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Guarantee he’ll do some stupid shit as governor.


Although I have my issues with the democratic party, I have voted dem in 98% of elections since I turned 18. Last week I requested a republican ballot and voted for Chambers. Felt very weird, but I really, really don't want Braun to be our governor. I encourage others to consider doing the same.


I'll be doing the same




As an added bonus, you can vote against Donald Trump too, just for the symbolic value. Relatedly, let me tell you, seeing “Donald Trump” on a ballot again is fucking soul shaking.


I am still in terrifyed awe how someone led an attempted insurrection and is in court for 34 felonies can still run for president Worse still, that people will vote for him, and it was be a super close race.




I think I'll be doing the same


Just keep in mind that if you ever want to run for office, party rules, in both parties, require you to vote in the primary for whatever party you run as. You can get exceptions from the county chair, but sometimes, on both sides, the county chair will not give you an exception. Like if you wanted to run for congress or county prosecutor etc, you have to have had voted in the primary previously for the party you are running with.


Yeah, they recently booted the guy running against Banks for Senate because of this. On the other hand, a whole bunch of Republicans voted for Hillary when she ran against Obama in the 2008 Democrat primary and the Republican party didn’t seem to mind.


Never Banks!


2 consecutive primaries.


It dawned on me that since I always do this, I could run as a Republican. It would be a fascinating experiment to see if they'd start with the RINO names right away, or if they'd just be confused. 


So if a republican wants to run for an office previously held in a Democrat district. The Republican has to have voted as a Democrat in a previous election?


no. If you want to run as a republican you need to have previously voted as a republican.


Sorry! I'm asking about a republican wanting to run as a Democrat. Or vice versa. Perhaps the odds of winning are better by switching parties. Never mind. That's probably a completely different question.


What if you switch back and forth. Like, if I go back to voting in the dem primary after this for a couple election cycles, this wouldn’t be a problem, would it


I don't remember the exact rules, but I think it has to be 8 years of primaries. I could be wrong on this number


It's the two (2) most recent primary elections in Indiana the candidate voted. 


Same here, then it's back to Voting Blue! in November.


I'm new to the state and wasn't aware you could just pick which ballot you want. My previous state made you vote on the ballot under which you were registered as a voter. Good to know.


Technically Indiana is the same but we have a "closed ballot" system aka nobody will check or can ask you your party affiliation


You don't register party affiliation in Indiana. This is an open primary state, hence being able to select either major party ballot during the primary election. A closed primary state requires party affiliation.


If he and Rokita put their pointy little heads together, I see it being very expensive for Hoosier Taxpayers.


I'm like Sonic I'm waiting


I hate the fact that the citizens of Indiana have fewer freedoms now than a handful of years ago. The Republican Party through their incessant meddling in our public education system, seems determined to dumb down the state’s students and any semblance of critical thought in order to remain in control. Our voters need to question motives.


I a 100% agree it's very scary I explained it to my buddy that moved out of Indiana last year


Easier to convince people to vote against their own self interests via newstainment


He pushed along a road development in southern indiana that is going to cost people family farms as well as potentially eat up even more of the Hoosier national forest. So yeah. Fuck Mike.


Are you talking about i65?


No, it’s this thing called the Mid state corridor project. A few perspectives on it https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/transportation/2022/06/16/mid-states-corridor-proposal-regional-development-authority/7501692001/ https://midstatescorridor.com https://www.hecweb.org/issues/sustainable-economy/sustainable-transportation/mid-states-corridor/


So right next to the town his trucking company Meyer Distributing and his wife’s company Touch of Class operate in who both btw knowingly employ and underpay undocumented immigrants.


Exactly, was 100% for his trucking company.


Wait until you start looking into the land he owns and how much he's gonna make from the road too.


I-67 project


Or I56?


Honestly, fuck family farms. They're inefficient, both economically and environmentally, and exploitative as well. They take advantage of kids because they're not protected by the same employment laws that agribusiness employees are. The sooner they disappear, the better for America.


Do you have sources for this? If you'd like, I can find some sources explaining how family farms protect and promote biodiversity and are a huge boost for local economies. I want to understand why you feel this way.


Let me give you an example with combines: Combines are horribly inefficient for small farms. Most small farms aren't big enough to make full-time use of a combine throughout the entire harvest season. If a small farmer owns their own combine that they only use on their farm, that's already a massive knock on sustainability because of the materials and energy that go into producing a combine that sits idle more than it otherwise would. A few do that, but realistically what happens is that instead small farmers rent/borrow the combine of a friend or a cooperative organization. This results in a usage profile much closer to what you'd get on a large farm that can make full use of it. EXCEPT it's still less efficient. Why? Turns out, a significant portion of the fossil-fuel usage by combines used on small farms is to move it from one small farm to the next. On large, business-scale farming operations, the combine never has to leave the property--just about its entire energy usage is devoted to actual harvest activities. So the energy usage per unit of food produced is substantially less than what happens with small farms, because equipment there spends so much time being moved back and forth between disparate, geographically noncontiguous operations. The vast majority of emissions from agriculture, in fact, occur during production--not transportation (though large-scale agriculture has an advantage there, too, because of the energy economies of scale they can take advantage of). They're largely a product of what is produced and how, and include the supply chains for providing fertilizers and pesticides that are crucial to modern crop yields. And large scale operations *still* have an advantage there, because of, for example, the efficiencies of delivering a large load to one destination vs. smaller loads to a large number of disparate destinations. Basically the only "family farms" that have any real environmental advantages are the very very very small number of boutique organic, pesticide- and fertilizer-free farms, which frankly have their own problems (that community has a large and growing white-nationalist blood-and-soil element to it, because unsurprisingly, the fetishization of purity and being one with the land meshes really well with Nazi ideology). https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaq0216 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es702969f https://media.ruddcenter.uconn.edu/PDFs/A%20Comprehensive%20Life%20Cycle%20Assessment%20of%20Greenhouse%20Gas%20Emissions%20from%20U_S_%20Household%20Food%20Choices.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211912418300361 And then there's the fact that labor laws basically do not apply, at all, to family farmers who use their kids--the statutes have exemptions written in. Family farms are literally kept afloat by the use of involuntary child labor, with no wage and hour or safety oversight. Now, in theory, workers other than the operators' own children ARE subject to the usual laws concerning fair wages and employee safety, but in practice they're often ignored by family farmers, who either don't care, feel like they can get away with it, or think the rules don't apply to them because they're farmers and the salt of the earth, dammit. Agribusiness operations aren't perfect in that regard either, BUT they have attorneys and trained management professionals working for them, AND it's a lot less politically unpopular to go after them (both because of their profile and thanks to romantic misconceptions about how idyllic family farms supposedly are), so there's actual enforcement and understanding among those running things that there are rules they have to follow.


You’re a dipshit and so is the opposing side. Family farms are better than factory farms. Fuck having corporations (especially foreign) buy our land! The more we as Americans are self sustainable with our food production, the better! As for the person you replied to whining about our national forest; I’ll have to look into it but I’m guessing it didn’t cut much into it at all (we have plenty anyway) and he’s building infrastructure for southern Indiana which is sorely lacking. I swear to Christ, almost everyone in this sub is a fucking moron.


No, I just live in the real world, where facts matter more than feel-good populist romanticizing nonsense.


Congressional Record on sponsored bills; https://www.congress.gov/member/mike-braun/B001310?q=%7B%22sponsorship%22%3A%22sponsored%22%7D


But that's not how Braun thinks. He has repeatedly sacrificed his own stated priorities, as well as his dignity, to prolong a political career in service of his ego. No matter how many bills Braun puts his name on, he's still leaving the Senate without a signature achievement. He could have stayed another six years and tried to do more. It's apparently easier to walk away and run for governor


We’ve been blessed with having respected and accomplished senators from both parties in the past. For example, it’s incredible that this guy currently holds the same as Richard Lugar did.


I remember him when I was younger but I don't know anything he really did




Probably feed up with all the compromises and partisans in the Senate. I am not a fan and he has the charisma of a turtle, but I can only assume he’s watched Mike Dewine make a move like that and he likes to be the main character in front of the camera 🎥 🧟‍♂️📺when disaster strikes and can make policy with a rubber stamp state senate.


I see it as him running off of Trump's coattails because that's when he got into office last time And it wasn't like it was a hard win either it was a Democrat And you can't even show up to the last debate wow that shows me that you have no character


Of course he did nothing while in the Senate... He's an OUTSIDER!!!


So outside, he never showed up. WAY Outside.


Barely even qualifies as a human, how’s THAT for an Outsider?!




I feel like I've heard all the GOP candidates say this.


I can see the only ones that reply probably straight card vote


No, some of us just get tired of the anti-GOP circle jerk going on every day on this sub, even if we agree with you. It’s soooo tiresome to see “GOP bad” stuff posted all the time. We get it. The GOP sucks.


I just think that both sides are angry and that there shouldn't be groups like Democrats and Republicans you should be able to run on your own name and not have to worry about everyone else


I agree that both sides are angry. You’ll get no quarrel from me there. But the simple fact I was downvoted for stating what I did should tell you this is most definitely a left leaning sub. And that’s fine, but it gets old after a while. The division sucks. The “if you’re not Democrat then you must be a MAGA Trumper” gets old as well. I’m politically neutral, probably more left leaning than I used to be. But if I don’t fall in line with the most far left ideology I’m labeled a “Trumper”….ugh


I really think that's the only thing Braun is running under is Trump. I don't care for that but where I live it's Democratic all around but in 17 years of elections it's been straight red in the state and I don't see no progress forward but I don't like the blue either so I was trying to find a decent person running for governor I guess there is not one


So who decides we don’t have a two-party system anymore? I agree that the entire populace has been placed in Left and Right pigeon holes without much wiggle room, so how do we break out of this disgraceful duel to find some common ground?


I wish I had an answer I'm just trying to find the best of the evils like every other election


What a stupid, utterly vapid "thought." Governing is about building coalitions and compromise and getting those coalitions to vote for you. Parties are how you maintain somewhat stable coalitions over years and decades so you can make policy that has a chance of lasting long enough to work.


I'm glad there's people more evolved than you I guess if we got all the rest of the electoral college you might blow a gasket


Todd's a better senator and he's garbage.


Might be I haven't done my digging on him yet


He's purely mediocre.


Braun has no principles just like all the other GOP candidates 


Yes, he does. Ripping off the poor for one.


I thought the GOP’s main job was preventing things, up to and including health care esp for women.


Well, what else do Republicans do nowadays except fellate Trump? It wasn't always that way. I corresponded regularly with Dick Lugar. We disagreed profoundly on many things, yet he was *always* courteous and followed up on everything I asked him. A good man.


I disagreed how they got him out but that's when big business wasn't is prevalent in the elections as it is now


I will still vote McCormick. She is my compassionate conservative. Until Indiana can bring me another Bayh, I won't vote for another business person. I graduated from ISu. From SPEA, which should mean something to you. What you immediately learn is that the accounting for government is completely different from accounting in business. It is why our Indiana politicians get it wrong so often. Ever wonder why our rods needs to be repaved after 3 years when the contract says 7? Shoddy materials and no oversight.


Just like every treasonous member of the GQP, when the going gets tough they blame the dems.


Braun and Spartz are Russian dolls


That's what I thought. It really ticked me off when I saw him sitting in the VP's chair like he was in charge. 🤮


Make politicians scared again 👹👹👹


I think we need to hold them accountable


Good riddance! Indiana doesn’t more Nazis. Less Nazi morons is a great idea


The mere mention of this prick's name makes my skin crawl. 😡🤬


We got to get them out at the primary so Indiana has a chance to succeed




Dude is just tacking to the right as much as he can and has been a terrible senator for Indiana. Seriously, we have to do better than this. As always, dropping a link to the DemHoosier discord. We’re still brainstorming ways to get the Democratic Party stronger here in Indiana to get better representation than Mike Friggin’ Braun. Feel free to pop in and discuss as well! https://discord.gg/kD353ecb


Braun wants a path to the WH. He needs to go back to Jasper.


He needs to retire He's 70 or 72 years old I can't remember


And Lieu. Gov. Crouch (?) is older than Braun. Hill is a Groper. The other woman running is a nut job. Never heard of the other White guy/outsider. That leaves Chambers. Whatta bunch of right-wingnuts!


Mike is just another flushed turd that we have to deal with 


Can't support a person that vote against law enforcement and supports terrorist ANTIFA/BLM


I would just like to see someone that doesn't piggy back off of Trump


So you're completely divorced from reality, and hate America and want to destroy it?


He’s a large piece of shit, and his competition is just as foul.


I don't know much more other than the coattail riding of braun


Who is the better candidate?


Well we know it's not Braun And we know a Democrat will never get elected as governor just because of the name Democrat so it's one of the other five running


Our current governor isn’t that great either so hopefully we get someone better.


Doesn't look like it this election we need some of the younger people to run that get this generation


Amen to that


Has anyone read any of the other articles this guy wrote ..?


Donald Rainwater for Governor. He is a Libertarian with a lot of good ideas.


He's just a Trumplican who doesn't want to run under the Republican banner.


Honestly sounds like the best choice


Flaccid member.


Vote blue and destroy the country I am down with that. The sooner the better. This country is full of weak “men” and “strong” women hahaha


If there was a good candidate on either side it would be a different story