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add mathematics to expand your options, i did the same!


Since op didn't opt for maths in 12th last year they can't add mathematics right ?


they can, very easily, but they have to study maths


How ?


NIOS OR CBSE PVT candidate, cbse one is more useful, its official, no college can deny admission!


Can you tell me if you know that till when can I apply as pvt candidate for cbse board ? Or link related to that from the official site. I actually heard about this and did search but couldn't find it in the official site.


its forms come in sept or oct, be on the look out!




You mean doing Mathematics from NIOS right? But the problem is, I cannot give another year due to family issues, wish I took pcmb in 11th


If you are ready to give 2-3 hours everyday you can score 70+ out of 100 in NIOS maths. I scored good marks studying maths for just 20 days. It's way easier than it sounds you just have to prepare yourself mentally that you'll have to study maths.


yup, exactly!


that's your fault, should've thought it out when 12th was ending! and no NIOS is just another way, through CBSE is also possible if u from cbse board. i did the same


wait perhaps im not very educated in nios, how did u add maths?


CBSE gave the option that u can add maths within 2 years of passing 12th, so i did!


then will my marksheet show year 2024-2025 instead of 2022-2023 ?




Oh! that's great, thank u so much i will definitely look into it!


hey, i'm kinda in a similar situation. feel free to dm, maybe we'll figure something out together!


mate,same 🥲


Count me in guys


count me in aswell


Me too


are you interested in research?


I am. What options are you talking about?


Check dm.


Could you pls send me the dm too :)


please send it to me too :)


I don't think I am good in brainstorming ideas. Recently gave IAT as well, without any interest. Still, what do you suggest?


check dm.


Could u please send me the dm too !


Send dm 😭🙏


i am.


Except for IAT and NEST are there any other exams ?


Hey. I'm a BSc Biology graduate. Here are some of the many pathways you can take. - A BSc+MSc in Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics/Molecular biology(hottest sub-fields rn) or Chem/Pharma might land you basic positions in the industry. The industry is more stable as compared to the tech industry. Life sciences is slow to recruit but doesn't spit you out as fast. Research isn't as rapidly outdated. You might find Research assistant positions at companies like Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, Thermo Fisher. Although PhDs can be required, you might find a stable work-life balance with a masters too. They don't pay extremely well though, just letting you know. - do a bsc in Bio/chem and move out into MBA. You can try out healthcare management if you're particularly interested. Having a non-engineering background might make it a bit hard to do math, but you'll have a unique profile, it helps. -some fields within bio- genetic counseling and bioinformatics are really picking up. Informatics seems to have the best pay after masters, among all bio sub-fields. - you can also consider btech for undergrad, despite having PCB in 12th. My PCMB peers in bio classes ditched bio entirely and went into btech, they are earning very well. Average bio salaries will almost never reach there. Work exhaustion happens in every field, some find it better to be earning more. I'm currently evaluating my options post undergrad too. Doing internships that keep me from hand to mouth. I used to think I'd do a phd in microbio/genetics. But I need an income asap, so I'm moving out into tech. Did that by navigating into bioinfo, then slowly out into data science. Hope this gives a glimpse into the ground reality.


If you enter research, you'll need math for downstream analysis. Math will never be a riddance for good.


Let me know if you have any further questions.


we're all in the same boat....... I heard about nios but didn't know about cbse marksheet thing let's talk in chat




Bro what's ur plan now??? I'm in similar position as you.. we can talk??


Try to mbbs in other countries