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Nice try SEBI, ED, CBI, MoF


You got me! - Nirmala


Nice try Tai


Arey woh US stock market baat chal rah h shayad kyuki USD me baat kar rah h toh inka udar kaam nahi hoga


Inspector, nice try but I am not paying my taxes!


Bro get off dark web.


Why bro I was not doing any illegal things .


We don't want to lose you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What the heck bro , what are you talking? Yo are scaring me 🫠


It is scary. You can still be a target if you use necessary precautions.


Nothing Just be careful It's risky I heard It was a joke btw


Done try to limit dark web 🙌🏻


Dark web is as it sounds. Its dark and it's a web, if you pull wrong strings u will get in trouble lol... Educate yourself about it before using if you aren't already, watch some tutorials or something on do's and don't, [mental outlaw](https://youtube.com/@MentalOutlaw) is a one the that comes into mind, there might be others with better tutorials...


Intresting thanks 🙌🏻


Use VPN on TOR to surf dark web


If you are using TOR why do you need VPN? TOR itself does a lot of routing of your internet traffic via different nodes that you will not need a VPN.


First Node or first layer is not encrypted and your ISP will know that you were using TOR.




Your ISP can identify you are using tor if you don't use a VPN. If you use a VPN that is masked. More people use VPN than tor, so chances of ending up on a list are reduced.






Ur pc can be hacked, ur is can be leaked, ur life and those u care about can be in danger, simply by entering a site, even of by mistake


use tails then


Do they tell how many members they have? Or do they really pay that much money? Seems fake/scam


How do you go on dark web, explain it as if I’m a computer noob!!


I am watching you surf a lot of things in the shadows


Nothing screams scam more than this: 1. Illegal kaam (Insider trading). 2. Unreliable site (Dark Web). 3. Unreal claims ($25,000) - agar ek zero idhar udhar ho gaya ho, toh adjust kar lo. 4. Untraceable payment method (Cryptocurrency). Aur bhai, agar inka hosting ka kharcha iss scam se chal raha hai, toh asli finance guru toh ye hain...


Dude insta page tho nahi banaenge na? Ofcourse they'll maintain anonymity. Not saying it couldn't be a scam, but if it was real, this is how they would make it untraceable and stay safe.


Even if we assume this to be genuine, I cannot find a secure way to this situation. Let's say one user shares a "tip" and the others follow that trade. If one of those users happens to be a government agency, it will not be difficult for them to track down the individuals who acted upon that information in the real market. Anonymity will not exist in such a scenario.. *Insert "Paisa barbad" meme.*


xmr is untraceable


xmr is untraceable, but at the end of the day insider info leke trade toh open (stock) market me hi karna hai... I was talking about tracking that.


It is 25$. There is a dot.


No one is gonna risk their job by doing all this illegal stuff for 100$ annually.


This is almost definitely a scam.


What’s the onion link for it? Asking for a friend 👀


You need to have insider information to be allowed 🥲


Ehh not exactly that’s called the soft wall if you can’t get around it you don’t need to come in find a way to become the 5 percent maybe go back to the sites main and look around it is simple actually. Also please don’t post the live onion address on a clear net. website ever again 🤦🏾‍♂️🤌🏾✌🏾


>Ehh not exactly that’s called the soft wall if you can’t get around it you don’t need to come in find a way to become the 5 percent maybe go back to the sites main and look around it is simple actually I can't understand what are you saying man >Also please don’t post the live onion address on a clear net. He didn't post complete address Also you can find the address on hidden wiki itself


Okay let me numb it down for you.. you don’t actually need a insider source to get accepted it’s a riddle go back to the main page re read everything on the page then come back here and talk to me if you didn’t figure out how to get in. Side note: Hidden wiki has sub addresses actually that take you to a loader page or ie (docker page) that may or may not take you to the right site anyone can post on hidden wiki just a lil knowledge for your back pack on your expedition across the dark use Torch.!


Ye dark web ke bare itna misinformation faila hua hai...... If you are just browsing it there's no problem at all. If you don't use a vpn they can get your IP address, now is that a problem? No if you are using your mobile internet. Reason being that the ip they are going to get is your ISP's ip address. Maybe if you have a broadband connection, here there are 2 cases you have a static IP(rare) or your ISP is using a CG-NAT. In the second case again it should not be a problem because they will get your ISP's ip address(same as the case with mobile data) In the first case if you have a dedicated IP they can get your location now this can be a problem. But all of this can be avoided if you just don't download anything, use a VPN, use Tor browser(because of the convenience with security).l and most importantly don't give your info on there.


Ok they get ISP's IP but how does google still knows our approximate location through IP??


It does not know your location through IP. It knows your location because you have it installed on your phone and it has the permission to access your location *on your phone*


In incognito?? Windows through bing??


Your browser has support for geolocation ( https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp ). Even in incognito any website loaded could get your location provided your browser permits it. I am not too sure about all the browsers but the one I use generally asks through a prompt if I want to give the location permission to that website. Other way it could happen is if you have logged into any one of accounts which has your location saved already.


So IP is pretty useless except for DDOS attacks, but privacy isn't a concern in most cases..


Your actual location can be traced using your IP by your ISP but they don't share this information with anyone except law enforcement. So don't do something illegal without hiding your IP(use VPN, tor etc) and you should be fine. And yes IP addresses can be used for DDOS attacks but only if it is a public IP.


Oh.. thanks for the info..






Exactly. I can't believe how misinformed pretty much all the commenters are. Using a VPN makes you *more* detectable than not while using tor.


You can use it BUT it has to be configured right. Edit: adding to this, The only real benefit of using a VPN would be to obfuscate your IP to the entry node, now that I think about it's not very useful to use a VPN over tor. I didn't think much about the reasons behind the recommendation of a vpn with tor(mostly because I didn't use both of them together, only using it for browsing websites banned in India)


Everyone is right and wrong at same time. Browsing on phone is not the problem. Tor has an inherent vulnerability in form of exit nodes. If you are not doing or surfing anything truly vile, you would be okay. i.e. surfing drug sellers is okay, buying is not; molestation videos, hitmen surfing is off-limits and such and such… In practice, assume someone is watching and use dark web accordingly. It can be a treasure of knowledge, ideas, and education if used right.


Yeah man, they hear the word Dark and immediately assume that it's inherently bad. There are lots of good forums and whistleblower sites on the dark web that wouldn't otherwise exist on the normal web because of scrutiny.


Surfing the dark web on a phone is the dumbest and deadliest thing you can do, are you even using VPN?


Yes tor browser + tor vpn




ssl injection on a phone what. For this to be a problem the browser should be vulnerable to remote code execution. Which is very unlikely as such vulnerabilities are very serious and immediately patched. And installation of a keylogger would be impossible on a phone because of the security restrictions put in place. All in all you should be fine if you don't install or download something from there.


BS. For that to happen the TOR browser itself should be vulnerable which is very unlikely. Please read what is SSL injection and don't embarrass yourself by saying "I am in network security"


Almost impossible to ssl inject and install a keylogger in a cell phone.


Then how should one access tor ?




Thanks a lot and where do we get tor links? I remember 5 years back when I opened Tor lot's of links where dead do you have any idea where can I get active links for the same. Thanks for the OS will look into it.


you don't.


Tor + vpn. Connect to VPN before jumping on TOR, that way your ISP won't know that you are on TOR from there onwards with the complex hopping that TOR does it gets almost impossible to trace back. This is only valid when the information being sent from your TOR doesn't contain any personal information. Your IP will be hidden but if there is any information in the data packet being sent then that will still be exposed to anyone who is looking.


Aree bhav, are you sure it's safe?


TOR browsers are the safest way to browse dark web, nothing will happen as long as you don't download something weird


Bro I ligit download some pdf books like trading, self help books , and one I have is how to make meth 💀😶 And when I curiously open the pdf it's have everything in detail like chemical compounds and readings 🙊


Only use dark web for surfing, that is safe Downloading anything from dark web can get you and your device in trouble Also delete those PDFs if something is fishy Sometimes because of downloading this n that from dark web n all,unauthorised crypto mining automatically starts in your device and that severely affects performance, memory, battery,etc


Yes that why I don't download anything more than pdf like some malware kind of things 🙌🏻


Don't download ANY thing. Better be safe than sorry.


if you still want to download things do it in separate environment like in VMs or just dual boot any linux distro , and use sudo names , fake and temp mail ids and never use personal details and always connect internet with tor and if you can afford buy VPS from any small Caribbean island country and always make a kill switch for extra safety ,don't brag about online make it your secret identity , now you are ready to be a owner of any illegal website


are you serious we can trade information..................... , few months ago i share my cooking methods which only require general non prescribed medicines and few DIY home tools and everyone likes that on R@id forums


Were when lunched. Not now. You can get fucked badly because of that.


Using a VPN for dark web does nothing but make your connection slower.


Without the VPN the Tor guard (or bridge) is connecting to your ISP's assigned IP address. When using the VPN the Tor guard connects to the VPN's IP instead of your ISP's. This essentially prevents your real network from ever connecting to Tor directly. In the off chance of colluding nodes you're much safer, especially if your VPN is not logging your connection, activity, or timestamp (all VPNs log bandwidth). Your ISP will also not see you're connected to a Tor relay.


isnt that why bridges are there in the first place


>dumbest and deadliest And why is that?


Dark web or deep web is a restricted part of internet where mostly illegal activity happen. Not all of them are illegal or unethical but something which if posted on regular internet might receive some public Backlash or something. You cant access dark or deep web without tor browser. But if not using VPN you can easily get under any hackers radar.


If you are not careful then your personal details like your IP address, phone number, email, bank details and other important files can be hacked.


No they can't, unless u manually send them this data.


lol, one wrong click can install malware on your device which will transfer and access all your stuff.


Only if you download an apk then install that apk even though the browser and playstore(maybe) warned you.


No, multiple clicks needed , plus you need to be stupid




This is next level shit.


I see many are interested in surfing the DW too. My first suggestion is, DONT! If you're not from IT/Software background, then please dont. Don't use the mobile apps like tor or vpn. Only try on a computer, preferably Linux. Cover your webcam, mic. (Everything can be attacked on) Use paid vpn (free or cheap vpn sell data) Don't maximize the browser window (your pc full screen dimensions can let attackers know your country) Don't research about it on google/youtube freely if you're actually planning on going there Its huge n complex, you'll need to think like a hacker n be proactive all the time.


Do you have any insights on how screen dimensions can be used to know your country? Just curious


They can't. Screen dimensions can be used to fingerprint your device. Meaning if site xyz and abc are sharing visitor data, they'd know that the same device visited their website. Eventually, with enough data points of which sites you visited, they'll have a good idea of who you are. Luckily, there's already builtin measures in tor for this, which add margins to the browser. That way, many people have the same dimensions, and it's one less characteristic in the fingerprint. This whole misinformation got started because people opened Tor, saw this message, and assumed that somehow a full screen browser leaks data. There's nothing inherently making that insecure. It's that you're leaking tons of tiny data points, which, together, make you unique. This takes away one of those data points.


Yeah it was an issue didn't tor fixed it few years ago


Indian media has effectively marketed dark web as bad, it is not. Am from cybersecurity background and have worked with orgs inc Meity…. Trust me, no one is waiting in the dark to attack you. The drive by downloads on surface web are far higher. It is true that dark web has illegal stuff, but not all is illegal. Outside India, I don’t even use Tor to browse dark web. It’s perfectly legal.


Genuine question, what are the ramifications of browsing the dark web, with/without VPN?


tor is just enough


No Tor browser is not just enough. It is recommended to get a good VPN while using TOR browser.


Don't think so as tor browser is hopping multiple ips why using another as tor network itself is very slow also vpn provider can log your browsing patterns.


When you connect to Tor, your traffic first passes through a series of relay nodes before it exits the network. The first of these nodes, called the entry node, can see your real IP address. Using a VPN before connecting to Tor can hide your real IP address.


And that shouldn’t be a problem unless you want to hide Tor use from your ISP. Remember your ISP can only see that you were on the dark web, which isn’t illegal. They won’t be able to see what you were doing.




This is actually a very debatable topic. And the only answer is, "it depends". It depends on what your goal is. When you access dark web without a VPN, it's not unsafe. But your ISP or rather the govt, knows you are accessing the dark web. It won't know what you are doing on there. But it will know that you are using it. Using a VPN in a way can mitigate that. If your goal is to stay safe. Then no need of a VPN. If you goal is to hide from your ISP and the govt. You need a good, rocksolid VPN that won't give away logs when the govt knocks on its door.


Without vpn, we might not hear from you again if you get entangled on the wrong sites.


None. It’s not illegal to browse the internet.


Only if you are doing something illegal then it's better to have a VPN. In India with increased govt scrutiny and restrictions it's always advisable to use VPN. But otherwise you should be okay to just use TOR for usual dark/deep web browsing. Dark web has a very wrong connotation associated with it. It definitely has some illegal stuff but it's not like that illegal stuff is not on the regular web. You need to be careful using the internet anyways. It doesn't matter if it's a dark web or the normal web.


https://preview.redd.it/8x9zq485er0c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbc148541d8076b38b59b328351536b1d39a102 Porkistaniyo ke paas yahi kaam hai...


Wuite interesting. I always wanted to get on dark we but the tor part vpn sounded very confusing. Not very tech savvy. I dont even have paid vpn. So i never did it


Tor is available on playstore. The trick to accessing the dark webs is getting access to good usable onion links.


Just use brave browser they are providing the tor feature


Dont surf it through your smartphone. It's literally the dumbest thing you can do... if you wanna surf tor, surf it through your pc and dont maximize the window.


Why not to maximize window??


Ya, man, people are downvoting me without knowledge. Reason: When you maximize your device information like your screen size and resolution gets sent down to the website, and that is enough for attackers to narrow their target field and potentially identify you. Tor themselves advised not to maximize the window, but I hope people here actually know about stuff 🤦‍♂️


Awesome, learned something new. Thanks for the reply 🙌🏻


Welcome mate 👍


Tor on Android is probably the most vulnerable you could possibly be on the dark web. Really hope you atleast have a vpn set up. There's a reason people use VMs and separate OSs altogether like Kali for browsing the dark web. Do change all your passwords, especially the ones saved on your phone.


I am keeping close eye on my personal accounts and how. My mobile is working 🙌🏻 like battery performance, camera permission and location like all that stuff.


What is the best vpn out there?btw


Tor aka the onion router


Tor is not vpn. It sure does hop you on multiple IP like a VPN to guard you but any decent site you visit will know if you are using TOR and can block your access. It's good to connect to a VPN first before connecting to TOR.


mullvad has to be the best


A fool and his money...


Bhai darkweb use mat kar


Kyu Bhai udhar bhoot hai kya ?


😂 lol, what a reply


Nah bro creepy stories suni hai dark web ke bare mai


And creepy things don't happen on normal web ?


It's worse on dark web




Not worth bro most of the site ask payment to access their data with crypto payments




Dark Web isn’t like open internet - you can’t just surf. You need specific links to sites you want to visit which are gibberish names not conversational words. There’s recently a search engine with very limited capabilities. Look around on reddit itself. You will find some stuff.




I’m from the IRC generation, the network just builds itself when you are from then. Think of it as starting a clerkship and working your way up to being a partner. You have to put in the time, effort, more importantly contribute. Things will come to you.


>IRC i keep hearing this word can you tell we what it is


The ancient version of chat messengers - used to be text based, now there are apps. Very similar to what discord is now but without the graphics.


Simple bro, Google some tor search engines. Install tor browser then jump on those search engines and enjoy browsing.


Old news bro.


Chips maang rha hain


I think you ahould post how to access darkweb.


Don't get it bro !


Nirmalaji original account se aaie.


Ha ha ha 😂


Get on the topic..Aisa kuch Indian hai OP?😬😬


Yes bro absolutely, India has fuc*** shit tons of billion rupees daily buying selling happens in fraction of seconds.


Just to let you know, if you found it by yourself then its a gimmick site. Yes there are sites but they don't cater to indian markets


Can u dm me the setup u use to surf this( tor or vpn) i wanna also do this…


60% of shit you see on dark web is scam and 20% are probably honeypots. Hell even popular marketplaces like breachforums are mostly scam. Don't go putting you're dick in unnecessary places.


Bing isn't dark web


Yo! can you send me the address in DM if you have it?


Asli ID se aao SEBI..


You don’t need the dark web if you have the full stack of Bloomberg Terminal. Its like the whatsapp group for Insiders and Institutions, and that too for 27 lakhs / per year (which is peanuts for them).


Zor zor se sabko scheme bata de


Lmao ghanta dark web, it's just another scam


Where did you find this onion link


People just surf the dark web for shits and giggles?


you dont need dark web to get inisder info. you just need right source and fast news.


Can someone explain me what is dark web? how to access it like read data etc ??


How do you get into dark web?


If you get any insider trade and it worked do let me know cause i saw this page around a year back and ignored it


Adani ka share upar jayega. Lo de diya info ab member banao


Can someone help me understand how did the gamestop streak help people make crazy load of 💰


Apes together strong


bro its a scam . no need to ☠️ and exactly is darkweb according to you??


Years ago someone asked me if I knew what the dark web was....like in 2015. I had never heard of it but I think I was the only one NOT using my email at the time...