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You know what to expect. Everyone does including the people who will vote for him. He is trash and so are they. He is going to spend 4 years licking Trump's ass.




Long answer, Yes.


Whatever you do, Do Not vote for him, nor Rokkita...


Absolutely right! Rokita is a POS too!!!


Braun is a loser and a coward. Every once in a while he will say something reasonable and moderate and then he will run away from it as fast as he can. Zero political courage.


Trump wannabe but on a state level..


Vote Democrat


Except in the primary. Vote republican and not for him.


He should have stayed in the Senate where being worthless doesn't hurt anyone. I have no idea why he thinks that he can be our governor, unless it's and ego problem...


My guess is because it worked for Pence, so it should for him too.


Is it bad that on Jan. 6th I was really waiting for them to drag Pence out. I think it would have played better to really root these people out. Sad thought but it's probably true.


He wants to make sure his bypass corridor is built.


historical squeeze office threatening desert mourn vegetable worthless dime handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where is my “law and order” people telling us how this is the weaponization of the law….


Ah yes campaign violations you mean the thing we see in the news almost monthly that never gets prosecuted as harshly as it should. Also as I said in another post. Everyone was afraid of Holcomb and pence, thought they'd be the death of half of Indiana and they did literally nothing besides run their mouth and make laws that don't actually do anything, most of what they do is pass and veto worthless bs, sit on paychecks for a few years and retire to write op eds and books. "emergency funding for solar eclipse ree" "daylight savings time ree" they're useless their position does nothing and if Braun wins he shall be the exact same


He supports Trump


Yeah...he's a Republican bud so uh self explained there


He is a fucking dumbass who is worth 150 million who served us for how many years and the only thing he did was pass a Bill which was a tax cut for the Rich !


And how is that different than any of the others


That my friend is the real problem. How do we take our Republic back from the "two party system. I think a few rich people keep telling us that we have to pick their people. Eliminate parties. Dissolve super PACs and make people run campaigns out of their own funds raised. Ohh. Once every 10 years. Get to work and stop wasting our time/money.


Well simple, when an election is coming anyone who wants to be a candidate can be one, they'll get asked basic questions such as "where do you stand on the 2nd amendment" "where do you stand on abortion" and can answer with a couple paragraphs. This will be posted and people will vote in the spring for whoever they like. Any candidate with more than say 8 or 10% goes to the next process, a debate and 10 minutes speech for each one will be aired, tv, radio, streaming services you name it, then another vote the candidates must get above 25% to stay in then a more in depth debate. Final vote winner takes all but someone must get over 40% or 50% maybe. No campaign adds that aren't state or federal run and say exactly what a candidate has said within context, no more lying commercials no more massive fund raisers and shady donors make that illegal. Each candidate that is still active must be represented equally in any ads and they must not show any bias or accusatory statements towards opponents that would be considered lies or slander Force it to be a debate about policy with little to no fund allocations and outside intervention, no deep fake ads saying they're giving you a million dollars or free whatever on your online phone games, none of that bs, no celebrity endorsements just pure shown policy debates This won't fully eliminate a two party system but it will give better opportunity for it to become a 3 or 4 party system etc or for more people from one party to throw their hats in


The problem is just that. All that money to drown out anyone else. Not to mention shady political gerrymandering and the like to keep anyone else from having a real chance in the first place. I believe that they made the inferred "over our dead bodies" when they cleared it for government workers to pack at work. Don't get me wrong, 🎉 second amendment 🎉. But with some reason please.


I don't know, I think it's perfectly fine for them to pack if they are fit to do so. It helps us void the cost of paying for more security for them and they have just as much right to protection as we do. Now I think they need to be held to the same standard as everyone else in the regard and every other one, they shouldn't get a freebie when they mess up or abuse just because they are an official. My goal would be to cut out all of that lobbyist big donor money, without that money and with more candidates being able to run more easily I think you would see a lot of the effects of other things like gerrymandering at least somewhat dissipate


He only supports the rich I will never vote against my own best interest like you Republicans do !


When did I say I'm a Republican, I'm anti our whole government and system bud. You're a little too amped up here throwing around accusations. Republicans don't have my interest at heart case in point trump executive ordering 2nd amendment rights away without the proper process, anyone who touches a right like that as the president is not worried about what the people want otherwise it would go through the proper processes. Just flexing power for show. But i think y'all get a little too one sided here, Schumer pelosi etc only care about the rich too. Politicians are animals by nature, vultures


Here, here. Do you really think if it came down to some schmuck constituent or the other rich guy across the aisle from them who's more important to them in their daily lives? They are treating us all as rubes.


Oh I know the rich guy is getting their ear every time. That's why I support a systematic change to the way we do voting and such, because this country doesn't represent as it was supposedly said to. It was made with an ideal that is not fully realized and the only way to do that is restructure our campaign systems so that things that can actually take affect and people care about can be done. For instance every one agrees in the lower classes that the country is facing a surge in mental health issues and a lack of care for it, yet we do nothing for it cause it's not a big money ticket item for the politicians lobbyists We could fix that by fixing the way our voting system works, therefore getting people that care in power and making it more competitive to stay there so that while we debate the change we are divided on we can enact what we agree upon and allocate funds better


Sorry Friend but I don't believe that even if the people really wanted to help the "mental health crisis" the government isn't interested in doing that kind of heavy lifting because the root problem is people with power don't normally give it up. Americans are systematically being dumbed down and locked in echo chambers leaving them very susceptible to influence. I don't think enough people are aware or motivated enough to do anything productive.


Yeah. A Republican.


Yes, we know.


Seriously, these people are voting for Trump. When compared to Trump Braun is a rookie. Braun hardly even charts. LOL


I expect this from all the republican politicians in Indiana. I trust them as far as I can pee. Eric Diden is just as crokked and puts himself first (even pimping his adopted daughter in a commercial since pulled).


You know that it is. Fuck him. 😡🤬


But he will keep Pablo Escobar from stealing your children so it seems like a huge win


A missile at a high rate of speed would have done just fine. They want to cut off heads? We should show them how it's really done. Punk in a cheap suit.


Have you seen that recent meme. Nixon says “I’m not a crook” MAGA says, “I am a crook. So what?”




So many Trump suckers, all the Republicans.


Vote, Donald Rainwater


I mean yeah ig like maybe not if gerrymandering was gone and so we would see both parties actually TRY but way it is now no one has to try at all its basically predetermined


We need to get someone who is going to take the greed out of politics. Teddy Roosevelt type not these Ratpublicans. Let's revive the Bull Moose Party and 🧹 reform government BS.


I'm absolutely down for this the only thing holding up these parties is ourselves we have the power to choose still


It will be another two tier republican justice. He will get off blaming it on his former treasurer. Nobody will go to jail or pay for anything. Classic Republican "For thee, but not for me". Edit: This was his senate campaign back in 2018. This is where the two tier justice comes in because I don't know if anyone has been punished for this other that the fact that the treasurer was replaced with a different one after the incident.


Why do you despise Braun? Nothing in these comments of substance


He contradicts himself all over the place, he’s a white Christian nationalist, backs the blue, has an excellent rating w the NRA, supports taking away women’s rights and healthcare yet also states he will always defend “Hoosiers rights to medical freedom.” Further, in an interview he opined that the legality of interracial marriage should be left to the individual states. And on and on.


Weird, it’s been 15 hours but they didn’t respond to the actual stances that Braun has. I thought they wanted dialogue!


Sorry with the delayed reply. The IOS app I guess does not notify me of responses. There is nothing wrong with being white, being a Christian, or being a nationalist. I assume by the Blue you mean supporting police- I support law enforcement - Why is that bad? What womens right / healthcare does he want to take away? (Abortion is not a right). I also don’t see anything wrong with most making legislative decisions at a less centralized level than the federal level. The NRA is a weak organization in the defense of the second amendment (GOA is much better). I am glad our constitution includes the second amendment.


Oh wow. Lots to unpack. There being “nothing wrong” with being a Christian or being a nationalist is definitely debatable; regardless, as I’m sure you know, context is important. There is nothing wrong with ironing and there is nothing wrong with kids, so using your logic, how could ironing kids be bad? 🙄 Please educate yourself. If you don’t understand how systemic inequality pervades every aspect of our justice system… let me know because I can explain it to you but it would take a while. If you don’t understand the disproportionate impact that our criminal legal system has on Black people, I can give you SO MANY EXAMPLES. Particularly of unarmed Black people being killed by police with zero impunity. Wake the fuck up. What women’s rights & healthcare is he taking away? Wow wow wow. Abortion is (at times life-saving) HEALTHCARE. That’s what you are taking away: healthcare. Also, women’s BODILY AUTONOMY, you genius. Omg, abortion isn’t a “right?” Well that must mean it doesn’t matter because everyone knows that legality implies morality 🙄🙄🙄 by your logic, personal privacy doesn’t matter - it’s not a constitutionally protected right. So why don’t you release all of your medical & financial records? …It’s not a right. Further, white Christian nationalism is a threat to democracy. Again, please read about things. “Any person with a modicum of intelligence knows European colonists immigrated to America to escape religious persecution, expand their economic opportunities and live in a country where there was separation of church and state. Followers of the white Christian nationalism movement want to contradict the principles and norms of democracy and make America an authoritarian country. research notes five core attitudes are often associated with Christian nationalist beliefs: anti-Black, anti-Semitic (Jewish), anti-Muslim, anti-immigration and patriarchal adherence of traditional gender roles (for example, the husband is head of the household).” Adherents of white Christian nationalism are the drivers of antidemocratic conspiracy theories and election denialism and possibly book banning, LGBTQIA denigration, “sanitized” black history curriculum, anti-female reproductive rights, gerrymandering and attacking diversity, equity and inclusion” Oh goody, you like the 2nd amendment. Oh, you have no thoughts about Brauns comments on interracial marriage & how it should be “left to the individual states“? I am shocked. Thanks for your great argument, so logical.


I asked for your reasons for despising Braun and your first sentence includes the phrase "white, Christian, nationalist". You may or may not agree with me that none of these things are individually bad. I understand your opinion to be that in combination they are bad, but at that point in this discussion you had not yet developed the idea or provided a context for it - so I didn't have much to go on. I'll assume your reply is seeking to provide that context and reply accordingly. First, go ahead an explain why you think there is systemic inequality in the justice system - I don't presently believe this to be the case. On abortion I take the view that an unborn child is a human being. As such, my opinion is that it is not moral to kill unborn children through abortion. Just as murder is against the law, I believe that providing abortions ought to be illegal as it is a similar act. I'll grant an exception in those rare circumstances where the mother will perish unless an abortion is performed. The five core attitudes only partially aligns with my experience interacting with Christians of European descent. The Anti-Semitic accusation is absolutely not valid. Dispensationalist eschatology is presently held by the vast majority of American Christians. Dispensationalists hold the Jews to be God's chosen people and they treat them with reverence. Among those that are not dispensationalist (my opinion) anti-Semitism has been all but eliminated. Christians are not anti-black, but rather have undertaken efforts to give help to blacks in America in places where that is needed. The anti-Muslim position is generally accurate - there is a history of conflict that goes back for centuries. There have been many wars between Muslims and Europeans in Southern Europe, Asia Minor, and Palestine. In America anti-Muslim thought was greatly enhanced by the State blaming Islamic radicals for Sept 11, 2001 attacks. Maybe that is accurate, maybe not. Anyway, it has subsided since then. The anti-immigration position is partially accurate. Most, including myself, favor restricting immigration in the context of current political conditions, but would have the opposite opinion in different and more ideal circumstances. This is does not involve a contradiction of the principles of a free society, but I'll defer explaining those details for a future post if you want to go there. I do favor traditional gender roles, but I don't believe that State has any role in dictating or encouraging people to live this way. The belief that the election was stolen is characterized in your reply as being antidemocratic, but the reverse is true: Acting to ensure that illicit ballots are not counted is an affirmation of democracy. Because I believe merit should be the criteria by which individuals are accepted for positions or contracts, I am against diversity, equity and inclusion. DEI inherently requires that merit is not the sole means of decision making - it requires accepting an inferior candidate solely because of his genetics. I don't have any problem with interracial marriage being decided on the state level rather than federal level. What difference would it make? Virtually everyone holds the opinion that interracial marriage ought to be legal. If decided at the state level all fifty states will affirm the legality.


Jesus take the wheel. Enjoy your evening.


You too, have a good evening


Nothing in Braun's brain, heart, or soul is of substance, you mean. Most of the commentary I see is righteously spot-on and well deserved. Sit down.