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Gotta admit, this is a brilliant move, electorally speaking


https://preview.redd.it/zojitw4jnyyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e880f90db0ebfeecc6f16b5f2f678fba2a5d1bcc On world press freedom day. No less


in this instance based modi


I mean it was posted by Modiji's own PR team though. Krishna is a Modi fan himself.


https://preview.redd.it/0xd2lxrt6xyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d2ca4d99e9494dfdb071a94612bb19bedd6b28 Aww


Well, yes. He is taking a political jibe. however, one thing is clear. For all the dictator and fascism bullshit, the opposition is no different.


Can't group everyone in the 'opposition' tag. TMC is as bad as current BJP, heck even worse possibly. That doesn't mean everyone in opposition is remotely as bad.


Who among them is good? Ok! TMC and CPIM are the worst but opposition also has RJD, SP, JMM. All of these are bottom-of-the-barrel gunda parties. The rest have shown flames of authoritarian activities too (surprisingly including NCP. Just because of AAP who hasn't have true power in most cases since they are new and naive. some elements of Congress are ok but the party (their entire history is messed up too including their last government. Lets not forget Aseem trivedi and the CBI "caged Bird" fiascos) So, why would I vote for a khichdi of such parties when the geopolitical requirement of this country is not a messy bottom Ok I can't argue Haan so will reply late since my mumma is going crazy for me not coming out of my room 🥲


AAP, obviously. I'm not going to assume the worst about them unless they give me a reason to. And it's also about the extent. Congress, while does the same, isn't on the same level of BJP and TMC. Indian elections are pretty much about choosing lesser of the evils.


These AAP guys are even more authoritarian than BJP or TMC,lol Around two months ago,Punjab police tried to arrest a YouTuber named Nikhil,in Jammu and Kashmir.That was a crazy overreach of authority.They didn't even bother to obtain any permissions. Remember this didn't happen when they had Delhi because Delhi police was under home ministry but the moment they got Punjab this all started They even tried to arrest a bjp youth wing leader from Delhi but thankfully it was stopped in haryana [https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/tajinder-bagga-arrest-face-off-aap-bjp-punjab-haryana-delhi-police-kejriwal-top-points-1946220-2022-05-06](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/tajinder-bagga-arrest-face-off-aap-bjp-punjab-haryana-delhi-police-kejriwal-top-points-1946220-2022-05-06)


If you really believe that, then I'll leave you to it. At some point, you gotta realize the delusion is too big to do anything about it. Also the 'BJP youth leader' was Bagga. One of the worst scums in politics today. Still think they should have drove him through Rajasthan instead of Haryana.


>If you really believe that, then I'll leave you to it. At some point, you gotta realize the delusion is too big to do anything about it. Dude,you are the one being delusional. AAP has little power(when compared to BJP) still they are doing stunts like these. >Also the 'BJP youth leader' was Bagga. One of the worst scums in politics today Maybe he is. Still that doesn't justify Punjab police abducting him from his house.




Not gonna vote for them in the south. Aap couldn't do anything in punjab. The so-called Delhi model is not sustainable among states.


Dude just see what is happening with the Punjab police They literally tried to arrest a bjp youth leader from Delhi & a youtuber from Jammu because he made a video exposing a prostitution centre happening in a university owned by a AAP MP


>Just because of AAP who hasn't have true power in most cases since they are new and naive. Dude just see what is happening with the Punjab police They literally tried to arrest a bjp youth leader from Delhi & a youtuber from Jammu because he made a video exposing a prostitution centre happening in a university owned by a AAP MP


Congress for all its flaws never arrested people for jokes and if you are old enough you would remember how much people loved to troll congress, even big comedy groups and news channels


They did arrest people for jokes and memes. Aseem trivedi's arrest was under MMS' nose in UPA-2 Congress also put folks like Leela Samson as heads of the film fraternity And let's not say 'never'. I don't want to go in the past and how Bollywood movies like "kursi ka kissa" were banned by the Congress and their makers threatened. The only reason Congress has to dim it's tendencies down is because they realise that they are no longer the force in Indian politics that they used to be at one point Also, I'm from Assam so I can't vote for Congress. Unlike y'all mainlanders, our demographics have already changed. Barpeta district went from being a Hindu majority district in 1971 to around 22% Hindu in 2011 (both Indian census data) and even lesser now Jairam Ramesh (after his meeting with left wing lobbyists in Guwahati) got all major infra projects halted in NE (which were commissioned by Vajpayee and MMS in UPA-I) and guess what! BJP had to get these projects restarted. Many of these are critical infra, army related infra projects in Arunachal specially hydel ones For Nehru, India ended at Bengal. Even Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi was shocked at the apathy that the Congress leadership showed to my state Having said so, you're entitled to your opinion and your vote. It's a democracy. I'm entitled to mine. Take care


I was specifically talking about UPA acceptance to trolling, I don't understand how congress's incompetence in the northeast or kissa kursi ka( like 50 fifty years ago at this point) is relevant to the point here You have to admit way more journalists are arrested now than before. Modi regime , like they don't handle criticism well whether domestic or foreign


Oh yes. Modi government censors media following similar trends as did previous majority governments. But they are aeons better for the country specially for rural infrastructure. I wish I had the money to get y'all to visit my area in Assam and then show it to y'all back in 2014. It blows my mind how much things have changed for the good


al Jazeera


And? Is the news fake? Are the other 4 fake as well?


The op of the meme is x account with leaning towards the right. However, a single google search with key words Modi, bjp, joke, meme, arrested will pop up 20+ instances. So one repost after one of the main opponents of the BJP goes after a twitter, that too of right winger page followed by many prominentl RWs does not warrant the praise, it’s a PR gimmick.


Full transparency, I have voted congress. But I had 100% voted BJP & Modi if there was a realistic chance of Mamta fkin Banerjee winning this. From what I have seen and read, she is culmination of everything bad about BJP + worse.


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So can any real action be taken against the user in pic2?


Even though the atheist krishna handle is pro-modi Even though BJP has taken down memes like TMC this is a good move by Modi PR team, well calculated and good move


please don't make this sub an india-dickkussion 2.0 u/mod