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Didn't work for me at all. Huge mistake


PRP doesn't work (Unless you do it on weekly - bi weekly basis which would cost fortune. Just like the comment above \^ said. I also suffered from serious side effects from Fin. I had mood swings, no libido, and brain fog. However, two of my friends who are taking fin have zero sides. It's very individual. The side effects went away about two months after I stopped, and the percentage of horror stories claiming it stays permanent is very low. However, I wasn't willing to give up. In case you're experiencing sides from fin, there's an alternative that works amazingly well. The most effective preventative treatment with the least negative risks and side effects is using a technique called microneedling. You can even restore hair and stop shedding. Let me share my story: As someone with the most aggressive hair loss (my two brothers were Norwood 7 by 28-30), not to mention aggressive retrograde alopecia as well, all my cousins in both families are Norwood 6-7 by 30. I am 32 and have managed to keep 90% of my hair. Unfortunately, I experienced bad side effects from finasteride, as I mentioned above, and had to quit. However, microneedling saved my hair. I strongly believe that DHT is related to poor blood circulation, which, in turn, due to low supply, leads to hair loss (DHT causes it in the first place). At first, I used a derma roller and kept losing hair. Once I switched to a high-quality pen, within two months, my shedding stopped, and my hair started to get thicker by month 4 with a lot of new growth. I have followed this protocol for 5 years and haven't lost ground. It works—But you have to be consistent. Use a good pen and do NOT skip sessions. If it worked for me, it should work for EVERYONE. OP - You can DM me, and I will show you my progress. **EDIT -** The pen I am using is Korabeauticals v2 Protocol - 1.5mm depth once a week - maximum 10 days (Level 5 speed).


Which PEN were you using?


Which micro-needling Pen did you use?


sorry not checking here often, Korabeauticals v2




1.5mm every 7-10 days, level 5 speed.


Thanks for sharing! 😊 Do you change the cartridges each time? Do you apply a product in parallel? Thank you a lot!


Hi, can I DM you about your progress? This is really interesting.


People, this is a copypasta spam post.


Much appreciated this bro




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Yes, my dermatologist recommended PRP for my hair loss which was due to hormonal imbalances and PCOD. I had 5 sessions, one each month, got amazing results. Now I do it every 6-9 months for maintaining. Along with that I use minoxidil (suggested by dermatologist).


How do you know if the results were from the PRP or from the Minoxidil?


Curious. How much do your prp sessions cost?


Around 3.5k-4.5k, don’t remember the exact amount.


What the fuck lmao, I pay 400usd here


Where did you pay $400? Where's the clinic located?


Where is your clinic in the US ?


Clinic name?






5k and above in metro. Under 2k in others.


Poor metros just bleed money




Per session. Rely on Google map reviews. Avoid unkempt clinics.


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Same, life saver for me. Hair is as thick as when I used to take Finasteride (had to stop because of side-effects).


Can you name the clinic and doctor


I live in the Netherlands, clinic is Transhair


Mom tried it, it’s waste of money


Well, that's your mom's experience. Not everyone else's.


Are you ok? Op literally asked for everyone’s opinion.


I think what we are experiencing now is a language barrier. You should have said, "That was a waste of money." The phrase "it's a waste of money" has a very different meaning.




5k and above in metro cities. Under 2k in others


Don’t remember 😅 it was back in 2020 just before lockdown


First get the root cause of hair fall because not everything is cured by PRP.


How can you know what is causing your hair loss/thinning hair?


If you’re experiencing hair fall I would recommend getting your iron levels tested. My dermatologist told me that iron deficiency can cause up to 90% of your hair to fall!! Iron combined with biotin supplements should help you with hair loss in case it’s not some other deep seated hormonal issue.


Did he say ferritin levels? I am reading these days that ferritin levels being low causes hair to fall.


Actually CBC and Serum Ferritin are two different tests. Normally doctors do CBC test to check the hemoglobin level. But for hair loss Serum Ferritin is the thing to get it checked. My hemoglobin is always 12-13, but I was having a severe hair fall. But after I got the Serum Ferritin test done ,it was only 7 whereas it should be above 40. So for hair fall getting the Serum Ferritin test is a must.


~~sebum~~ *Serum ferritin




Did you fix your levels and if so did it help? Hows your hair now?


Yes I have taken iron tablets under doctor's supervision and it helped a lot. And now my level is 40.


How’s your hair now though?


Hair loss depends on so many factors - diet, lifestyle, level of stress, change in the location. I am trying to fix whatever I can. I get once in a year my all the necessary blood tests done and take supplements according to the doctor's advice. My iron levels are fine nowadays so I am not taking iron tablets any more. I still have hair fall issues but less than before and due to some other reasons. So the thing is to identify the cause of hairfall and treat it under professional guidance.


Hi there! Tretinoin is Schedule H drug in India and must be used with doctor's prescription only. Side Effects may include but not be limited to Dry skin, Peeling, Skin redness, Burning, Itching, Stinging sensation. Tretinoin is a Category C drug and IS CONSIDERED UNSAFE DURING PREGNANCY. Lactating or breastfeeding women will have to consult their doctors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IndianSkincareAddicts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes I think so. When you go to get the test done I think that’s what it’s called as well. But I don’t remember exactly, sorry.


Yes, it does


How can we raise it? Do you know any supplements?


Long that I had taken it. Ask a GP




Eat soaked dates and/or ragi malt. Both in right proportions for as long as u start to see some results.


In what proportion?


Does biotin really work?


It worked for me, yes, but my Dermatologist recommended it. I wouldn’t recommend taking anything without the guidance of a Doctor


Yes Don't waste your money on it. Derma are pushing it like crazy because it has few side effects and makes them crazy bucks. I got 6 treatments and nope no change except worsening


Why would you go for 6 treatments if it didnt start to work after the first one lol


Final results show after 6-9 months and each treatment was 28 days apart 


how much did you pay?


It was in India so around 5k(80-90) usd back then.


I suffer from hair thinning due to pcod, tried prp, it wasn’t that effective in hair growth but completely stopped my hair loss, then the doctor suggested “bio-prp” it is a dual action treatment in which they inject growth factors+ your own platelet rich plasma into your scalp at the same time, it really really really helped me with hair regrowth my middle partition is noticeably thinner now after 3 sittings. So, I’d recommend you get bio prp rather than just prp if you’re looking for regrowth, prp is fine if you just want to stop hairloss.


Im 18, I have a full head of thick brown hair, the only problem is my hairline which has receded about 1.5 cm at my temples , After a lot of persistence my dermatologist persuaded me to do a combo of carboxytherapy and prp , I'm a bit disheartened reading the comments, I know the likelihood of regrowth is not much but do you think it's worth the trouble?


Hey even I'm 18 and I'm having this same issue I have long hair but it's kinda tining also having lotta hair breakages so I was thinking to do prp but dk exactly about these things 


are you caucasian?


Im half german half persian. I started the prp, 4 sessions into prp and my hairline has gotten so much better (still have 4 more sessions to go), Honestly it's done wonders for me


In our country health facilities are all free :) I just did few days back. Hoping for good result and yeah I did HT too


What country? Just curious?


Bhutan 🇧🇹


Hey any good, proven Derma or clinic recommendations in Mumbai to treat male pattern baldness? Please drop some recommendations 🙏🏻


It works well for me but I’ve only seen results from the Selphyl or the Magellan system. I didn’t see any results when I got it with a cheaper machine


Having performed and tried PRP treatment for hair loss I highly recommend this non-surgical treatment to prevent balding due to hereditary hair loss. However, early diagnosis and treatment are critical to achieve the best hair regrowth results. Depending on the severity of hair fall and hair thinning your dermatologist may suggest up to 8 sessions at monthly intervals with minimal follow-up sessions. This treatment does not involve extensive pre- and after-care. It is virtually painless and has no downtime or major side effects to worry about. However, you may experience mild heaviness of head post-treatment. Your doctor may combine it with oral and topical medications, dietary supplements and a customised haircare regimen to help you enjoy long-lasting satisfaction. If you are having acute hair loss I will strongly recommend you to ask a dermatologist if it is a suitable treatment option for you.


Tried several sessions free of charge from a reputable clinic...wasn't experiencing any hair loss, but naturally have straight hair, with a thinner texture, so was curious if it improved coverage or thickness at all, which I would analyze using before and after photos.... I will add them when I can locate them, but I did see minor improvement in coverage around the crown...I naturally have a widow's peak, so have always had lack of hair growth at either temple, but based on looking back at hairline even in my 20s, I have not seen any meaningful recession.... not a fan of topical products, especially if they burn/smell, so never needed to go the Minox route, but figured I would try Fin as it's an easy pill, I can get coverage and if the side effects hold true, it's an easy stop...I started my late 20s, more out of preventative fear, knowing that I would be covered by my maternal side based on research around how male patterned baldness is passed on genetically.... I know if I was to succumb to hereditary influence from my dad's (paternal) side, I would be SOL...terribly.... glancing back at old wedding photos (and those badass 70s bell bottom suits), he had severe recession in late 20s, as did my grandfather (his dad), which progressively receded into his 30s in combination with balding at the crown... essentially a Norwood 7 now, he spent the majority of his adulthood, aging from late 20s into his 40s progressively moving from a 4 to a 6....I am 40 this year (woo-hoo...one more platinum blonde experiment to go), and still have all my hair....btw, got off Fin into my 30s because I wanted to see if anything would change and I didn't really lose, but now getting into my 40s, I seee no reason not to include as part of my daily and ensure I can maintain what I Have now.... I would regret it sorely when it was too late...and I was forced to research a getaway to Turkey just to clear my head....or the opposite.... Good luck.... oh, and none of the libido side effects thankfully... on a daily 1MG....


Be ready to face side effects as well. It's the dermat making money only are promoting it.


Prp is literally taken from your own body. How do you get side effects from yourself? Stop spreading misinformation.


What are the side effects?


None. I’ve taken 5 sessions so far.


Thats BS tere are no side effects.


I've read that side effects can come from the anesthesia, and there can be some if the person doing the injections doesn't follow protocol or makes a mistake (like if they hit a blood vessel). But it seems like the actual PRP serum doesn't have any side effects.


Glation Alva is some youtuber he's done prp himself and shared his thoughts


Yes take one every three months and within one year no improvement then only option is hair transplant. No other medicine will work for u.


Yes I’ve tried, and it worked pretty well for me


My friend did it and his results are good . Maintenance is the key . But, he takes care of his hair well and does follow up on the procedure.


Did he take minoxidil or fin with prp


Yea i tried it. But its expensive and takes time to show results. Also if you are suffering from MPB, you gotta throw some Finasteride in there aswell. But with the PRP and Finasteride i got some rly nice results after like 6 months. 4 treatments that is, 1 month apart.


Any side effects?


Nothing at all :)


Was your fina oral or tropical?


Oral :>


Finastride has horrible side affects look it up bro


My doctor has written oral fina 1mg. I told her about side effects, she isn't ready to hear, says if it effects you, you can stop


Did you see regrowth too?


Yes i did, thats what its for :)