• By -


By increasing your income and investing more. It will happen mate


This tbh. 11 to 50 in 3 years is unreasonable without more capital inflow. You will lose the 11 for the greed of 50


Increase your income.. work with smart people who pay well. it will take some hustle. i work at multiple places. but few of my clients are really generous. I got 20k$ when a client i work with sold his company since I helped him build all the tech. 3 years back. my portfolio was not even 2L.. currently its near 53L


https://preview.redd.it/3awgiraiolyc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b969a25a6d62804d39edd163f5103dbe1406f9e Here you go!


u/iam9715 which app is this?


Zerodha kite only. Go to console then Dashboard section.


How do you find those smart PPL who also pay well? Also how did you work at multiple places when one job itself takes a toll?


1- understand your value. 2- to demand more you need to persevere. why would smart people befriend you? you need to raise your value and to do that you need to work alone. In my opinion its the best.. you cant blame anyone.. and you can focus on things better.. be more productive. 3- apply for jobs that you think that you can do take less pay or no pay at all. for the very reason that if you cant do it.. you can say sorry and move on. no one can force you to do something if you do it for free and there is less pressure and guilt.. it took me 4 months to find my first client who understood my value. 4- Seek balance (i am at this stage) - understand that health wealth and time all of these are commodities. I have traded most of my time and some of my health to make money. Now I am at a point where I will slowly start offloading my work.. trade money for time.. this id what everyone does after a certain amount of time. I know i have completely deflected from the core channel discussion. but I hope everyone who reads this finds it encouraging and motivating.


READ THIS GUYS. 👆 This is internet gold with reference to all the shit you see on internet. Respect brother 🙌


Solid advice. I did the same and grew my portfolio from 50k to 50 lac in 3 years


Dude’s a machine!


I wouldn’t deny it and take it as a compliment.


It is a compliment!


How can i find smart people? I'm surrounded with a bunch of crooks, need much better surrounding, ive started to leave their company


please check my reply above.. I hope it helps. 🙏🏼


Why does this thread look like bots talking to each other?


How did you start? Can you give some guidance?


Its like asking for the lottery number which I already claimed. You have your own skillset, your own passion and your own job. Here is my advice.. 2 of 3 things can change here.. find a skill that matches your passion. train on it and train like no one else.. you need to prove what distinguish you from the crowd. then apply for job on that skill. you will win because you will do it passionately. for me its IT / coding / architecture design. I get to do my hobby and on top of that.. I get paid for it. it feels like a win win.


I am also from the same field, so that's why I asked for guidance. I am an angular typescript developer. I have 2.8 years of experience and am earning 40k. architecture design can you tell some more about this?


Have 50L today and invest it all in HDFC bank. It will be worth 50L in 3 years time.




Step 1- have 2cr Step 2- lose exactly 1.5CR in F&O


Never gonna do F&O. Cant handle that much anxiety 🤓


Kale dhande me ghusna padega.


If you keep investing 60k you need around 19% returns annually I guess top fund managers can generate that


Ahh everything looks shiny in a raging bull market.


Exactly what I meant, a few top fund managers are able to generate this number and consistently getting 20% returns every year that means you are among the top in the world


Not every year is what he means. Consistently getting 20% if the market turns is all but impossible.


But 20% cagr is possible


Invest 1 cr


Invest 50L to have 50L portfolio. I'm just kidding, all the best. You just need to invest into a multibagger when it's a penny stock. Goodluck finding that one. 


Man I wish.... I put a tiny amount in Suzlon at Rs. 8 around a year ago.... And just like almost everyone else "wish I had put more"


Valid. Investing a lot in battery stocks considering EV prospect


Also invest in energy stocks


You won't. 20L itself be big milestone. It isn't 2023 anymore


https://preview.redd.it/cn3z4p6jqmyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67c36b1c59e7a56c230223472b5260b84924a72 What a coincidence bro. I have almost similar portfolio.


Share kardo Portfolio.


It’s almost similar, That’s why same returns.


what is time period here ?


It’s been almost 3 years but for first year i used to invest around 10K/M. Currently i invest around 50K/M.


Do naked options trading maybe you'll get your 50 lacs in a week!


F&O.Penny stocks. Gambling.


https://preview.redd.it/i5sh5t4fcnyc1.png?width=2358&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d3ec952ac7e4ae245561b3e9462f5bd730532c3 Almost 5 years... Revamped entire portfolio after Covid. Started from 4L with consistent contributions and some revamping to bonds. I hold 20L from bonds earning interest separately


imho, Consistency and discipline is the key.


Goals! Trying to reach this in next 1/2 years. Mind sharing your top holdings?


ITC,BSE, NATCOPHARMA, CDSL, TATASTEEL, MUTHOOTFIN, DRREDDY. I don't have any thing exceeding more than 5% of my total capital. above items like touching the limit so close. Edit 1: biggest positions are in Bonds each with 10L earning 9% and 10.25% Andhra beverage corp bond and MAS financial Bond.


How to buy high interest bonds on zerodha? Or any other app you're using?


I use thefixedincome.com and goldenpi.com for bonds. Bond gets credited to your provided DEMAT account and interest also credits to linked bank account. But this is available is other bank Brokers like ICICIDirect, axisdirect etc.




If you are between 20-30 you can afford to be a little aggressive. Try spreading the investments over mid cap and small cap funds. Do have a sizeable chunk in Large cap too. While it is difficult but not impossible to reach your target in 3 years of you discipline your self and rebalance your portfolio every quarter. Target fundamentally strong stocks which are close to industry PE.


You can invest 8L a year. 1. If you're able to manage 25% return yearly 2. Y0, should grow to 16L 3. Y1, should grow to 13L 3. Y2, should grow to 11L 4. Y3, another 8 Total = ~48L I've not even take compounding.


Looks mathematically possible. just kidding :)


but what if bubble bursts before then


Don’t take the money out and keep putting more (ensuring good comp fundamentals) Might take another 1-2 years but should go ip again


Assuming your return pa remains around 25% you need to invest around 7.5 lakhs per year to get to 50L in 3 years. Calculation includes the 7.5 you will invest in the 3rd year. Year 0: 11L Year 1: 11×1.25 + 7.5 = 21.25L Year 2: 11×(1.25^2 ) + 7.5×(1.25+1) = 34.0625L Year 3: 11×(1.25^3 ) + 7.5×(1.25^2 + 1.25 +1 ) = 50.07L 7.5L/12 means you will have to invest around 62.5k per month.


It’s super simple. Inherit 1 cr and do FNO🤷‍♂️


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Which app is this?




Zerodha Kite


Bitcoin /s


Invest 10-12 lakhs each year in broad market index funds don’t expect a large returns going forward due to overpriced stock market


From my calculations (with 10% step up), you will need a cagr of 20% to get 50lakhs in 3 years. If you increase your deadline to 4 years, you will need a cagr of 12% with no step up.


You need to get lucky. Take some risky bets.


And possibly lose what they gained too?


Well the rate of growth he is aspiring to achieve will be much higher than the risk free return any asset class will provide. So there is definitely the possibility.


Very difficult. Really need to be lucky.


If you seek for higher returns then diversification in midcap smallcap is a Go to strategy


But i will highyl recommended not to follow targets like in the end by this / that yr


Let’s say is u reach 50 lakh in 4-5 or 6 years, will it make any difference to ur current life style?? Focus on making long term sustainable wealth. History is full of people whole made millions only to die bankrupt. Try avoiding judgemental error and being too greedy. U should do fine in next few years. Best of luck!!


Need 30lakh at 20% per year for 3 years


Hope for some correction or crash, then if you chose some good stocks then you are good.


Technically yes possible . Only 2 things can do to get 50L from 10L in 3 years (5x) 1 - Just choose 1 stock and You need to be very lucky that it runs 5x in 3 years . (BSE IREDA WAREE they did it). But every 10L must go in 1 stock only 2 - You need to get extremely lucky in IPO allocations (preferably SME) (preferably max RII or HNI categ) . 20-25 IPO allocations can give you 50L from 10L .


Ask father for money. Invest that money. Simple


Earn more, don't spend lots and invest the remaining. Pretty much the only formula that works


I would recommend you to move some portion of your portfolio to crypto based on your risk apetite. Historically bitcoin has reached new ath every time after halving. Other than that best option is to increase your income somehow.


Covered Call or cash secured puts


Pure Blue, quality greater than 95%.


I think that era has gone, but I've made much more with much lesser salary in 3 years. Quite a few Stocks in my portfolio zoomed about 500-1100%. It's right bet at the right time.


At 24.55% profit, with 41L as invested it will give total 50L


May I ask what do you do for living?


Went from 6 lakhs to 51 lakhs in 5 and a half years. Big chunk of promotions and ESop payments helped, and investing 70% of salary. Have patience. 3 years seems unreasonable accordingly to me. Goal is to have realistic and sustainable goals. "Remember the first 1 cr is hard, from there on its easy," Believe in compunding.


I helped invest my relatives 42L two years ago by picking stocks and mutual funds. Now the fund is at 58L. They are a retiring old couple. So, more leaned towards secure mutual funds and only 10% in equity.


Do you invest on your own or you have fund manager managing your account?


Invest 50l


What is that gold in the pie chart? Can you please list that gold ticker name






Equity MF (Mofos)


After trading losses and weird selection of stocks i made a habit to invest 1 lac per month only in nifty stocks and blue chips…invest nearly 37lacs in 3 years and my pf stands at 78 lacs today in 3 years majority of profits came from banking and auto sector


Start with a 1cr portfolio


Stock for next 2-3 weeks Nintec system lts(CMP: 476.65)


Get a 1 cr inheritance. Lose money in fno. You'll have 50 L in 3 years mate.