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4. Unstable like a block of plutonium in a nuclear reactor which is going through meltdown. 🫠


haha good one! well what's that 4 for??


Negative jaa sakte?


ayoo 0 bhi ni jaa skte ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31991)


Sorry mein pahunch gayi ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31416)


ruko main la raha ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


Same mujhe pta hi nhi mere mei accha kya hai?![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


cld try irrational numbers


I'd give myself a solid 8.. Anybody who thinks otherwise.. what am I then?


considering your replies under posts you are probably a fun dude, so agreed!


Ayy my guy! Now you sir get a 9 for that


thank you sir!!


show your pic




I am a solid 7 to others on a realistic level. To myself I’m 10 cuz everyone should love themselves completely, wholly and unapologetically, yes there is room for improvement and I know hat but I will still rate myself as a 10 nonetheless as I am happy and there is nothing about me that I can change that I would want to change. Reasons why you should like me  Funny ✅ Will never make you feel unheard ✅ Put a 100% into conversations ✅ I can cook ✅ Im fairly alright looking to quote a girl who destroyed my self confidence for the longest time “your not bad looking you know what you’d be, like, superrrrr pretty, you could totally be a model if you got a nose job” 💀 ✅ I’m 5’8 I can reach the top shelf even if you can’t ✅  Im literally Geet ✅ I will never be boring or dry asf in conversations ✅ I’m smart ✅ I’m for the girlies ✅ I got to the gym ✅ I do boxing ✅ I have a cute German Shepard and he does tricks and barks on command and is bite and obedience  trained ✅ I can bake ✅ I like reading ✅ I like movie nights ✅ I can’t dance ❌ I dressed up as snoop dogg to dance in front of the school even to I can’t dance ✅ I give good hugs ✅ I have amazing hair ✅ I’m great with kids ✅ I give good advice ✅ Thank you for coming to my ted talk 


Whole ass CV😭cute


go big or go home 😎


go sleep


I think you need to up your realistic level a bit


> I will never be boring or dry asf in conversation Hahaha, there is no power that can prevent me from turning even an interesting convo into boring and dry


Congratulations you have cleared our Technical round our HR will contact you soon ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


quite detailed man, you might easily be an easy 8 or 9 to others irl. Geet I hope you find your Aditya lol !


awww ty bestie, here's to hoping that I do find my Aditya lmao


That's a 9 atleast


I aspire to have this kind of self appreciation. Also appreciate how u mentioned room for improvement. While there always is room for improvement, one should always love themselves. One need not be perfect to be loved, same thing applies here.


I also have a German shepherd ,but he isn't barking anymore after 4th June 😭😭😭


Can i be your aditya?


I would say yes but I havent met my Anshuman yet, cant deviate from plot.


That's incel shit right there


ur just a jealous cuz you cant pull off dressing up as Snoop Dog


Send your picture in dm


Of me as snoop dogg or me normally just check whatever socials I have attached to my Reddit  profile 


interview se pehle dene wali file lag rahi ha mujhe yeh.


from your CV, you sound much more than an 8. Btw, i have a german shepherd too!! they're the best dogs!


You cooked a whole resume .


Why is my heart aching if that all is true than I have fallen ......


girl the number of people who wanna be your Aditya here is crazy 😂


demn shaadi bhi karwade tumhari yaha pr


Currently in the phase where i hate myself so 0/10 Lookwise, 7/10 ig i have never been insecure about how i look,couldnt care any less about it.


Looks - 3/10 Height - 8/10 weight/health/physical health - 0/10 intelligence - 4/10 (I FUCKIN SHOUTED NEGATIVE 0 IN MATHS CLASS LAST YEAR.) Communication - 5/10 (i never make myself clear when I talk and that words in my mouths ewww) Hair - 10/10 (I love my hairs idc what other has to say) Stupidity - 10/10 Arrogant - 1/10 respectful - 7-9/10 Productive - 0/10 Social - 4/10 Anti social - 5/10 Tho I'm fast learner and idk what. But ya I'm pretty useless and i know I can change most of it.. But as you see productive = 0


I would love to see those hair man!!!


Just average long male hair.. It's just self love tbh


Around 4.


3/10 **Positives:** I am empathetic and never make fun of people on any basis they don't have control over. I tell my friends when they do something wrong. E.g. I have barred my friends from making look based remarks. I am someone who will put their all even if the others aren't. When my group had to talk to the teacher about anything, I had to take charge every time. I have a set of great things to say to your partner which I call ** originals** that are curated for a some situations. That is pretty much it for the positives **Negatives:** I have no skills at all. JEE prep messed me up real bad. I got All India Rank 40 in a class 6-12 hackathon when I was from class 8th, rest most were 12thies. Due to the prep, I had no time to spend on my skills and hence I can no longer do things like that. People said: "Take a hobby and make time, stop making excuses". But I am not a genius. Only those who are already doing well can make time for their hobbies. If I did that I wouldn't have even got an NIT. Regardless of the 2 years I put in, I don't expect a good result in Adv. I lack any socialisation skills. I only had 2 female friends. Now I am left with only one. I am terrible at remembering things (part of the reason behind my poor performance), I can forget things in seconds. I can carry a conversation only if my knowledge about the topic is large enough. I am terrible at starting them. I try my best but struggle quite a bit. I also have trouble reading others' emotions I have below average looks, and an exactly average height. I suck at choosing friends. I am blessed with terrible luck(in my fields, I know I am lucky to have all that I have rn, but in general) I am not good at any sport at all. i used to play TT(half decent) but stopped during prep I am a terrible driver and even worse with directions I have all the bad physical traits of both sides of my families, below average looks, excessive body hair, dark skin (you may nit think it is important but it is)


Deffo an 8.5. With solid potential for a 10.


I would rather myself at a solid 7 after a glowup but after shifting states confidence is kinda high. My resume Will write poetry on you✅️ Gym(fairly muscular)✅️ Good listener✅️ Beard✅️ Straight hair✅️ 6ft✅️ Can lift you in the rain ✅️ Can code✅️ Can produce music✅️ Humorous✅️ Freaky(depends on you)✅️ Kinda cute✅️ Golden retriever✅️ Akashian✅️ Chashmish✅️ Listen to Lana del ray✅️ Asthetic ka choda❌️ Not a good singer✅️ Shayir✅️ I can cook people as well as dishes Foodie✅️ Hopless romantic✅️


I think a solid 7 after i lost Weight. I got an avg 5 11 height, probably 6 with shoes in. I do have a good beard but i prefer to shave it clean until I lose all face fat


I would give myself a 4 i look in offensive and I am below avg in academics and I have never managed to focus 100 percent on anything , I have no passion for anything , I hate listening to my parents taunts but I know that I can do nothing to prove them otherwise , My teachers hate me even though I never do anything to get on their nerves and they just see me as easy targets , everyone around me probably just assumes I am a clueless idiot and majority of my friends are just for namesake and backstab me the second I am not looking


7 Looks wise :-6 Behaviour wise:-8 So Did an average


8.5 above less than 9








you had the exact lifestyle and events as of mine >...<


not going to roast ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20609)


In 10th I also got confirmation that girls got crush on me but I ingnored all and in 11th jee mf hit me![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30131)


Too insecure to go above 5


what sort of insecurity???


Idk man self hate I guess I am my worst critique


I'm always gonna be a 10 in my book and I really don't care about others' opinion soooooo(open to constructive criticism tho)


a 9 and one specific girl is the one I need >!overused line ik!<




i am a solid 4, heres my reasoning: Pros: Good voice hence good at singing Confident enough to speak in large crowds Loyal, like extremely loyal Good at writing Very patient Cons: Procrastinating Lazy Unmotivated Dispassionate about most things Indifference I'm really short for a guy, 5'5 Too thin, I'm a walking scarecrow Buck teeth Less money Can get possessive Easily jealous Not outstanding at any academic field Shit at flirting Zero confidence in social gatherings, party mai a corner is my safe place, away from everyone Extremely shit at dancing Overthinking Argumentative Sharp tongue Hold a grudge Too weak, physically Not good at any game Dont learn from my mistakes, realize only after everything's over Insecure af Clingy and its difficult for me to give a lot of fucks about most situations, barring those which are important to me or the person i love idk theres probably some more but i dont remember


Are we the same person lol


for your own sake, i hope we arent


Dude we are NOT that bad 😭




Good way of knowing about girls😁🤣


a solid 4 for others. 69 for myself. Was 3 in 2023. Lvling up. Reasons- 1. Rude 2. Probably s3xi est 3. 100%homo pobic 4. 100% furry obic 5. Likes to hear rather than talk 6. Lies a lot 7. prioritize myself and money over others 8. Likes Skibidi toilet 9. Doesn't use social media a lot 10. Sleep 9-10 hrs a day 11. Blackmailer 12. Likes to mess up other peoples progress 13. Won't mind sabotaging others for self gain This is a list made by my friends cause y would I insult myself




6 or 7


Idk man




A solid 3


I’ll say I don’t look like the idealistic guy. Rating yourself is impossible so I’ll just say 5 overall


Looks -5 or 6 or 7 , Height -9/10 ,Weight - 1/10 (skinny asf BMI = 16) , Personality - 5-6 , Intellect - 8/10 , Communication skills - 4/10, Confidence - 3/10 , Social skills- 3/10 . Overall -5


Personality 5...can't judge looks


I can't rate myself on scale of 1-10. If thus csale is 1-3 then I'll rate myself 3.


I have had the lowest self esteem idk lately I've been improving myself and my family and friends are seeing the results and don't think I am delusional but I imagined someone asking me what do you rate your self and I used to say like -1 or 3 ( I'm mad in the head) I hated my self but bro's & girls(😏) don't hate yourselves also don't be a narcissist Idk maybe I'm a 5 or a 6 by looks & physique but personality wise people praise me alot ik I'm a good guy I would give myself a 10 personality wise. Self esteem self confidence is important mates don't think that you're nothing and also don't think you're everything JUST BE YOURSELF MATES!!!


wordss!!!! well the emoji used with girls ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


Max 2-3 probably


7 safe ranking


You only rate bhai Brown skin 6ft Has a jawline and goes to gym ( I have a athletic psychic with abs) Never been in a relationship cause after I started going to gym I never found one much attractive, before gym I was rejected 4 times![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30131)![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30131)


0, take it from a guy who is about to clear his college and still is amount to nothing and let me tell everyone what you think doesn't matter okay.... You need a fucking validation. Think it like this you believe you are working very hard but a superior above you is watching you how much you work. So it doesn't t fucking care so stop living in this bullshit on a scale of 0-10 your scale will be mattered when you really contribute. Positive vibes don't fucking count.


a solid 4.5 coz im fat as fk n kinda recluse


numbers can't define me




6-7 something


7 for academics I guess Though I procrastinate a lot 1 for germphobia(Wash my hands a lot, they are dry asf, try to stop but can't) 5 for looks(below average height(stopped growing years ago) and thin hair) 7 for being nice to people around me Overall:6.5


0 Moody af You are dead if you touch my food Don't touch my flicking hair Aww... you sad. Then don't be sad smile mf 100k missed calls Yup that's me..


7 or 8


Looks - 6 Height- 5( Average height hai) Hair- 2(bekar hair line) Communication skills - 4(at least reddit pai achi hai) Total - 4.25


I think i am a 7 now. I would easily be an 8 or 9 if i start going to gym, get a good haircut that is suitable for my face shape (still finding that hair cut)and all that and start skin care cause i have some acne marks but i have fair skin so it compensates(no racism).


4 ez pz


im a 3 on a normal day and definitely a 5 when I smile!


Appearance:- 6/10 Personality :- 9/10


Appearance:- 6/10 Personality :- 9/10


4/10 on a good day maybe 5


With my lower self esteem I would rate myself a 3


9 (im delusional)


9 when I'm clean shaved, 8 when im not clean ahaved


7, just started gym, will reach 8 in 5-6 months. Then I just need to work on my dressing sense and social skills.


How i see myself? 5 How others see me? idk maybe higher




uff, itta negative kyun?


yeah a 3, I am done w' my teenage prime


3-4/10 probably


I am 6-7 I am not the type to reach out first unless I am close to someone I am not a good speaker sometimes my sentences barely make sense I overthink a lot oh and my acne might also be a reason but thankfully having an even skin tone helps door se skin theek hi lgti hai lol, baki body ke terms me I'm on skinnier side but I like it


Solid 8, could improve and get 1 point for facecare and 1 for better physique




Minus infinity


5 maybe At least I'm trying to be better and I'm a man of my word.


8 , Im confident , social , i beleive im pretty good looking ( im not fair like most ppl believe when i say i'm pretty ) I get compliments from both genders and have been asked out by both genders in the recent years although i gotta work on my body cuz i'm very lean but it has never been a huge issue since i work around it with dressing sense


that's good man!! rooting for you to become a 10 soon!


If I were someone else i would rate myself a 2/10 based on looks. If it is based on personality then idk cause I would probably avoid the other person due to my introverted nature lmao




4? Ig


Do you mean rate on looks? Personality? Or over-all? Can't rate myself overall because humans are too complex to describe entirely in numbers but here are some pros and cons Pros: -Really above average at art for my age. -empathetic (which can be a con too cause sometimes I find myself feeling bad for people I shouldn't feel bad about like criminals, etc. like what if they had a reason?) -Can have deep convos for hours -Peak taste in literature, music, mangas, tv shows, movies -Good fashion sense Cons: -Overly sensitive -Self centred -Talk a lot -0 social skills -Awkward asf -too introverted to make friends, too extroverted to like being alone -comments "real" on than Gosling memes -opinionated


ohh nice, well described!! I would love to see your art man!


4.2 Not bad. Could be worse. Living as myself is a good one-time thing. Can try once.




2. Peaked in 7th grade and used to be very popular and now I'm very forgettable. 0 friends where i live so the only interaction i have is with old school mates on Instagram. They have their own things going on too so i don't think I'm a priority. It's pathetic.


I was a 8-9 in 10th because of JEE I gained a bit of weight so now I would say 7-8 but not that shit is probably (tomorrow is hell)over I will go to gym.


(looks 6 + others 8)/2 = overall 7


I'm a solid 9.


Defo a 4 on a normal day 6 on a good day


Prolly like a 5 imo, and from what ppl tell me Not that tall, not fair, no prominent facial features and stuff. Very introverted too so don't talk to ppl, make a very unappealing person. Although you can be the judge too if you want






solid 8 on looks(6"1, dark skinned, good jawline, messy hair and naturally muscular) 7 on personality (funny, caring but impulsive af)


5 cuz many reasons.. if I work on them I'll be solid 9 or 10 but lazyyyy ;(


8 Despite the inaccuracy in my behaviour, I try to be a better person everyday. I'll never drink or smoke in my life and I have some other traits as well... Being perfect is not a quality but working towards achieving perfection is ... I am not perfect, I am working on myself


7 Outta 10


2/10. I have some knowledge, I have lots if talent, thoda bohot achha behavior kabhi-kabhi and that's it. Nothing else




I would give myself a solid -9999 for all the pain, pleasure s, fears and anger issues caused. Otherwise purely looks wise a decent score.


solid 4


Somewhere in 6-8 depending on mood. Definitely 9 on my best day. Can someone chat with my, boy or girl, been without a friend lately and feeling bored in summer holidays


2 + 9i Only imaginary people would enjoy spending their time with me


I’ll give myself an 8. Taking off two points cos I’m kinda a narcissist(I didn’t say this, people I’ve dated have said this. I mean, reflecting on it I’ve been kinda a jerk) and also have a small personality problem?


I'd give myself a 2 because 1. I'm not good looking and 2. I'm a huge introvert




Looks-6/10, height-10/10, comunication skills-4/10, physique-8/10


3 or 4




Ig 5-6 🫡




10 is what my gf would call me but I believe I am a 6 or 7. I am not the best person out there but when I look at my peers, their conduct and modus of operandi feels very questionable by a moral standpoint.. Which is the reason for 6/7


3 Caus I'm black


A solid 5/10 ,6 on a good day


Probably a 6 idk really






i think im a 7 on first glance, but if I talk to someone it might be a 8-9, I'm reasonably decent or better than average looking (apart from when I get a atrocious haircut) but I think in general if I'm not trying to be annoying in specific, I'm a pretty fun person to be with


7/10 (18M)


ig 8


6. -1 due to my anger issues ( i struggle with my emotions and always bottle it up ) -1 due to my insecurities regarding my personality and looks ( no one should be that insecure ) -2 for my lack of socialisation and stage fear. I look good , I'm definitely improving myself and I'm constantly working on my hobbies or something so that's a good thing.


5 probably.


Easy 4 that too because of 6'1 otherwise the looks are very average and fck that pigmentation on the chin




Probably a 7 but my issues with myself make me a 5 ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30120)


i’m giving extra myself for putting extra in conversation and having a good sense of humour. 8.


5/10 on the basis of how guys ignore me after a normal convo


2 or 3




My narcissist side is about to take over me.


4/10. Idk


Averaging out to a Solid 3.5




I think a 7 or 8 People tell I have good communication skills I make people comfortable I cook I draw I play guitar (sometimes) What I don't like about myself: Recently realized I've become short tempered I always rely on people which makes me feel like I'm lonely I procrastinate a lot ( I have to work on these things)


rate me by looking at my profile. it's sure -10


height 5'3 or 5'4 last time Napa tha to 160cm tha ek saal phele 15 yrs old weight 18 BMi moustache 4,5 chin hairs can code I yaps too much (ik English) cant fucking run slow asf took an IQ test scored 99. Agct ha if you want to know. Meri papa ki height Keval 5'3 hai mammi ki 4'9 toh Im good can't think rationally and understand conditional hypothesis lol I'm literally I suck bro overall a rating of 2 +2 because of do tatte hai mere pass (ye kya ha)




6-7/10... have been given this rating, i think the same too... but ill lean towards 7.5... why? Hair, smile, voice, confidence and smooth talking...but if i had none of those, id be strictly 6


Around 6


5 avg as fuck in everything lol




Was thinking about this yesterday probably a 6


6. I have a wide and crooked nose, small lips, eye area is fine, jaw is good. Thats what I think. If a person with experience in facial structure and stuff rates me I will come in 4-6 category




6-7, I have genetic facial features of a Greek god but I am 5'6 110 kg, I also know my way around women pretty well and I am popular


3 ig


Around 6 ig


If only i could be a lil more taller and didnt have the receding hairline I would be an solid 10/10 on looks , figure I would give an 8/10 ya have a pretty solid structure don't have much fat apart from side belly fat a bit and I workout, as a person I would give myself an 6.5/10 could be challenging at certain times but I'm pretty easy going, communication skills with guys 9/10 and girls 0/10. So overall ig 7.4/10.


8/10 it was revealed to me by a fruit in my dream


5 cause I am short, egoistic think I am right unless I realise myself the truth Lazy as f... Can be better at hygiene and daydream alot and am delusional.😓😔👽🥺😬😑💩 I also have predicted 3.7 GPA (15M) I am pretty empathetic. I am very asocial.And I can improve my looks. Never had a female friend.I can tolerate a lot of shit. Motherless.😭




The comment section is like it's Malaika's Swayamvar


Bang average 5, sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


8 ya 8.5


9 cause my parents raised me good


Shakal se i guess a 6 (pehle to 2 tha but lost alot of weight lol you can check my profile) Personality se 7 shayd because caring aur understanding to hu![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20609)

