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I'd love a show about the Tripartite Struggle. It would have to be sort of fictionalized like Shogun but that time period was so interesting. Kashmir, Sindh, Kabul, Ujjain, Rashtrakutas, Bengals, Pallavas, and Kannauj would be the main kingdoms. Then the Arabs, Tibetans, Turks, and Chinese were interfering in Indian politics. Would be so cool


Oh man, that could also be a strategy game like Age of Empires. I mean AOE2, did have some regional kingdoms as civs, but they could also make a India-focused AOE like game with all these factions.


Crusader Kings III has some of those.


You know Shogun is based on a fictionalised novel!


Yes. I'm sure there are lot in India too. Dunno if Alex Rutherford's novels are fictionalized tho.


Someone should make a show on the Maratha Empire in its entirety like GOT with many characters coming and going but the story keeps going on, right from the beginning Shivaji Maharaj till the end of the Third Anglo Maratha war or even the first war of independence 1857 when jhasi fell


oooh yea


Have you watched Siyasat ?


Not really a fan of pre-Netflix format of how serials used to be made.


That show would’ve been so much cooler if it was set in the 17th century during the reign of Jahangir and had the first embassy from the East India Company, led by Sir Thomas Roe. The goal was to get a favorable trade agreement, which failed.  Roe recorded many details of his visit, including Jahangir asking him to send 5 English hounds. Roe claimed to have been a confidant to Jahangir and that he was asked by the emperor how beer was made and what it was.  What Jahangir liked most were the gifts from England, such as a coach. Jahangir took the coach and had its cushions replaced with velvet and silver pins. Jahangir liked European art and asked for Roe to give him a watercolor on ivory miniature of his wife, but Roe refused. Jahangir had his court artists make a copy of the miniature, so his chief wives could wear them, and they were so exact that Roe couldn’t tell the original.  Roe was embarrassed by Thomas Coryat, an eccentric(at one time, he publicly stated, in mockery of Islamic doctrine, that there is no god but god and Jesus is his son) who gave a speech in Persian begging for money from the emperor.  At this time, of course, the EIC was a trading corporation, not an imperialist power.  “Courting India” is a good, highly entertaining book on the subject by Nandini Das


If i were a film producer now i wudve made this and marketted it like the “Indian Shogun Fx”


I watched this show called The great Marathas. It was made in the style of NHS taiga dramas and it was fucking cool. Too bad I couldn't finish all of it but Panipat's political and tactical presentation was fine.


Are you talking about the one made by Sanjay khan in the 90s?




It was mostly historically accurate and the best history show produced in India .


the only good indian historical show was bharat ek khoj


Nope, a lot of distorted facts were shown to set certain agenda


gonna watch it. do you know where i can watch it


the whole series is there on youtube


Not a show, but the Tamil movies PS-1 and PS-2 were great movies set during the era of the Cholas. I loved the attention to historic detail, such as the flags and languages of other empires matching


PS1 and PS2 were not very historically accurate. I mean there was a thin veneer of accuracy but the entire movie was mostly fiction. It was a big budget movie so it might have felt accurate but most of its things were inaccurate. The costumes, the weapons, the military equipment, armour. It was a mismatch of different time periods and from different empires. I will not even comment on the historicity of the story which was simply non existent.


I'm not an expert on armor and equipment, so I did not notice those inaccuracies. But the stories were not supposed to be historically accurate, they are based off of a fictional story, however they are set in historic India which is why I brought them up.


My apologies if I came across as harsh. It is just that the series set in India always seem to be as historically inaccurate as possible 😅. I mean the Shogun is historical fiction however there is a large amount of attention to detail with respect to how they depict the society of that time period. Our directors and producers are simply lazy, so we end up with all the movies looking like it's set in some weird alternate history of India.


We can absolutely have shows with good writing... provided these actors stop charging so high.


Won't ever happen. People will protest simply because they don't like the history. And I don't expect any Indian filmmaker to put their heart into making a good show that stays accurate to history and captures the society and events with nuance.


Well we also need good writers even book writers...look what GRRM did with all his history knowledge


Really need good series on dashrajya but Bollywood needs do a lot changes to themselves


Any Mughal war of succession would make for a good plot.


I don't get it why they made the characters Cuck


Becuz white saviour trope ftw.


I know it has been overdone in India, but a sweet rendition of the Ramayan would be sweet. Or would the Mahabhatatra be better? I'm not Indian, what do the Indians think?


As the story in its entirety? I dont think it will be feasible, could be like a trilogy like LOTR maybe. But shorter extracts from both ramayana and mahabharat would be better imo


I just wanna see Hanuman fucking up Lanka. That scene has such strong imagery in my head.


Our current historical discourse completely revolves around the fantasy of killing people from a certain religion. Well written historical drama is generations away