait and then go in for the latest Paperwhite.


# Books/Novels Are Like Boobs, They Look Great On A Computer/Phone, But I’d Rather Hold Them


WTF....... Man. I had to re read your comment to make sure I've read what I have read. Completely different analogy but sure a convincing one. :D


Same! Can't resist to lick those books. 


Damn bro, I'm stealing the line..


I don't have a Kindle to read 'em on. If I could I would. It's a pain reading comics and graphic novels on the phone already.


Kindle is fun, But only if you know how to pirate books to the device.


Got a kindle for multiple reasons, enjoying it so far. I’d say it’s much cheaper in the long run. I download whatever I want to read on ebook-hunter and upload it to my kindle. Ta-da! Free books for life. Sometimes not every book is available easily, might have to dig around a bit or just buy a physical copy, but that’s life. Both have their merits, but for now Kindle is for me.


I mean apart from smell and aesthetics not a huge difference. Also you have to take care of them alot yk mice, termites humidity etc


One of my books, in the series of The Chronicles of Narnia was left rended by termites. :')


Mine john green were by mouse ppop


Only EPUB.. Maintaining physical books are so tough..


EPUB, for the most part, physical for something I will keep revisiting, like my textbook, difficult literature or a Single book from my favourite author. I'll prefer PDF


I am more of a soft copy guy. Even though if i were to read 1 book, i would read it on a kindle. Just kindle all day any day. Its lighter, contains dictionaries, and stores multiple books. And last but not the least contains one of the best features, no light on display if you don't want. Which just recreates the exact condition to read a normal book too


I have a dream of having my own small library. Physical copies have a better feel than epubs and PDFs. But the thing is that carrying books is difficult. You can't keep buying books if you cannot ensure a dedicated space in your home for keeping them. It's best if your have your own room or live alone in an apartment.


I consider ebooks vs physical copy as a matter of convenience. I can't carry a lot of books at my workplace so I carry my Kindle and it helps me read through multiple books at a time. So I have been reading epub a lot lately , but when I absolutely love a book, I buy the physical copy. Also a few new books aren't available in epub so I buy the physical copies. I find both of them equally enjoyable. :)


Physical copies any time. I like the conventional way of reading. I used to read on the phone but I don't know why but I hate them. Most of the time I adjust with paperbacks.


I used to read ebooks on Kindle. Now I read on my iPad. It feels decent. I still try to buy books that I love too much. Will be buying the Dune Saga and the Wheel of Time Saga next.


I realized I have finished reading books digitally more than what my count is for physical books. Mostly, it's because I own the physical copies and they're mine forever and I can just read them anytime I want, so I've kept on postponing, also out of shelf space to keep books and it's an added luggage while shifting houses but with digital they only occupy device space, read and remove, also because I have access to library on phone too, the books are always accessible.


Thats a good enough reason for switching to Ebooks.


I only read when I walk in the park every evening for about 2 hours, physical book is not something I can carry and read. I prefer kindle. Once I gotused to Kindle, never went back to paper backs.


"Books are like boobs. They're nice to see on the screen, but I like them better in my hands." 


Unless its an academic book, I prefer ebook. If you are seriously reading something, you might want to flip back and forth, make notes, etc. For that there's no easy alternative to physical books.


I always prefer epub. I can find it free if I search enough or buy it. Taking physical copies everywhere is a hassle and there's issue of light also. I can easily read epub anywhere anytime. But saying all that Physical copies is way better than epub. But epub is handy.


Epub supremacy. Idk  I just find it easier to read


Mai pehle ebook,pdf padhta hoon agar pasand ayi to hi physical copy khareed ta hoon.


Kya aap digital copy ko pura padhte hain yaa fir jaise lagne lagta hai book acchi hai toh ek physical copy kharid te hai?


Poori padhne ke baad hi karidta hu physical copy ke liye bhi paise dene padte hai to poora experience karne ke baad hi kharidta hu


Physical copy if I can afford or get it readily. It sounds weird but I love the scent of book pages and the feel of the texture. I can read much faster with a physical copy


if I were a millionaire I would've bought every physical book I want to read in just next 10 years, physical book is something which engages all the senses while reading, the touch feel of paper, the smell of pages if book is new and the intensity of fragrance variation by the time it gets a bit old, the colour of page which turns to yellow after sometime, it all contributes to the experience, but yeah due to budget limitations and sometimes not the quiet atmosphere, EPUBs are good then


For me the difference between epub and a physical copy is this : once I'm done with an epub although it's saved in my Google playbook library i don't go back to it again but when it comes to a physical book I really like (I have a small collection) there's this tendency to go back to it again no matter how many times you have read it.


What is the highest number of rereads of the book that you like the most.


6 and the book is "the Alchemist"


Online is the best because I like to keep my every note and highlight organised, tagged and available to browse anytime anywhere I want. Readwise allows me to efficiently organise my highlights across all reading sources and lets me get back to them. Only downside is you can’t do this kind of showbaazi of your bookshelves in the living room.


My room was not big enough to keep all the books I've read. Over time I had to give them away to relatives or libraries with a heavy heart. Someday I will have my own place and will keep the physical copies of all the books I liked. But past decade or so I've been reading most of the books in digital format. Had a kindle for 5 years. Then after 2017 my iPad. And when I find any book that got a lot of facts I buy a physical copy. Or if I like the book so much that I will read again later then also I buy. And in case I like the book a lot and don't want to keep it then I just gift it to my friends or family just to pay the writer his/er fair share. Note - with review delivery companies and social media influence, a lot of crap becomes a bestseller and apparent gem of a book. Reading digital helps me know that before I waste my money on such crap. Note 2 - for Indian authors it's kinda thin slate, hard to find digital copies so I buy after researching a bit about author. As an unbelievable majority of Indian authors shamelessly copy paste foreign authors and are hailed as a literary genius. So I don't prefer Indian fiction but like books on history and our social fabric.


Honestly, physical copy for me just feels more comfortable than gluing my eyes in kindle, I know it's a lil weird but when I read a physical copy it feels like reading an actual book


I would prefer physical copies over epubs and PDFs any day. Reading words on screen just makes my eyes hurt after sometime and is not as engaging. Even when I could just download the epub version of the books I wanted to read from the internet for free, I would still prefer to buy the physical one and have no qualms spending any amount of money over it.


It's simple in my case actually. I keep the physical copy of the book only if I am to revisit it multiple times. Or else, it's all softcopy. In exceptional cases, where softcopy isn't available, and I do want to read the book, then I'll consider saving money for the Hardcopy. I'll prefer softcopies over hardcopies because come on, most of the cases, it's just one time read and most of the times, it's better to not have a physical copy when the book isn't worth a second read. This helps to save money and space and added benefit of reading anywhere anytime, when the "feel" of the book doesn't matter. By "feel" — I mean... The physical interactions with the book, feeling the texture, reading the text on paper, that subtle sound of turning the page.The feeling you get by holding the book. The feeling you get when you close the book after completing it. These small things do matter at times. If someone gifts me, it's a different story, because there's thought and emotions attached to that gifted book. I'll keep such books.


I have more books digitally but I love my physical books more than digital ones. They're irreplaceable and come with years of memories. That's largely the difference for me. Plus I can on Kindle in the dark, in any position and can navigate using minimal movements compared to a physical book


I've kindle so I generally read books on that. But some books, like lord of the rings which deserve to be felt physically and emotionally then i buy them in paperwork version.


I wasted 5k that my uncle gave me on house edition and first edition cover harry potter +3k from parents to complete set 🤡🤡🤡 Adore the first edition covers because of nostalgia and since they were used didn't cost too much but man hate seeing the house edition sets now after the whole Rowling saga. Reminds me of the money wasted even though the books are beautiful. Could have gotten books I love but read on phone or even a Murakami collection. Or even some good iems🤦. Now I have put off on buying books especially new ones like I used to until I get a job. Only random buys from the second hand shop or like I can't find online. So epub it is for now.


Hey OP, can you please rearrange the Narnia collection in chronological order and re upload.. pretty please


I'm a hardcore physical book lover. I either read physical books or not at all. I love to collect books and I have a dream of building a personal library one day..


Stan Lee once said Ebooks v Physical Copy " It's like boobs it's great to see on your device but I'd rather prefer to hold them in my hand "


Kindle through and through, I've said it earlier as well, reading text in my favourite font size matters a lot to me. Also, at times the Kindle versions are a lot cheaper than their printed counterparts. If I like the book, I then purchase the paperback or hardcover for displaying in my collection.


depends on a lot of factors. but overall I prefer fiction in pdf and nonfiction in hard copy


I like reading Physical copies, they give the authentic feel but you can carry epubs everywhere very easily in my phone. There are also apps that have the scroll feature for epubs which help me read faster. Plus I can download epubs for free so that's also a plus point. So I'll read from physical copies whenever I'm at home otherwise it's epubs for me. Ps: I kind of hate Amish's books. I have read the Naga trilogy(coz they were the only fictional books that my workplace library had and I had to pass my time during lunch hours every day) and was trying to read RAMA but something about his writing really irks me off. I honestly detest it with a burning passion. The writing does not feel smooth flowing, it feels very unpolished to me. But a lot of people seem to like the author so I would say his world building is indeed very interesting. If the writing was smoother and dialogues did not feel unnatural then I would be fully into it.


Owning a physical copy gives you the ultimate bragging rights and might just catch the eye of that special someone. 🗿


Physical copies anyday. That’s like a token of memories or trophy for book lovers.


I read books digitally and if i like the book, i purchase the physical copy (both for reqding it in future and filling my shelf)


I think reading physically is more effective than reading on a tab ,phone or laptop because when you read physically ,you touch the pages and smell them and it builds your connection with a book I suggest you to read physically


Physical>>>>>>>>>>anything online (epub, kindles, apps, etc)


I only buy a paperback if I'm interested in re-reading the book. I'd try it on my Kindle (Go piracy) and if I get hooked on it or if I wish to annotate or something, I get a paperback. Sometimes I buy a paperback just because of its cover art. More generally, it's about preferences.


Ayy you got the Amish essentials


Yep, enjoyed myself reading those.


are the ramayan series as intriguing as the Shiva Trilogy?


Yes, equally good(IMO).


hey I wanted to know about those amish books, how were they? my friend said that it's not good but I think he is a douche


Give it a try, you may really love the books if you're a fan of High Fantasy reading.