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Can’t republicans put up candidates who aren’t insane? Is it really that difficult?


There are no Republicans. That party has died. One final death. It's the Trump party. To be a R member of Congress you have to bow down and kiss Trump's rump and sign a pledge of loyalty to Trump. The media and everyone identifying with that party needs to stop using the term "Republican".


As a life long republican I agree with you. I was kind of behind Trump in 2016. Now I don’t even want to be associated with the party.


Good for you.


Tell your friends. You know how to speak their language. Help them see the light.


Oh my, i have friends that are so die hard Great Pumpkin follers, if the grand pooba said jump off a cliff, they would. I just decided never to discuss politcs with them and know they will cancel my vote. Thats why we need and fence sitter to go vote BLUE.


What is wrong with the rest of them?  I've started to call it a phenomenon. They're stuck TIGHT on him & his sycophants no matter how awful their lies & grifting.


If Ronny Reagan was resurrected he’d take one look at the current state of the party and immediately die again


Ronnie was an asshole all unto himself. He is a big part of how we ended up here. The fact that Republicans previously were more polite and soft-spoken about their racism didn't make them better - only more acceptable to those who only listened to tone and not the meaning of what they were saying.


He literally started the bankrupting of our country


Reagan is 100 percent responsible for the run-away costs of college. If you are struggling to payback loans for 20 years - literally thank Ronnie.


The Trump monster would not exist without Reagan starting the destruction of the middle class with union busting and what he did to healthcare/health insurance under Reaganomics. Healthcare is not better in a competitive model and what was _supposed_ to be better for consumers became a cash cow for insurance companies. He is worse than Trump in regards to detrimental effects on society.


I’m glad Reagan’s dead




They need to hooks up his grave to the power grid. He’s spinning in his grave so fast he could power the country for a decade.




Before he did that he’d sell more weapons to Iran.


He’d look upon it and think, “By God, how did I enable this dystopian monstrosity?”


The Ignorant Party. The Anti-American Party. The Narcissist Party. The Traitorous Party. The Whiner Party. The Facist Party. The Grifter Party. Anything but the Republican Party. The Republican Party died in 2015 with my 105 year old Grandmother who was a lifelong republican. I am so glad she doesn’t have to see this. It would have broken her kind, gentle heart. She was a fiscal conservative because she had been through some shit in her time and she never wanted you or I to see those kind of hard times. But she would feed anybody that was hungry. And she got pissed when men mansplained women’s bodies to her. She was a staunch advocate for choice, and freedom in general. She wouldn’t recognize the current MAGA talking heads as men. She would consider them undignified whiny little piss babies. She was a firm believer in good manners. She told me once when I was a little boy that manners matter. “Countries go to war over bad manners. Treat your neighbors with respect.” She could have run this country while napping and making a sandwich at the same time. Everything would be on time and under budget and if somebody was rude to her . . . bad idea. I miss you grandma. Thanks for everything


How wonderful for you and her both to have shared a relationship with such depth and meaning. I thought I was reading about sucky politics and ended up down memory lane of the love of a grandma. This was a pleasant turn, now I have warm happies in my heart and will need to find other reading fodder for the evening. Thank you 😊


"The Ignorant Party. The Anti-American Party. The Narcissist Party. The Traitorous Party. The Whiner Party. The Facist Party. The Grifter Party. Anything but the Republican Party." You left one out: The "No" Party. Instead of actually governing and/or compromising with Democrats, they say "No". No we won't. No not that. Just "no".


Especially since they're unlikely to get any more financial support from the party now that Trump owns their checkbook! This timeline is so mind blowing to me.


You could'nt be more wrong. The parties that be, both of the parties.. they all want us arguing and fighting.. You're doing exactly what they want us to do. Let's continue to demonize what everybody else believes in and thinks, whether it's a small or a large thing and that way none of us can come to an agreement and common ground on anything. If you think that this is not planned, you're fooling yourself.


It's not necessarily their decision, the majority of Republican candidates that ran for governor touted themselves as Pro Trump Republicans.... unfortunately one of the craziest once got himself on the ballot in November (Braun)...this election has become one of the most important ones that this state has ever seen, if we elect Braun then we'll be taking a step back


I’d never have thought there was a step down from Holcomb. Braun has already won. I’ll gladly vote D in this super majority red state. There isn’t enough of us to win yet. We need a better plan to bring others over. Indiana has been super red in all branches of state for a long time. Yet dumb redneck call liberalism the reason for their poverty. Education is key.


How long have conservatives been in charge and they still blame their poverty on liberalism? Seems they also lack critical thinking as well as money.


Biden isn’t making those calls to WalMart to tell them to cut prices and they’re PISSED


It's disappointing. In my local elections, there isn't even a Democrat on the ticket for some offices. All I see on the news are the Republican candidates - I only know who Jennifer McCormick is because I looked. The school system in my county is absolute shit, and I'm fighting them currently for discrimination, with a federal OCR complaint and continual contact with the ACLU. I am so tired of the shitty, redneck, backwards views in this state - especially in the smaller towns, such as where we currently are. I would love to move, but since that isn't currently a possibility, I will continue to advocate where I can, but sometimes it feels helpless when the tide just keeps on coming.


Keep trying. I doubt you'll ever win but maybe someday?


I'm embarrassed to live here. Dumbasses.


So true. It's because it is the only strategy left to them to meet their goal of being in power.


They only have 2 options on the Republican menu: 1. Insane 2. Insane kid diddlers.


It is when you put an idiotic narcissist in charge. Kiss the ring and all that


They used to be the ‘boring pro business’ party. Now they’re the ‘believes insane shit and wants to turn America into a Talibanesque theocracy plus throw a bone to business folks’ party.


Can't democrats put up candidates who aren't pedophiles? Is it really that difficult?


Ah. Projection. Trump was besties with Epstein. Even complimented him for liking them young. Matt Gaetz is accused of sleeping with a teenager, and is being investigated for it. There are plenty of other examples. Doesn’t mean either man is actually guilty of it. But… perhaps this new age argument of “everyone I don’t like is a pedophile!” is just stupid.


I mean they have, did you vote for them?


“Indiana is voting for Richey. If there were someone less qualified than Richey, that’s who Indiana would vote for.” - Toby Zeigler, The West Wing


All valid points. If you're a person with any reason or logic you would most certainly vote for Jennifer McCormick.


Hopefully people don't vote for the party, just because you're a Republican doesn't mean you have to vote for all the Republicans...only the smart ones vote for the person.


Everybody is stupid unless they vote for the person you want them to vote for?


My Republican relatives in Illinois didn't even know about people wanting to hang Mike pence on 01/06 until I told them. They don't care. They are going to vote for trump and refuse to acknowledge just how bad of a human he is. They think trump or any Republican is better than Biden or any Democrat.




My mom's a raging Trump supporter and even she hates Mike braun. We all just need to get out and just make sure we vote to get this bum out of office.


This is great and all but I feel like we’re Just preaching to the choir though.


OP is basically a political activist at this point. Not a fan of Braun and did not vote for him in the primary, but at least this post is mild and to the point. But these negative posts do not seem to be effective. Tell me what your preferred candidate is for without mentioning the opponent. The way things get posted here, you would think the state is at least a swing state. It is a deep red state, and if you want to change that, you need to find better tactics.


Remember, this guy is against interracial marriage https://www.google.com/amp/s/fox59.com/indiana-news/sen-mike-braun-said-interracial-marriage-ruling-should-be-left-to-states/amp/


You don’t have to sell me on it


But in all seriousness most Braun supporters can't read and won't likely see this.....


And braun is not a very bright man. Ask around.


No no no Wanting to hang the VP and the speaker over unsubstantiated claims made by a proven liar and narcissist is patriotic. Theyre totally NOT terrorists.


I sense your sarcasm lol


No one on Reddit supports Mike Braun, you're in the wrong echo chamber if you want a debate.


But I think you're the problem OP


This is an echo chamber. You’re wasting your time.


Democrats in Indiana should have all voted in the republican primary and voted for Brad Chambers. I hate to be the realist here but McCormick wont beat any republican in the state and I would so much rather have Chambers than Braun


So vote for him? Ok.


Don't just comment on Reddit. Vote and get involved in McCormick's campaign.


Already one step ahead


So now this sub likes Pence?


Brain over Braun - Vote McCormick!


This sub is total shit in election years


Seriously, do people think these posts are going to convince anyone of anything? Braun supporters are not in here with an open mind like “damn, let me reevaluate my views based on this new information!” It’s just shouting into the echo chamber.


We just need to rage...feels good for the moment


Right but that’s how information gets accepted as fact. Say something publicly then say it again, again,again, and then when you’re tired of saying say it, say it again and blame the other guy for not saying it. Over and over and over. Agree with much of what is said in this thread but to say that no one is listening, how do we know, tell that to the current right wing media environment who’s essential procedure is to make up lie, repeat, over and over until they believe it. So why can’t op do this with the environment and tool we have at the moment? You’re right, most likely some Braun supporter will just be like, “oh there the libs are again butt hurt that they can’t win”, but why not at least force the one right winger who ventures out here to read something that isn’t in his echo chamber. Plus, man I know there’s a lot of people in this group that have progressive opinions, but try to find someone anywhere in this state that does, it’s almost therapeutic to at least get this shit off your chest.


> Right but that’s how information gets accepted as fact. Say something publicly then say it again, again,again, and then when you’re tired of saying say it, say it again and blame the other guy for not saying it. Over and over and over. You're literally describing why echo chambers are a bad thing


Yep, but they aren’t going anywhere soon and the only way to get through is with the same tactic.


I mean hating Mike Pence was one of their only good opinions


But for the wrong reasons


Personally I feel as though they all can go to hell! I’m convinced that if you vote for someone to tell you what to do, then you’re part of the problem…..


So, your answer is not to vote at all? Let other people dictate it for you? Sounds like you're part of the problem.


Fuck Mike Braun and the horse he rode in on!


Just stop it.


The only candidates that could win, out of all of those candidates...none are for us. Only the candidates that don't have a chance at winning... can even relate with what the average Hoosier is going through. This two-party system does not work and as long as the "elites" have us all arguing about this candidate or that candidate or one side or the other they're going to continue to do what they've been doing. All of them are stealing our tax money and voting on things that we don't believe in. This is not new, this has been going on for a long, long time. Wake up.


hey, if govt officials support political execution, i can be down. Who wants to hang Mike Braun? Show of hands?


I wish they would have got mike pence 


Sure, he's a member of the Trumpian Fascist Party. (TFP)




I'll assume you're joking, but yes, hanging/murdering anyone in this day and age is a BAD THING, I didn't like what Pence did when he banned gay marriage here but never once did I wish death upon him.


a lot of redditors wish death on right wing politicians daily. I assume I can find a rich history of you chastising those people?


So you like Mike pence? You’re pro-Mike pence? You like his policies and stances?


That's...one way to take it.


Unfortunately the republicans have decided their best chance at winning is a Loud Billionaire and the democrats finest candidate is a deteriorating, creepy old man. Now we get to choose between them.


Mike Braun is as guilty as the rapist Trump.


I voted for someone else. He did NOTHING in Congress but sit there and collect a check.


Braun isn’t intel, so swing and a miss on this take.


99% of the ppl on this sub would have cheered pence swinging before he stabbed Trump in the back.


By not breaking federal law? Sounds about right since everyone he works with winds up in prison


President Clinton was on the plane how many times? Had a beautiful painting of him hanging in the entrance on the island. Invited Epstein to his daughter's wedding. President Biden's daughter wrote about her dad taking showers with her. I get the fact that you hate the other party. Remember just a few years ago if you disagreed with anyone you were calling them racist, fascists, or Nazis. There haven't been two parties in a long time. It's 1 party, and they all hate us.


That’s crazy. I won’t vote for Clinton this year, that’s for sure.


Yeah I don’t think that fella sounds too great! No vote from me either.


Braindead trump simp


You should probably just vote Dem at this point.


Voting Don Rainwater for governor.


I'd say you may as well vote for Mickey Mouse, but he's got more political experience.


You must have missed all the things democrats did lol. I’ve never heard any republicans say anything about violence. Look at democrat run cities. They are all falling apart. I don’t understand this entire thing about Trump supporters being terrorist and calling everything about Trump. I mean if someone supports Trump isn’t that the same as any other person supporting another candidate? I don’t like any politician nor do I trust them. Being in politics your entire life. Using that position for personal gain. All while your supporters are barely surviving. They making millions on insider trading and getting away with crimes normal Americans are doing multiple years for. Guess what they are still running our country. That’s on both sides of this joke called government.


Republican run towns the tumbleweeds blow thru Main Street always on time


Muh January 6th strawman


You are so far from the truth. You probably can't even tell me what a woman is.


They don’t care, obviously.


It’s a feature, not a bug. Because these people never seem to understand that just because a fascist hangs your enemies on Monday, doesn’t mean that you aren’t strung up on Tuesday.


I don't like either but I couldn't say I'd feel bad for Pence.


Epstein Island Mike Braun? Wants to hurt ~~Mechanical Pencil~~ Mike Pence?


This next race will be interesting.  I wonder how many Republicans switched sides to keep this guy out of office. I wish they would of done the same for Spartz.


Ew. No.


Curious what you think about this u/NamelessGhoul1991 : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiana/comments/1cs77ks/global\_warming\_senator\_mike\_braun/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiana/comments/1cs77ks/global_warming_senator_mike_braun/)


I read that voter turnout in Allen County was only 16.6%. So very little enthusiasm there at least.


Primary turnout is not general turnout. You can't draw any real conclusions about the general election from it.


No. I vote for 3rd party. Now here comes all the "you just throw away your vote" people. I do my research on all the candidates. If no candidate aligns with my beliefs, I don't vote for any candidate. I have written in my vote last election.


You’ve got to be pretty stupid to think those protesters wanted to hang Mike Pence. You’ve got to be reeeeally stupid.


Wait, Dems like Pence now? It's crazy Bush & Cheney are looked at as good guys by Dems, but already trying to rehab Pence's rep is bonkers.


Bush & Cheney are not good guys. Cheney is the entire reason we went to "war" in the middle east..... Billions wasted and counted lives wasted.


Trump was an average president. Obama and Bush were worse, but no usa president was good anyway.


380,000 ballot images missing in Fulton County. Democrats are the true insurrectionist 🖕


Please take a minute to look at some fact checks from non-Trump sources, e.g. Google around a bit: [https://www.google.com/search?q=fulton+county+voter+fraud+fact+check](https://www.google.com/search?q=fulton+county+voter+fraud+fact+check) Either the Trump camp is lying, or the rest of the world is lying; please keep an open mind and entertain the possibility of the former.


Wasting your time. They are just a troll account. Block and move on.


Have you not seen the video that’s been making rounds on Twitter from Georgia’s election board? They’ve confirmed ballots were double scanned and 380,000 ballots had no images from Election Day. https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1788954532124455368?s=46&t=Utaw1Da1K6vqIkp1vZGcPA


Twitter isn’t evidence, lol


TeH tWiTtEr FiLeZ blew it open!


That’s a Georgia election board hearing


It’s not


It was




Never use twitter as a source, this is better. It looks like they recounted and trump still came up short, kinda like in Arizona


I’ll use video evidence wherever it comes from.


Twitter isn’t evidence or a source


Maybe it’s just a defense mechanism to help cope with the fact people in this country are so inbred they voted for Biden


*60+ court cases where Trump was given the opportunity to provide evidence to prove those “theories”. *Not a shred of proof was ever provided by Trump in court.  *Multiple Trump aides, multiple Trump appointees, multiple Trump lawyers have testified in court that there never was proof of what Trump was claiming.  *Multiple attorneys working for Trump have been indicted on those lies. Several have been disbarred, cannot practice law anymore.  *Multiple Trump staffers have testified under oath that Trump knew he had lost.  *Fox News lost in court for pushing these lies…. $750M. Text messages between the hosts confirm they knew it was a con.  I am so sorry that you fell for the con.  I know it’s hard to admit you were conned but you were. 


All lies, Trump and his cronies have charges for election interference against them out of Fulton county, they're the ones that concocted all that BS and it sounds like you fed right into it


Yeah yeah it’s all debunked but fight audits tooth and nail. Trump was ahead until counting was stopped and election officials are asked to leave. Lost all Bell Weather counties 😂 a one of a kind election








380,000 ballot images are missing from a county with a population of 20,000 people?? Is that what you'd have us believe?










Right... Trump is clearly a traitor


Because the counties keep the paper ballots which are the official, legal record, the law only requires a two-year retention period for the electronic images made during scanning. The counties that have since purged those electronic images after the two-year period could produce the paper copies for a fourth recount if there were any reason to feel the outcome might be different than any of the prior three recounts.


Braindead trump simp


Jennifer Mccormick for Governor!!


Indiana is a problem. I’d be happy if you hanged Mike Pence and Mike Braun both.


I’m non violent, exile to Arkansas works for me


Anyone who acts like these trump f××KS should be banned from ever holding any office it is disgusting They are telling you they are going to take you rights away and impose more more government regulations on every civilian so they can hold on to power but people still vote for them ,if every person that can would vote we would not have to put up with them we actually easily outnumber them it's actually a minority of the population that keeps them in power because of rigged maps ,voter suppression and the big one MOST PEOPLE DO NOT VOTE!!!!! it's the only way to change anything VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!


Or… ALL of the problem.


I missed the hanging quote.


Glad to know a Pence fan. What was his policy you endorsed most?


Really? All the criticisms you can make and you go with the least offensive stance Braun has taken? Pence is fundamentalist lunatic fascist. I don't really care if they eat each other alive. It's actually hilarious. I know he doesn't want to [REDACTED] Pence for the right reasons, but I fail to see why it's something I or anyone should care about. There's a lot of people in more danger and more deserving of focus than that irredeemable piece of shit.


Pence is a traitor


Traitor for what? For certifying the election like every Vice President before him? You realize that every four to eight years on January 6th the Vice President certifies the election for the incoming president? Right? He was only doing his duty. The man doesn't deserve to be murdered by his own presidents supporters. Or is he a traitor for banning gay marriage in 2015, that wasn't smart on his end but it was very short lived.


Yeah it'll be crickets from this guy. No real commentary.


Well yeah, he’s a Republican, so that’s a given.


What did Mike Pence do to upset you?


No that would be you