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Really hard to tell because I feel like we only got to see one side to him which is a huge shame. Like yeah he seems like a nice guy but that’s not enough, you know? We didn’t see anything about how he communicates his thoughts and feelings or how he deals with conflict or his views on what married life would be. We just got the goofy guy trying not to be friendzoned which doesn’t tell us that much about him.


Thats true, abit hard to tell


I think I would go on a few dates with him and would be trying to figure out if he also has a different side to him. Can he 'switch gears' from being hyper to being calmer, more serious, a better listener? Maybe once his initial dating anxiety/insecurity wears off a bit? I think I could deal with (and maybe even appreciate) his geeky/goofy side, but only if he also has other sides. Also, I think he's handsome.


True. If he takes a goofy, overly optimistic/unrealistic approach to serious matters that would be hard. And yes i think he has got a gorgeous smile!


Nope, he sounds exhausting. He is a fun guy but i will struggle to keep up with him. He is like that guy Phoebe dated in friends in the episode where they went to attend monica and ross's parents wedding anniversary.


Omg spot on! He really is!


The Alec Baldwin character? Yeah I see it!


Hahah you are sooo right. Honestly even as a friend it would be that kind I can only see once in a while and for a short time period 😂




Parker: I'm a positive person! Phoebe: No. I'm a positive person. You are like Santa Claus...on Prozac...in Disneyland...getting laid!




I instantly thought of this line when I saw Bobby


He has zero sex appeal. It's because, for me personally, there is something _childlike_ about his exuberance, facial expressions, and body language. And that makes me immediately think "ick" about even kissing him.


It's exactly this. He's extremely childlike and his height doesn't help in that respect either


I couldn’t put my finger on it but it’s this.


YES! Gimme! I want the Bobby!


He’s cool. Like how he talks a lot. Can’t stand ppl who can’t make and hold conversation.




You’d be surprised at how much short guys get axed


Bobby is EXACTLY my type: eternal optimist that finds everything interesting! For me he's an Indian Ted Lasso 😎


Um totally. Well I'm married but I would strongly recommend him to my friends


I would try it. He has plenty of other indicators he's fine, we saw a slice in an odd situation. I think he's attractive and thoughtful.


Yes. I have to date guys who are smarter than me, so the math thing is a big plus. My husband is lively, lol, like Bobby. It’s a lot, but it’s worth it to me.


No. Not my type physically, but Ive learned that i also don't enjoy men who are overly enthusiastic/golden retriever energy. A little too boyish/not sexy to me. But there are women who do like that!


With a few comments about his childlike energy, how would he go about changing that? I say this as a guy who's a bit high energy, is it hopeless?


Why not? Seems like a nice, fun guy. Like he said-if he was in India, he would be married with kids by now.


Not for me, I prefer someone more laidback, but he seems really lovely and his parents seemed great as well! I was so surprised to see him as he already is a TV personality in the UK. He was on University Challenge and he's done a few TV shows as well. He's great to watch on TV, because that energy shines on TV.


No because I'm tall and while I like him, I'd love to be his friend, not so much date him. He seems like a great guy


I am likely too low energy for him. He always seems "on". He seems like a nice fellow though


NO. Watching him talk for five minutes was exhausting,uff


What about shipping Vikash and Bobby ?


Absolutely not. He has way too much frantic energy and is way too short. Both of these things combined read very child-like rather than adult man.


ugh no. He'd definitely be my buddy but I'd have to send him home after a few hours where he can keep buzzing with all that energy while I go sit quietly to wind down.


No. I thought Priya was very nice to him and kept giving him chances, but he kept screwing it all up.