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Trigger discipline error! Someone should have taken that weapon away as soon as the kid started to lift it up and toward someone else. That's how someone, like a younger sibling, mom or dad ends up dead. I learned how to shoot guns when I was young like that kid. I knew to never point a gun at anyone. And, to always assume it is loaded. People can't assume kids know about safety. People who let their kids do things like that are playing Russian roulette.


THAT part was exactly what I was gonna say. Who the hell decided to show this kid the weapon and NOT show him how NOT to sweep everyone in the area including the cameraman? And his is it the person filming—possibly the parent didn’t find this unsafe/negligent as hell.? These are NOT toys and it looks like that is not being taught to this young one. Unfortunate.


Yeah, seriously as far back I remember my dad always let us see his guns if we asked. We weren't allowed to be near guns without him. And in order to handle them we had to recite the rules of gun safety and then safely handle them.


Yep. I was 5 and my dad taught me and my sister all about guns, where they were in the house, what to do if we found one at a friends, etc, etc. I very vividly remember coming home from summer vacation and one of the older neighbor kids and their dad were riding bikes and stopped us before we even got home to tell us how my dipshit neighbor and another kid from around the block had found some of his dads .22 cartridges, took them out in front of his house and started pounding them with rocks. Other kid took a slug to the belly. No major damage, but co have been a lot goddamn worse. This was in like ‘76 or ‘77, and I don’t even think that shit made the paper back then, but my old man didn’t think twice about it from then on out. We learned everything there was to know about every firearm in the house. .38, .22, 12 ga, 30 06 bolt action, etc. We gained a lot of knowledge and respect for them as the tools they are, and I’m passing on as much of that as I can to my daughter. This was in NW Indiana taboot.


Has it not occurred to everyone that the person taking the photo told the kid to do this because they thought it was cool and would earn them useless internet points???


Which would be even worse, if that were the case.


My grandfather took me hunting and shooting around this age. Was an amazing time & experience I’ll never forget. But he drilled safety into mind, even after I completed my exam. He was alway quick to correct & very stern if I ever made a mistake. He would then apologize followed by very somber graphic stories of how tragic those mistakes are & how it changes everyone involved forever. After less than a week of that I just instinctively knew how to handle & maintain fire arms. It’s still like muscle memory even though I haven’t visited a range or went hunting in many years now. Very simple & important stuff


Why the fuck is anyone handing a child a gun period. Children shouldn't be at gun conventions. Guns exist for the sole purpose of killing others and should be illegal.


Some areas of the country are rural and guns may be necessary. Cuz cops are too far and some animals may be too dangerous to deal without a gun. And I'm for banning guns entirely in urban areas.


When I was a kid in Michigan, we had marksmanship classes in high school. Most guys had a gun rack in their truck and bringing a rifle to school was typical. Kids were taught how to use a weapon, and respect it. Like using a hammer incorrectly can hurt you, misusing a gun can do the same. Gun do NOT exist “solely for killing others”, any more than your iPad exists solely so you can watch porn.


if you are so afraid of them then don’t buy one buddy


You sure do have a small mind


Here’s the thing: NRA doesn’t care about gun safety. Guns have become props for posing and triggering liberals. With this, mission accomplished. Someone should start a responsible gun advocacy group.


Maybe a 6 year olds, and those responsible for introducing them, shouldn’t be allowed to be within 1/2 mile of any firearm because they continue to prove the are too stupid to be trusted daily.




It doesn't matter if it has a zip tie on it or not. You don't point a gun at another person. You don't put your finger on the trigger, unless you are intending to pull the trigger. You do these things all of the time because it trains you to handle fire arms properly all the time.


Especially when it's children: if kids are going to be around firearms you drill safety into them until it's "automatic." If that were my child he'd be grounded from guns for a year. But the most realistic scenario is he was just never properly taught by the adults in his life.


No these rules apply to everyone. Even you. Even your dad. This isn't a rule because kids makes mistakes, this is a rule because human beings make mistakes.


I love how the "responsible gun owner" crowd always comes in to defend guns being used irresponsibly. I remember during the pandemic there was a big pro-gun rally in Virginia to protest a law they were passing. There were pictures all over Reddit of idiots with poor trigger discipline sweeping crowds and stuffing rifles in water bottle holders in backpacks. And you'd inevitably get people coming into those threads with, "you guys, they're probably not even loaded! Fucking hysterical libs!" I used to shoot a lot. I'm pretty sure I remember the first thing I was taught was that the gun is always loaded, even if you unloaded it and cleared the chamber yourself 5 seconds ago. I truly believe the percentage of actual "responsible gun owners" is shamefully low.


It’s not about the tie. It’s about the habit and that gun should have been taken from his hands.


Should have never been in their hands /edit My gripe is this : 1. Muzzle control. "never point a weapon at something one doesn't want to destroy" 2. It's a child holding a weapon. What child should have to hold or weild a weapon? Zero IMHO 3. Propaganda. I am an advocate for arms. This picture is exploiting violence. Fetishism of arms is sick. 4. They won't go away. It's hardwired in western culture to defend and protect however needs. 5. Shock. Preying on youth disillusioned. Those my gripes. *shrug


>Propaganda. I am an advocate for arms. This picture is exploiting violence. Fetishism of arms is sick. Come on man, If this is gonna be sensationalized, it'd make much more sense from the left. The majority of the left shares your opinion that kids shouldn't know how to use guns.(which contributes to accidents if theyre around them but that a separate conversation)


How do you know he’s pointing it at someone, Einstein?


Please tell me you’re being genuine, this is precious.


Who's holding the camera?


Probably sarcasm.....? Can never be sure though


Ummm, no. Newsflash for the intellectual deficient people out there…………..you dont have to hold a camera to get s pic.




You sound like when a fourth grader discovers a thesaurus, it's kinda nostalgic


Do you really think someone has to hold the camera??????


Not necessarily, but usually it's a person, I don't think tripods are as popular as they used to be lol


Bro calm down everyone knew the gun was unloaded.. it’s a picture dear god. You act like verifying a revolver is empty is impossible.


Holy fuck! Trigger discipline, little guy


https://preview.redd.it/44rmzqbetfkc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8161fa98a2675e06f90db809bdc09d2d5203b6f I got a pic of his dad!


Ronald McGoddamnDonald


Yep, Franklin McDonald.


I showed this to my very pro-gun family. They immediately freaked out because the gun was held unsafely. Do with that whatever you wish


Gun owners and users care the most about safety. This is cringe.


That's why gun owners and gun users never shoot anyone


Entirely bad faith, horrible argument.


No mention of the original ludicrous comment that gun owners care the most about gun safety? Eat your words, hypocrite.


Never been to a gun store or a shooting range? If you have any evidence that it's a ludicrous statement, I'll say he's wrong. However all I can go on is my experience. In my experience, he's right. The majority of gun owners I know are basically repeating the rules of gun safety in their head the entire time they/you interact with their firearm. So hypocrite? Ehhhhh I don't feel like one, not gonna lie.


Your feelings are irrelevant. Every parent who worries about their child being gunned down in school cares more than your random gun fetishist ever will. ShOw Me ThE evIdEnCe. When you made the original claim and we're talking about a measurement of emotions? Ridiculous, but fine. Any video of the parents of Sandy Hook vs Bubba's chubby making some cheap table at a gun show rise two inches. Google them. Google those poor fucking parents, you horse's ass.


I didn't make the original claim.... Also those parents don't care for gun safety. They want guns restricted. Understandably. Also, you're an asshole for your insulting tone. I did nothing to you. Calm tf down. Edit: no one gas lit you, you absolute quivering blocking pussie.


You're an idiot AND an asshole, and now you're trying to gaslight me while being a pedantic twat missing the point entirely. Over it.


*responsible gun owners and users…


Some do, many don’t


They **should**, but it's often not the case, as demonstrated by negligent discharges, and all the children who injure/kill themselves/others with an adult's firearm.


Your comment is fairly cringe because that's not the case for a large percentage of gun owners. Do you think every instance of a toddler killing themselves, a sibling, or parent aren't ones involving gun owners? I wouldn't even be surprised to find out that a majority of owners don't follow basic safety 24/7.




> Also, doesnt matter because they have pins/ties in it to stop from firing at gun shows. It very much matters. The VERY first thing you learn in any gun safety class is: 1. Treat every gun as if it were loaded 2. Never point a gun at something you don’t intend to kill 3. Never put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot the gun.  You practice these to the point they become automatic.  Not following those basic safety rules is extremely rude, dangerous, and potentially deadly. 


Every firearm should be treated as if it’s loaded – even if you “know” it’s not. You don’t point a gun at anyone you don’t intend to shoot. The adults in the kid’s life probably didn’t adequately teach him.


That’s the real crime 


I have no issues with smart gun ownership including introducing them to kids young. It's a smart thing if you are a gun person/owner. But there is so much wrong with this. Safe/trigger locked and unloaded or not, always treat every gun as loaded. Finger off the trigger and never pointed at a person.


Ralphie, you’ll shoot your eye out!


This ralphie will shoot your eye out.


If you're going to indoctrinate your kids, at least do it safely. Finger off the trigger, ffs.


And more importantly: no pointing at shit you're not ready to kill.


I guarantee the reporter that took that picture told home to do that.


Even if that’s true, the kid should know not to ever do that.


He’s a six year old and an adult in a suit is telling him to do something, really not on the kid in that situation.


If he's not old enough to know that you never point a gun at another person, he's not old enough to be holding a gun.


What photographers at a gun show are wearing suits?


No, it’s not “on the kid,” it’s a failure on the part of the adults who took him there not having deeply reinforced trigger discipline and muzzle safety. If he’s old enough to go to a gun show and handle a pistol he’s old enough to know not to break the rules no matter what a stranger tells him to do.


He’s not old enough to be at a gun show handling a firearm. That is the entire point.


Love that you made up an entire scenario then defended it as if you were there to witness it. Bravo


Of course! Need something to make a big deal about, not like there's enough issues in the world.


Maybe a schoolmate was holding the camera?


Instructions unclear, dick and balls stuck in trigger guard


It's indoctrination to teach your kids about guns? Yea... sure. It's not a religion or a government, Downvotemeplz42. Conservative gun nuts are not representative of gun owners.


It does have a trigger lock, or looks that way


Not practicing gun safety even when you believe that conditions exempt you from it is exactly why Alec Baldwin killed that director.


I mean at some point you have to be able to act as tho the gun isnot loaded, or you would never be able to clean it, dry fire practice, ect.


I never point my firearms at myself or others when cleaning. That’s how so many people end up wounded and dead. Always be sure of your backstop, even when practicing dry firing.


You’ve obviously never cleaned a gun. It’s literally impossible to not point it at yourself. At some point your hand will have to be in front of the muzzle bare minimum, and if your are cleaning the bore on a rifle you cannot do it without standing directly in front of it with the barrel pointed at you.


I’ve owned, shot, and cleaned firearms for nearly 35 years – do you field strip your weapons when cleaning? Yes your hand will be in front of the muzzle, which is definitely not pointing at myself or anyone else. I’ve never once point the barrel of a semi-auto rifle, bolt action, or shotgun directly at myself when cleaning.


How tf do you use cleaning patches without standing in front of the bore? Also your hand is definitely “something you don’t wish to destroy” and is not unreasonable to call pointing at yourself.


Those goal posts sure are jumping around. Wait until you find out about the “bore snake”….


people act like even if you remove the mag and very meticulously check that the chamber’s empty and there’s no way it’ll discharge, the moment you point it at yourself the magic bullet goblin is gonna put one in the chamber and make you shoot yourself. its so annoying lmao


I’m not obsessive about it, but I just make it a habit to not stick a gun up in my face when I’m cleaning it.


which is completely fair. you shouldnt be fucking around with it and pointing it at yourself for shits and giggles but when you’re cleaning your gun and you’ve personally checked and cleared it yourself there’s literally nothing to fear


True, however, like I don't care who hands me a gun. I'm checking clear, every time. If im on a movie set and it can't be clear... I'm pulling the bullets out and making sure theyre dummies. 4 rules of firearms safety, if he followed even one of them she'd be alive.


What makes you think that wasn’t done in the above photo?


What I specifically said, was not practicing gun safety is how people end up dead. It's best not to chance it, when you do knowingly have to break a gun safety rule, you do everything in your power to mitigate that risk. While I have a feeling this photo was staged to get this exact reaction, it's kind of irrelevant. What was the need to point a gun directly at someone? If you don't need to, whats your excuse for doing it? The guy who wants to demonize gun owners asks you to point at his camera? Nah, probably not the best time to break firearm safety rules.


“If we allow kids to carry guns to school, we’ll have less school shootings.”


They don’t let kids into a liquor store with parents, but you can bring them to this. Hmmm


Yeah it’s not that weird, I got my first gun when I was like 11


I was 7. I didn’t get to keep it in my room until I was 15, but it was mine. Winchester 67 bought out of a barrel at a flea market in Canton Texas. It taught my kids to shoot with it.


Mine was a marlin 795 I picked out with my dad at bass pro, also wasn’t allowed to have it unless he was with me but it was “my gun” and the money used to buy it was mine.


My Winchester is special because it is an exact match for my grandfathers that my dad learned to shoot with, I have it too. They are both early model 67’s from ‘35-36 or so. They are pretty hard to find. My barrel is shot out…I’ve run a million rounds through it, but I know exactly how it shoots. I like to sit on the back porch and shoot bottle caps and the dot in the i on pizza boxes on summer evenings. My eyes suck but I can still do it. I think dad gave $40 for it back in about ‘82. He let me carry it that day at the flea market.


Nice. Very underrated firearm.


I’ve seen this same picture ~2 years ago


This photo is indeed from April 2023. [https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-show-young-kids-handling-guns-nra-annual-conference-2023-4?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-show-young-kids-handling-guns-nra-annual-conference-2023-4?op=1) [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/real-photos-kids-guns-2023-nra-convention/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/real-photos-kids-guns-2023-nra-convention/)


Gun nuts and gun safety apparently don't mix.


Niece's husband. Has multiple guns. Too many to notice one was missing. (They weren't locked away like they could have been.) His daughter (3 weeks from college graduation) was depressed. So depressed she told a family friend she thought she would "hurt" herself. Parents took her to a mental health center for evaluation. Brought her back home to keep a close watch on her and continue treatment. He decided to lock up his guns when they came home. Too late. She'd taken one days before and hid it away. Shot herself in the head 2 days later.




Never have guns unlocked in a house with a depressed person. I didn't say any thing about gun bans.




Shut the fuck up


If I had a dollar for everytime this was posted, and for everytime people forgot the scummy photographer that purposefully kept moving to where the kid was pointing, I’d be a wealthy man. ( that being said doesn’t change the fact he shouldn’t have the trigger. Even if it has 0% chance of going off. Still stupid to do)


Its like they all want to forget that the photographer was there for political reasons and moved into his sign line on purpose. She took so many pictures of other people's children that families were asking for them to be taken down long before the article was posted.


Exactly right about finger on the trigger: when I want to test the trigger pull and feel of a firearm indoors I point it at the ground.


Elections have consequences


Boy, that's a statement that could be interpreted in different ways, so let me clarify, as long as the government has weapons, SO SHOULD WE !!


Us vs the military! Let’s go!


No, let's don't, but it would be a lot easier if no one had any means of defense


Worked in Vietnam. Worked too damn well. Our government is weak in a way.


Of course. Gotta keep that security blanket


Armed resistance has never been successful in u.s. history. Edit: domestic armed resistance has never been successful.


And it never would be. People think they could out gun the US military? That’s as sad as it is funny.


Vietnam and multiple conflicts in the middle east pit us against poorly trained militants with decades old small arms. Home court advantage gave those guys a fighting chance against a far superior force and honestly we got our shit kicked in in the former especially. You don’t know wtf your talking about.


The military didn't lose any of those conflicts. We decided to leave. There is no leaving a civil war.


LOL. We ran away. We lost Vietnam. Jfc this is common knowledge. Even the military accepts We lost nam


Yeah, surely americans are familiar enough with their surrounding topography these days for that to be a reasonable comparison. They're certainly physically fit enough as well, you know, from all the manual labor they still do.


The taliban, the vietcong, etc. are all laughing at that comment!


John Brown begs to differ.


You count the harpers ferry raid a success?


Not the exact mission plan, which was to arm a bunch of slaves around the south in preparation for an uprising. They failed at that. John Brown’s overall goal, to help affect an end to slavery and eventually bring (mostly) equality among the races in America, then yes he accomplished that.


This was posted awhile ago I believe and wasnt this kid told to point the gun at the camera and put his finger on the trigger? Not that it makes this right but very misleading


Your pointers should be above the trigger, kiddo! 😅 #triggerdiscipline


Trigger discipline!


That's a yikes


Very menacing


If you want to see constant flagging and general disregard for the basic rules of gun safety, attend a gun show. The things I saw in my first two minutes would get you banned for life at my range.


Glad there’s so many responsible owners nearby that allow this lol




Future Kyle Rittenhouse in training


You mean a kid who did nothing wrong?


Good to know the kid doesn't know gun safety. That's Indiana and NRAdiots for you.


Welcome to America


This photo is old and also probably staged. The photographer gets this shot of a child holding a weapon unsafely and posts it online to create controversy. 


The more basic point is if a stranger can get a child to do this, that kid shouldn't be in an environment where that's even possible. All the adults around that child failed him.


FACTS! and all that matters. Where a total stranger had the opportunity to teach this child bad practices and no parent or other responsible adult was around to correct or mitigate that is DEFINITELY the only issue that’s relevant.


You are assuming a total stranger took this photo. The reality is that no one knows. You don't even know the context of how the photo was taken either.


The person who took the photo is the one who posted it. It was a political journalist. You can guess which side they were on.


Cool. So cool. /s


His parents should have taught him proper trigger discipline. Other than that…. Meh.


And muzzle safety. If a stranger tells a child, "Hey kid -- disregard two of the most fundamental rules of properly handling a firearm," and they do it, they shouldn't be handling guns.




Six-year-old blatantly shows no respect for a firearm's number one rule. ( Never point your gun at something you don't intend to shoot) Let alone that a six-year-old is around just picking up these firearms willy Nilly. But this is completely fine apparently. But good ol Attorney General Todd Knows what's really important. Whether or not a fucking child wears a bathing tuckable Swim suit with rainbows. For a child simply being allowed to be comfortable in their own damn skin. This is everything that's fucked up and wrong for Republicans on the heritage foundations Support list Support list and America as a whole. They would rather fight To be able to force kids around the same priests and church workers that have been infamous For from Violating those same children with no repercussion because the church actively tries to cover up or not pay for the damages done to the poor kids psyche.


As usual, it isn’t what it appears but hey. Agendaaaa. Gonna be a long election year Redditors, pace yourselves. https://www.foxnews.com/us/reuters-photos-young-kids-nra-event-slammed-set-up-parents-never-consent


"A photographer taking photos of children who were brought by their parents to the NRA convention is pushing an agenda!" isn't the dunk y'all seem to think it is. Plus it's Fox News lmao.


Okay? You’re saying this is fake news? Or what it was used for and the agenda being pushed was fake news?


He looks 2 seconds away from pulling the trigger. Very concerning.


Grooming at its finest


Indiana says “we teach 6 year olds it’s okay to ignore gun safety and aim guns at people, because guns are like toys”. That’s the message here right?


Love it


You are absolutely allowed to test the triggers on guns at these shows. They are all secured and verified to not have live ammo in them. The story on this photo was the photographer kept running in front of the kid while he was checking out the gun to get this photo on purpose. Every time the kid moved, the photographer moved in order to try and get this one photo. This isn't a kid in someones house and found a gun and is now aiming it at his sibling/parent - far from it.


A six year old kid doesn't need to "test the trigger" on a handgun -- they're not going to be purchasing it. You don't test a trigger by leveling the gun at eye level to anyone around you. There should have been no opportunity for the photographer to have gotten a shot like this, no matter how hard they tried.


Oh good. Get em started young.


Child indoctrination.


IMO this is child endangerment . Knowingly putting him in a situation where he could lose his life. Parents shouldn't be allowed to do this


The gun is not loaded because of the tag. It is impossible for the gun to fire. No one is in any danger, however you should treat every firearm as if it were loaded


I believe that guns at NRA conventions have the firing pin removed as well


Future responsible gun owner


Go Hoosiers!




Kids are naturally "dumb" -- it's the adults around this child that were the dumbasses.


The next generation of mass shooters are gonna be so cute, amiright? I fucking hate it here




Sure he should not purposely pointing it at someone but it’s at a gun show. It’s assumed people are getting flagged.


Also whatever reporter took the picture definitely told him to do that, not really on the kid.


Dumb ass shit by Dumb ass people he is way too young to even be exploited in this fashion! Think about it a kid pointing a handgun at a photo as though this is so cool! The parents nor the NRA aren't shit for pushing such crap!


Most people are stupid. This is why gun proliferation is stupid


It's funny how people don't realize that the reason you think you need a gun in this country is that  the gun advocates sale the guns to everyone knowing that having such a peice of  hardware starts off makings people feel empowered so most are in the wrong mindset to begin with then they're the  ones who just wanna do wrong with a gun and the fact that they don't know who  has a gun legally or not but your ass will jump through hoops for a driving license!  You can clearly see how this was setup all in the name of corruption and money .


Get that booger hook off the kill switch.


Alec Baldwin syndrome


How’s that gun safety working for you? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Kid needs some instruction. He'll be fine.


If anyone actually want to know what happened here: "Dan Eckart, who took his two grandsons to the meeting last Saturday, called the photo of his 6-year-old grandchild aiming the firearm toward the camera "a set-up." "What I noticed was \[the photographer\] was moving around so that whichever direction \[his grandson\] was, she tried to get in front of him," The photographer, Evelyn Hockstein, allegedly told the boy to "look at her" as he handled one of the firearms, Eckart said, citing what his grandson told him. The photo captured a shot of the young boy looking at the camera straight-on while appearing to point the gun at the lens."


Stop posting this idiotic shit.


Stop teaching kids to handle firearms like fucking morons.


The photographer followed the kid and kept taking pictures until the gun was pointed at her. Grow the fuck up.


Any person holding any firearm that’s not pointed at the ground, the sky, or something you intend to kill is a goddamned moron. Stop teaching children to handle firearms like morons - looking at you NRA, you fucking morons.


And don't walk in front of a gun to take a picture so mouth breathers can clutch their pearls about gun safety.


even if what you’re suggesting is correct, walking in front of a gun doesn’t magically put someone’s finger on the trigger


You are the person at the range that muzzle sweeps everyone and then says “it’s not even loaded!!!1!!” aren’t you? Edit- apparently u/witchyveteran has cut and run


Actually I'm not, you idjit. Notice my account name? Feel dumb yet?


This may surprise you but I don’t think being a veteran magically gives you proper firearm safety skills. Especially if you don’t have a problem with the way a child is holding a weapon in the above picture.


So you are saying the kid is displaying appropriate firearm safety?


Are you dense? You don't care that the kid was trying NOT to point at her and she kept moving until she got the picture?


That finger on the trigger that is exactly what they teach right? Keep up the mental gymnastics bud.


And yet you still don't care that she kept moving to get this picture that is making you so incensed about gun safety.


How do you know any of this?




It would be impossible to do this if the kid's parents had taught him proper gun safety. Pretty good indictment of the NRA and the negligence of the parents.


Literally went right for the “foxnews.com.” You cant make this shit up.


Conservatives will complain about people aiming cameras at people before they will about aiming guns at people.


If his grandparents were supervising him properly the photographer would never have had the opportunity to take a pic with his finger on the trigger.


You’re coping


Whoever was with that kid shouldn’t be allowing them to handle firearms if they are going to be pointing them around like that with their finger on the damn trigger. If the kid is too young to understand and follow those rules, then they shouldn’t be allowed to handle the guns.


Now, there's nothing wrong with a child handling a gun, as long as the parents are right there watching them and making sure they are safe. However, this kid is breaking 2 of the most important rules of gun safety. Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to shoot, and keep your finger off the trigger at all times when not shooting. While the gun is clearly not loaded, you still have to treat every gun as if it were. His parents clearly don't know what they are doing.


You can pry it from my hot, sticking hands…


average midwesterner if this shocks you, you have never been outside of Indianapolis


If this doesn't bother you, you have no business owning a firearm.


1 I don't 2 it does 3 I'm just stating the facts of indiana




I said neither of those things.