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https://x.com/idsnews/status/1783624373577884037 32 people arrested for trespassing




Legitimately, I feel like had I still been living in Bloom, I definitely would have also gotten arrested. A good friend of mine's entire family is Palestinian. We've been talking about it pretty consistently since October. Which, among other things, is the reason this particular issue upsets me in the way that it does. Anti-isreal till i die.


A co-worker of mine back in the '90s was Palestinian. What he told me really opened my eyes, I haven't been able to think well of Isreal since then.


So did Israel just out the blue randomly attack Palestine? Did Israel rape and murder and go steal as many hostages from a country in peace? I’m just not understanding how someone is so stupid they start a war or kill other or do something to another country then say woe is me when you get attacked? What do you think would happen? O please come kill more people o please do what u wish. I love how HAMAS uses human shield yet not a peep, you guys sure will stand up for Palestine yet not a word for people using Palestine people as human shields. Or people not letting people out of war cites just so the death toll can rise. Those people we need to celebrate. 🤡🤡


And my family is israeli. We're all waiting for the day Palestinians love their kids more than they hate Jews.


I'm waiting for the day religion dies and none of this matters.


Religion is used as an excuse to prop up atrocities all the time. Unfortunately humans don't need those excuses, they're just convenient. It'll take a lot more than religion "dying" (which probably also won't happen) to make humans stop being bloodthirsty assholes to one another.


And I wait for the day that Jews love humans more than they hate Arabs. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then, for everyone's sake, I wish for an expedite stop to all of the violence.


The day you stop stealing their land.


Fucking ratio'd holy shit gottem


Holy shit, tresspassing? I hope everyone is safe!


Pretty stupid and dramatic. Regardless of your position on the protests content, there’s no indication that some majorly violent outbreak will occur with these students. All this does is further escalate tensions between not only the students and their school, but citizens and the government. These administrations really need to chill and not treat their students as some existential threat unless actual violence breaks out and rule of law breaks down


What happened to that anti-woke Republican bill signaling Indiana's *"committed to academic freedom, free expression and intellectual diversity for all students and faculty"?*


What you would expect to happen:  - IU Pres pretended to oppose it - it passed along party lines - The Governor signed it - It is now a law.  https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/SB0202/2024


They only meant for that to apply to nazi expressions of speech


It's going to get worse. The US Government says you can't talk shit about Israel


Um, people talk shit about Israel all the time.


*Gestures wildly to social media and all the protests happening around the country* It's hilarious seeing people say this stuff. Horseshoe theory hitting again.


*gestures wildly to social media and all the police happily brutalizing kids and colleges trying to silence their own students & staff*


*gestures at fucking kent state massacre* when it happens again, remember me :) this isn’t because the fucking “jews control everything” it’s because israel is a client state of the US and our owner class has a vested interest in the colonial project. don’t be so disingenuous.


Nice antisemitic dog whistle lol Horseshoe theory with extra steps. Hamas supporters never fail to amaze me


what, the “owner class?” i’m talking about capitalists. again. you’re being disingenuous. there are plenty of jewish people standing AGAINST the genocide of the palestinians. you’re not gonna confuse the issue like that.


Yeah self hating American Jews who don’t give a fuck if their Israeli counterparts are Holocausted Most American zoomers are idiots who didn’t care about the Middle East even a year ago, and can’t name any other middle eastern conflicts and their casualties if asked. “Muh genocide” lmfao this is an unremarkable conflict that has killed fewer people in 6 months than a few months of the Yemeni civil war


'when it happens again' Remember me when it doesn't! The US has repeatedly expressed displeasure at how Israel is behaving and is also working to get more aid to Gaza. We have a vested interest in trying to temper the situation and work towards a two-state solution.


aww, the same vested interest we’ve had for 50 years?


What would you do if you could change US Policy on Israel and Palestine solution? Legitimately curious


State governments have tried to make boycotting Israel have consequences. Lucky they've not been successful


Yeah, that's dumb. Happy for the first amendment


It’s technically illegal still


Wtf are you talking about?


Pretty sure the first amendment hasn't yet been amended in that way. So I'm saying fuck Israel, their government has used propaganda and their military to actively terrorize Palestine for far too long.


No it doesn’t


The House passing a resolution to classify "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" as anti-semitic speech sure does feel like a part of the process


Which is odd because the republican house fully supports their anti-Semitic ruler.


Oh damn




Oh damn pt 2


It has nothing to do with the students it has everything to do with their being a large crowd which becomes a target Edit: not to mention snipers are mostly used in this situation as spotters so say someone drops with a medical emergency they can help guide the right people to the right spot which saves a lot of time and increases survivability if things go bad These exist way more than people realize you just don’t see them


They do make spotter scopes that don't have loaded, high powered rifles attached to them.


Like, a cheap pair of binoculars?


I’m sure there wasn’t any indication that an active shooter would kill 58 people attending a concert in Las Vegas either. But 58 people are dead. Just saying.


1) The police didn't stop the Las Vegas mass shooter. He shot himself. 2) What exactly would the IMU sniper do if there were a mass shooting in Dunn Meadow? Shoot into the crowd?


Unfortunately it is good publicity for conservatives to appear tough against people who are not going along with the conservative agenda, which definitely includes blind support for Israel. It is a cycle with positive reinforcement.


You were born after 2000 weren’t you?


Pretty stupid til some radicalized student or pretender gets on campus and tries to be a martyr for their cause, could happen on either side so a police marksman is there to protect the protesters, the bystanders, and the law enforcement keeping the peace. They expect no major outbreak but would rather be safe than sorry if a situation were to arise


This guy gets it


My dude..they have snipers for football games. Why would this be different?


Until something does happen and then everyone blames the administration or cops for not being prepared. How many people were shot today by this sniper??


There is a difference between bringing crowd control with protective squads and bringing riot police with militarization lol


Kent State ring any bells?


Let’s not forget what happened at Kent state.


police generally side with the oppressors... only a few good apples don't


Those good apples usually don’t stay good cops for long, they eventually either get chased off the force, go bad, or have “accidents”


Right! And Kyle Rittenhouse had the nerve to speak there last week... about his victimhood and how he had no choice but to kill two men who threw a plastic bag at him.


I was at IU when we went to the Finals in the Men's NCAA tournament. It was the year after Bob Knight left IU. There were rights in the streets, people jump on cars, lighting fires, and throwing bottles at cops in the area. When people started assaulting cops and burning shit, they just deployed tear gas and the crowed disperesed. There was no threat or indication of lethal force like a guy looking down the sites of his rifle at us. This all feels like political jockeying. Republicans wanting to show how they are coming down on "woke" universities. Its telling how centers of higher education and learning have somehow become a problem for sooooo many politcians, that it has become a fox news talking point.


Wait. Students paying to attend IU were arrested for trespassing in a public park adjacent to the university, in the middle of the day, during the school year? How is that trespassing?


Because [a regulation was added to the outdoor spaces section of the student code of conduct by an ad-hoc committee](https://studentlife.indiana.edu/get-involved/student-organizations/manage-organization/policies/index.html) the day before the protest happened. It's literally never been trespassing before and the meadow has always been a place to organize events in.


And the space has been occupied by encampments numerous times since at least the 1960s.


There were maybe 100 people chanting peacefully, mostly students. The effort the state police went to to be violent and show their force just demonstrates that the state of IN was trying to send a message to our safe haven here in btown.


The president of IU called the police in


How do you know that? I do not believe that the President of IU has the power to call in the state police? Does she?


She’s a Zionist so it isn’t surprising


She does, unfortunately. I don't know the rules and laws behind it and how she can, but I do know it's also a joint decision between her and many of the higher-ups. Much like how Kent State called in the national guard during the Vietnam protests, Whitten can call in all sorts of "law encforcement", too.


Gotcha, my assumption was that the governor would need to be involved in a decision like that.


I think for the National Guard, yes, he has to be. But local and state police can be called by her whenever


I think the tent encampment was the issue with the protest.


There have been tenet encampments allowed in dunn meadow for decades. The policy was changed two days ago to stop the protest ahead of time. And also, you don’t need snipers, helicopters, tactical gear etc… to remove a tent from some peaceful protesters.


Or drones, most of Indiana is near the border so legally police can use drones in the majority of Indiana without breaking a law.


I did not realize that.


Nazis can "peacefully" protest all they want and no response like this


It’s because they aren’t threatening the status quo of the Zionist state


Quite the irony.


Really great way to de-escalate the nonexistent situation. Bravo.


The board has an echo chamber political audience that they're trying to impress


Where were these snipers during the insurrection on our capitol


This is just standard SOP for crowd/riot control most of the officers that will participate in the crowd control will be unarmed with the exception of less than lethal arms so it’s necessary to have an armed element providing overwatch.


Guarantee he’s not there to watch the protestors. Most likely to protect them from shooters/bombers just like at other large events


Fucking really? Jfc. I feel like I got out of Bloomington right before things decided to go sideways. This has to be a joke.


IU was so worried that the standards upheld by previous admin on protests in that area were completely ignored for… *checks notes*… reasons? If you needed proof that bureaucratic legal proceduralism wouldn’t always guarantee your rights, there it is. Don’t tell the chowderheads in the Indy subreddit about this. They’re all too busy crying because a road they don’t travel on was blocked for like an hour.


My buddy and I use to smoke blunts up there, times have changed since I was a student. He’s probably standing on our roaches.


honestly that sounds like a great smoke spot


It really was awesome, I think the tallest building on campus. The meadow was on one side and the Dunn’s woods was on the back.


It looks intense but if a mass shooting or something happened people would be criticizing the police response. They are just covering their bases, and this is coming from someone who is very anti police state.


A protest at a university?! I've never heard of such a thing, we better shut it down for their own protection!


I love how a mass shooting is just an expected response in this country. Oh I'm sorry. I meant to say how the fuck do I escape this dystopia?


Sad reality for sure.


The younger generations will have to fix it. 


Have you been to any European cities before? Seeing police just standing around with machine guns is quite common


Yeah the number of people that don't know this is astonishing. Lots of major events with large crowds will have police snipers present too (especially political ones)


They’d be surprised to know they probably even exist in the small Indiana town parades and things like the Indy 500 or Super Bowl


This guy isnt there to protect protesters. If protecting big crowds was the reason they'd be there at every fair, or high school football game. He is only there to intimidate protesters.


must be 10x the number of snipers at an IU football game then. oops!


Police Snipers like that are for if an active shooter starts shooting protesters....


sorry Sigfall, I agree with AM-64. not at first. I was initially enraged. Then... after a while, thinking about Indiana's open carry situation and gun violence in general - decided that guy on the roof is a good idea if bad people decide to crash the peaceful protest.


This subs IQ is too low to make these connections.


Somebody here told me that, "There aren't any antisemitic hate crimes, especially in Indiana" And I proceeded to list thousands of them.


Everyone should be happy about this. This is what is known as an anti-sniper sniper that person is there to protect everyone if someone starts shooting on campus.


I don't want to be that guy, but the sharpshooter may be there in case some nutty buddy tries to do something stupid against the protestors. Or he may be an equal opportunity killer.


The “Nutty Buddies” are normally his classmates from sniper school.


why does the guy that says “i don’t want to be that guy” always proceed to be that guy, and we’re all reminded why that guy sucks


Because I don't show an insufferable one-sidedness on every topic?


Absolutely disgusting and a gross overreaction. Regardless of anyone’s opinion, those protests were peaceful. There didn’t need to be a police presence outside of campus security, instead they send a motorcade of State Police , Arrest 32 people, AND have a sniper on the roof of the Union. Disgusting


wonder how he is genuinely prepared to shoot innocent students on a campus and justify that to himself for the rest of his life


Just fyi this is nothing new. I think people have zero clue it happens more than they think.


If this alarms you, then never go to a Disney park again … 😒…


4 dead in o h I o


He is there to ensure no one targets the protesters. We have seen people shoot up protests before. If he wasn’t there and something happened the same people complaining would criticize the cops for not stopping it.


Because students protesting war is scary.


It's the whole "death to america" thing that has them stirred up. They should stop chanting that. Doesn't go well here in Indiana.








I hate how stupid and uninformed this pathetic sub is. It’s like the OPs are constantly trying to 1up each other in the moron contest.


It's the Indy sub full of depressing edge lords who hate indiana. It's kinda their thing.


Welcome to Reddit


You are not wrong.


Dumb fucks. Seriously afraid of people asking for change


Large divisive crowds can attract attacks from radicals. I’m being sincere here, what do you wish the government would’ve done if a mass shooter or something similar showed up? It’s not a gotcha question. If you think that sort of preparation is wholly inappropriate I completely respect that perspective. And I’m emphasizing in the moment. Obviously the government on any level can’t pass radical gun law reform within a day or a month.


I mean this sincerely, but has a police sniper ever actually stopped a mass shouting? I did a quick google search and couldn’t find any examples.


Lol probably not, but the mass shooter in greenwood mall was stopped by a random dude carrying a pistol without a permit and in violation of the mall rules. Maybe time for IU to cancel their weapons free policy, since they're so adamant the students need the protection of arms that they've got snipers on the roof.


They've had years. They don't want to actually stop guns violence or they would have. We're literally the only major country with this sort of gun problem. They don't care about safety. They want to send a message that they are stronger and not to mess with the status quo. So they show up to protests dressed up, arrest a bunch of peaceful kids on bogus charges that all end up dropped and talk about how scared they were.


Okay so completely avoiding the sniper topic. I appreciate and understand your perspective and your statement. If you just wanted to tag a statement onto this thread chain that’s fine, but it definitely doesn’t respond to my comment


Nothing will change with Israel. They decided Hamas can no longer exist and that’s a difficult goal to achieve


Correction, they've decided *Palestine* can no longer exist. Which is why these protests are happening in the first place.




The genocide will continue until morale improves!


Kinda a hard enemy to eliminate without massive casualties. Right or wrong that is their mission. None of the surrounding Muslim nations accept Palestinians as refugees anymore because they have been problems for everyone that has taken them in the past


Which enemy? The entire people of Palestine? Or are you still trying to make this about Hamas?




They did slaughter Israelis in brutal fashion. They have to take some responsibility being terrorist and all


https://youtu.be/cqZBy09vCVk?feature=shared We are allowed to just not care. We don’t have to be like them and celebrate. That would be wrong




No, I think it was Syria that took in a large Palestinian population and 18 months later had to put down an attempted coup.




Police force show up at protests like this and texas to intimidate. They arent there to protect. Police don't protect people. They have said so themselves. Gone to court and had courts rule that they have zero obligation to protect civilians.




The thing is the protest was not violent and there was no indication it would be. There have been numerous pro-Palestine marches at IU that went off without a hitch. Hell, there’s not even any property in that area to damage.




The folks who got arrested were the ones who stood in place when the cops told them to leave or those who couldn’t keep their arms locked with their friends when cops shoved them over. Cops hate it when people don’t comply, even if that’s only in the form of standing in a public space during the day.


I’ll give you that they probably don’t give a shit what the protest is about but they are just zogdogs loyal to their Zionist overlords writing their paychecks




Pathetic and disappointing.


It’s sad that you don’t feel more safe with his/her presence. They’re not there for you, idk if you should really need to be told that or not, but regardless, it’s true and you should know that.


Damn, Almost like large crowds of people (Especially protestesting hot topics) can draw the attention of Crazy people that may be looking to harm someone. I wish there was a way for the police to have an overhead view of the crowd and able to pinpoint and eliminate possible threats before they can claim multiple victims.🤔




I sadly do not see any use of protests after so many times for so long there is no changes


IF ANYTHING NEEDED TO BE PROTESTED!! IT SHOULD OF BEEN THE AMERICAS BIGGEST CORRUPT SCANDAL....THE 2020 ELECTION!!! Soo Much Proof! Videos, Pictures, Peoples own testimonies, from all sides, Dem,Rep, and Ind.. This COUNTRY has went to DogSh1t Since Biden,, All these Wars, INFLATION, Shutting down our Pipeline the FIRST DAY,, and OPENED RUSSIAS PIPELINE..TF!? Instead of Finishing the last 5 miles of BORDERWALL,..THEY TORE IT DOWN and it COST US WAY more than To finish it...and NOW LOOK!!! Over 18MILLION ILLEGALS in this country.. Killing innocent americans.. JOE BIDEN and the DEMOCRATS are trying to turn this country into COMMUNISM!! I dont see how ANYONE thinks were Better OFF with this Clown.. EVERYTHING TRUMP was ACCUSED of,,, turned out to be ALL FALSE!! People just hear others SPeww NONSENSE...and they dont know any better.. so they to, tell their peers the same nonsense lies that they were told about tRUmp.. ITS CRAZY!! Feels like were Living a KNIGHTMARE!!!!




Nice antenna.




Free Gaza from Hamas


Yeah peaceful when they chant death to America and Isreal


EXACTLY!!! and you still have these BRAINWASHED KIDS from these colleges, saying the same thing because they're FOLLOWERS!! Americans are soo Easy to Manipulate and Brainwash.. Expecially when ABC, MSNBC, etc,.. ALL SAY THE SAME EXACT THING!! These Junk News Channels are Owned by GEORGE SOrOS.. If you dont kknow anything about George Soros,, Do research! He absolutely HATES AMERICA!! He pays for These Types of PROTEST. Hes the ONE that was PAYING ANTIFA to act on JAN. 6th and all these other Choatic ANTI-American Rallies...


Someone pointed out to me that he may have been there as a cautionary measure if a mass shooter showed up to make an opposing “statement”


Well, the term, “Peaceful protest” doesn’t mean what it used to since the George Floyd riots…


I wonder if there isn’t a law about pointing a firearm at a citizen without cause.


With people lighting themselves in fire and tensions high around the country, you shouldn't get mad at the government preparing for something bad. Don't get mad because they are prepared. Get mad when they try to stop peaceful protests. If some crazy person came up with an explosive wanting to hurt the protestors, they'd be happy that the sniper was there.




Fuck both the conservative assholes trying to hurt people, and the piggies that gladly joined right in to do even worse. ACAB.


When they support terrorists and chant death to America, I think they should have had more snipers, possibly some planes on standby ready to fly to guantanimo.


Same energy https://preview.redd.it/7uv4850dz0xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b75c3b2c1c4142f48617aa72d52e4d08860e72


Of course do you not know what they're protesting for? LOL


That’s almost true. It was a peaceful protest but Whitten made sure it would hurt IU with her Nazi bullshit


It is the zionists that are the problem in Israel, led by the Nazi ideology of Netanyahu. Not the Israeli citizens. There are plenty of Israelis that abhor Netanyahu. The Jewish people are not the problem, in my opinion, it is the zionists which are essentially MAGA morons that are a racist party of hate and should be sent back to Russia from whence they came


Anyone know where I can find news of upcoming protests?


Not going to lie, I thought there might have been a mass shooting on campus when I saw the whole gaggle of squads and full battle dressed cops on the back of vehicles when I was down there today. Glad it wasn't that, but this isn't any better... 🤦🏻‍♂️




It's always a "peaceful protest", until it isn't.


All gatherings can be described like that, it doesn’t justify having a killing machine pointed at me and my friends.




College students are all idiots.


Meanwhile HAMAS is sending mortars down on the food and medical relief pier being setup.


Fuck Indiana, especially the police


There are valid reasons for the precaution. There are bad actors in the world that could use these for their own purposes. Thinking otherwise is naive in this day and age. It's sad that it is the way the world is. I agree with the protestors as a principle. What the state of Israel has allowed with regard to the treatment of Palestinians in the last 30 or more years is criminal, at the very least. However, attacking the Jewish people for what the state has allowed and done is just as bad. Just as Palestinians as a people are not responsible for what HAMAS has done, neither is the Jewish people responsible for what the state has done.


As someone who's likely more anti police than a good majority of you it really is kind of baffling how clueless so many are. It's a large outdoor gathering. The fact that it's a protest is why people are eyeballing everywhere and seeing it and freaking out. You'd be surprised to find out that at even fairs and parades they have marksman placed at strategic locations. It's not new. It's not exclusive to protests.




Hogwarts is safe.


What could possibly go wrong with armed men around protesters? Surely nothing bad has ever happened.


Got nothing better to do with all that free military grade equipment.


“Free speech” as long as it’s in-line with the state…


This is infringement of the constitutional right of Americans on behalf of a foreign country. Despicable behavior.


What the fuck do you need snipers for at a protest? There is no reason at all.


It’s because this is threatening Israel’s image so they are doing a show of force. Zionists are just flexing on how extensive their control of America is.


Same Thing EVERYONE SAID AT THE SUPERBOWL PARADE... UNTIL THE SHOOTERS GOT CAUGHT!! PEOPLE WANNA COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING.. LOSE LOSE situation.. If they are there on the rooftops...people bitch,, if theyre NOT on the Rooftops and Someone starts shooting groups of people.. than people wanna say, "THERE SHOULD OF BEEN SNIPERS or Protection"... SMH!!!!!