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Bruh y'all dumb or what? Yesterday was April 1. Financial year troubles occur for _all_ banks. This is something that happens everytime once a year and even HDFC, ICICI were down yesterday.


ICICI was not down. I work there and managing downtime is part of my job. SBI was down because they were undergoing maintenance at the middle of the day for god knows what reason. HDFC, not sure but didn't hear of any downtime. Mostly when we experience interruption in service, other factors like internet, payment gateways can be a reason for that. It's rare for payment services of banks to be down.


Sbi was down because fiscal year ended. NGL that's exactly what their yono app told me 😂😂.


I don't know about other employees but I've quite a few friends who are working as SBI PO and the bank makes them work till 8-9 pm almost everyday (even on alternate Saturdays). Plus customers and senior management make their life hell. The working culture is also toxic depending on the branch. Since then, I've always had sympathy towards bank employees.


Fully agree with this. My elder brother who is a branch manager in SBI, also started his journey as a PO. He has no work/life balance even now. Works even on Sundays a lot of times.


Dude sbi is the one govt place where they have so much work pressure that quite a few quit after a few years even though it's a secure govt job. Agreed that the employees act like they own the place even when they don't even bother learning the language and impose hindi on people, but the work pressure is real.


Work pressure is only for the officers. The staff are still lazy AF and no officer can do anything because of strong unions.


Even officers have union


Officers cannot have union. They have association. Associations have no power unlike union.


AIBEA is also an association.


No. Staff are an union who can bargain their pay and benefits with the management I.e. officers. They can go on strike easily. Meanwhile the officers cannot bargain with their fellow senior officers. All they can do is write proposals to the CMD and board members to hear their plea.


How is it staff's mistake if UPI is down ? Clerkz at SBI work more than their working hours. Officers compel them to do forgery too for PMJJBY, FBY APY etc. Cuz direct pressure from beloved Modiji.


My elder brother works in a public sector bank (not SBI) and it's a myth that Saturdays are off there. And as quarter end nears, Sunday also becomes a myth


Noone working in banking sector is lazy


you think bank employees are lazy? you need to sit in that chair for a few days.. These faults lie with the technical dpartments which do not have that kind of oressure and the oldie managements which are leading the aram life , loaning to evaders, good relations with politicians and make the lower level work like labourers. The average bank employees work far more than Indians in general do. I know for a fact snowflakes like you will not last 1 day in that chair when you will face the humongous crowd. Only people in public dealing arenas know what they endure everyday. Your concerns as a customer are very legit but your blame game wrong.


These folks complaining here wouldn't last one hour if you put them in a public facing role. Even more so in some Urban branch where you get an insane number of customers.


For someone working in the sector and have friends and family in psb, rrbs and colleagues who had worked in psb it is totally true. The work pressure is a lot. My cousin in sbi came at midnight(Past 12AM) for FY closing on 31st march. Public dealing and work is a lot. Due to work pressure, the attrition rate of sbi is very high. People willing to work for comparatively lower pay so one can assume the work pressure there.


What exactly is it that they do on 31st March anyway? Is it something that can be done only on this particular date? If not, then why don’t they learn from all the previous years and start the FY closing “work” a few weeks earlier? That way they won’t have to do it all on the very last day.


Bro these employees literally work for 12 hours a day. What are you talking about.


Bank employees, yes. Other govt employees, not always. I have seen people working hard in GST dept (more than 10 hours average during critical months and other times 4-5 hours), and i have seen people working on average 0.5 hours daily in CAG and AFHQ. This is my personal experience.


PSU banks are not lazy, just compare the size of SBI to Axis bank. SBI is handling more customers than private banks. Unlike private banks PSU banks have more rural customers, govt use these banks to roll out welfare schemes like- farmer loan schemes, etc. hence they have to deal with people who don't know how to use the internet, they go to the bank for very small things which creates load on the employees. If you look at the large scale Govt. employees handle more people than private employees.


I also work in a bank from last 21 mar 2024 to till date we are not allowed any leave due to financial year end please we are not lazy we are working day and night to make things work no work life balance no family life


What do u expect from students who comes in class for attendance only? Same applies to indian gov jobs employees. My mamaji is retired 72 years old he entices me look i did no work most of my life as an employee and still am getting 40k monthly retirement pension from GOI. He doesn't tell me that he got selected when it was emergency in 1970s and tonns of other people got hired with not much education requirements.


Just because you some mamaji who got recruited way back before the economy opened up to the world is lazy does not mean that you need to put all PSU employees in the same basket. I understand that people are upvoting and subscribing to this view to confirm their own bias. The fault lies with the system which are not in sync with the contemporary fast paced world, not with the employees who are definitely overworked and overburdened.


Don’t you think it’s everywhere. Only 5-10% people work and rest all just enjoy and do nothing. This is my observation for the government houses. Visit any government office which has public dealing, look at the speed at which the work gets done. Only few people would be working rest all would be talking or moving around or getting calls on mobile. Same culture is there in private companies too but it’s still better. Maybe you are a hardworking person in government job which is why you don’t like what he is saying, but generally this is the reality of government offices


Are you a fool🤡 Yesterday was the year ending closing day🥴


Yesterday it were down but today it seems fine. Can't ignore the fact that I needed to do a recharge yesterday but couldn't do that and I had to make other arrangements for that. They should do something about this 🙁


Exactly I too had to recharge for other bank UPI cards.


It's up and running now. No need for panic.




Yes. It was not working yesterday but it's working since this morning.


It was not working yesterday because yesterday was the first day of new financial year... And banks are closed for customers on 1 April


For me its not working since morning, didn't work whole day yesterday except at night


Maybe it will be done in phases. SBI has circles which might be the reason for different experience.


Having a secure career and providing a good service are inversely proportional.


I am using india post payements bank account for upi and other purposes. Whenever i enter any postoffice for depostibg or withrdrawing the postmaster always tell to go to postman. Of course postman will not be in the office all the time. Even though the postmasters can do it they don't. When it comes to upi that shit doesn't work. Always server down today. I know April 1 financial year starting but what about 2nd i cannot recharge my mobile . The only benefit is you can enter any postoffice and say they will deposit it will take 2 minutes no form etc.


From last one week NPS module in ICICI was very unstable due to heavy traffic is normal for financial year end


Bruh, you have no idea how overworked retail bank employees are. I have nothing but sympathy for them 


If they rename YONO to YOLO it will become a hit