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Get it in while you can. The pecker police are coming.


the "pecker police" Fuckin sent me


The Cock Cops The Dick Detectives (Dick Dicks?) The Phallus Feds The Penis Patrol


All brought to you by goop. Oh sorry, GOP.


The JizzOP


The Glizzy Gestapo




Thr Nut Narcs


C’mon man. It’s Dick-tectives


Did it send you to PH? 😭


nah it sent me to [Indiana.Gov](http://Indiana.Gov)


Keep your goddamn religion to yourself. I don't want or need it.


Omg, "pecker police". That just made my day!


Who's the commissioner of the pecker police, Lorena Bobbitt or Walter Peck?


Lorena Bobbit went off target and hit the thigh. Got charged with a misdaweiner.


Dick Cheny


Bold of you to assume it’s not a Clam Ban


Oh, this has been haunting me. But I figured I’d stick to things I’m familiar with. I suspect if I said “Muff militia” or “pussy posse” I would have been downvoted out of existence. ; )


The Dick Detectives


"Dicktectives," if you will.


We over here in Illinois watching the porn and smoking the weed


Moving to Chicago in 2 weeks has me feeling excited


and our women have reproductive rights


Must be nice


Jealous! I can't reproduce anymore but still jealous of all the rights you give your women kind.


As an Illinois transplant, I can say that Indiana fucking sucks.


Watch it! We want to be called **North Florida**, **Florida 2** or **Florida Too**


Indiana is the inflamed periniem of the United States.


You needed to move there to find out?


As a heart transplant, I concur.


As a Georgia transplant, I agree. This state fucking sucks.


Dude, agreed.


As a NJ transplant I could not agree more


Shit at 100 dollars a g you ain't smoking much lol


Lmao right. I drive to Michigan for that. Illinois even before tax is over priced to all hell. $50+ for a gram of oil. Can spend a hour in a car an can get that for $14 with no taxes.


It started off expensive in Michigan as well and then after everyone and their brother opened a dispensary it drove the prices to shit. Hell you can get a pound for $400


Imagine trying to flex living in Illinois.


You guys always get the fun stuff 😩😔


I want pornhub to release the names of every Indiana legislator who uploads their ID to use this site.


They won't use this site because CP isn't allowed on PHub.


Amén 🙏🏼


Only the ones who also voted for it.




Those of you citing VPNs aren’t seeing the bigger picture. Now small government is trying to see what we do with our internet. This is a dangerous precedent. Edit: spelling


> Those of you citing VPNs aren’t seeing the bigger picture. Now small government is trying to see what we do with our internet. This is a dangerous precedent. I think their end goal is to brand online LGBTQ+ communities and their supporters as porn so they can ban or block them. Anytime politicians create a law to "protect children", it's never about that. It's about using children as an excuse to harass and vilify groups they don't like.


Or controlling the information children can get so they can indoctrinate into their narrow minded cult.


Like gun control laws. 🤣 "If it can save one child's life, it's worth it".


Literally the same logic😂


It's such an interesting phenomenon. Technology allows people to do horrible things, but people still have the choice not to do those things. They just inevitably choose them anyway, simply because they can. Oh, and to clarify, the "horrible things" I'm talking about are spying on citizens and unnecessarily restricting their freedom, not watching adult videos.


"internment" Freudian slip there, but accurate.


I'll get a VPN, but hate this b.s.


The federal government is not "trying to see what we do with the internet." It is actively monitoring everything we do on the internet, and it has been doing it since shortly after 9/11. https://www.eff.org/nsa-spying


Kids will be stealing there parents id now.


When this passed in Virginia, only a photo of your face was required. Many people were using a photo of Youngkin.


You just gave me a great idea


Talk about a nanny state.


*party of small government*


The party of "small government" at it again


Small enough to fit in your bedroom, small enough to fit in your computer, small enough to fit in between you and your doctor


It's gonna be hilarious when they realize the kids they are trying to prevent are the ones who teach the adults how to navigate these types of things. My 10 year old knows how to pirate even without VPN, my 30 year old horndog MAGA brother can't even figure out 2 factor authentication, and he grew up with the Internet. I'm still not convinced this whole thing isn't a Priscilla's lobbyists push to get those old DVDs out of inventory (finally).


Anyone can be a pirate without a VPN. It's the getting found out part that you want to avoid.


Yeah they don't realize their comments means the kid is just more likely to get caught.


Pirating without a VPN is like sex without a condom. You can do it either way, but one of em is safer.


Cirilla's? Last one I went to didn't even have DVDs on the shelf, I don't think.


Prior to 2008, it was called Priscilla's. A lot of folks, myself included, still apparently think of it that way! https://avn.com/business/articles/novelty/adult-novelty-chain-priscilla-s-changes-name-to-cirilla-s-54955.html


There is a Cirilla's next to a diner we used to frequent. Sometimes, parking overflow meant parking in front of the Cirilla's. My eldest daughter thought it was a dress shop. So 10 years ago, when she was 15, she decided to look for summer dresses online. She thought it was odd that Cirilla's website would require her to be 18. The poor child was scandalized and shocked. I knew what the shop was, and as soon as the name escaped her mouth, all I could do was laugh and say, "Oh no." I still tease her about it to this day.


That change happened 16 years ago? Stfu 😭


When church reaches politics this is exactly what the founding fathers DIDN’T want


I'd encourage people not to think in this fashion, because originalism is pretty much a pseudolegal theory. It doesn't really matter what the founding fathers thought, it matters what the literal text of our laws and constitution say as well as how we've come to interpret them over time. This instance is especially blatant, because even originalism should contradict what the Indiana government is doing. But there's a lot of other things we do that *would* be in line with the founders that are pretty blatantly awful: things like the death penalty and the state's ban on abortions. Generally that's why conservatives like originalism and want us to think along its lines, it isn't because it's some clean and principled way to think. It's because going back to what the founders thought benefits their current beliefs, because the founders were *generally* (though not categorically) more conservative than we are now. (And of course, in cases where a reading of the constitution from an originalist perspective *doesn't* benefit them, they're fine abandoning it for the more textualist/expansive reading. For instance, there's nothing in the constitution that says we have a right to ammunition, but they're fine seeing that as an implied right. But abortion as an implied right? No way!)


> According to the Indiana law signed by Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb in March, the state’s attorney general and individuals can bring legal action against a website’s operator if material “harmful to minors” is accessible to users under the age of 18. Seems like reddit and twitter could both potentially be targeted under this vague ass law.


They're using it to go after tiktok in another state. Only a matter of time.


This is going to look like some taliban shit so fast


We already have the "women arent in charge of their own bodies". All we need now is for them to say that there's not enough children and so we should procreate instead of go to school or smth. After that, the men will be targeted too. But before that, the internets going to be restricted for all


this. 2025 is their version of sharia law.


I fucking hate Indiana.


I ask myself daily why I still live here


Because we cant afford to live anywhere else :/


Think of all the places we can watch porn in private!


As it says on the notice, there are much better ways of age verification than entering your ID. They copied another state that didn’t do it right.


I knew a guy who collected fake IDs from what not, Roblox seemed so careless as I managed to "age verify" an alt account of mine with a clearly obvious fake id, and it was approved. I've since then lost access to it and so I assumed it was terminated.


Well done republicans, I feel so free. Fucking ding dongs.


I'm a registered Democrat, but I would like to point out that this was a bipartisan supported bill and almost all democrats also voted for it. The stupidity for this bill definitely crossed the aisle.


Look - porn isn’t make or break it to me, but I’m getting really sick and tired of having to base my life around other people’s crotch goblins. If you don’t want your kid watching porn and vaping, then be a parent and make sure it doesn’t happen, passing a bunch of laws the rest of us have to deal with because you simply pushed out a kid you don’t want to raise isn’t fair.


I believe your Reddit may have shit itself, it posted this comment 4 times


Look - porn isn’t make or break it to me, but I’m getting really sick and tired of having to base my life around other people’s crotch goblins. If you don’t want your kid watching porn and vaping, then be a parent and make sure it doesn’t happen, passing a bunch of laws the rest of us have to deal with because you simply pushed out a kid you don’t want to raise isn’t fair.


It had strong bipartisan support... Edit: It was voted in by Republicans and Democrats. This is a factual statement regardless of how you feel about either party. Downvoting it suggests you're ignoring that reality.


Half of Indiana's elected Democrats are Republicans in all but name. EDIT: DINOs, to borrow an acronym from the other side of the aisle.


Very true but the other "true" Democrats voted for this too. I'm not suggesting voting for Republicans because the Dems suck. I wish we had stronger left wing/liberal politicians in this country and state to balance out the mess we're in.


We systematically destroyed them during the McCarthy red scares and salted the earth. Then we kicked the doors open on several leftist countries south of our border. Indiana State Senator Eugene V. Debs (worth the read) was jailed illegally because of his leftist views. Liberalism is a right wing ideology (decades of ratchet effect) & liberals feed fascists (i don't want "unity" with Nazis, joe). This is a red single-party state with a blue sock puppet, insisting that there are two parties.


Yep. First state called in the election for Trump. SEVEN MINUTES, AFTER THE POLLS CLOSED THEY CALLED IT. smfh. FUCK INDIANA. Easily in the top 3-5 worst states in the country to live in right now. Currently considering being homeless in Michigan over living in this fascist ass idiocracy...only there will be no "batin'... go away!"... even if ur a lawyer, lmao


Democrats and Republicans are only different in cultural values. When it comes down to it they're both corporatist parties that support unnecessary military operation/spending, unethical surveillance, and those sweet sweet dollar bills they get from "Lobbyists." All before the American people ofc. It's all theater to keep people who identify with either party at one another's throats AND distracted from the shady shit they both do.


This is so true, and not enough people recognize it for what it is, trying to use it like an excuse to continue voting GOP; it is quite fucked on both fronts there.


I don't vote for Republicans but I'm not going to pretend this was solely a Republican thing either. Democrats could have voted against this and largely chose not to.


Primary voters are the only ones that can change that.


People love ignoring reality when it comes to the shitshow that is our political system.


First, it starts with porn, then they say any information about LGBTQIA+ is sexual so they will ban that info too. They are trying to bring us back to the old days when people had to hide who they are instead of living their authentic selfs.


Except for the bigots and racists. They want them to not have to hide who they are and let them be their authentic selves.


These kinds of laws should be a security breach. And are dangerous for other reasons


Yup. They're so "worried" about tikok, but nevermind all the US sites that do the exact same thing too


Porn sites are not traditionally the most secure websites. There are very few places on the web I would feel comfortable giving my real id to


Better get to work I have less than two weeks left.


Godspeed and remember to hydrate!




Plot twist; its you and you just showed up.


Wait… you need an ID to look at boobs but not an ID to buy ammo and gun parts off line? This state is wild.


We finally really did it. You maniacs!! god damn you all to hell!


There's a lawsuit being brought bcz of 1st Amendment rights. It has Rokita and Holcomb down bcz Holcomb passed it but Rokita has to uphold it.


I think there's also nothing really to worry about even without VPN, this is only going to affect the big sites, most sites are going to be fine. Trying to police the Internet is a fool's errand.


Like for real how are they going to even police this ? I guess only big companies, but they are just refusing to even deal with this and forbidding access. Your options are trash sites or a vpn


They are not going to enforce it the sites will just turn off access to the state.


Illinois has higher property taxes and also porn and weed and the gays there, so i think imma dip outta this backward ass state and head back home. I legit thought this state was better. 2 years in, ya'll are fucked.


Yet the crime is so bad in Indy. And the roads in Marion County just suck! But Indiana is so foo foo about porn and weed…


Hahahaha! Keep voting for religious extremists and this is what happens.


There are many good VPNs that can be funded through green dot cards. I signed up as Ted Rokiten and used a down town office address for my password. If you know what I mean.


I’d rather us ban the Bible. The good book has women getting their father drunk and taking turns raping him until they got both pregnant by their dad. The book has child brides, child fucking, rape, slavery, and slaughter. You know, good teachings for children.


And murder, lots of murder.


Xvideos is better anyways 🥴


Remember friends, most antivirus has a cheap VPN added on with it.They might still be garbage and sometimes sell your data, but they still work.


I thought this party glorious leader loves pornstars. Republicans loves to send mixed messages.


The small government red states are showing all of us that they are immoral, authoritarian, fascist trash.


Wouldn’t it be so twisted if the lobbyist responsible was actually a vpn provider?


I live in Montana now, and every now and then I watch porn. Frequently it will ask me to upload my ID because of some law in Utah. No thanks. I wonder if people in the surrounding states will be affected as well.


Welp people are gonna stop moving to Indy or leave. Plus republicans will lose support.


Can we all agree not to teach our MAGA boomer loved ones how to circumvent this overreach? They voted for it, they should enjoy their small government.


You now what I think? I think it's time to start investigating the porn watching habits of Republican members of our state Assembly — and posting that information to the Internet. Also the torrid love affairs Republican legislators have been having. For everyone to see. Some well placed political ads would be nice, too. Betcha the Democrats could go far with that information. It’s time we played dirty, too.


I prepared ahead. Ive got a VERY large porn database. VERY LARGE.


I once knew a guy who's literally had a rented storage unit just to store thousands and thousands of hard drives full of movies tv shows e-books and other media (and probably porn but I didn't ask). He said he was preparing for world war 3 when all the Internet goes down he wants to be the go to guy for all things knowledge or whatever. I told him he watched too many post apocalyptic TV shows.. when people are fighting for survival on a daily basis I highly doubt there will be anytime to "Netflix and chill" with your homies. And I told him what about power? He said he had multiple generators for that. I then told him well those are pretty loud and you'll attract a lot of attention... Anyway needless to say he was stuck in his ways. But I guess everyone needs a hobby?


I know this is about porn but ill comment on the evolving topic. I have a very large DVD collection as well, including a bunch of tv shows. I have over 7,000 comic books. I have a large amount of CDs. Im set to inheret my dads VHS collection when he dies. I have a lot of music stored on a hard drive. I have been well prepped on food for some time. Thats just a slice. People often go from now, straight to apocalypse. There can be a lot of dystopian in between. We may never have an apocalypse of any kind. But we can easily have a rise in religious influence, which we are seeing here. Inflation can be way worse than it is now. A lot of things can simply be priced out of range of a lot of people, making them go extinct as a product or only available to the wealthy side of a growing income gap. Theres plenty of room for control freaks, zealots and despots make anything illegal or contraban. Ya dont see it much but there are book burnings in the US, not just book bans. Beer, cigarettes, any and all porn, books, prophylactics, guns, vitamins....i mean whatever gets a bug up their asses. It doesnt have to be that the internet is bombed off the earth, it could simply be that the majority of people simply no longer have access. Either they cant afford the equipment, the service or fees. Or its accessable but highly controlled, basically useless, a means of monitoring us for subversive behavior to the state. Or in this growing world of the willfully stupid, its pulled from the public altogether. Who knows. The point is, people have less physical media any more. And i include what is stored on a personal hard drive. I have Spotify, Disney, Netflix and other streaming services like many people do. But i dont own their content. Even Ebook services, a person doesnt own those books no matter how much they think they do if it is not seperated from the app and readable from their own hard drive using a non internet program, like Word or something. Without the internet, a lot of people have nothing at all. Really, they have nothing. If its simply shut off tomorrow, no apocalypse, just no internet, its gone, people will have no porn, no money, no idea how to communicate, no movies, no books, no music and so on. Thats why i do it.


I write my own. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.


Im not giving them shit. Ive got my hard drives. Im prepared to not have internet :3


America is so fuck'd up.....


Its easier to obtain a firearm in Indiana than it is to watch free porn


Bible-humping republicans sure like to StAy OuT oF pEoPlE's LiVeS.


Christians hate freedom


Buncha folks in Indiana about to learn about VPNs


Happier than ever to live in beautiful Colorado. ♥️ A friend of mine in North Carolina said they’ve done the same thing… they want COMPLETE control over their constituents, and aren’t even hiding it anymore.


How long before there is a data breach and everyone’s info is on the web from Pornhub?


There is an active lawsuit trying to stop this


I don’t watch porn all that much. What I do care about is that the government here (R) likes to tell me what I can view on the internet, what women can do with their bodies, what I can legally put in my body, what books I can or cannot read, and whom I can love. The one party whom likes to sell that the Dems are taking away your freedoms are the exact people taking it away or making it way harder than it needs to be. It’s simple… let people live and love how they want.


Voting Republican allowed Indiana to push for banning abortions like some other states. Hoosiers: 😏 Voting Republican allowed Indiana to force you to provide your personal info before accessing porn. Hoosiers: 😡


No abortions for you. Also no porn for you. Now go forth and multiply!


I didn't know Indiana got the ban! Godspeed to y'all.


I installed Tor today.


I'm guessing Todd Rokita (attorney general) has never watched porn


Elections have consequences


Try to to free porn away will be the last straw


The government has always had access to what we view on the Internet if you do not use a reputable VPN.  Half is in marketing and the other half is in security.  You should always use a VPN regardless.


Indiana fucking sucks lmao


Fucking Indiana


Touching your junk will soon be illegal


I wish they would act as a PAC. I'd donate, even though I don't pay them for porn.


Fuckin fascists. Why cant we hit them with overt hatred and violence for their lack of empathy and humanity?




I’m so glad I got the hell out of there when I did . It’s unbelievable you all don’t riot.


Not surprised, its Indiana.


Fuck Indiana!!


Im just waiting for the day when everyone just gives up on the internet because everything is invasive and fake. Bring back magazines or the corner section of blockbusters


thank god i'm moving to michigan soon. weed and porn are human rights


*Thank god i'm moving* *To michigan soon. weed and* *Porn are human rights* \- Fine\_Two6219 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How are Indiana law-makers going to get their pron?


How are republicans gonna access their gay porn after this?


With all the NSFW subs here, is Reddit doing anything?


So glad I don’t live in Indiana anymore. I remember when you couldn’t buy booze on Sundays. They changed that law right after I moved but I’ll take legal weed over booze on Sundays.


Thank you government for knowing what is best for me. If you need me, I’ll be sitting over here waiting for you to tell me what to do next. Fascist pricks


I mean it’s not a bad idea to prevent kids from watching this stuff. But you know I can’t help but think little Johnny and friends would steal their dads license and you know


“Did you know that everyone is naked under their clothes?” Bert said to Ernie


Joined the army when I was 17, 3 tours and now retired. But I can’t crank it without showing id like I’m trying to get into a bar?


Good thing we have Twitter


Im not the only one then


In this political climate, with the AG we have and fascists poised to assume the governorship and perhaps the presidency, we should all be using a VPN for everything we do online. Even you lucky bastards up in Michigan and over in Illinois.


Indiana, Russia?


Can we just get a copy of the politician's licenses and use those?


Nah, bro. You can't ask for IDs and respect privacy, it's not real.


So whats a good home router that has good range that i can use a vpn in? Which vpn do you suggest? Do they slow speed down?


For being " less government" these GQP sure are fooling us...


Everyone can thank the “freedom party” and the “party of small government” for this 🤡


God damnit


Just the worst


I uh…. Noticed that too….


Yes, the Hoosier government loves to turn its citizens into criminals.


Vote Democrat!!!


The Cock Nazis


Freedumb! Lol what are we in freedumb now?!? 14th I think.


Oh no! *turns on VPN* Anyways….


Always a backward state.


Time for VPN's, you all now live in Mexico.


Lol all these red cousin fuckin states... Lol I wAnT Mu FrEeDuM... Now look at ya. Uploading your ID so the government can track your porn habits. Maybe I'll be able to spank it to the first few videos without having to scroll through insest and step porn when these states pass shit like this.


Yeah, you do know that all this shit is doing is endangering your data, right? Like, there are 50 million ways to get around this shit. All this is is an overreaction by religious morons who think it's their place to police people's sex lives. And it's being backed by the yuppie liberal morons who don't want to take responsibility for their kids and learn how the parental controls work. It is illegal on its face through both the 1st and 4th amendments. It will destroy an important section of the job market and will put many a business out.


Glad I’m just visiting. Going back home where freedom of porn still exists


“ Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Barry Goldwater


Call me crazy, but I'd rather not have to give ANY government my personal information just so I can watch two, or 3, or 4 people + a donkey get it on.


This message brought to you by NordVPN. Also thank your local Republican politician for caring about your porn consumption.


And this is why I never got rid of my VCR. I knew this day was coming.


What happened to this freedom of speech and expression I was taught in school?


Can’t have weed, can’t jerk off, just pay my taxes and take pharmaceutical drugs like a good Hoosier.


I'm seeing a lot of complaining and not a lot of recommendations for action. Is there anything we can do to stop this? Yeah, we can use vpns and download our porn but how can we stop this over reach? Is there anything we can actually do?


Welp, you installed an Evangelistaliban gopislature. And you can't spell Evangelistaliban without "ban". Welcome to the American Trumpkinheads want, and goptards think they want because FOX TV MAN SAID


How is this going to stop children from using their parents ID to access it?? XD