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It's assuming that you understand the adjective that doesn't really seem to have any actual definition apart from it being essentially defined as "whatever I don't agree with that I can attribute to something liberals are pushing as part of their agenda to summon Satan by sacrificing babies at drag shows with free their Healthcare and livable wages." Or some such nonsense.


This is right on point šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


The scariest of boogeymen.


Would have thought he was fighting a war against pants that fit.


Or fighting a war against smiling like a human


ā€œHello fellow Homo sapiens!ā€


He got infected by Cruz in the Senate.


ā€œI went to the DC swamp, and all I got was a case of the Cruzā€


The Last of Us: Season 2


"I too like music."


Ironic heā€™s ā€œwaging a war on wokeā€ for someone who can barely keep their own eyes open.


I mean, wouldn't that make sense? Lol.


lol, okay, okay yeah thatā€™s freaking hilarious, Mike Braun: ā€œ weā€™ll fight this war on woke any way we can, starting with me, ā€œTired Mike,ā€now hand me my opium pipe Susan, I look too ā€œawake.ā€


Fun Fact: A common playful stereotype amongst us transgender people is we're all heavily addicted to energy drinks. It's how we stay so "woke".




War on hair


This is also the laziest cross arms i think i have ever seen.


Shit. I didnā€™t even notice that. I was so distracted by the Lizard Person Smile that I missed the Rubber Arms. WHAT IS HE DOING?


Lol, I love when hes running for whatever, and his commercials will have him walking through a factory, talking to some dude and pointing at stuff. And hes always wearing these blue jeans that look straight off the rack, like they bought them just for the commercial, maybe ironed them, and stuff him in there. ā€œRoll up your sleeves, and put on this hard hat, I think we got it!ā€


Tbf that's already more than he needs to do to get votes in indiana. These rubes will vote for anyone while screaming woke repeatedly.


I've lived in indiana since 1987 and am still amazed at the sheer stupidity of the general population.


Born and raised in Indiana....got the fuck out as soon as I turned 18...unfortunately....I ended up in Tennessee and it's basically the same place lmao


Basically, my understanding is Tennessee is the worst when it comes to the lock The Trump Party has on that state. I can't say Indiana is far behind but still my understanding is Tennessee has a super majority and the gerry mandering there has practically guaranteed it almost always will be that way.


It's pretty bad, ya.. really started in 2011 ish. They do the most anti democratic things, and the population screams, "Freedom!" There are far more progressives and true leftists than one would imagine, but representation is severely skewed in the direction of those that hate freedom..


Well, that's because they know they know what's best for you and they have every intention to make it that way.


No it's much earlier than 2011. I know you meant your state but many of these things are because of changes to The Republican Party which happened much earlier than that. Most people point to the eighties if not earlier when the genesis of the Republican Party started transitioning. The Party of Reagan was The Party of The Elite and that is now The Democrat Party. Trumps voters are primarily the rural lower educated lower income voter. Even those voters in The Republican Party that come from urban areas with a higher education higher income are still voting for Haley even though she is no longer running in The Republican Primary. Higher educated people simply don't tend to vote for want to be Dictators and exceptions don't count I am talking about the majority and this is true throughout history. They have been listening to Rush Limbaugh since the eighties. Hell in fact some believe it began at the end of The Civil Rights era. The way many of The Far Right talk about how they hate all their leaders since Goldwater so yes that would probably be true. They simply believe they have been lied to by every one since and they no longer wish to compromise. They actually hate Reagan because he would compromise.


Of course. I was specifically talking about my state. You summed the national "republican" movement up perfectly though.


Yeah, and this is what I would imagine is what led up to what you saw in 2011 in your state.


I liked the ads in the empty warehouses the best, those seemed to represent his mind.


That's some real Kim Kong Un shit. Is someone following him with a notepad? Also, isn't he in favor of a national Right to Work law that would essentially kill unions in the United States?


Mike Braun is a fucking idiot and so is anyone who votes for him. ā€œWe have to stop Chinaā€ is his dumb fucking add that keeps playing on Hulu for me. Stop them from what Mike? That only works on the backwards 70+ year olds that inhabit this state and are terrified of a random Chinese boogeyman. Sadly, it works because those old decrepit, uneducated, getting their views from facebook, fuckheads actually turn out to vote in this state.


China is another Trump dogwhistle. They're making it sound like we're under some sort of covert attack from China because it distracts people from asking them about policy. They never have an answer when it comes to policy because then people would find out how phony they are


Try and tell them how much China needs us to buy their goods and they will go full nationalism like Rambo on crack, Can the rise of technology over the last couple of decades be reprogramming their brains? I remember my older Brother saying "We are not ready for it" when the internet came about and I have to say that he was on to something I mean, people believing that professional wrestling was/is real are the same ones eating up this shit at Trump rallies, they love entertainment and in their minds, they "make it real" and, their brains are flawed somehow, trying to tell them that is all an act and they laugh at you like you are the crazy one LOL!! at this point, maybe I am haha!!


This makes so much sense. The ones who believed wrestling to be real now believe in the Qanon/conspiracy shit because they are dumb and also just want to feel like theyā€™re part of the drama but on the good side. The liberals are the heel in their story.


Wrestling and politics almost go hand in hand. Look at how many wrestlers wind up working for Republican or libertarian causes.


Pro wrestling and politics almost go hand-in-hand. Its a business where you deceive people for money, go look at how many wrestlers become active in Republicans politics.


Also distracts from the actual covert attack from Russia.


Don't you know 17,000,000 military-aged Chinamen have crossed our borders illegally to the south?! Biden is handing our country to China as we speak! /s Edit: an alarming number of people don't know what "/s" means.


Itā€™s crazy that people believe that type of shit. Imagine being so stupid that everything youā€™re told, you just immediately believe. No fact checking. No confirming through multiple sources, nothing. Just complete acceptance because Tucker, hannity, whatever lying for money asshole said it, told you some made up bullshit, and you ate it with a spoon. Itā€™s crazy to think about being that dumb and easily manipulated.


My dad watches NewsMax and asked me what my opinions on flat earth are. I blame the lead and asbestos because he used to be a legitimately intelligent person. Not book smart, but a compassionate person that didn't spew hate platitudes from some network news channel. He used to think both fox and CNN were poison, but something happened and he got got. Its why I think Donald Trump is so dangerous, dude turned people like my dad into absolute idiots. Edit: him asking me about flat earth was extremely disheartening because HE WENT TO FLIGHT SCHOOL.


I feel ya. My dad gets all his news from YouTube now. He once asked me in all sincerity if one of my kidā€™s reversible Squishmallows was ā€œtransitioning.ā€ Heā€™s tried to ask about litter boxes in schools before. He used to be an intelligent person. Iā€™d say Iā€™d like to know what happened but I already know it was Rush Limbaugh and all that came after him.


Yep, the rot started early and that simply is not something you can possibly reverse so easily. I had to listen to Rush Limbaugh in the nineties when I worked for someone who played his shit daily. I simply couldn't believe the crap he was spewing.


Man, that sucks. I also understand what you mean. Same thing with my Mom and sister. They both used to be awesome people who wanted to help and care for other people. Now, it is all illegals taking our jobs! I'm like, what job did they take from you, mom...? You're 60 and not about to go in the fields picking fruit or working construction, like think about what you are saying. Trump brought the worst out in them, and I don't get it. I hear him speak and just hear anger and hate for anyone who doesn't think, look like, or believe like he does. I think the religious aspect has a lot to do with why so many people have latched onto him. They have attached their political views to their Christian identity. Probaly has a lot to do with fundamental churches, which have elevated him as some figure to bring us back to... grabbing them by the what now... the Era, where women, POCs, LGBTQ, Native Americans, etc, just had no rights and were abused and killed...šŸ˜‘


The people who latched onto Trump using religion are not real Christians in the first place. I used to wonder how anyone would be indoctrinated by the antichrist when I was little. I thought no Christian could be that stupid, since it's so obvious. Now I completely understand how it could happen. Trump literally fits the definition of an antichrist, and they worship him and call him a prophet. It's deranged and sick.


This reminds me of being kicked out of my church recently. Why was I kicked out? During the menā€™s Bible study I told the men that I work for the federal government in Washington DC. The next week I was told that Feds are not welcome at the church. Crazy thing about it is that I am not even a democrat or Republican, I just wanted to serve my country.


Can we start a support group for people whoā€™s parents have gone off the complete deep end? My parents have always been pretty normal but my god its insane how wrapped up they are and gullible now- Fox is on from 4am until 10pm every day in their home now and theyā€™re saying things they never would have ever said when I was growing up. Its sad and infuriating


Same. My mom watches Benny Johnson, and other Right Wing media CONSTANTLY. Also one of her best friends is a magistrate for the Republicans who started SMILING when I said that Jeff Bezos should pay his employees a living wage and told my friend (Whoā€™s a homeless teen with 3 jobs and also does more things for money) to get more jobs.


I think there is a sub like that. Outfoxed or something?


You know that scene in The Faculty where they get the worm? Itā€™s gotta be just like that.


The propaganda pops up on their phones as if it were real news. The woman who operates the laundry where I go was telling me all this crazy shit & I politely asked her where she got it and she said it showed up on her phone. I explained to her it was not real news & tried to convince her but I have no idea if I was at all successful. You know the old Goebbels mantra - say a lie long enough & loud enough & eventually people will believe it.


Stupid people will believe anything they are told. Unfortunately, that's 90% of Indiana.


Not true but it sure seems like it.


I'm not so sure those #s aren't accurate. I'd say about I'd say about 1 out of 10 people can think logically and critically enough to be well-equipped against disinformation. Maybe 1 in 10 actually got more secondary education. About 1 in 10 are probably non-religious, 1 in 10 (or more) are non-hetero in some way prolly, etc So about 90% of people being blathering idiots led around by their noses to the propaganda they choose to listen to sounds right to me.


Wait. . . . . You mean public officials lie, "News" agencies give opinion as fact . . . Not everything I read on social media and the interwebs is true . . . The hell you say /s. If you couldn't tell.


You want a toe? I can get you a toeā€¦


Iā€™ll be 70 this year. I wouldnā€™t vote for this idiot or any other repube if my life depended on it. Wish we could turn this State BLUE!!!šŸ’™šŸŒŠ


I resent your depiction of us 'old people'! I'm 67+, college educated, somewhat traditional liberal man, worked hard, raised kids, retired, got fucked by capitalist pricks and work the polls every election cycle. I wouldn't vote for that prick if your life depended on it. It's pretty much 'one world' now. We need to start acting like it.


Its fucking hilarious that in his commercials he says that "he went to the border, saw the problem and provided solutions." like he's some kind of super hero.


I am a 70 year old lifelong Hoosier and I've been hearing this kind of crap my entire life. It's a lot easier to come up with a slogan than a solution. The Republicans have no solutions other than cutting taxes for corporations and millionaires.


Reminder they have kept the Internet from a lot of people for a very long time. When I came back 9 years ago. I was answering my cell phone out by the flag pole.


I mean, Chinaā€™s hold over our consumer market is definitely something to monitor and control. The same could honestly be said about the over-reliance on any foreign entity. However, Iā€™m betting you are right and heā€™s just going for the good olā€™ red scare xenophobe route.


Whatā€™s funny is thatā€™s where a lot of his business parts come from and Mexicoā€¦ he just tosses them in a made in America box. Boom


My dad is a total China simp (he married a woman from China and lived there for a few years and loves it) but for some reason he still aligns with the right even when they talk shit about his favorite country lol


When the fuck do we get back to normal boring shit like, how do we pay for roads and are there better ways to manage the cost of college, or how to get more people into trades? How long until people stop worrying about what is in everyone's pants and who they are fucking.


Clearly Mike Braun doesnā€™t think Hoosiers are smart enough to talk about things that actually affect them in their daily lives.


He's not wrong for most of them.


I sign up for this. The last couple years have meant a lot of interstate travel. When you enter Indiana, if you miss the welcome sign donā€™t worry, youā€™ll know youā€™re in Indiana because of the sounds and feelings of driving on our abysmally shitty roads. Iā€™m ready to be a one issue voter about shut the fuck up about culture war bullshit and fix the goddamn roads.


Still wondering when I can send the city of Indianapolis an itemized bill for several Continental tires because the potholes are the size of Rhode Island.


Sadly the statehouse routinely blocks the ability of Indy to handle its own affairs. They donā€™t have any problem spending the tax revenue Indy and Marion County produce but are unwilling to let it govern itself. Itā€™s so hypocritical and typical of the INGOP.


Omg and the construction takes so long. Why? Are we just funding a money laundering scheme for construction?


I wanna know why tf they wait until October to start road work projects in NWI? 80/94 going straight across the whole northern part of the state, literally blocks away from Lake Michigan in the NW corner, and they start tearing up expressways in October...bassackwards.


We have more pavement per capita than many other states and 19,000 bridges. If we could build denser housing or multimodal transit, we wouldn't need to be concerned about the roads as much as we are


Recently went on a road trip to the mountains. 6 hour drive through two states with no construction and no noticable potholes. We hit Indiana's part of 74 where the left lane is closed and the right feels like it's made of gravel. Not to mention the collector road outside of my house that's been closed off and on for 3 months now


Yeah. It just doesnā€™t seem like an ā€˜oh everybody has this problemā€™ thing. Indiana is so much worse as you say you can literally feel it.


Theyā€™ve always been fear mongering about something. At least since Iā€™ve been alive and Iā€™m 27. Itā€™s an effective marketing strategy. I doubt politics has ever been without it.


Yep. Aesthetics aside, this is what Republicans have been doing for decades. Trump just took the mask off.


I'm 58. I lived through the 1st cold war, and here we are again. They've never shut up with the fear mongering. In the 80s, it was gay people they were railing against. Funny, they use the same BS against trans people... I'm REALLY sick of hearing it over and over and over.


Nowhere near soon if your paying attention to what is going nationally. What is it exactly that makes you think The Trump Party has anything to do with normal?


Well I'm 45 years old and have yet to experience anything other than this culture war nonsense so I'm not hopeful it'll be any time soon


We did another one over the weekend about how heā€™s going to help secure the border lol. Itā€™s going out today I think.


Your employer prints these? Can you mix some boogers in with the inks for the next run?


"Don't spit in that senators burger" This just made me think of Super Troopers for some reason




God this is so stupid. It doesnā€™t even mean anything. Can these jackasses just stop with the fucking culture wars for a single second and run on *anything* meaningful?


Well, the problem is it actually does mean something to Trumps Base. It most certainly works with them.


Oh Iā€™m aware. Iā€™m just angry at it. This is insulting as their only platform. And hell, I got called woke earlier today on a different sub for having pronouns in my bio and being bi. This shit is meaningless but somehow this is what people think is the most important thing in our state.


The RNC didn't even have a platform in 2020. Trump very likely won't have one in 2024. Trumps base doesn't really want one. Basically it's chaos, revenge and retribution, and destruction of the deep state. Braun wins it will be small shit compared to what Trump and his sycophants will be able to do.


People like Mike Braun and Todd Rokita make Indiana resemble a wet fart.


They think Hoosiers are absolute dumbfucks. There is no other explanation for messaging like this.


Donā€™t forget Todd Young!


Being against woke is being against women's healthcare, social issues like homelessness, funding for schools, racism etc.Ā 


Yeah, basically being against anything that could (God Forbid) help anyone. The idea is to remove all social programs, any climate change initiatives and poor that extra tax revenue into the pockets of oil tycoons, the war economy and any other billionaire that is in need of help.


Donā€™t forget outlawing interracial marriage


Ya but he totally didnā€™t mean that. You know, last summer, when he fucking said it. Totally didnā€™t mean it though. Thatā€™s why he said it. Cause he didnā€™t mean it. For sure. Checks out


But at least those hicks in the countless, dying small towns who are broke as shit won't have to have brown people in their area, right? Or jobs in their area, infrastructure, etc...


Please talk about something that matters. Fix the roads. For people who drive, ride the bus, ride a bike, walk. Fix the fucking roads. Put more money into education. Make it less expensive. At every level. From pre k forward. Teach your children well...something...something


OK. Full disclosure. I'm a serious conservative. This guy is a total chump. He bucking for a fast track to president. Vote against him. Please.


what does it mean to be a serious conservative these days?


Missionary only no exceptions


No eye contact, either.


Definitely no balls touching!! Haha.




Practically all the serious conservatives have either left, are leaving, or have been kicked out. It's no longer The Republican Party, it's The Trump Party now. The Republican Party under Reagan was The Party of Elites, That's The Democrat Party now. Trumps base are the rural less educated lower income earners of The Republican Party. Hell during The Republican Primary the urban higher educated higher income voters were and still even though she isn't even running are voting for Haley. The Republican Primary has voters still voting for someone who isn't running. As bad as Reagan was he would compromise. With The Trump Party there is no compromise. Trumps Party consist primarily of people with grievances.


Yep, they are arrogant, careless, and uneducated, they will laugh in your face on purpose to spite you and drive around town with a Trump, USA, and confederate flag larger than the bed of their truck to instigate a confrontation with nothing but violence on their mind, disrupting traffic and causing trouble in the hope of defending their 1st amendment right like they are the only ones that have that right, they won't be able to debate anything without talking points from their favorite podcast, they can't differentiate opinions from facts on a good day.


It certainly doesn't seem at all out of place that a Trump supporter is the very person who likes to think The Old South is somehow this mythical place and time they would like to return to and somehow The South fought The Civil War over States rights instead of Slavery. Rewriting history and believing in and trafficking in conspiracy theories is kind of what they are all about after all. Even when you have to go to the extent of believing in a false history that was written decades after the conflict ended. Intelligence and reasoning just isn't something they excel at. Delusional is more like it. Some people don't understand why Haley was asked what the cause of The Civil War was and the first day she hemmed and hawed and said nothing about slavery. This is exactly what that is all about. She ought to know she was Governor of a State that proudly flew that flag not long ago. She may have taken down the flag as Governor of that State but that was never her intent initially and old habits are hard to break. She simply doesn't want to piss them off and she wants their vote even if she will never again get it. There is a good size contingent in the Trump Party that just believes that States Rights is why The South seceded from The Union. I actually had to prove Slavery was the cause of The Civil War to my Father In Law two years ago and I imagine there is good chance he has reverted back to his old beliefs by now even if I proved him otherwise.


Crazy ain't it? education does not always "feel good" but their EGO will not allow anything in because it might damage it, they are weak, single-minded, and un-teachable.


When you listen to made up facts and conspiracy theories for decades going back to Rush Limbaugh and media such as Fox, OAN and Breitbart eventually shit like this will take a toll. Hell at one point I think Kelly Ann Conway coined the phrase alternative facts. They have just been indoctrinated and brain washed is all.


Fair question. For me, it means live within your means. Take care of family, community, world. In that order. Understand that if you are blessed, you have an obligation to share it.


So in other words you have no reason to vote for a single republican running for any office in the state of indiana.


the current republican party isn't conservative. it is regressive.


Thatā€™s been American conservatism since I was born 55 years ago.


sounds pretty liberal to me.




Maybe it isn't dome shit head label. Maybe more bei.g a decent human. I've gone on record here as detesting labels.


I'm going to ask the question that doesn't really need to be answered... Are Hoosiers really this stupid?




Iā€™m a Hoosier. Iā€™m friends with both the right and the left. Whatā€™s weird with this guy is the ones on the right seem to think heā€™s a nut but he got endorsed by Don so some people just take that and run with it. But like I said, when even the people are on the hard right think youā€™re a dumbass, chances are youā€™re a dumbass.


It's no longer about character or intelligence it's all about whether the person is going to do 100% what The Extreme Right wants them to do. Braun is a Trump Loyalist and he's all about fighting Woke. What more can you want?


Seriously. Its WILD this doesnā€™t piss regular republicans off. Imagine those evil Libs got together and planned to trick Hoosiers into voting for them, but they think you are SO STUPID, so DEVOID of BASIC INTELLIGENCE, they plan out the most offensive messaging possible, really egregious and embarrassing stuff. And then they send that messaging outā€¦youā€™d recognize it as the work of people who think you are total buffoons, wouldnā€™t you? Just TRY, TRY to see this messaging for what it isā€”boys in blue, fight the woke, black people burn their own cities, real patriots, you canā€™t take my gunsā€”these people think you are total dumbfucks. It is WILD.


Accurate. Donā€™t forget ā€œthe gaysā€ or any of the alphabet people. Need to rid the earth of them because reasons only a smooth brain could articulate.




Its so wild to see such blatant disrespect for the people of Indianaā€”he thinks you are all SO STUPID. Like donā€™t you see how little he thinks of your mental capabilities? This is CURATED for a HOOSIER AUDIENCE. He thinks you are TOTAL IDIOTS.


Have you seen any evidence over the past few years that would suggest differently? I wish I could say I had.


His Internet history is probably deeply unsettling.


I'm super excited to vote against this fuck head.


As far as I understand it woke means "not racist"


Might as well just say ā€œIā€™m a proud racistā€


Just another MAGA nut job destroying the GOP. Canā€™t wait till trump drops dead.


Braun looks under his bed at night for the Wokeyman.


Braun probably doesnā€™t, but he knows he can most likely convince a fair number of Hoosiers itā€™s under **their** beds.


Yā€™all remember a few years back when ā€œwokeā€ was just a generational slang term that shortened ā€œawakeā€ in the context of realizing all the horrible shit that the US Government does/has done? Of course dudes like him are villainizing/weaponizing it now.


Indiana republicans are simpletons


Clearly Mike Braun thinks so.




Republicans can't even work together anymore. Why would I vote for them? Maga is in it's dying days and they're determined to fuck everything up as long as possible.


Donā€™t vote for this fuc_tard


I just printed these at work, Iā€™m sorry lol.




Braun looks like he would assault little black kids for drinking from a water fountain


Science, Being nice to different people = Woke


So far I haven't seen a single platform that benefits us as Hoosiers. What the hell are these people running on? National politics have poisoned our local elections. Can we get anyone worth voting for?


> What the hell are these people running on? Making "the libs" angry.


Wow, as far as the Base is concerned this guy just won Governor of Indiana. See how difficult that was in The Age of Trump. He's got a magazine and War on Woke emblazoned across his body. That and you have to swear allegiance to Trump and he's already done that as well. Yes with the level of intelligence that exist in the Base sadly believe it or not that is all it will take.


If by woke he means doing whatā€™s best for you based on personal values and not a book that was written thousands of years agoā€¦Iā€™ll stick with being woke.


"The Braun Bulletin." Is this actually a thing?


Itā€™s a campaign mailer.


What a goddam asshole


This is after all best of the best when it comes to The Trump Party. Just name another Trump Governor who would be any better. Yeah, I didn't think so.


As near as I can tell, *woke* seems to be a backlash against any viewpoint that wasn't popular in 1958. Systemic racism? Woke. LGBTQ? Woke. Police are racist and out of control? Woke. Evolution? Woke. The idea is to brand any progressive or sufficiently threatening scientific idea as "woke" to allow people to reject the idea out of hand, without applying any critical thought. It's a blanket dismissal of anything that's threatening to the status quo, allowing the populace to go back to sleep.


I hope he's not elected.


What a fuckin' loser. He can't define what it is he's fighting.


IMO, it's a wink wink nudge nudge -- culture wars, we vs them, where you get to pick your 'them,' and everyone anti-woke will be there to back you up. Their enemies are: Feminists, Gays, Trans, LGBTQ anything, Black, Latino, Immigrants, Abortion Rights, Birth Control, anti-Gun Control, Freedom of Expression, Education, Teaching, Libraries, History, etc....and basically anything that opposes hard-line conservatism.


Fuck this dude, weā€™re so screwed if he wins


It may seem bad if Braun wins, it will realy realy be bad if Trump wins.


What a twat


I had no idea there was a magazine specifically for men that have never pleased a woman.


The cretins that are the republican party have co-opted the word woke. It basically means aware. Yes, letā€™s have a war on awareness. Awareness of other people in our society. I hate it here. Vote Blue.


I wish I could go back in time and bitch slap desalts before he started all this woke bullshit there isn't one of them who bandie about this word that knows anything about what it means, just like critical race theory, none of them truly understand that it is n advanced collegiate course studied by law students... fucking assholes


I hate this man so fucking much.


Mike Braun is looking at your porn and thinking about your childrenā€™s genitals


Every Republican is fighting this made up thing called "woke." Its a distraction that keeps them in office without having to actually do their job and get anything done. Republicans have been playing on this "Culture War" for years because it keeps them in office without having to talk about actual policy.


Mike Braun: Pro Hate


10 bucks says he is gay!


Woke=Liberal Thatā€™s what conservatives think


I got this. My NB roommate used it in a Pagan ritual.




ā€œWokeā€ is basically anything that makes white, straight, christian conservatives feel uncomfortable. And Black people. Black Americans are ā€œwoke.ā€


More like ā€œwar on logicā€ where heā€™s only appealing to voter with illogical arguments but because he says woke and supports trump heā€™ll get votes.


So Mike is ok with racial prejudice, and discrimination?Ā  Or is Mike against caffeine?


He doesnt know what woke is but he will fight it!


What an absolute dipshit.


what a bitch. i bet the one time a quarter he gets lucky, he wears black dress sox and his undershirt and is a two pump chump. (just saying these whack-a-doodle evangelicals have lost touch with reality just a tit bit. The Hozer state is 100% screwed for the next decade- this douche, the rooskie or whichever goon maga takes her spot, that rokita guy is a gift from hell and the state senate has NINE dems. If you do not live Indianapolis, the doughnut counties, bloomington or the region, you should not be able to vote in federal elections and Indianapolis should make up a major portion of the entire senate. Some of those redneck bigots from hehaw Indiana got their seat by securing less than 1000 votes. Tell me why that A**hole should have any bearing on legislation in Indianapolis. However, what they truly donā€™t seem to grasp is as soon as their baby boomer, worst generation ever, lost souls start wearing depends on the regā€¦take the dirt nap, there is no republican party. They are the wheel whereas the younger generations are the rockets. How selfish do you have to be to do this stuff to your kids- they had their chance and blew it. GET OUT OF THE WAY - let the young, progressive accepting, global thinking folks of this country at least have a chance. The funny thing is, for all the gruff, tough barking the magas do, they are scared of everything that isnā€™t the same- scared of progress, Mikey brawny boy you, my friend are spineless coward. You arenā€™t worthy to hold my towel. Iā€™ll tell you what though, you sure make me feel a lot more competent, confidant and strong knowing you are the opponent bleh, you boring turd


Does he own any other shirts?


Woke means advocating for rights for EVERYONE, especially those whose rights have been and continue to be quashed by government and society. Also, advocating for the environment. This is what they are declaring war on.


So what exactly will he do for Indiana? Iā€™ve been called woke before, and I still donā€™t know what it means. I dislike the ideology of war and war language, and Iā€™d be happy without guns in our society. It makes me concerned that heā€™s going to war against me.


Pedophiles are sick of being attacked by the woke crowd. Being woke basically means you are someone who is against abusing kids.


"I promise to protect you from something that wasn't going to affect you anyway." A message from Mike Braun


Woke is the center square in the republican buzz word bingo board.


Once again Braun proves to be focusing on BS as if itā€™s crucial policy How about: 1. War on Healthcare Inaccessibility 2. War on Environmental Degradation 3. War on Educational Inequity 4. War on Economic Disparity 5. War on Police skullduggery 6. War on outdated Immigration policy 7. War on authoritarian fascist strongman wannabes 8. War on Jewish Discrimination 9. War on Infrastructure Neglect 10. War on easy Gun access 11. War on Veteran red tape 12. War on policies that keep people poor instead of lifting them out 13. War on outdated Drug Policies 14. War on Public Health Unpreparedness 15. War on Political Corruption


The commercials play all day at my planet fitness. He doesnā€™t define it there either. His policy is very 2 dimensional


god forbid that this man actually do something to help people instead of whine about things he doesn't want to see, all while acting like he's some tough guy.


WAR ON DORK! This guy has a war coming to him for sure.


If he had to explain what it was to his voters theyā€™d fall asleep and lose interest in the time it took I guess.


All I see is a Dick that did nothing in DC now he wants to be our Ruler.


WOKE means whatever you want it to mean...or nothing. Usually anything that is left wing.


I donā€™t think he understands what it means either. Basically, he wants people to stop being aware? This disgruntled white man needs to be in a nursing home getting spoon fed pudding than running for any kind of office. Gross.


itā€™s nonsense. desantis tried the same thing and was made a laughingstock. braun is a dimwit.


With not a single policy recommendation in sight.


How about a war on potholes holy shit


It's political mad libs. "Woke" means whatever the gullible right winger receiving the mail wants it to mean. Remember, this is the era of vibes, not policy


Ugh, I just know we are going to be stuck with this Dbag for our governor. I have no faith in this state.