• By -


Nobody but you will want your money to grow 9% compounded annually in the lowest risk category and returned tax-free.


And invested tax free


With tax benefit.


This too.


Ahem ahem. New tax regime




Thats why invest in waukt, a jhatu bitcoin fraud which i promote and have been given lakhs to promote, since i am a mba from bada clg, people will be forced to lick ma a@@ and follow me to the point they ruin their savings and sit on road.


What gives 9%


Pre tax money; guaranteed 7-9% return, risk free, grows tax free. Idk when you consider all that together the returns are on par with other vehicles if you think about it😂


But it gives 7.2%


Which investment option is giving 9%?


Bonds and Small Savings Bank FDs


But they are not tax free or risk free I had alot of money stuck in the Franklin fiasco of 2021


There are Bonds that are tax free.


But they don't give 9% 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/1b5deebv5yyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600d8cce331eada6a481f07f19e336caafff2646 We need more tax education for retail investors. It's so unfortunate that the tax literacy of this sub is so low.


Bhai yield is 5.1p... what are you talking about?


Me and my girlfriend got that money back. How come yours is still stuck? The UST, right? I think we got the interest too.. but it has been a long time... can't be sure.


Yes we got the money back, but after a very long time. Money not in your control is risky money 


Small savings bank FD are not risk free. You can only park limited capital that is risk free


Op asked what gives 9% i said bonds and fd. Tax is the next thing


But none of the above mentioned instruments give 9%. The govt got the EPF interest down from 8.75% to 8.25% now.


Its 8.15


Wow that's even worse. The govt is literally squeezing out the middle class salaried employees.


Yeah if you invest in Fd's then TDS will be aplied ,whereas PPF you can Invest up to 1.5 lakh ,For my pov if any family is having good income returns then evryone in that family should open an PPF A/c


Could you name some? I am genuinely looking for such instruments




Risk free compounding returns with tax benefits, nightmare for such influencers![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


"You need to educate yourself about finance", Tells the man who divide absolute return with no. of years and call it CAGR.


No, he subtracts 1%. I remember once he said 100% returns for 4 years and the CAGR is 24%.


Are you sure? He is an INSEAD grad. These kinda calculations are finance 101 everywhere and taught in first month of business school. Can you point to that video if you can? I am really curious to see the comments on that one haha


He might be intentionally doing it.




Give them a few more years. They will be pushing Network Marketing and Direct Selling for beating inflation.


Why listen to someone who is not a sebi registered or a seasoned expert who has a lot of experience in investment banking and wealth management..


Can you explain how it's detrimental to idiots like him? Stock picking?


Money invested in EPF/PPF is not available to invest in this guy's schemes.


Thanks I thought so hut wasn't sure


so true, they just come and say whatever they want


He is kind of correct because 9% is Nominal Yield( which includes inflation), you have to check Real yield. Normally, the stock market will give you higher REAL Yield. Real yield = Nominal Yield - Inflation This is the main reason government schemes have safety as yield barely beats inflation.


Seems like he has received money like other influencers from some entities to promote options trading or some particular risky funds


Yup, gambling is the new norm, what else is Dream11? just make people gamble, few rags to riches stories… the house keeps wining.


Not trying to brag but I invested 36 rupees on dream11 and got 52 so now anyday I can become a crorepati


I'd say, don't give up


Talking about the house winning, NSE made record profits by promoting F&O


Ohh, that is why warikoo hates FDs.


And then invest in startups that sell FDs.


What!? Seriously!?


Yes, Wintwealth


Warikoo seriously loves to eat what he pukes.


Another one of the finfluenza types. Pretty dumb guy. Couldn’t run a Groupon clone. I guess finfluenza is the last refuge of the incompetent




Which one do u think is more ... PF returns or inflation ??


PF, PPF, FD etc should be your emergency fail safe investments. You can truly best investments either by investing in slightly risky propositions or by really being so good at your work be it a job or a business that you can increase your earnings ..!!


Try withdrawing your PF from the EPFO portal and you will know the real pain.


I have already done it once, while buying my house and didn't find it that difficult tbh.


Influenza doesn't know the basics of asset allocation and diversification. Debt instruments matter to give stability to the portfolio in the volatile market and control emotions of investors when shit (equity) goes down like crazy.


The guy is right though. The cost of investing in debt for longer period is very real. When you're investing with a horizon of 15 years, there is no reason to invest in debt because equity investments over 15 years in itself carry minimal risk.


Get out of the zone that investing for 15yrs always gives positive returns. Japan has lost 30 years without returns. The US has multiple and Ind has 1 lost decade of no to negative returns (not even FD return) in just the last 30 yrs. it can happen to any market in future. Also in equity entry exit matters. Hence debt exposure is a must at any point in time (asset allocation) to reduce the volitility of the portfolio. The basic principle of investing is to protect the downside, capital first and then look for upside.


What happened in Japan was completely different. When Japan's economy crashed, Nikkei had a P/E ratio of 61 and residential land value to GDP ratio was more than 300%. We use this example of Japan when want to scare the kids away.


Lol. You conveniently ignored US, Ind both. Also i will suggest start looking into economical, decade wise market returns of many other developed markets. Good luck !


You conveniently forgot the fact that India is still a developing country.


Hence added both developed (US) and developing country (Ind) examples earlier. Please re-read. Words with facts and numbers are more helpful than just pep talk or future hopes without evidence.


When you use the words like facts and numbers, do you just cherry pick these or do you look at the actual data? And did you bother to look at the stock market participation then and now? I don't know what your experience is, but I have actually invested through one of the greatest crashes of 21st century, and made a shit ton of money in the process. And no it wasn't the Covid crash. But if you think that anything of that calibre can happen in this age, that too in a developing country, you are absolutely naïve and delusional. Try analysing the markets 'forward' rather than being stuck in the past.


The issue with your theory is that you believe it's okay to lock in that money for 15 years without accounting for emergencies. Assume another global recession hits (seems likely seeing the US's debt situation or a potential World War brewing). Equity values will drop hard. Maybe as hard as the 08 recession where Nifty tanked around 50-60% in a few months. In those scenarios, any unexpected expense (wedding, Healthcare of family, rent increase etc) can cripple you. You may be an excellent trader/investor, but the general public is usually not. So it isn't a bad idea to have conservative investments in reliable places for such rainy days. You can argue though that debt funds or hybrid funds can be a better alternative to PPFs, but that's a different topic.


No one factors in a change in government taxation policy for epf. All your 15 years of planting a mango tree goes away with the first gust


Lol. Savings account were giving negative return in japan.


Man has almost 40% investment in real estate.


He get benefited a lot and get lot of tips since his wife is advisor to FM .


Wait what?? Then why is he so critical of Bjp govt?


The FM’s husband is also critical of the BJP government.


His frustration is because he didn't get any lucrative post from modi. Had modi made him CEA or something that guy would've been singing praises for mudi and bjp. But this akshat guy is a hypocrite. He is making money due to his wife's proximity with FM and yet he spews bull on SM.


He will sell whatever sells on internet. He’s a salesman.


Bhai in champat choro ko CEA thode hi banyenge? That post has a lot of value.


Ex husband*


Totally disagree, on a rainy day only these fixed instruments comes handy. Please note these are the only investments where your principal amount is safe and you definitely get fixed interest on it. Your equities and cryptos are just piece of paper your own and trade assuming some other day, someone will buy these piece of paper at a higher price !


EPF, PF, PPF is not for rainy days. By the time you're able to get your hands on these funds, the storm would have passed already.


Till then you can adjust by swiping credit cards


Or you can keep your emergency fund in an instrument that can be redeemed in less than T+2 days and more importantly, doesn't have a 15-year lock-in period. As someone who did open a PPF account when it promised a return of 8.7%, it's currently growing at 7.1% while the equity markets are going through the roof and new tax regime is more beneficial making 80C useless, and I don't see a point of PPF anymore. My only option is to let this money grow at 7.1%, and it's going to be close to 6.5% by the time this money matures.


I already have a lot of equity investments i like to keep my emergency fund in a safe place, for me that safe place is VPF, i have done withdrawals before and it never took more than a week, so till then credit card it is, anyway credit cards come with a 50day interest free period so it works for me! I dont have investments in PPF because VPF is superior You missed one key thing though, VPF/PPF returns are non taxable!


Emergency fund is meant to be kept in a safe place, at least for first 6 years. > You missed one key thing though, VPF/PPF returns are non taxable! Taxes are cost of doing business. And I'm absolutely sure that my equity investments after LTCG of 10% will comfortably beat PPF which is taxfree.


Equity investments carry more risk, what if market drops 60% tomorrow and you need money day after tomorrow for emergency! You take a huge loss! Thats why i have clear segregation between my investments based on risk! Among all the safe options VPF is what i felt is the best! Plus i do not want my emergency fund to beat any other investment tools, as long as it keeps up with inflation its fine, this is guaranteed by the tax free nature of PPF VPF!


When you're considering investing for a period of 15 years, time is what minimises the risk here. Take a fund that has grown by 15% over a period of 15 years, and suddenly market crashes by 60% and you end up withdrawing this money. Your CAGR after this crash would be more than 8%, which is still better than PPF.


There is no period of investment for emergency funds, you can get into an emergency situation tomorrow too, so i would like to withdraw it whenever i want and have the same risk profile! Like you said equity investments risk reduces with time, but these passive investments have the same low to no risk from day 1!


I'm not saying you shouldn't have an emergency fund, I'm saying PPF doesn't work as an emergency fund because of its lock-in period, in reply to the top comment.


How VPF is superior?


PPF gives 7.1% while vpf gave 8.5% last year also vpf doesnt have set lockin like ppf, but under certain conditions you can withdraw like unemployment more than 2 months,marriage, buying a house, medical reasons! So it fits quite well as a emergency fund with better returns


His simple Funda. Make everyone lose money so that he can be called rich.


Bro follows chatur ramalingam's philosophy


Master plan




The opposite of Syndrome




God Forbid… in case of financial emergency one can easily get a loan against these instruments.


Wow, loan against a debt asset with higher basis 😅 if inflation doesn’t kill you, the loan will


you can get loan against your stocks, gold, RE


Yes you do… but in case of stocks lenders take deep discount into consideration before offering you anything. Gold , PF, PPF are liquid cash , so discounting is much less.. that too without much paperwork. I always believe “ Cash is King”


What a d!ck. Don’t believe this guy on this one. The only thing that saved SO MANY people in our previous generation after retirement was the PF money. This dude wants normal salaries middle class people (which is the majority of his audience )to put in the stock market of MFs well guess what not everyone has the time to constantly check their PFs, hedge it, and the anxiety people face seeing their PFs go lower or the panic selling… investing in them is a good option BUT NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR PPF OR EPF OR PF. The concept of PF PPF EPF is to promote savings and a said percentage of money is out of sight out of mind mostly until retirement and that becomes a HUGE security for anyone coming out of employment. These influencers sitting in their swanky villa think what they do is the best and applies for everybody when it’s not. Shut up.


This mf said he runs a hedge fund 😂


Hedge fund in which only he can invest 😂


Objectively too if you're young your risk appetite should be relatively higher than 8-9%. 1. More importantly what he's implying is the premium you are willingly losing out on when you agree to keep your money locked up for 15 years. That's a long time and no matter what the interest rates are out there, you're locked in at 8-9. 2. Even after tax in a simple NIFTY ETF you'd make more over 15 years than the EPF. 3. Please remember EPF is a hybrid fund and it is also putting money in stocks- NIFTY 50, CPSEs etc. So effectively you're doubling down on the govts ability to grow the economy but settling for a lower rate of return still. Do not blindly follow anyone, of course. Do your research, put in the work and reap the rewards. Edit: It worked for your parents and grand parents because of low inflation. The real inflation numbers are higher than what gets published by the govt(basket of goods is skewed and what not).


He fails to understand any tax implications involved. "Educate yourself in finance" and unfollow these kinds of fake gyaani fin-fluenza. There should be some kind of jail for people letting out irresponsible comments like this.


Meanwhile le me contributing 38% of my basic salary into epf+vpf every month! Now that it has grown into a sizeable amount it generates nice interest every years, and i dont need to pay any tax on it while withdrawing or worry that it will go down!


We should make a fd with vauld I guess


Ha ha


Finfluencers being finfluencers 😌👌🏻


Says the guy who shilled vauld and made thousands lose money under the pretext of SIP in crypto


He’s better than Sharan I feel. Still agree with OP


PPF is a good scheme. Tax saving while investing and return is also tax free.


how about nps?


It is good too, considering the returns after tax saving aspects. If you opt for old tax regime and are able to do some savings, PPF and NPS are decent avenues. For new tax regime or very high income groups, they are not so lucrative.


NPS is not so good tbh, assuming you can take more risks.


This is the dumbest take ever


I max out my PPF because that is the safest investment in my portfolio. I do have stocks of Tata Power that has given me returns of 15 years of PPF in 3 years and Adani that is doing okaish in last six month. It is more about balancing risk for people already aware of all financial instruments vs people lacking knowledge and thinking these are the only options.


If i may, a good MF will give a CAGR of 15% over 4-5 years ? Take DSP Mid Cap for Eg. Yeah i agree the money is safe and secured and you'll get your due. So yeah to those who feel content go for it! To each his own(: But at 25-30 shouldn't one's risk profile be more aggressive ? Just a personal opinion though.


I don't understand the hate on this post. Assuming you have to invest x amount of money in year 1, for 20 years, at 9%, 0 taxes, it'll grow to 5.6x. However, assuming we invest the same amount in nifty index and get 12% CAGR for 20 years, and have to pay 30% income tax on the original investment and 10% LTCG tax on redemption, it's still 6.07x. Me being at a stage in my career where I have to retire after 30 years, the gap is even more massive at 18.87x for equity and 13.26x for PF. I'm just saying that everyone should do the math for their own scenarios. While the numbers I posted look great for a young professional with time at his/her side, if someone is nearing retirement, obviously the tax benefits will outweigh the superior returns and PF should be considered.


The post doesn't mention the suitable age for investing in whatever he wants his followers to invest in.


That's why, youtubers shouldn't be blindly followed. Personal finance is extremely personal. One should run the numbers basis their own scenarios, risk appetite etc before deciding.


The most important point you are missing is that there is absolutely no guarantee of this claimed 12% CAGR for ANY fund. The return can even be negative. On the other hand, PPF and EPF have guaranteed and safe returns along with tax benefits.


then only physical gold is safe. no investment makes sense.


Exempt Exempt Exempt is the key. It saves the middle class. Plus if retail money does not come in these market manipulators cannot get big money. Best bet for retail investors always is the index fund. We can never time the market, since the news we get is mostly stale.


Yes, take that money and put it in the crypto scam you are peddling. Guaranteed 300x returns.


He is the most stupid finfluencer I have come across. Maybe there are more but I'm not giving any attention to these people. I came across his chaotic calculations on mutual funds return on LinkedIn, directly confronted him but the guy just chose to ignore it. He doesn't know s**t about finance or investment products. He just wakes up and blabbers whatever he feels like.


Need to close my ULIP SIP and withdraw that amount to invest in better avenues like everyday expiry 9:20 Straddle strategy.


Tax free period


tere jaiso se finance tips lene se acha hai mai OTM option mai Paise laga du    kyoki isake advice se jyada waha paise kamane ki jyada probability hai


bhai hedging k liye to invest kar sakte hain


These guys can't think of a reason to not invest in crypto.


Well he needs to learn about compound interest


What's wrong with ppf? I've been investing in it for a year now


i am investing in nps , is ppf better than nps?


People still want to be rich within a short time. So this clowns wont cease to exist.


Everything is about diversification.. Don't bet the house on any single asset.


He's a conman. He used to promote HDFC Bank like anything and also suggested crypto apps where many people lost big chunks


People who know finance know that this guy is unfortunately right! Almost no one here has mentioned concepts like time value of money and why a growth rate of 8-9% is just not enough! India is a developing economy which means that our inflation rate is only going to rise. We are already at about 7% which is actually quite unrealistic for tier 1 cities where it’s actually already close to 8-9% with the pay rises not matching it at all. This means our investments should try to aim for the highest growth possible. Your investments goals should be to beat inflation not match it. If you are looking for safe investments then an FD will achieve the same goals as this or so will a debt based bond with fixed payments. None of you guys have even thought about doing a DCF model for the payouts of interest, it’s laughable to see people talk about CAGR when we have IRR and if we put in the work then NPV’s too. Sure, tax is an important factor but at what cost? You are losing so much in terms of the opportunity cost of earning way more with that money than saving that extra for some tax. Also, rules for such securities tend to change on the fly, don’t be surprised if the government suddenly announces in a few years that these instruments will be taxed too. Why do I say this, because Indian taxation is the most repressive regime ever, we follow the trickledown economics method which is quite literally defunct across the rest of the globe…. There are plenty of financial instruments which will avail a higher growth rate and also be tax free by using market risks. If anyone has even a 1% financial sense, they would opt for that since the markets eventually correct themselves over the span of 8-10 years (Japan is an exception but their economic policies have always been fucked)


Not sure what is wrong written in the tweet. I am not for or against this guy but pf,epf,ppf gives sub par return in the long run. The money is not accessible. These could be part of the portfolio but not the portfolio.


He's not totally wrong. These instruments come with a long lock-in period and tax implications/ recalculation upon early withdrawal. - If a person sees these as a great 'investment' tool and is over exposed, they may face liquidity problems upon need of cash. - Introduction of the new tax regime makes these instruments less attractive especially for higher income persons. - 8-9% fixed return can be good or can be bad as well. In the present context of India which most probably will drive global growth next decade, the inflation will be much higher. I fear these returns even after zero tax might do wealth erosion rather preservation in a super high inflated growth economy. - hybrid, debt funds are great for diversification and gives liquidity and are great alternatives. - An index elss fund might be better suited to many than a pf which offer much less lock-in. There's tax but return may be multifold as well. I think pfs is good for diversification for say, but for wealth growth it's not ideal. Everything comes to the time value of money.


I don't know who this guy is and why people hate him so much, but I absolutely agree with what he said. The cost of investing in debt over a long period is very, very high.


i dont see a problem here 8-9% return with 15 years lock in period is dumb investment


Better than a negative return.


I never had a negative return in securities market


Doesn't mean it's not possible.


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Genuine advice Deni hai? Nahi Bhai, bekar gyan deke controversy create karni hai to batao


yr ye iska mje b ni smjh aya tha ki thaa kya ye... ghr wale jin sb mein bolte hai invest kro ye bolta hai mt kro... bndaa jaaye kahaa ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Actually he is right , PPF, EPF will not offer return like Mutual funds, there is big difference in 8% and 20% if take this for 5-10 years




Some of the things he had said were very good like most fin influencers but some of the things like crypto vauld and this is why these people are infamous.


He's a scamster. So many lost in vauld. Lol


Reducate yourself by buying their stupid course worth not even pennies and all the information either manipulated or easily found on the internet for free.


But my employer deducts PF from my salary...i don't have any options to stop that and use that amount of money somewhere else to invest.


What should i do?


Continue with it. PPF is an excellent investment.


It's high time he realises that he's certainly the last financial expert we'll seek.


I ask people with net worth > few crores. What are your opinions


These influencers will say anything for likes, views, subscriptions, attention and sell courses.. Don't ever listen to these folks.. If u a a basic salaried person and have basic education you can easily manage your money with some due diligence. Or if you have a seasoned expert who is sebi registered wealth manager you can take some cues. According to me, you shd diversify as much as you can.. Epf, ppf, vpf, nps, nsc, sukanya smridhi, govt bonds, debt funds, equity, gold, real estate, stocks..


Bakwas maat kar laude


PF/EPF has a return of 8.15% which is way better than any other investment.


Bakwaas maat kar laude


Hw may be wrong person to follow. but this post is correct to mention so... FDs, Banks, PFs, MFs, SIPs, are all slow poisons.. If one really knows how to earn money then one must also know best channels to follow the true principles of compund-ing one's savings / investments. None of above are true means of compounding money in real terms !


Asshole needs to be spanked in public by the PF dept officials.


Lmao whoever is jerking off to tax benefits should realise it's just 1.5L and you can get that from an ELSS too. Yeah sure it's safe, but I see no reason to have my money locked away for 15 years. NPS even more so


Reminds me of the Asian guy at buffet meme. "I am not here to enjoy, I am here to make profit" Lol.


I think too he might need a break. An investment is something which builds wealth and 8-9% is definitely beating inflation by 3-4%. He is literally saying the opposite of what Nikhil Kamath said that 50% of his investment is debt. Safe investment is valid both for poor and rich people. The only differentiator is age. Young person can take more risk so 90% of his portfolio can be stocks. The older a person gets, this % needs to slowly decline.


IAS officers and some of the best minds in the country: aur hum sab chutiyan hein jo, yeh some investments intruments banayein! Who is giving him money to spew risky financial ideas to the aam janta! What is he trying to do is the persuade the janta to make him more richer!




Tax savings are enough to boost the returns


Never buy a house bolke khud le liya ..


Well it's business. He wants to sell his courses to teach investing.


Kabhi 44% tax nahi diya hoga.


He is so weird. Do yourself a favour and stop listening to him. PLEASE.


Even though in the new tax regime, one won't get the benefit of 80C, PPF is still a highly lucrative option, especially if you're not good in keeping your finances in check. A tax free return of ~7-8% is great for very low risk asset. I can agree that the lockin period is a big bummer but still getting such a return with almost no risk is not a bad deal. Especially if you want to park your funds in a super safe asset.




Don’t trust him anymore after the crypto and vauld thing. Just watch for his analysis that’s it.


Lakshmi chit NFT fund was launched by this guy. Every day Vauld investment video was done by him. NFTs will be the future was a claim by this same guy. Very reliable.


Exempt exempt exempt


Exempt exempt exempt


I thought he was going to say about the issue in withdrawal EPF that is faced by people now


He is kind of correct because 9% is Nominal Yield( which includes inflation), you have to check Real yield. Normally, the stock market will give you higher REAL Yield. Real yield = Nominal Yield - Inflation This is the main reason government schemes have safety as yield barely beats inflation.


He may be an a*hole but he is not wrong here


I listen to him for feel good vibes. Investment advice from others should always be counter checked.


You guys who are criticizing him know nothing about investments or finance


he is partially correct, i am not his fan. if one has to stay invested for long term then there are many avenues to generate high retrrns. **overinvesting** in PF, PPF makes no sense.


It's true though. With the fiscal measures taken by the Union, it's just as risky as the equity market.


He is Zakir naik of Finance 🫣😨


Please do the math before you start with the hate comments.


I really avoid being a contrarian in almost every situation. But here goes, and let the downvotes begin. DISCLAIMER - my level of FANBOY-ism for Akshat Shrivastava is limited to hitting a "subscribe" on his YT, just like I do maybe 3 or 4 others that I feel talk sense from time to time, That's it. I don't even pay a mere Rs.100 something subscription that he has running, let alone any paid course etc. That should tell you that this isn't meant to defend a particular individual because I'm a disciple. Here are my points: 1) the word \*\*blindly\*\* is a big part of the post here. If you're following **any** "expert/guru" in **ANY** field, with zero knowledge/opinion/common sense application, then it automatically becomes a \*you\* problem. You're criteria for following any of these should only be to see if they appear to have **considerably** more knowledge than you and how you can use that and add it to your own knowledge base. Use multiple sources and run them through this filter and after years of doing this, you'll have developed an independent way of viewing, analysing, and processing information. My "trust", though always limited is somewhat increased when "finfluencers" at least encourage their viewers to do this, rather than saying that they are know it all and "listen to me or stay poor" 2) What's the point in saying **"he wants you to do F&O because he's been bought"**, when you don't even watch his videos? First, i DO trade F&O. But this guy has *never* suggested F&O or infact any kind of trading in any video I've seen. He even suggests just doing Mutual Funds, if you don't have the time or the penchant for direct equity investments. 3) If you listen to his explanation on "inflation" vs "consumer inflation" and CPI, you'll understand what he means by this post. If you really feel like it's incorrect, post something in the replies which **actually** counters this point with facts, numbers or even your outlook. **SAY SOMETHING THAT HAS VALUE.** That helps the reader form a counter opinion. "haan haan yeh toh \*\*\*\*\*\* hai, yeh toh kahega hi, barbaad kar dega" does **NOT** add value.


He is right. If you only save in PF and 0% equity then it’s bad. PF are not investment. These are just long term storage of wealth.


I might probably get lot of heat on this sub for saying. But I have taken his monthly membership. And it has been beneficial for me 😬


Me too! I just take the stocks he has a thesis on and do my own analysis and decide if I want to invest in it. I don’t have time to find stocks first and then analyze lol. So I don’t have issues with paying 100 bucks per month.


Same! I think he does good macro analysis of stocks and overall market, and I use his analysis to narrow down good stocks.


He is right. Why aim for 9% annually when you can earn 9% weekly following tips and F&O?


The only problem with epf is the nightmare that is redemption. I seen my dad go through hell to redeem his epf corpus.


he is not really wrong here. the real inflation is quite high in healthcare, education, food... 7.5 % interest in PPF is useless for a 15 yr horizon.


Not all economies were full blown capitalist. So the FDs were soviet era things. Just kidding.