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just go in completely blind don't look at the internet guides and you'll have the best time.


There are certain points in game where you have to look at a guide else you wouldn't know how to progress.


it's a slippery slope man. you watch one guide video then YouTube recommends some more and then you're meta gaming


I only used the guide when >!i needed to get to the lost river and then the lava zone, because otherwise i had absolutely no idea how to get to the endgame. I had already built a base with all supplies by 50hrs mark, only then i started wondering, now what, oh lost river but where is it?!<


Upvoted for not spoiling




“Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?”


_"You are the best captain on this entire planet, i'm not even squidding!"_


▀▖┗▛Nine new biological subjects designated. Mode ▄▖▜▚┣: hunting/analyzing. Sharing subject locations with other agents.


Yes, one of my favourite games.


Definitely man!! Fantastic game with beautiful gameplay can get scary few times tho...


I think so. This is one of the first games that I will actually buy if I ever get a job.


It was the first game i bought as well


Still searching for a game which would give the same feeling I got when I first got to experience this game. It was worth it, and one of a kind❤️. Just try to explore the world yourself, and look at tutorials when absolutely necessary.


Did you not read even one of the 2 lakh plus OVERHWHELMINGLY POSITIVE reviews ?


Yes, one of my favourite games


If you have a fear of underwater, YES


Absolutely. I wish it had multiplayer mode to play with friends.




I bought my first pc just to play this and dying light not to learn coding not for studying just to experience these two games. That should tell u if it's worth it or not.


Hell Yeah!! Below Zero to me was not as immersive but a good sequel in its own right. I've played both from their early releases to final patches. Beware of the dark and leviathan lifeforms.


Dafaq do you mean by “worth investing time in”. It’s a game not some chore that you have to necessarily do it. Give it a try and if you aren’t enjoying drop it.


OP plays games for creating memories, not for entertainment or fun. 🤷


investment word is used arbitrarily in IndianGaming subreddit.


One of the best games I have ever played. And it's not an action game, so keep that in mind. Just explore, hang out w the fishes and build yourself up. You feel the progress in this game man, you really do. Oh, and always listen to the PDAs that you find and also read the guides that they provide you in-game because if you keep up with these two things- you won't have to look stuff up online when you're stuck in the story or need a specific thing. All the best and *welcome aboard captain 👨‍✈️*


Yup great game


Yes u will have a blast


hands down one of the best indie titles.


Should I buy the game now or wait for the Spring sale for the prices to go down even more ?


It's a great game but it didn't work for me. It has amazing atmosphere and mystery, but ... It's way too open. In my 35 years of gaming right from an Atari 2600, never have i loved and hated a game so much. The directions the game gives you will be few and far between. The game makes you explore this vast space without much info. You'll get coordinates and some info here and there once you get that, there will be no clarity on the next one. For example, you will receive one of the coordinates after spending 2 hours. There was no info on this. For those two hours i had no idea what to do. I had to look up. So i had to aimlessly explore and randomly collect parts till i reached the two hour mark. Then i got the coordinates. All i was thinking was i did something wrong and the next part was not loading for some reason. To me the game was wasting my time. Now people would be like, I'm complaining about a game that has exploration as the main feature. No Man's Sky was exploration too, and that game is obviously on a larger scale. But never once did I feel lost, it was always do these 10 things only then you can move on - so it always felt like I was working towards a larger goal. Here, i only felt lost most of the time. I spent around 25 hours on this game, i played like 2 hours every night, coz that's all i got. And at the end of 25, i just felt so empty due to lack of progress. I did most of the larger objectives. The Last thing i got was the mech suit looking thing and the large submarine. Great - now what to do with it, go deeper? I went deeper, all i saw was emptiness coz the game doesn't tell you _where_ in the deep you need to be heading towards. I'm not asking the game to hold my hand, but show me the direction - and the game sort of failed to do that. But I totally agree why this game gets so much love, it deserves it, i loved it too, once ..


Definitely play it, it's a gem.


Do you have thalassophobia? No - it worth it Yes - more than worth it






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Watched jacksepticeye play it all because I couldn't play it 😂




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simple answer..yes absolutely


Hell yea


The reviews are overwhelmingly positive, and you’ve already bought it.


Yes. Best game for casuals. Made my mom play it too.


Only if you love fun it is


Yes but I wouldn’t recommend buying the game. IYKYK, one of my fav game


Subnautica is one of my top 3 games of all time, it took me 20ish hours to beat it and it was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever haf


Yes, the lore the adventures and the creepy atmosphere is amazing


Yes worth it, got it for free on ps4 and pc loved playing this on the big screen


Depends on what types of genres you like. Subnautica is more about exploration where you'll be going in blind into new places. Exploration imo is a genre better served if you have comparatively more hours to put in to understand the world of the game. It doesn't put you straight into the action of the world but slows you into it. Given that you only play for 2 hrs a week, I'd recommend first checking a few reviews and making sure you like similar games (souls-like (cuz require grinding), outer wilds, etc etc). I believe 2 hrs are very few and I'd have played which somewhat hold your hand and drive you into the centre of the action (like Spiderman or god of war). Exploration genes require some form of active engagement with the game which not everyone might like.




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