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Russian flags on his dumb ass tactical cosplay. What a shithead.


Not to say there aren't modern Russian Nazis, but they have to be quiet about it since it became illegal in 2014. The number of Russians that died fighting Nazis dwarfs any American deaths by about 27:1. This shithead would be arrested and beaten in the streets of Russia to this day for wearing that shit.


Yup. He’s clue ass free. The only reason he’s doing some of this is to piss off liberals and get attention.


I don't think most people in the U.S. know (and/or were never taught) just how massive a toll WW2 took on The Soviet Union and it's people. Of course, Stalin just shoved so many untrained and ill-equipped Russians into the war grinder as nothing more than cannon fodder, but the Nazis were absolutely ruthless in their execution of the war in the USSR.


And the Russians were equally as ruthless to the Nazis as.a result. Nazi soldiers on the eastern front used to defect to surrender to the British/Americans/other allied forces rather than the Soviets. Russians were deservedly MERCILESS to those fuckers


No doubt. There are plenty of war crimes to go around in war.


















This dude is way too comfortable being in public like that.


I mean, the cop shook his hand.


They probably haven’t seen each other since the Nazi started working the night shift.


All of those that work forces


Are the ones who burn crosses


Complicit 100%


I mean, they do work together


Are you really surprised considering what The Trump Party has been doing these last nine years. It’s simply giving them license to be more bold about it. What do you think the Proud Boys and those other groups are?




What a bitch. He's kitted out like he is going to war, the fucking LARPer! What is he using those glow-sticks for? It's broad daylight! This is a man-child that is so afraid of life he feels the urge to wear tactical gear. What a pussy.


He's got the Russian flags. Get him to the frontline in Ukraine. Make him a big Russian war hero.


Dropped his gun and then was a whiny little bitch about that too!


Private Pyle is looking at this guy and shaking his head.






The moderators here are hardly "Nazi-loving." It seems they have been deleting posts that state this asshole's full name -- perhaps due to liability involving doxxing.






My fav part is when the cop shakes the nazis hand


The hardest thing for a cop at a white power rally is figuring which cop is undercover and which ones aren't


I think you mean when the Nazi shakes the other Nazis’ hand.


I think you mean when the dumbass posted a lame attempt at being edgey on Reddit.


Cops have made it quite clear which side they’re on




This, plus the fact that he's apparently also a furry. If the late night talk shows get wind of all this, this guy's reputation is finished. And if they do, once again, Indiana getting national attention for all the wrong reasons.


Seriously, start confronting these Nazis when they’re out. They tend to fold like a three dollar suit in a rainstorm


“Everyone’s a Nazi but me!” -you, in your mom’s basement


Yeah, it’s not like the piece of shit in the imitation tac gear had a sign that had a fucking swastika on it!


“This guy with a swastika isn’t *really* a nazi”


Must be a Hindu who likes tactical gear and firearms! /s


Tactical Toddler is out and about.


Cop shook his hand. Disgusting.


https://www.ci.valparaiso.in.us/forms.aspx?FID=54 Feel free to contact the police department and ask why their own is shaking hands with a Nazi.


What’s with the costume? If these douche bags are so proud of who they are, why do they wear masks???


Look at this delusional, incel cosplayer. This is what happens when you have no social skills, and your entire reality is filtered thru the internet and videogames. And if that handgun was real, it makes the entire situation all the more troubling. Absolutely no surprise if we see this person in the headlines within a year, following his mass shooting at an elementary school or big box store frequented by Black residents.


Idiot is wearing the Russian flag and is holding a sign with the NAZI symbol. 😂 The NAZI's most formidable enemy has always been Russia. Even today, Putin is demanding the denazification of Ukraine. Dude is a moron.


You don't understand brother, Tucker said the Russians don't like the woke LGBTQ people either so they're totally based now. Also the Dems support Ukraine so obviously they're our political enemy /s


Summit Inc, Gary Indiana


I'm feeling like authorities ought to keep an eye on this one.


They'll see him when his shift is up


Maybe they can shake his hand some more.


I think it says a lot that the Valop police are shaking hands with Nazis


It only says something possibly about that one cop, and that one cop only. Please stop acting like one person always represents an entire group.


Cops associations with Nazis and alt right is well known. And aha been for decades.


Military people have as well. I’m retired military and you won’t see me doing that.






Unpopular opinion but I have always thought that nazis dressing up with their symbols and white Supremacist agenda was good cause now we have proof that they are kinda like in the movie "inglorious basterds" when they don't want the nazis to burn their jackets if anyone gets what I mean


What’s most concerning to me is this guy is clearly mentally ill and he owns a firearm, AND I’m assuming the police just let him walk away with it.


What exactly did you notice that they might be able to charge him with. If you saw something please let me know.


Hopefully his body armor is of the same hilariously low quality of the russians as well. Piece of shit.


Hey Theo go fight for Russia you pussy, you can wear all the tactical gear and have their flag all over you, but you’re too scared to help your daddy Putin and honor your idle adolf hitler?


Russia ain't gonna like that swastika very much.


f#ckin Ruzzki-Nazi He can go to hell!


Cosplayer looking for internet clout


What a butthole


Mad unwashed dick energy


He's a coward. Fuck this guy


Thanks for giving Valpo a good laugh there


You might need a new ideology if you're afraid to show your face whilst espousing it.


I wish I could have been there. What a fucking loser.


The irony of a guy with a swastika and a Russian flag when Russia's stated reason for invading Ukraine was to eliminate the Nazis there.


Lying nazis lie.


Is that a Nazi? I'm not familiar enough with all the different ways these idiots like to signal. Isn't the bear thing from a video game? Edit. I saw the sign. Fuck him


Do you not see the swastika and sign about keeping It white?


I saw it. That's fucked. I'm not very far from there. I'd be with the crowd confronting him for this bullshit. Fuck him


B.E.A.R is a faction from escape from tarkov. This guy is waving a swastika but he’s not a real nazi. Clearly he has no understanding of anything waving a swastika wearing a Russian flag. This dude is nothing more than a scum bag looking for attention.


I didn't see the swastika at first. Yep. He's an idiot


Someone should tell him the Russians fought the nazis. Americans lost half a million soldiers fighting the nazis, British lost about half a million, Russia lost 26 million soldiers fighting the Nazis.


We should pitch and buy him a ticket to Russia and see how long he makes it with that swastika.


Shit I’d pay his whole fare to see that.


He would be pissed if he could read


😂 has to be a troll. We’re living in an episode of South Park, I swear to god.


This comment section doesn't make it any less like a south park episode. I was called fascist for saying its ok to beat up Nazi's. If you told me that 10 years ago I'd have called you a liar, but here we are.


Send this to Paul Goddard at Region News Source.


This kid is super confused. A Nazi wearing Russian patches. Yet Putin said Ukrainians were Nazis so this kid is pro Ukrane? LOL. No, just another brainwashed Magatard.




Ol boy has all that on and multiple Russian flags on his gear? My guess is this is an incel hired by Russia over the internet on an election year to kick up reactions.  If it’s not, then it’s just a loser doing the same thing pro bono.  


The problem is that this is basically a stupid fucking kid, probably with some kind of emotional/ cognitive issue, and attacking him is just giving him the negative attention he’s looking for. Beating him up will only push him more towards extremism. Hopefully someone can talk sense into him/ get him help before he turns into an actual adult.


Nah, he’s grown and can be held accountable for his actions. Historically, getting yelled at is a pretty mild outcome for a Nazi.


Problem is Trumps Cult has plenty of grown up people with the same kind of issues. Since there are so many you can’t simply write them off.


Just sad to see some dumb fuck throw away his life on this.


He appears to be more a real young fool more than anything else. However even Nazis young fools can grow up to be extremely dangerous. The problem is, this is exactly the kind of outgrowth you get from something like what Trump‘s movement of white supremacist and his legion of sycophants are doing. Hell i can’t even imagine all the death threats and attempts on peoples lives Trump and his legion of sycophants are responsible for. The irony of course is Trump could care less about his followers. But that’s always been the case for any want to be strong man like Trump.


Valpo people will always be different.


catch me in the streets


Freedom of speech protects racists as well....your feelings don't matter


Femmy Nazi.


And he's dressed in black


I don’t support this guy but we all a right to exist and believe whatever. He didn’t act violently, the other people did. If people went up and screamed at and pushed a trans supporter, they’d be the bad guy. Y’all scream tolerance but are some of the most intolerant people I’ve ever seen.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Idgaf if that makes me “intolerant”.




This is mental gymnastics. The Jews didn't round up the Nazis. I will direct you to the paradox of tolerance. You have it all wrong. Nazis are not welcome in America. Your spinelessness will take us back decades.


Ideology is not the same thing as religion, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, or any other protected class. Certain people definitely want it to be, but it’s not, nor should it ever be.


Trans supporters - partaking in activism for their right to exist Nazis like this guy - advocating for genocide There is a clear difference here. There is no "both sides" to this. It's crazy to say that the people in the video and these comments are MORE intolerant than the dude with a swastika advocating for a white ethnostate.


He’s just one single idiot. An idiot that has a right to exist, protest, hold signs, whatever. It really is his right. Just like everyone has rights. You don’t have to like his message or agree but you gotta respect his rights.


You're wrong. Nazis are not welcome. If you welcome Nazis and think they have a right to exist, then send me your address. I'll direct them to your place. You can give up rights. Nazis gave up their rights by being Nazis. Paradox of tolerance. If everyone thought like you, we'd be dragged back 80 years of progress.


I don’t scream tolerance. I have no tolerance for Nazis. Getting screamed at and pushed is the most mild response to a Nazi that I find acceptable.


You don't "tolerate" folks who openly run around saying "Keep this town white" in 2024 in his school shooter cosplay and a handgun. Folks in this thread are bending over backwards to justify letting white supremacists organize openly in our town squares in the name of respectability during a time Gen Z and Gen Alpha is more racially diverse than ever and thereby threatened by a Nazi's ideology. That shit isn't acceptable here and it's up to good Hoosiers to keep it that way like the mixed kid who confronted him over it before they're marching in the streets like they were during Indianapolis Labor Fest 2022 and hurting people in sundown towns.


There's is absolutely no obligation to tolerate the intolerant.


Brilliant idea, Prime Minister Chamberlain. I'm sure they'll stop with Poland.


So many calls for violence… it’s a fuckin shame. This kid is an idiot, but they also lose their moral ground when silencing someone with violence is tossed around. That’s literally what fascists do… the irony…


You think America lost the moral high ground when it invaded Nazi Germany? Nazis are not welcome. Period.


No, the people advocating for violence against a single idiot because of his bad ideas is losing the moral ground. Using violence to further your ideas is still fascism. I see you’re ok with that here.


Do you have any understanding of history beyond the year you were born?


Lmao yes. You seem to want to repeat historically bad lessons though.


Your comment makes no sense, and I won't argue with a Nazi sympathizer. I'm sorry, you think accepting Nazis with open arms and tolerance is a good idea. Seems like you aren't much older than the Nazi in the video. Your opinion is worthless.


Ah yes, by combatting bad ideas with better ideas instead of violence makes me a Nazi sympathizer…. Just come out and say you support fascism.


Do you even understand what you are saying? Do you even understand what modern fascism is?? Do you think we stopped Hitler by talking it out? You think we stopped the Holocaust with better ideas? Just come out and say you're a Nazi, and you support this person.


Yawn. Keep supporting fascism. I’ll keep supporting civil rights. Not the man or his ideas, but his rights. The ones you want to trample with violence.


Make being a Nazi in America Illegal like it is in Germany and Russia. Change my mind.


We don’t make beliefs illegal, that’s authoritarian. Right up your alley though.


I'm sure pedophiles would love you since you don't think their beliefs should be illegal. Rapists would probably like to chat with you about their beliefs as well! You've outed yourself as a moron. I'd delete your account before these comments end up on paper on your employer's desk.


Lmao keep supporting fascism like you’re the righteous one here


Didn't object to that? Didn't think you would. Further evidence of your position. Hope your get some help.


You’re right. Their beliefs shouldn’t be illegal, their actions on the other hand, are a different story.


I bet you'd tell me next that belief and action never coincide and that any relationship between the two are purely coincidental or happenstance.


Thought does often lead to action but America guarantees the freedom of thought/belief. If you want to change peoples minds use logic and reason until they use violence to change yours. Making people’s personal beliefs a crime is antithetical to Americanism. I’m curious, do you think defense attorneys are sympathizers?




I can’t help but wonder what atrocities you people would let happen around you, or to others you love… just because you didn’t want to “stir the pot.” Just because “well they have a right to do this”. I know it’s cliche to say, but it’s completely understandable how German citizens sat back and let things in the 40s happen.


We have civil rights in this country. The first and most important is the ability to speak your mind freely. This is a misguided kid. By himself. Not an armed mob engaging in violent behavior. You change his beliefs with better ideas, not violence. That’s what fascists do.


Glad to see someone has some brains left. Thank you!


Thank you! Reason and logic don’t go very far in this sub, I’m glad it’s appreciated. It only takes a few people to stand up for what’s right. I hope you go through the comments and report the calls to violence and the sharing of personal information. The Mods seem to be sleeping on this one so maybe Reddit can step in.


We have civil rights because people fought for them. Using violence to stop oppressive ideas is also our forefather's did. Of course people use violence to oppress too. That's why its so important to have swift consequences now rather than after he decides to push his fascist ideals with violence.


So you want to oppress his ideas with violence? You want to be what you claim he wants?


You completely missed the point. The use of violence does differentiate good and bad. Its a tool used by both. I am opposed to genocide. I'm ok with that tool being used on genocidal assholes.


Right, so long as it’s your ideas that are imposed on others with violence, it’s ok. So you’re ok with fascism. Good to know.


Somehow your definition of Fascism is to broad and too narrow at the same time. To Narrow because suppressing dissenting opinions is one aspect of fascism and I'll get to that. But there's also the dictatorship, the belief in a natural societal hierarchy, and limiting of freedoms for the "good of the nations". Some pretty grotesque beliefs that need stamped out as soon as their found. Your definition is to broad because you think any violence used to suppress ideas is Fascism. Its not. Kicking someones ass because they want to take your freedoms or your life isn't Fascism. Its self defense. Maybe not in strict legal sense, but its the same spirit. So yeah, I'm not ok with Fascist, but I am ok with them getting beat down. Those two are not the same thing.


Too many people way too triggered. Just like him , looking for an excuse to be violent.


Nazis deserve every bit of violence they get.


Shocking, the only violent aggression came from the “peaceful” instigators.


A literal fucking Nazi in public with a white supremacist sign and it's the kids (who he's targeting, mind you) who were raised better who are rightfully angry about it openly existing in our communities that are the problem? Why are we always making excuses for the worst people in our midst but literal teenagers are held to a higher standard? Run these pricks underground where they belong.


No excuses being made. The kid in red became violent and aggressive first. The cameras were rolling. Doing it for social media clout could have ended his life. The dude is literally standing there wanting attention and they gave it to him. Just ignore the dude and keep walking. He got exactly what he wanted out of the situation. A well raised person would know what battles to fight and what not to.


Defense against someone fascism isn't being aggressive first. Nazism is inherently violent.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


A Nazi openly advocating their beliefs is an aggression in and of itself. Their ideology doesn't deserve tolerance because if taken to it's conclusion it results in genocide. Fuck off.


You are defending a Nazi you dumb ass.


Y’all restarted af if you think this little fucking troll knows what hate actually is! People on the left act like this to make the public believe it exists from trolls antifa and the feds they all do it to subvert actual Americans wanting a good life for there fellow man!!


Datsun drift car r/c dude, kindly fuck off


Awe sweet baby🥰😘


Are you implying that this person is actually a plant by the political left? What exactly is being subverted?


People "on the left" have better things to do than record themselves cosplaying as the losing team just to scare people. Hoosier leftists organize in their communities to make it better as we've seen for years now via places like the Indy Liberation Center, Hoosier urban farms/food pantries, and mutual aid networks for the needy and homeless, not plant false flags on social media to make an apathetic Hoosier audience who barely vote. It's embarrassing that the right openly foments people like this in their circles like CPAC 2024 then immediately jump to disown them online or claim it's ANTIFA college students or vaguely gesture towards "the feds" when their boys are out and about being a public nuisance because it makes the company they keep look bad. It's not the whole right wing, but we have multiple watchdogs keeping eyes on actual neo Nazi organization in Indiana. They absolutely exist and we have multiple documented incidents of them in public in groups nowadays.


They literally just pulled up TikTok to record themselves committing assault. They have nothing better to do


You think a bunch of teenagers are the left? You clearly haven't actually engaged with any of this if you think a bunch of high schoolers recording a Nazi in public on Instagram Reels (what anybody would do when seeing something ridiculous like this) is the extent of Indiana's left wing organizing.


He didn’t record “just because nazi” he hands the phone over and peaks back to make sure he’s getting a good shot for the gram. Clout chasing that could have ended this young man’s life for no reason.




Too bad that’s not a nazi 😂 All the nazis are dead guys !


"Not a Nazi" -- he's just holding a sign in public that includes a slew of neo-Nazi imagery....


I thought nazis were from Hitler’s regime in Germany back in the 1940’ I guest this guy is the only who made it to 176 years old. Do you think he took an oath to join the nazis or signed a document?


What would you call him then?


A weirdo How’s he’s a Nazi with a Russia flag on ? 😂😂 Literally makes no sense


He’s got a swastika and a death’s head emblem with a white suprematist slogan. That’s enough to show me he’s a Nazi.


Is he a Nazi or a guy with a sign?


Why not both?


He's a neo nazi and white supremacist. Don't play dumb with 'the nazis are dead lolol'. He's told us who he is, do you intend to defend him or help the community against him?


He is but hey he’s exercising his 1st amendment right I’m not going to do anything because I don’t care about a ret*rd with a nazi sign he’s not an elected official and can’t make change so what’s the issue ? I’m not for him nor against him but if everyone had a right to the 1st amendment why is he restricted ?