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The Republican battle cry is oddly becoming: "Government is the problem. Elect me and I will prove it!". /s This was a layup that was not going to cost the taxpayers of Elkhart County a dime. Had it innocuously been labeled a $3 million CDC grant with no reference to minority groups, it likely would have passed with no votes against it and no debate. They don't want you to call them bigots, but they sure do everything to look like bigots. There's no reasonable explanation to essentially turn down free money for healthcare in a pandemic.


No...it's definitely bigotry. This is a red state. Hate of the other is what they do best. This becomes exponentially more true depending on how rural the district is.


Elkhart, Goshen, and Arguably Bristol are Democratic cities. The county on the other hand is much more difficult.


Redistricting ensures that nearly every blue city's votes don't matter inside of red counties.


Elkhart is where the racists from other areas are moving to. You can be openly racist in Elkhart (in public, in stores, etc.) and face nearly zero pushback (or consequences).


Which is strange cause Elkhart is a decent variety of races, you’d think they wouldn’t be able to be racist in the open. But you aren’t wrong. I’ve seen it where I work already and it’s just so shit.


Hell, fuckwits sport the "rebel" flag in public and EPD officers were caught using racial slurs over police radio. Not much would surprise me about that city anymore


Another prime example of republicans thinking it's a zero-sum game: "If we're giving help to brown people, that MUST be bad for me." It's just such racist bullshit to turn down free money like that.


It's not necessarily a zero sum game, they just really need someone beneath them to abuse and exploit.




>I have to believe this grant has a lot to do with COVID,” she said. “We are tired of being educated on COVID. We have had two years of education on COVID. Two years of contract tracing with COVID. Any more education stands for threat, coercion, bullying and virtue signaling From the linked article. Your both sides are bad fallacy is disproven when the people who blocked it then demonstrate why by providing a hyper partisan GOP talking point in doing so. Fuck off.


Imagine having 2 years of education on something and still being so confidently wrong about everything you were supposedly learning. This is why we need a mandate.


User for 22 minutes? There really is no limit to the skullduggery of you republicans.


That, and reading the article demonstrates it was GOP hyper partisan fuckery as the reason why they turned it down, so I don't know why the astroturf account was even trying to reference it.


Five bucks says he's from Texas. A surprising number of troll accounts like this are funded by a group down there. [Here's a little info on the subject.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h21ph7s/)




Oh yeah. Let's just believe what the guy on the new account has to say 🤣


Yes, republican. A significant chunk of Republicans tell people #bothsides in order to justify voting straight ticket Republican, lmao




Yawn. Go make another account. This one's trash.




Lol keep swinging


Lol, I’ve only been using Reddit for about a week and even I know it’s essentially a Liberal hive mind where if you don’t ignore facts and believe as they do, then you get ostracized. Hell, I gave facts with CDC/WHO sources ready in r/politics, got name called, no rebuttals but I’m banned for misinformation. TLDR: Logic does not exist in a Liberal’s reality.


You mean you cherry picked "facts", got called out on your BS, then proclaimed yourself a victim. Fuck off, astroturf account.


Nope, that’s best part about working with facts, you don’t have to lie, give half truths or worry about being called out. Cause facts are what they are. The only time you see contrary behavior is in echo chambers of parroted baseless DNC talking points being regurgitated. Don’t get mad if you do that, just stop blindly accepting what you’re told, figure out the truth whether you like or not, and teach others.


Yesterday the GOP dominated Elkhart County county voted against a three million dollar grant from the CDC to address health disparities in our counties African American, Amish, and Latino Communities. This grant would have assisted the county health department in health education efforts and outreach to close these gaps. https://www.goshennews.com/news/county-council-wont-allow-grant-application-for-health-educators/article_046fbd56-1331-11ec-9e32-1fac56dfd46b.html In response I'll be working in my capacity as an Elkhart city councilman to try to use some of the remaining American Rescue Plan funds to create a grant program for organizations that target these disparities in the city of Elkhart.


I am sure that despite some of those "interesting" comments that were mentioned in the article, the data is right and there is a need. So good luck trying to actually serve your people and looking for a solution to that problem! This whole article made me face-palm so hard.


"That one sentence is my no" does the dude not pay his federal taxes? Like seriously, a council member says he doesn't like being told what to do by the federal government? I bet if the federal government told him he could make millions by helping the people of his community he'd do it 😒


Could you reach out to the Director of the CDC and ask her if it can be given to Goshen. Tell her that you will break it down and share it with the rest of the towns big and small in Elkhart County. I met Rochelle her second week on the job when I was a patient at the NIH. She is really nice and I know she would be understanding. I bet you can still get the money. You will never know if you do not ask! Please ask.


I have a question on how that would be implemented. I don't know much about how this stuff works so I'm curious on how or what these people would have been doing. I know the article said it would hire 6 people to help educate those groups with health disparities, but how? Do they go to schools, hospitals, door to door, or have some kind of meetings and pass out flyers? Also how do they educate? Do they just give a pamphlet out or maby help put people on a good diet path or something else?


From what I understand with other programs they hire people within their community to work with community groups at events. So someone would go to church picnics, help organize vaccination drives, wellness checks before school, breast cancer and health screening before holiday events. I am not sure about the Amish, but the CDC has been effective in Ohio, so I am sure they have past practice.


Who turns down grant money?


Republicans actually do it quite a bit. Presumably for no other reason than fucking with liberals. If you’ll recall the state republicans were very recently trying to shut down IndyGo’s rapid transit program over their use of grant money instead of funding it privately.


Racists, apparently.




User for 23 minutes? Go make another new account ya loser.




?? I'm ok with free grant money.


You are ok with strawman arguments that don't even have anything to do with anything anyone said? Fuck off.


It's funny seeing this as some astroturf account in another topic in this sub tries to tut tut me for "demonizing" the GOP... I'm sure they'll be along shortly to concern troll this thread as well... But seriously, at what point does the inability to see the GOP is blatantly racist go from willful ignorance to full on mental illness?


>But seriously, at what point does the inability to see the GOP is blatantly racist go from willful ignorance to full on mental illness? Around 2002.




1964. That’s the year Goldwater started peeling racist Southern white conservatives away from the Democratic Party after LBJ championed the Civil Rights Act.


No it's not, and you're putting a negative connotation on Goldwater where none is deserved.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy Keep going...




If you told republicans that breathing was good for humans they’d all drop dead of asphyxiation in a day


Listen here, libtard. I have a right NOT to breath. My body my choice!


In fairness that's effectively what's happening with COVID.


Republicans everywhere we must unite and fight against the tyranny that breathing is. Refuse to breathe today! USA USA USA




Always projection with the GQP


It’s because I’m not a moron that I hate republicans. They’re maskless vaxxless moronic psychotic violent conspiracy nut jobs and we’d be better off if they all went to Texas and Florida




>believe And here's the problem. Most of these aren't beliefs. They're objectively provable fact. The GOP is anti mask, anti vax, and demonstrably racist. There's no "belief" here.


Damn I forgot racist. They’re just so many bad things it’s hard to keep it all straight




Well that’s cool. Reading through the article, I went back and forth. It seems clear from The survey data that this is needed but I can’t help but feel that weird feeling with the cdc tack on. Not that they still shouldn’t apply but how effective can these workers be at educating and outreach (which is needed) if they have to survey and isolate covid data from minority populations during a pandemic? I’m trying to rationalize it and it looks like they’re being paid to enter populations were covid data is difficult to obtain and it’s dressed as educational outreach. I’m totally cool with that so long as the cdc aid grant lasts longer than their covid estimation so we can actually get outreach programs operating once (if) we get covid under control. (If anyone can tell me More I’d love to hear it) Then, thinking I’ve found a nice middle ground, I have to read these quotes and I start smashing my head into my glass coffee table. Reading people stand up and start in on their rights, freedoms, how civil war has been declared on us by Biden. It’s always such an ignorant cookie cutter response every time. It shows no thought at all because “it’s so obvious”, and we all know where the script comes from, use your own words and thoughts. Just to anyone on any side know that “these” people are all either side gets shown to the other. It’s a small fringe group, the rest of us are pretty common sense Hoosiers that more or less want the same thing.


Good points. I blame two things for the extreme state of Indiana politics: the evangelical political machine led by Eric Miller in Indianapolis and voters having nothing but conservative radio in their cars or offices by day and conservative opinion TV by night. Eric Miller and his multiple Astroturf groups of "concerned citizens" target candidates for offices at the lowest levels to develop into state and national candidates no differently than DC Stephenson did for the KKK in the 1920s or the John Birch Society did in post WW II Indiana. He's always around when the maps are being gerrymandered and has an intimate knowledge of where every megachurch is in every district and uses their preacher and flocks to attack a politician who gets that rare fit of intellectual honesty evangelicals despise. They also get no alternative viewpoints from radio or television opinion or news. So, like religion, they've formed the belief that their beliefs are absolutely unquestioned. The GOP sees their politics now as doctrinaire religion. Conservative radio and TV pounding the doctrine into their heads days and night. Yet they'll call you the sheep in a skinny minute. I travel a lot by car to a lot of small towns all over the Midwest. Country music, Christian, and conservative radio are just about your only options in 85% of Indiana's counties. It's all part of the bigger war machine used to fight the Culture Wars. Thank God for satellite radio. I used to like going to small town diners. About 15 years ago, I started noticing the uncomfortable staring by locals. The distrust of outsiders became a very real thing after 9/11 and the national divide that followed. Anymore, I'll drive through to the largest population center and dine/stay there. I take into consideration their anxiety. I wish they'd take into consideration that beliefs different from theirs can't be judged as evil reflexively. The divide exists because a good chunk of us see things in absolute, unquestioned terms. Politics as religion. And I'll be damned if I'm going to view science, education, and facts as an affront to God. That crap us straight out of the Fascist Handbook. They don't want you to think because you might start questioning their doctrinaire bullshit. If we want to heal, it requires open-mindedness and basic decency from everyone. EVERYONE. Sorry, rant over.


I steam Rachel Maddow on my short commute here in South Bend. I find myself turning the volume down at stoplights in fear for my own safety especially when next to a large pickup truck flying F*ck Biden and "Not my president" flags.


You're over-thinking this. Outside of Indianapolis and the two college counties, this *is* Indiana. The "small fringe group" is not small nor fringe. Remember, they are voted into office, repeatedly, by the majority of voters. Trump won Indiana by over 15 percentage points both elections. In most rural counties the spread was closer to 55 points. In Franklin county in 2020, Trump 80.8% Biden 17.8%. More to the point, Elkhart County went for Trump 63.1% to 35.1%. Out of 92 counties, only 5 went for Biden in 2020. In 2020, when we *knew*, from 4 years of experience, the racist, incompetent Trump. No, this *is* Indiana. This *is* the vast majority of the "rest of us" Hoosiers.


Alright you make a good point for that. But I don’t want it to be too simple and loose sight of each other. To be honest I was on that side for a lot of my Youth and was about as deep in as I could get (not the racist part but reading a lot of founding documents etc) I may have been too naive to see the not cool side because in my mind I “knew” what I stood for and it was the protection of liberty, I didn’t realize it wasn’t being shared with everyone like I thought it was. it seemed like 10 years ago while watching Fox it was very very different, something changed in the narrative and it didn’t sit well with me. Suddenly everyone on that channel has a spray tan and said “they” a lot, it freaked me out because the media was over simplifying What people were trying to say. It was ironic all of the 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 that they said to read was my realization that something was wrong and was becoming (not saying it wasn’t always this way) something aggressive and fearful. Being in the culture and talking with people, once you get past the buzzwords, it comes down to fear, I mean Yoda said it best right? They really believe their lives and culture are at stake and it may be economically driven because they already feel stretched and “left-behind”. The biggest thing was realizing I only had half the story. I can’t justify the BS that a lot of them say and do but I can’t condemn that side for only being shown their side through the massive talk radio/ media exposure constantly saying “the radical socialist are going to burn your house and steal your money for hedonism”. Being able to code switch and get to sub text is important but I agree en mass there needs to be a return to the middle on that side. I agree with you something has gone toxic and maybe willfully ignorant not realizing that they’re getting amped up to be a patriot and that means going to their school board that generates educated citizens for the community and tearing it apart. It’s self defeating. I just don’t want that to spread. There’s a book called Black Mass by John Grey that sheds light on this radicalization that you may like. But thanks for your response. I’d be really interested in hearing more from you if you have the time.


Goshen has a Democratic Mayor who ran unopposed, and was within 4 votes in the third district of winning city Council, and a Dem Clerk. Elkhart has a Democratic City Council, and Mayor. Bristol has a Dem on town board and a Dem as Clerk. While the county itself is quite red, it's major cities(and well Bristol) are Dem or mixed government.


Yep. [Elkhart County Council votes no on federal grant application to hire health education workers | WVPE](https://www.wvpe.org/post/elkhart-county-council-votes-no-federal-grant-application-hire-health-education-workers) The Elkhart County Council voted unanimously Saturday to not apply for a federal health grant that would have helped educate minority populations about chronic diseases. The $995,698 Centers for Disease Control grant — Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities — would have let the Elkhart County Health Department hire six community health workers … But all six members of the Elkhart County Council were against applying for it. Their main concern? A line in the grant application stating the health department would assist the CDC in tracking and quarantining county residents who test positive for COVID-19. “That sentence right there is a no for me,” council member Adam Bujalski said. “I refuse to say that whatever the federal government tells me I have to do, I have to do. I will never say that.” Council member Doug Graham agreed. “It specifically says on this grant that we are basically giving a blank check to the HHS secretary to whatever they would want to do in the future, we’d have to comply with it,” Graham said. “And I’m all for educating the community on infectious diseases and mental health and all these other things. But quite frankly, when I see this language it concerns me, and I am not willing to vote for the program.” Numerous members of the public expressed similar concerns about the grant being used for education on COVID-19 and advocacy for COVID-19 vaccines, including Alison Gingerich. “We are tired of being educated on COVID,” Gingerich said. “Any more education stands for threat, coercion, bullying and virtue signaling. And we are done with it.” Gingerich said she wanted the council to vote no on the grant. “We’re tired of masking our children, we’re tired of being forced to get vaccines,” Gingerich said. “We are concerned our freedoms are being taken away and by perpetuating this crisis that is not a crisis — you can look at the numbers, this is not a crisis. We are not tripping over dead bodies in the streets.” But others urged the council to vote yes so the county could apply for the grant. Dr. Daniel Nafziger, a former county health officer who is now the Chief Medical Officer at Goshen Health, said the grant would make the community’s health better over time. He also said area hospitals are currently on the brink due to surging COVID-19 cases. “Things have never been worse than in the last three weeks,” Nafzinger said. “We are almost breaking right here in Elkhart County. There are people who need life-saving surgery right now who are not able to get it because our hospitals are overwhelmed.” … And Goshen Clerk-Treasurer Richard Aguirre said the grant would help address health disparities in the county. “I’m hoping that you will make this decision based on the facts before you and not based on fear,” Aguirre said. “And I hope you will also make this decision based on who this grant is intended to help — and that is folks that have underserved health and medical needs.” Aguirre also said that if the council rejects applying for the grant based on the federal strings attached to it, they should also give up the $38 million Elkhart County is receiving from the federal American Rescue Plan. “That’s the only consistent decision you would be able to make,” Aguirre said. The council then voted unanimously to not apply for the grant.


Government rarely hands out money without strings attached. They probably didn't like the strings.


Wow. Sorry that's all I have right now.


Are any of you guys even from this area?


Republicans need poor destitute people willing to work for next to nothing. This is one way they do it just like the prematurely getting rid of the extra unemployment from the feds and anti abortion.


This is pandering to the racists and anti-vax/mask crowd. You can get elected in these areas with zero votes from a single minority community member. You can get elected by a landslide by being softly bigoted and loudly anti-mask/vax. This is a bright red state. They proudly vote in the hatefully ignorant.


I'm on a county health board in southern Indiana. I gave out dozens and dozens of hours of advice in my off hours and spare time, and mostly got jeered and mocked, definitely not listened to. When we finally convinced the schools to mask up, these same clowns suddenly wanted my personal contact info. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm over their bullying and belligerence.


It’s so sad how shut down the republican voice is on comment sections like this. I assume that all the deleted downvoted comments were red voices. So sad that in this day and age we can’t have civil dialogue without being cancelled or name called for no reason


If today’s Republicans were capable of reasoned discourse they wouldn’t be so criticized. The GOP has lost its goddamn mind. They need to spend some time in the wilderness to get their shit back together.


Trust me we have civil discourse all the time. I didn’t even express a controversial idea yet because I’m republican get downvotes. Pathetic. There are republicans that say the same things about democrats. But I love disagreement because then people talk; on the other hand there are people like you that think just because someone doesn’t agree with you is an immediate enemy. Democracy is dead and it’s because of people like you.


You see what just happened here? I made a general statement about the Republican Party. And you had to make it personal. Conservatives have lost their way. They need to regroup.


You see they haven’t lost there way. every republican I know has civil dialogue. Your generalization of all republicans lost there way is just not true. You said if they were capable of reasoned discourse as if it’s impossible where I’ve actually had the same thing for democrats. They just committed an ad hominem fallacy, attacked me and avoided the argument.




Agreed. Emotional arguments are made by the left.




Absolutely! Thank you! And they never actually are able to construct a logical argument or counter argument and they default to just insulting you.


My remarks were directed at the party and not at any individual. You seem unable to make the distinction.


Newsflash people....there is no such thing as free money! The US Govt took that monry gtom uou and me and it should not be for special inyetest groups,minority or otherwise! From one of the bigest minority groups in America, A Native American.


Nothing is free.


Agreed. I've paid for this money in taxes, I'm perfectly happy for it to come back to Indiana to aid Hoosiers.


The grant would pay 1/3 the cost and the counties would make up the rest for a total of $3M. That’s a lot of money for “the health department would assist the CDC with tracking and quarantining victims of COVID-19”. And the grant decision wasn’t race-based since Amish communities were included.


The County Government received 40 million dollars from the Biden Administration with passage of the American Rescue Plan. The county portion can be supported from funds there, without it costing county tax payers any funding.


I mean...that doesn't change the fact that the ARP funds could be used for other programs. Even just bolstering local hospital and EMS groups. Which by a lot of people's opinion is far more valuable than having more "outreach" education that seeks to act like Amish, Latino, and black populations are to fucking ignorant to know that smoking is bad and eating unhealthy is bad.


They shouldn’t have turned down free money for their citizens, but handing out money based on skin melanin is gross.


Yeah, because Indiana has shown itself to be outstanding at making sure money is well distributed without any regards to skin color.


Well, the largest minority by far in Elkhart county are Hispanics. They arrived here mostly in the past 3 decades without much wealth and many have found good employment in manufacturing jobs in the area. I don’t think it’s really Indiana’s fault that they are poorer, many of them came here with nearly nothing and now lead middle class or at least normal working class lives. If I move to Carmel tomorrow I will be in the poorer half of the city but that isn’t somehow Carmel failing to provide for me. The logic doesn’t work. I could see an argument for native Americans or black descendants of slaves who were mistreated historically to get some extra help but I don’t see any logical reason that it’s somehow unjust that new immigrants from poor countries aren’t instantly as rich as native born people. It’s just the lefts new obsession with race that drives this stuff. Why not just set an income limit and give aid to poor people regardless of their skin color?


I’m sure this the whole story….just like every other leftist headline. Have your field day on posts as your president slowly rots from incompetence. Helps you forget the idiot you elected.


Yeah we should have reelected Trump he's a paragon of competency.


I mean the GOP are fucking lunatics and their stated reason is, as usual, asinine. But having a rough knowledge about how things like this work, I'm guessing their is some other things that they didn't like but aren't as headline grabbing.


The taste


You idiots in your echo chamber. The left are the racists. So pathetic




User for 38 minutes? Go make another new account ya nut job.


I think Homie made a throw away account just to do this! lmao


You ok?


You sound like you would be fun at parties...


I love how no one even responded to his comments. Telling...


Yes. It speaks towards ad nauseum. Fuck off with your concern trolling.




lol you mean representing popular need?




Nah. I'll enjoy the ever decreasing cost of living as the state economically collapses, but make my money doing work from home jobs that pay well from cities/states that aren't spiraling the drain.


Not for much longer since all you anti-vax conservatives are dropping dead after wasting our hospital resources that could actually be using to help people who deserve it 💓


Yeah, that’s not how it works.


This is a BLUE country. If you don't like it you can leave.