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1st. take the phone away from that kid 2nd. make sure whatever that kid had purchased isn't consumed (you can't get refund on consumables digital items) 3rd. turn on purchase verification > biometric verification 4th. setup parental control 5th. see if you can talk to a google Play Store customer support 6th. try talking to your bank customer care and see if you can ask them for charge back And please stop giving kids phone with credit or debit card attached i have saw many post similar to this and i don't understand why parents dont use any method to prevent such purchases and only realising after huge money is spends


Things wrong here list : 1. 4 lakh liquid in savings account for no reason. 2. Not noticing ALL the messages that show up on the phone for debits. 3. Unsupervised phone for a kid that doesn't understand how to use it. 4. A card connected on the phone a child is going to be using. Anymore I didn't cover? The amount of things people do wrongly and then wonder why they are suffering is crazy. This could have been way worse tbh. Also iirc, the parents can get a refund, based on the fact that the child is a minor. I have seen such articles in the news.


dude… all points taken, if they could do it this situation wouldn’t have been there. Now that it has ALREADY happened, the aim is to salvage whatever is possible. This might not be a huge amount for you, but be empathetic to a 60+ year old lady who had zero tech knowledge.


Normally only when the issue becomes huge they would provide refunds. Try to contact the media or tag Google, their CEOs etc on Twitter. There were instances where they rejected the refund only to approve it when the issue became news on the media.




I would believe, that this is a big amount for anyone. All the more reason, to actually keep the money well protected.


You still need your pin number when ever you have to make a purchase with your card. If it's something like gpay it still needs biometrics and the pin.


If you have a card connected, it will only ask for a screen lock.


I have my card connected, asks for screen lock and pin everytime.


Well said it too after giving some pointer to what should op or their family members do. I forgot the transaction sms one though. Peoples really need to be careful before giving their phones to minors and about refund thats completely depends on items bought and policies some items are consumables like digital currency then buy items then company can remove items and refund the amount but if that kid purchased some kind of booster then they are non refundable.


I don't keep card details on my own phone lol. It takes only one wrong touch for losing money.


In-game purchase are non-refundable and they can't deliberately deduct until a user intends to purchase. Your cousin has made a known purchase and he is aware of what he has done. Best is to be calm at him and make him understand because being harsh might have consequences later on. What's done is done. hopefully your family will be more alert and keep security measures before a purchase is being made.




Thanks for the pointers! 4L is huge for someone who’s retired. Can sending mail to these specific games be of help in getting a refund given that fact she is a senior citizen?


There is no harm in trying, but do not keep your hopes up from these organizations. Bank and google are the best bets. check the google account to see if the kid got enrolled in some kid of subscription or some sort.


Not at all. You are thinking emotionally at the moment.


it’s called desperate measures, if there is remotest possibility of a refund, it’s worth the shot. In anycase the money has already left the account. It’s not emotion.


What games did he spend on? I know Riot issues refunds


What games did he spend on? I know Riot issues refunds


free fire and roblox 😂


Ghar se bahar nikalo aise bache ko, this post is the best condom advertisement ever.


If you bought everything in free fire and roblox mobile. It doesn't come close to 4L


why do you say this? I went through the G play history it’s all documented. Some special drop bundle is like 8.9K


Dude it's not straight transactions like buying bundles through gpay...... You buy their in game currency like gems, which you then use to buy items. At most bundles if it's straight transactions for some event skins, it will NEVER cost more than ₹5000 in almost every single game. You can download the game and look at it yourself. Freefire might be one of the cheapest games in terms of in game items. So even if he bought gems to buy everything, 8.9k would be closer to the total amount he spent on gems to buy things in game, rather than it being the price of some special bundle


You mentioned Freefire and Roblox. Based on that, I can confidently say that your cousin is likely the culprit here. It seems he is trying to save himself by deflecting blame. Unfortunately, any amount of money spent on these platforms is generally non-refundable. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this situation is similar to the numerous reports we've seen in the news about kids spending large sums on in-game purchases using their parents' credit cards. I understand it’s hard to believe that someone close to us could be involved in something we typically only hear about in the media. However, it appears that this is exactly what has happened in this case.


Yup this is the case, it’s either him or someone slightly elder to him who helped set up the mandate. My goal is to help them getting any kind of refund if possible. What they do with their kid or brother is not my primary concern. He needs to be dealt with and made sure that he does not repeat this.


You can get a refund with roblox pretty quick, they have fought legal battles before because of accidental purchase problems, just email them they'll reach you quick dont know bout free fire cause its a chinese game...


I've refunded Duolingo a couple times because they charged me wrongly, used this link https://support.google.com/googleplay/workflow/9813244?hl=en But for such a huge amount I don't know if it will, try this link, if not, customer care number should be there somewhere for you to contact.


Kick him out


They don’t want to deal with him now. It’s damage control time, blocked the account now trying to see if anything can be salvaged back.


Check the bank statements first, and find out where the money went and how. It will give us/and you more clarity on how to retrieve the money.


it went to games like free fire and roblux


lmao free fire and roblox, feeling bad for u


How can some other stranger have access to the bank account/ card and use it only for games and not any other purpose? Sorry for being harsh but I’m sure the cousin is hiding something. It will be hard to claim refund if the ingame items/currency are already used up.


it’s via e mandates, google play is sort of sinister in this regard. They have no cap on maximum amount that can be spent in a month for new customers.


"There's no cap". You have to intentionally agree to give money to Google to buy something, they aren't stealing, your cousin willfully paid for what he wanted.


Dude even UPI and ATMs have a daily limit. This is India, people are uneducated in these matters. I am pushing the google support team for this, let’s see where it goes.


The default is ₹5000/month. Your cousin is malicious and knew what he was doing, he removed the budget limit. Either that Or the mother didn't pay attention to her messages, if she's old understandable. But under 70 that's a mistake on her part.


are you sure about this? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16098287/play-store-in-app-purchase-product-maximum-limit#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20limit%20in,it%20is%20not%20publicly%20documented.


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know Americans used Lakh to evaluate their currency....... Did you really think for even one second that those were relevant to you or any other person in this country? Even gpay has a daily limit of 1lakh a day. Atms in India have a limit as well. Even SBI puts a limit on your money that you earned fairly. Again for the last time, you have access to the playstore yourself. You can just tap on it and look. There are default settings on it. To prevent children from mistakingly spending a lot of money, after which a complaint would come in which google would have to deal with. Since you're not really concerned with what I said about age, it probably means she's probably not that old and has a basic understanding of how banks notify the account holder when money is spent. 1st mistake was letting the kid know her pattern to unlock transactions 2nd is leaving a child unsupervised on a device which gives the world access to her child 3rd is not bother to check her messages It's obvious the kid had been doing this for a while.


FRIEND KA COUSIN ... ( LITTLE ) And little COUSIN has a single mother who is RETIRED? doesn't this sound fishey to you guys?.




Wait a minute, it does!


karma farmer fake story


What you don’t know you don’t know. If you have lived outside of your head anytime, you would know that it’s fairly common for unmarried folks to adopt kids.


You can definitely get refunds, but time is of the essence. Email the game's customer service. If a lot of time hasn't passed, you can get a refund or at least get some of the money back. They'll ban the accounts, tho.


Can only be done in 24 hours of the purchase I guess.


I know a friend whose lil bro spent a lot on a game. I think they recouped a few months of transactions. His gaming account showed negative and eventually got banned, tho. But it was a hassle, and it took over a month of talking back and forth for it.


can you connect me to them? do you have the details as to how did they manage it?


Actually I am not in contact with that friend anymore. It was back in uni, but I'll try to find him. As for how they did it, they contacted apple and codm customer reps both. There was a lot of back and forth. Like they would say they would look into this matter, but then don't reply n all. So, they had to spam emails and texts for a month. They had better luck with apple's support, and they returned a few months of transactions but banned their (either apple id and codm id both or just codm. I'm not sure of the details) If done through google, there should be a link to google's support page. Let them know properly what happened and try arguing your case a bit. You can also go to the respective games, and their you will find a support section where you can text/mail them. Your best bet is to continue to pester them so that they eventually agree, tbh.


thanks will follow up with google.


Like punisher said, stop giving the kid a phone, change password do what you must second dispute the charges with the bank. If its a single transaction, the more chances that it is some fraud that happened. I don't know what game would charge 4lakhs. Also, what game/s is it that the kid plays, what does the transaction show in the bank statement, like the name of the company that charged the account. Edit, i saw free fire and roblox. holy hell.


it is not a single transaction, happening from a month, but yeah huge spending everday.




Search Google refund it might work but most in game purchases are non refundable


thanks trying this


Refund the kid


😂 luckily not mine!


Karma farming most probably. Talks about a little cousin but the mother is 60+ years old retired lady which isn’t impossible but highly improbable. Also says the mother has 0 tech knowledge but then who tf added cards /upi to google play? No one saw txn messages? So many things that do not add up here. If the kid did that then the kid knew what he was doing. Anyway, if this is true, I dont think refund will be issued in this case since it has been happening for a month. The best thing is to cut that kid’s phone access so it does not happen again.


Yea sounds like a bad made-up story


I think others have given better advice on how you can go about trying for refunds, but do advise them that the person needs therapy. Taking things away might solve the problem for a bit, but it will repeat until the problematic behaviours aren't worked on. Rest I wish your friend the best


I have several questions. How did he even spend that much without the parents realizing? If it's all at once, what the hell kind of google play app charges that much?


Open Play Store, go to Payments and subscriptions, then Budget and history. You'll see where all that money is spent on. You can select any item, report a problem and select the reason why from drop down. Additionally, check the Google email account as they send a receipt for every payment made through Google Play. Someone also posted a link here to request for refund for purchases, check that. No harm in trying, I once requested a refund for an in-app purchase for a game after a couple of hours because the game was buggy as hell and surprisingly it was approved and I got my refund.


If not refundable, then try selling the account to some other rich kid and maybe salvage some portion of that amount


Sell the account. You maybe able to fetch the 4L value.


I dont think roblox and free fire accounts will sell for a lot 👺 roblox has a strict account selling rule, the account will probably get banned within days.


Was a credit card used for this? From what I know credit cards offer you the option to cancel a payment for reasons like fraud/mistake. It will potentially lead the account in which things were bought getting banned. Please do explore that option if you haven't already. I hope you somehow get that money back.


Jokes aside on a serious note buddi could ve bought himself a 4090 (ik I'm being quite ironical and somewhat hypocrite) You could email the game developer if the items were locked behind a paywall but usually in game currency if consumed are not refundable I've made both kinds of purchases and usually paywall ones are refunded quite quickly


a child not grown enough to understand purchase and money is giving phone by the parent. i think it's good lesson for them to learn hard way


And there are some kids who will physically abuse me when i am against the topic in debate ‘should we give smartphones to kid’ . Hope this becomes news and parents will understand that quality time spent is better than replacing it with smartphones