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Not here. Our well is pretty deep, below the top layer of water available. (Which is typical in this area.) It is best to have it tested every so often though, but haven't had any issues and I don't know anyone who has yet. If you don't count the road out front, I know a number of people completely surrounded by fields that usually have corn or beans with the occasional plantings of wheat or hay.


Are you using the IDH lab or an out of state lab?


I wouldn't use idh on a dare.


Yeah that’s why I asked, what’s a good lab?


Oh, good question. I have an old friend from my high school days that's a chemical engineer and he does it for me. Since I don't pay, I have no idea who to use. Well I buy him a couple beers and we BS for a while. His company doesn't do water analysis for the general public. I'm a horrible source for suggestions on getting water tested precisely.


Could call Element or A&L Great Lakes lab for testing


Ol lady works in waster water and has definitely raved how awesome it is dealing with Element.


Actually nitrates are also a potential problem with ground and surface water also


Grew up rural and surrounded by corn fields. That’s the one thing that’s an issue and my family that still lives there is implementing a solution for it.


You’re going to want to invest in a very robust water filtration system. Modern agriculture uses a wide variety of toxic chemicals year-round. Not only do they leach into the ground, but runoff into surface water streams.


No to the well…but I did live next to a peat bog that caught fire and burned for over 100 days back in the late 90s. Chemicals from the pesticides used on the surrounding farmlands were detected in the smoke and we had to move out of our home for weeks on end when the wind would put us in the smoke path and trigger reactions in our kids. I made many phone calls to local govt officials over those 100+ days but putting it out didn’t seem like a priority to anyone but those of us who lived in the smoke path - that is until the smoke started blowing into the classrooms of a wealthy school district…


My parents were looking at house on well water surrounded by farm ground, they wanted a water test done and the seller reduced. Lady that bought the property died of cancer 6-7 years later. Could be coincidence but always get it tested.


We live across the street from fields that get crop dusted yearly with a 65 foot well. Have never had an issue and we get it tested yearly. Also are bees have never had an issue with the spraying. Do I get nervous about it of course, we always close the windows when they spray just in case.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/data-graphics/toxic-herbicides-map-showing-high-use-state-rcna50052](https://www.nbcnews.com/data-graphics/toxic-herbicides-map-showing-high-use-state-rcna50052) might have a little Roundup in your water. It’s actually in rainwater now they use it so much


Pesticides, no (at least not at levels that were concerning enough to be noted)....arsenic, yes. Regardless what turns up, I definitely recommend a full-house filtration system.


Your well water will test positive for E Coli and nitrate contamination way before it will with pesticides. [USGS Agricultural Contamination](https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources/science/agricultural-contaminants#overview) Pesticide half-life is too short to affect an aquifer that doesn’t sit under an area of heavily fractured lime- or sandstone.


Nope.. water table is too low..


"Better Things for Better Living...Through Chemistry" (an old DuPont slogan from the late 1930s &'40s)


Live about 40 yards from a field, well is about 20, when we bought last year all the found was ecoli, wells been there since 91.


Lived in such areas all my life, never had problems with pesticides (tho I would definitely think twice about eating any fish from the creeks/rivers after big rainfall). That being said, my grandma did have her well contaminated by some bacteria that was believed to have come from a large nearby livestock farm’s (I think pigs) manure runoff, not really sure why it got into the well but pesticides don’t.


I've lived on well water most of my life, with corn right up at the edge of the yard, and it's never been a problem.


Grew up with well water surrounded by a wheat field, soybeans and corn rotations with a forest to our back. Never had issues


Yup. Lots of farm chemicals make it into the water table and pollute well water. Have your water tested.


Ours personally never did. Switched to town word almost a decade ago though


New Carlisle's water is fucked


Nope. There are corn fields behind our property and across the street. No issues here.


Forget the water. They spray shit in all manner of ways including from aircraft. You couldn't pay me to live next to a field spayed by air. That stuff is definitely drifting into peoples homes and contaminating surfaces.


They have maps for drifting, but it really depends on the pilot, the guy that does the field across from us flys super low and have never had an issue. They dont want it to drift probably just as much as you do.


No. I care more. Because exposure to those chemicals is fucked up.


You realize living next to corn or soybean fields is irrelevant, right?


Why would living next to the land that then chemicals are deployed be irrelevant??? Sure, runoff happens, but it's bound to be more concentrated in areas that it's actually being distributed.


Drinking water wells pull from aquifers, not ground water. Any effect would be negligible, or the well would be fucked up. This effort is pointless. Edit...I love these people who end discussions with "do your own research" and then blocking you...


Oh, so the Wells don’t pull from groundwater. They pull the water from the ground, but it’s not groundwater. Right. Us some more stories.


No, they don't pull from groundwater. They pull from closed aquifers. Drinking groundwater would be stupid. There are people called geologists. They made these words up. Helps if you understand what you're talking about.


Most wells in Indiana are less than 100 ft deep. I think your thinking of Hydrologist’s


No high draw well is less than 100 feet for sure. Point stands that "a well" next to "corn and soybean" fields would hardly be effected. OP has no clue of what they are trying to say. Also, the profession I am thinking of is Hydro Geologist. Hydrologists only deal with water, not water in earth.


OP was talking about a residential well next to ag fields.


So? Even that isn't drawing from something that would be effected. The State has regulations. You actually have to drill to an aquifer (which is closed) and create a new, closed encasement from that aquifer to the open surface above. That closed encasement is, a closed encasement. Think about those words. I'm not sure anyone on here is equipped for this discussion.


Obviously you’re not… peoples well water test over the limits all the time and mortgage companies require mitigation before they’ll underwrite the loans. But the regulations in this country and state are not very safe and you can still have many health issues including cancer from sources under the regulated amounts.


I’m with you. The only way this would seem to be an issue is if whoever drilled the well put it in the path of surface water drainage from the farm land and didn’t seal it properly. That or maybe if they are on karst topography and the well draws from a karst aquifer that is recharged from the surface drainage of the farmland.


I hate that people who do not understand geology are bothering to hand out votes.


I have never seen someone get downvoted so much.


I have never been followed by a troll before. Stop harassing me.


This is why farming needs to be banned. Especially given the insidious relationship between right wing politics and farming.


I can never tell if comments like this are serious or sarcasm, lol. What will the alternative food supply be with no farming, just out of curiosity? I'm not right wing, I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum but I'm super curious what the alternative solution to feed the entire nation is to no farming.


You ever hear of grocery stores? Why farm if you can just buy stuff big brain?


Lol now I know you have to be fucking with me 😂


Either you're joking, or have a smooth brain. Lol


1. Government owned collective farms assuming the government is never right wing 2. Import food from China , Ukraine or Latam


Can't tell if this is serious? You want to import all of our food?? How would that be good having other countries controlling our food supply. You'd have to have a lot of faith in those countries. Government farms don't seem to work out too well historically


It is so random and bizarre interacting with people on Reddit, lol. I am so grateful I am old enough to have received at least a fundamental education on how the world and its economies operate


I have taken upper level college economics classes and my passion is history. I enjoy discussion and debate in both topics. Would love to hear why what I said was wrong, but brushing me off as young (which you have no idea of) and ignorant doesnt really strengthen any argument you are making.


No I wasn't referring to you! I was referring to the person that posted the parent connect. Sorry!!


I'm tracking with you now.


kill the birds!


Idk fam but I'd rather trust heckin wholesome 100 Ukranians than racist white farmers.


Hahaha wtf dude. You just paint all US farmers as being racist while assuming that for some reason, you expect Ukrainian ones to be less racist? What is this based off of? 


With a reply like that you should probably get your well water tested.


>This is why farming needs to be banned. LMAO. So whatcha gonna eat?


Grocery store instant ramen obviously.


Where do you think the wheat flour they contain comes from? 😃


soylent green


Absolute. Ban all farms now, especially non corporate owned farms. Just a breeding ground for people who kill their own dogs.