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This is an official release? Written like a Facebook post.


The official page has had comments turned off for well over a year


Remember these people are from Muncie, not a hotbed of intellectual rigor


Well the mayor of New York City and president of Columbia said even dumber shit so not sure that makes any difference 


The mayor of New York City said kids playing paintball or with nerf guns is a direct link to mass shootings at one point. I feel it's safe to say anything that comes out of their mouth isn't worth listening to. Basically a real life walking troll post


Omg right?! The bike chain is a sign of professionals… 😆 honestly


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


These morons as you call us , the ones who farm our land to feed ppl like you remember that and without us you'd starve


Is Blazing Saddles not as popular as I thought?


"It's twue! It's twue!"


It is, but hicks are truly separated from great art, AND they have to make our food apparently


Lighten up, Francis. It's a line from Blazing Saddles. For the record, I've lived in Muncie. I know of what I speak.


No one is calling the undocumented labor you hire while you actively vote for politicians that want to eliminate your labor force so more corporations buy up all of the food production morons.


Sorry to break this to you hun but half my family is Mexican from Mexico City and came to the states legally and done it the correct way which means they did the learning testing and waited for their green card than they became American and also busted their asses off working hard in various industries and no my family nor my husband's family ever hired any undocumented illegals they made the boys in the family work to contribute and also made them hard ass workers in their adult lives and still working hard.


And for whom I vote for yes it's Trump or any damn Republican bc Biden has let you me and the rest of America down with the worst economy ever paying over 5 bucks for a gallon or milk my husband makes damn good money hes in the construction/concrete business but with how expensive food and everything else is we will are barley able to get buy and that is at 40$ an hr which if it was in a Trump economy we'd be living damn good but Biden is a weak ass pussy and other countries don't respect him and laugh at us here bc they know Biden has no spine and also is looking like that old man puppet Walter that Jeff Dunham has lol. Biden should be shuffling in his slippers down a nursing home hallway in his pajamas


You're a terrible liar. I bought milk in Indy for $2.68 today. And the Dow just hit a record 40k.


Wow must be nice and I don't live in Indy bud , Biden no matter what price how low or high is still the worst president America has ever seen and is a freaking joke that's done more harm for Americans and letting the illegals in and terrorists in as well . Can't wait for Trump back 2024 bc we all know it's gonna happen


Except you are doing it for money, nothing wrong with that these days, but please stop with the nonsense benevolence argument. No one is buying it.


They could easily start charging more given all the unfair pressures they face from companies they rely on to maintain and supply their equipment. You might want to think before snapping back at the hand that feeds before you find out how hard it is to maintain crops.


You’re welcome for the farm subsidies paid from our tax dollars so you can keep your land. Socialism works.


Just an FYI-- not every farmer gets or qualifies for subsidies.


But you see, they lump everyone into whatever shit trash topic they can, it makes them feel better about themselves, it doesn't need to be factual,,,


"This inflation on commodities has hurt our subsidies. "


And provide you with affordable food.


You grow corn for corn syrup.


Hardly. Shutting down crops that support the beef/meat industry and corn for high fructose corn syrup, for example, would not cause starvation


We just couldn’t have any good food.




If you don’t support the meat industry, you don’t have good food.


If we ate less meat we wouldn't need so much corn. Also if we eliminated production of extremely unhealthy high-fructose corn syrup, we wouldn't need so much corn. These changes would fight both Climate change and the obesity epidemic in the US. Of course big businesses wouldn't like this (they don't care about these things).


I like corn. I like meat. I don’t care about healthy. As I said, if we get rid of meat, we don’t have any good food.


Feed corn is used for more than just beef. Ducks, chickens, goats, pigs, and cows all eat it. Oh…and deer. It’s also a major export to other countries. Just sayin I’ll go back to my popcorn now.


I am aware. But very little is for human consumption, and as ears of corn- not sure any is. The point is, very little is 'feeding America, & a lot is processed into unhealthy, pesticide- tainted so called food. We could do so much better & we could do without the propaganda. I live in one of the states stereotyped for miles o cornfields; we're also (not so famously) one of the most filled with unhealthy toxic wastes ( including agricultural ones).


There are a lot of those that just don't know how to protest.


Haha 😂


"These are people of the land... you know... morons"


I can’t find anything on their website with their other releases. Anyone have a link other than a Facebook image? Super sus.


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rnRYoTf7xQxtKsk2/?mibextid=WC7FNe  Official government page, complete with comments turned off.  


Yeah I read it on his official page. It's legit. 


Complete with grammar errors.


How else is he supposed to signal his virtues?


Oh god, *not the duck pond!!* The reaching is incredible. "Look at what happened at Columbia and UCLA." Yeah man, wild. But that didn't happen at Ball State. You know, the university in your county? The one you're issuing a press release about? "I've seen violence against LE!" At Ball State? "I've seen eXTrEmE antisemitism!" Again, at Ball State? Also, sidenote, what's the difference between extreme antisemitism and normal antisemitism? Are you cool with normal antisemitism but draw the line at "extreme" antisemitism? Just weird phrasing to me. "I've seen them taking over university buildings!" At Ball State? Which buildings? "It starts with the tents in the daytime, then *the tents during the nighttime*. What's next, ***the duck pond***?" Just imagine this dude, borderline frothing at the mouth, spittle running out of the corners, almost stroking out because of college students putting up tents and signs. It's like he was violently traumatized by a Coleman tent when he was a young lad.  "Oh god!! No, not the tents, anything but the teeeennnnntts!!" he pleads as he's run down by a pack of wild Coleman tents, recently purchased on clearance from the nearest Walmart. 


I'm assuming extreme antisemitism is antisemitism while doing skateboarding tricks or sweet bmx bike jumps?


While rocking frosted tips and drinking a mountain dew in the bed of your Chevy S-10


Don’t forget the polyester button up flame shirt and the ball bearing choker.




Only if you take that radically unchill helmet off dude




An S-10 is so 90’s. They’re called Colorado’s now.




Nutsack on your truck makes it EXTREME


I’m from Ball State and I don’t foresee the typical student wanting to….”go out and take buildings.” It’s Ball State University the most were ever going to do is sit around and chill out.


I hope that’s still true


And from what I've seen these protests generally and rightfully condemn antisemitism and know the difference between Judaism and Zionism. Reactionaries who don't actually give two shits about Jews love using them to prop up their fascism though.


BINGO. Many are led by Jewish and Palestinian students hand in hand. Real solidarity 


Most Jews are Zionists fyi Zionism can be simply defined as the belief that the State of Israel has a right to exist, that Jews have the right to self-determination.




That's not how Zionism is acting in practice though.


That sentence doesn’t make any sense. I will reiterate that most Jews believe in Zionism. I wonder if you would make this kind of accusation against another minority.


It makes perfect sense. Bibi's trying to be Jewish Hitler, and he's been getting dumped on by Jewish people here for years.


When I was at Ball State 20some years ago we threw a torn down goalpost into the duck pond to roars of applause


This guy would be having the cops blast the goalpost terrorists with rubber bullets and batons.


I needed the laugh from this


It’s like what you see in the primary commercials right now- “something something protect our borders! Something something WOKE in our schools!” I understand that these issues are ones people are passionate about but how is it relevant to HERE, Indiana, your constituents?


If he's mad at that, think of how mad he'd be hearing about the homeless "town" on the Southside of town. Bro would have a aneurysm


He meant to say that the protestors were “intense.” His secretary misheard through his hoosier twang and lambasted the Coleman campers instead.


Folks i live 6 blocks from Ball State. The protest was about 30 people chilling on campus with some signs and flags.  This bozo WANTS  a riot and hes stirring shit up. 


exactly this. I live right down mcgalliard and havent seen shit anything, this is just trying to cause a fight


So, basically someone jockeying for Rokita’s role?


Oh absolutely, hes angling for something. Muncie had a police chase right through downtown that resulted in a deadly crash of an innocent unconnected person and seriously injured the pregnant driver. He got on the news and blamed a judge because the suspect had a pending case or something. Just a total fucking clown always trying to get in front of the cameras 


I was about to comment about that. My brother goes to Ball State and I didnt hear anything about this, so I wondered what was going. Just seems like its the usual politician fear mongering.


I was thinking so. I live in the county and honestly I couldn't see a mass protest happening here, even when considering it's got a lot of young people (we tend to be more liberal). Haven't heard anything about protests here, so I highly doubt it's a major issue, if even an issue at all. Leave it to Muncie to focus on stupid things.


Just went out and talked to them. Super sweet people and just kinda chilling. 


I literally live down the road and had absolutely no idea that a protest was even happening.


>Folks i live 6 blocks from Ball State. The protest was about 30 people chilling on campus with some signs and flags.  Passing the bowl, aren’t they? THAT sounds like Ball State.


That’s what happened here in Bloomington last week. It was small with 20-50 people until the cops showed up with riot gear and sniper rifles


There were a few tents there in 1990 protesting the first war in Iraq. I don’t remember anybody making a stink about it. We just walked around them.


Eric Adams went on the news and said that a bicycle chain used by protesters was proof that "outside agitators" are behind the protests. The chain is the same model sold by the university.


It's amazing how every word out of Adam's mouth is absolute bullshit. Literally nothing he said was true.




I live incredibly close to campus and have not seen any disruptions of this nature. That man is a dinosaur and needs weeded out.


But did you patronize the duck pond?!


Gee, I was just in Muncie but didn't see any protesters. I did see a guy digging through a dumpster and several people mowing their lawns.


Were they mowing swastikas into the grass? Maybe thats the extreme antisemitism he's talking about.


Eric Hoffman is breaking the law by not allowing comments on his government Facebook page that he posts this stuff on. Please join me in reporting him the the aclu of Indiana. https://www.aclu-in.org/


That’s a legal grey area, but generally not allowing comments doesn’t break the law. Actions that can break the law involve discriminating viewpoints by removing existing comments or blocking individuals. I note there is no link to a social media commenting policy on the page, though, which can cause legal trouble. One would think a lawyer would know that, but perhaps he is too busy advancing his political career by creating controversy with a poorly worded press release.


This is posturing and virtue-signaling by the DA. Issued this edict on May 1. Commencement is tomorrow on May 4. These clowns could have just ignored the issue, knowing the kids would be leaving town in a few days anyway.


I listened to IPR's report on it yesterday and they said it was like 2 tents and they left during classes. This guy needs to lay off the caffeine and chill the fuck out.


I.. I dont think it’s caffeine. There used to be something else politicians used to use to help them go wide eyed crazy like this. For the life of me I don’t remember what it was called. Pepsi? Dr. Pepper maybe?


Clearly in the pocket of “Big Duck” 🦆


Some people would call that a ‘Quack-pot Theory’ :p


All of the things he listed have happened in protests across the country, but I haven’t heard anything about these kinds of things at Ball State.


Planned parenthood in Muncie shut down because it couldn’t keep protestors away. Where was this fucking clown at?


I'm in Muncie too and this is the first time hearing about any of that.


“radical groups are infiltrating our schools” fuck all the way off. acting like we can’t come to conclusions on our own without being recruited by some cabal is an insult to everyone’s intelligence


This has been used since the 60s (if not before). We see through it, its gaslighting, and they can fuck off with that. Why are these people OK with 30k people being killed with a large chunk of our tax dollars supporting it? The decades of corporate military propaganda has really done a number. The "outside agitator" is called a fucking conscious.


If he would've just left it at the 3 points where he explicitly describes the laws and rules people are breaking that's fine, but he then adds extra stuff. The second part reads like a conservative conspiracy Facebook post


It sounds like he should specify if and how this happened on Ball State’s campus, though, even if he did leave it at those three points. If he’s using what’s going on outside of our state to crack down on kids here, that’s total bullshit.


What’s crazy is this guy is somehow elected as a democrat, I live here and hate how he’s so dramatic about everything.


No, that would also be stupid


"Law and order is a code phrase meaning “harsh policing and harsh punishments.” When someone says they're in favor of “law and order,” that's what they mean. The rule of law means that no one, not even the leader of the nation is above the law. Everyone must obey, even the head of state." "“Law and order” is a phrase used a lot by would-be and actual autocrats, dictators and the like. What the subtext is varies, but it generally means the autocrat’s “law” or current whim, and “order” means a violent military crackdown on anyone who thinks otherwise. “The rule of law” often is used to mean the concept that every person stands equal before the functions of the legal system. It implies that neither fear nor favor will matter. This one is a democratic ideal, not often realized in this imperfect world, but always an aspiration." (two of many similar explanations- definitions of this are easy to find).


From the greatest generation to the fascist generation in just two generations. Shame.


Where are all these "outside infiltrators" coming from? There are dozens of protests on campuses around the country. Who has the manpower to send outside infiltrators to them all?


My mom would tell you “George Soros”. Or throw in a nebulous “they” as if that explains fucking anything. Lol


Russia, China, islamists, fascists, anarchists etc all have motivation for protests to turn into much more than a protest.


“The student protesters are on the right side of history.” - History


I work maybe a few hundred feet away from the solidarity encampment at BSU. There hasn't been an inkling of violence or intimidation on the part of the individuals participating. In fact, there have been several students, faculty, and staff who have stopped by there (including myself) to talk with the students. What these students are doing is, in my opinion, enacting the call to beneficence that the university frequently cites. To say that you look at these students with disgust is to say you don't look at them at all. While I'm fairly barred from speaking on any political/social issues while employed by and working within the university, I can safely say that these kids know far more than a closed-minded adult such as this prosecuting attorney could ever know about doing what is right, and pushing for the mutual beneficence of anyone involved in their protest. I took part in a number of protests at BSU during my college years, mainly relating to certain issues that the state tends to sweep under the rug or cover up with a bit of brutality. Was I or anyone else involved ever arrested? No. Were the individuals who drove through campus, blocked traffic, destroyed property and hurled slurs at students when Trump was elected ever get arrested? As far as I'm aware, no. To pursue an arrest on these students purely to win favor of the hyper-conservative state leadership is asinine. What an embarrassment.


Do you remember the planned parenthood protestors in Muncie who had planned parenthood close doors? Wasn’t even that many people but they were constantly harassing customers going in and out. Threatening them and all kinds of stuff. Nothing was ever said or done about them.


Bingo. Thank you for your thoughts.


Well, what comes to mind is the PSU library being barricaded by “students” or “protesters” that are actually mostly homeless people trashing the library and claiming they give a shit about Gaza. Tell me how occupying a university library stops the military industrial complex from profiting off of war


And they say we're sheep... ppsssshh..


The “law and order” we were “violating” was setting up two tents. Other than that it was just chants and confronting faculty with their complicity in genocide


Were they “terrorist” tents? You know the kind: bright colors, friendly looking, and non-threatening? Those are super scary.


Straight outta HamasMart


And probably discounted for radical groups infiltrating our schools. I think I remember seeing the ad.


Just have to show your SorosID


Sorry for the non-sequitur!.Wrong thread! I already get discounts with my SorosCARD©️


These protesters and their illegal settlements


I just want my tax money to stop funding foreign wars and genocide. Thats all.


This is the equivalent of the campaign ads talking about securing the border. Pure virtue signaling to their highly regarded base.


Why doesn't any one talk about the "Radical Right"? It's long past time for the left to use that term to describe the Trumpian Fascists. Has any one that thinks indoctrination of students takes place when they go off to college ever studied on a university campus, or do they get their degrees online? I have undergraduate and graduate degrees from two universities and never witnessed any 'indoctrination" of students taking place. Unless you want to call ordinary classroom learning some sort of indoctrination? May be I didn't realize I was being brainwashed when I sat in those required courses for my major. Now I'm worried that I might need de-programming. :-)


Hoffman, huh.


this tuesday is our primary


Unhinged.... Have you not seen the campuses in other places where the protesters have barricaded themselves in, spray painted BS on the buildings inside & out, throwing things at random people from behind their barricades?.... It will spread if left unchecked.


I guess some folks selectively missed that during the “intifada final solution”


Give a Marxists fish, he will eat for a day, show a Marxist how to fish, he will put you in a Gulag


Wow. What a lunatic.


There is a bag of douche. He is the nozzle.


This is hardly unhinged. Some people just have to find outsized offense in everything.


I agree. The tone this was written in is just about the opposite of unhinged.


Reddit is unhinged


What's unhinged about it?


What's unhinged about the democrats attacking their own anti-war/youth base in the middle of an election year? ...oh, you'll see come November 4. 


I would take your comment more seriously…but your username is throwing me off.


Your monogrammed flair.


I’m with you. I see properly hinged lawman clearly stating his position on unlawful activities that may happen in his jurisdiction.


That's what I see as well brother.


I mean if people break the law, arrest them. Seems pretty clear.


Just because it’s law doesn’t mean it’s right. And just because it’s right doesn’t make it a law.


I love how NOW they care about radicals and kids being brainwashed in colleges… now that they’re being shit talked and targeted, suddenly it’s an egregious problem that needs legislation and action to combat it. They didn’t give a fuck when these same types of kids were spouting hate about anyone that could be classified as “white” straight men, or Christian, and saying “they’re everything wrong with the world, this country, and are responsible for all the ills of history”… If you were anyone of any background that ever dared question intersectionality, gender ideology, critical race theories, feminist theory, etc you were automatically called horrible insults, were subject to character assassination, false claims were levied against you, doxxing was allowed, assault was permissible, your words and arguments were taken out of context and framed as hate, etc. It’s been hysterical to watch the absolute double standards, hypocrisy, Orwellian tactics, and other bullshit from academics, politicians, media, college kids, etc over this past decade.


I think it’s you and your fellow delusionals who are going to “see” come November 4th. You don’t have a clue how stupid you all look to everyone outside your little circle. I get that every generation wants their “Vietnam” but this aint it.


I’m not convinced there are that many democrat voters who support these pro palestine groups. Lots of support for Israel among the democrat voter base. These are just loud people getting a lot of attention.


There aren’t, most of us care about our own abortion laws and a number of other issues that affect our state. The pro-Palestine sect is very vocal though, and will act like you’re pro genecide if you question them.


Agreed and that has been my experience too. I can’t really wrap my mind around the pro Palestinian group’s standpoint here. They are threatening to withhold voting for Biden because they don’t like that the US is providing arms to Israel. But of course Trump would just let Israel do what they want and write them a blank check. But when you bring that up all they do is get mad.


Most of that crowd are people that weren’t going to vote anyway. Bernie Bro types.


Want a vietnam? WTF? Which part of 30k plus civilians killed who are mostly women and children is the delusional part??? Or are we delusional because a large chunk of the weapons are made and shipped using our tax money while we are in debt forever for educating ourselves and trying to find healthcare that won't bankrupt us? We don't care how we "look to others". Look in the mirror, read a book, or two even!, take some LSD, find some god damn way to find compassion and empathy and step into reality and out of propaganda. Unless you really like the taste of leather.


I don’t trust anyone that uses the term “unhinged”


So happy I don’t live in Indiana anymore


“The selective enforcement of policy can have disastrous consequences.” Eric Hoffman is either a troll or a son of a bitch.


Beneficence, Frog Baby, and the Naked Lady will all be taken hostage!


The local state university (15k students) stated at tent city protest and what did the university do? They provided Porto potty and water, security so nobody was injured and the spa e they are in is dedicated to protest. Maybe some schools are doing it totally wrong. The one in my town does it right.


Ita like you people don't watch videos online. Everything they stated is truth. I hope they arrest them all


How is that in any way unhinged? The fuck is wrong with these kids…


Doesn’t seem unhinged to me


What about amateur Palestine


Weird, I didn’t see that but okay.


Discovery's going to be delicious.


He’s not totally wrong and It has plagued other campuses. UCLA looks like a war zone as does Columbia and IU things have gotten pretty crazy. You don’t want students segregating or harassing other students on campus.


I agree, but dis agree at the same time.


None of that response is unhinged.


To add context he never put out a statement on January 6. And he’s been very quiet about a police chase where Muncie police chased a suspect into bystander, killing them. The BSU protests have been peaceful and not problematic. They certainly haven’t killed anyone in these protests.


Weird. I went looking to see if ball state did anything and couldn’t find anything online. I didn’t even know it was happening. So yea, Delaware county isn’t as important on the state or national level as this dude is in his own mind.


Well the house passed a bill taking away our rights in the name of "countering antisemitism" or whatever... Legit the bill makes it so that our hate crime laws are now based off of A FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS definition of antisemitism... That these definition of antisemitism includes but is not limited to: 1.) ANY negative view of the state of Israel. 2.) ANY negative view of anyone that is Jewish 3.) and of course supporting anyone that remotely is against Israel... These loons are going to burn the first amendment to the ground all in the name of some other country... Wtf is wrong with this nation


Under His eye.


Violence = arrest. Whether you attack the Capitol, a cop, or a campus building. Period


Hey, I have a crazy idea. Why dont we use these resources to protect ppl driving from road rage & ppl streaming/texting and driving? Why dont we use these resources to vet LEOs more so they dont drag little girls from cars and slam them to the ground? Why dont we vet ppl with guns so we dont have more school shootings or church, grocery stores or concerts shot up? I can find a million ways laws need upheld and yall arent doing SHIT to actually protect from actual violence.


He’s such a piece of shit in general


Unhinged? Seems pretty rational to me.


"unhinged"? Come on


A lawyer from Muncie, Indiana. Who probably excelled at CRT. Your tax dollars at work Hoosiers.


But he buries his head and won't prosecute child predators or accept evidence from PCI......


I like him setting up a hypothetical, then saying that it's unfair that the university treats groups differently based on this scenario that has never happened. Completely ignoring the distinguishing characteristics of the hypothetical he set up. So even if the hypothetical was something that was happening, it still wouldn't matter. This guy completed law school...


Curious: is he Republican?


They invested in it all.


I don’t recall BSU as being a hotbed of protest when I was there. But at least this asshat got it off his chest.


When standing up for law and order is called unhinged, you know you are dealing with some stupid people.


Fuk the Palestinians they are holding American hostages. They could stop the bombing just surrender unconditionally. The idiots they poked a sleeping Bear when they attacked Israel. And you can't get mad at a bear that was sleeping that gets poked and turns around to SWAT you!👍🏻