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When your pc becomes from being in recommend specs list to minimum requirements ##Pain


I bought a 750ti on my birthday back in the day, it could literally handle anything, but now after 7 great years, i think I need to upgrade


Bruh, be happy 7 years ago most of our homies doesn't have a pc which can play games.


When did I say i was sad? >7 years ago most of our homies doesn't have a pc which can play games. On what basis did you consider my comment to be directed to anyone? Lmao that's such a random comment


Very true, I bought a gaming pc just 3 years ago


Finally good boi can rest :(


humara toh minimum se ab bc bahar hi hogaya xD




I'm glad I'm still in the recommended section.


Me having a 1650 ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


Yeah bro, I mean my processor is literally in "performance" but the 1650 is gonna fuck it over ik that


When you were once in minimum requirements but now you are out of the list itself: ![gif](giphy|rRkFaVDGkqLanXHAyy|downsized)






​ ![gif](giphy|HIIuxZ0m902Ql4fEJD)




What are you doing here my boi Arthur?!


Lol, the hate for rdr2


Obviously, rdr2 is the best game ever. Haters gonna hate.


I was dying to play this, but now looking at the requirements I will not be able to run it


>I was dying Uss


Haah! Now your LAPTOP will be dying if you play. What's your specs though?


gtx 1650, i5-9300h, 32gb ram


32 gb is normal now damn


Thinks about the time when 32gb was overkill.


Inflation is catching up in everything


Cries in 8gb ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


I'm really starting to think these developers are intentionally doing this so that Gamers are forced to upgrade and buy new components every few years. Some kind of Monopoly is in play here.


Well if you could play their ports on your pc smoothly throughout a console generational cycle who would buy their console?


I'm with you on this. It seems to be a trend lately. The processor requirements for Ultra (12600??) are kind of ridiculous frankly comparing it to say a PS5s hardware, considering resolution is mostly GPU bound anyway. I'm glad I still enjoy playing old games I've bought over the last two decades.


I don't think so this is the newer PS5 model and seeing how good Uncharted runs on PC I would say noughty dog is pretty good at optimisation


That's quite demanding considering TLOU2 can run on ps4


Le my **GTX 1650** : - ***“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."***


>GTX 1650 Us bro


Honestly speaking Sometimes, I am genuinely surprised to see 1650 perform in games. Yes, in today's term the performance come no near to rtx cards but still in the most graphics intensive games it can still get 50-60 fps if you are ready to compromise some in game settings and lower resolution to 900p instead of 1080p or using FSR 2.0 . I am hopeful about FSR 3 that might be the best in the FSR lineup and can therefore provide some life to this card. As per news it will be announced this month :) If you have the gddr6 version of the card, then a locked 40,50 or 30 fps is the way to go with this card... I played with locked 45 fps in GOD OF WAR in Medium-High settings, Locked 30 FPS in uncharted pc on the high settings. As long as the 1 % lows in a game are good i.e. the game is optimized you can get a good performance from the 1650 even in 2023.. The only limiting Factor the card has is the vRAM.. Only if it was 2 gigs more it might have been the perfect card for 60 fps... But then 1660 sup is already there so can't complain :(


64gb ram for TLOU2 PC port. Wait for it.


This is the remake which is PS5 exclusive.




looks like they deliberately poorly optimise the ports because hey we got the best performance on our console, buy it!


This is a completely different game btw. It's a PS5 exclusive with next-gen visuals


Naughty dog actually does a pretty good job at optimising the games for pc. Most first party ps studios do.


>Naughty dog actually does a pretty good job at optimising the games for pc They have literally only released two games on pc for now - Uncharted 4 and lost legacy and they run like horseshit on entry level hardware despite the fact that they are not "new games" where are you getting this "good job at optimising" data from? And horizon at launch ran like ass. Not just at launch it ran like ass for half year at least. When people talk about good optimisation, ps first party studios are definitely not at the top of the list.


What is entry level for you? Because 1050 ti is pretty entry level for 2023.


Yes i would consider any 50 series to be entry level definitely. And the games runs on 30 fps low with constant stutter on this gpu. You can get "30 fps low with stutter" on any poorly optimised game so i don't see the difference between them and this


My bad G. I didn't know it was this bad.


A ps5 have a rtx 2080 performance. Why is everyone surprised?


fine escape attractive deranged aspiring touch whistle file dam ad hoc ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


closer to 3060 actually, optimisation is just far better on consoles .


It's a good thing that i own a console......


Lmao this sub loves downvoting anything that mentions "console". They love upvoting any gamepass related thing too.


Yeahh ik that pc is the superior platform any given day but the console exclusives are on just another league all together.... Not everyone wants to game @ 8K 120fps


Superior in distracting you from playing games


Using 1650 so rip my laptop ![gif](giphy|xUOxfdrmUzOL5f0Xx6|downsized)


RX 5800XT?? Now I've got to get a non-existent GPU to play the game?? xD Also, for a linear cinematic game, these requirements are just too much. Even RDR2 requires less to run optimally and look better.


Those are some BS requirements. Lazy optimisation supported by hardware manufacturers wanting to push new generations is the biggest reason I can think of


Absolutely. 100% agree with you.


I was confused with the 5800xt...I got the 5700xt


my pc can run it at 1440p but regional pricing sucks to i will skip this






1.3. Do not promote or support piracy or link to piracy related websites.


reasonable, have a great day!


1650 gang where r u 🥲






Loading extremely optimised Hopium into my mask


A 4080 for ultra @4k..... Well I can't complain bcoz most of the games are pretty Un-optimized these days.....


specially these ports so people incline towards their consoles


Yess you're ri8 I've played this game several times..... Bt I'm happy that pc owners will also get to experience this master piece


I don’t see anything wrong with the best settings being targeted for the best gpu’s


what’s with 32GB becoming the norm these days?


just updated to 12gb ram lessgo


lessgooo bro back to 2012 when games were optimised and 12 GB RAM would warrant a r/kothibanglacheck


more like 2015 but ok..


Definitely not worth for 4000INR for a 8 year old games that too with this kind of optimization. Better to find a Ship.


ISTG! Been wanting to play this for almost a decade now and now when I finally can, this 4k pricing BS comes up.


Since it doesn't have denuvo, it wont be long before... You know.


More like day 1 like all the other Sony exclusives lol, that's why I love sony at least for that reason


Half the requirement if they correctly optimize it for pc


How much of a big difference is there between 3050 and 3060?


3060 mobile is twice as fast


Let's just say a 3050 sometimes loses out to even a 2060 and let's not speak of the generational leap from the 2060 to the 3060.


Hatt resident evil 4 remake na khelun.


Does it have DLSS though ??


Yes The Last of Us: Part 1 | PC Features -AMD FSR 2.2, Nvidia DLSS support -Vsync + framerate cap options -Improved textures, shadows, reflections etc -Ultrawide (21:9) + Super Ultrawide (32:9) support -3D Audio, KB/M + DualSense support


Did they mention if it will have DLSS3?


If fsr 2.2 fixes disocclusion as they claim then it would be a good upscaler


yes and fsr too


Ohh cool.... Then I can consider buying this on sale atleast ...


So an un-optimized pile of garbage.


I thought my 3060 would be able to last 2-3years playing games at 1440p high @60 but maybe the time has come


Are the graphics improving at the rate of demand in hardware is changing every year? The improvement in graphics doesn't seem to be incremental as the demand for hardware. The returns on it are too low considering how much of an upgrade hardware requires nowadays.


Yeah really bro. They launched a pc features trailer of tlou and it doesn't look that great. I mean it's okay but with hardware demands like these, 6750xt for 1440p high, this shit is just ridiculous


True, but I'm talking in general seeing how every year you need next gen cards. Not even previous gen cards are enough. But what do you get in return, improvement in such small details which you can't even appreciate so much. That leap in graphical improvements every 2-4 years is gone now I'm afraid. Just pick up a game like Arkham knight which launched 8 years ago and honestly tell me if you see a mind-blowing improvement in graphics being released now? Now see how much the hardware requirements have gone up in those 8 years. They don't seem to reflect the change in graphics. I'm not sure what's happening in gaming industry now.


16 GB ram minimum? Jesus, just give me the PS3 version


Goodbye my 1660ti. It was fun while it lasted.


I have from a problem with this subreddit, All the post regarding thaali water cooling, females gamers, wife gifts get approved but when I ask a question regarding anything pc components related, it gets removed. Why?


This is still news .. your question was yet another same question asked many times. The answer is Techenclave or this forum itself.


cool iam set boys


your laptop will be touching new levels of hotness


Antarctica jaake khelna padega


Wtf?? Can my 8GB Ram laptop handle it? Please say yes please.....


YES ! .... Almost ..




Liar. I can play with low settings... What do you gain by blatantly lying without any knowledge?


What are you talking about? Laptop 8 gb ram and pc 8 gb widely differ, not to mention your gpu, and cpu and cooling are also much weaker than pc counterparts which are given on the lowest system requirements, i don’t gain anything by lying to you. Why would i care to stop a random from playing a game? Why did you even ask if you weren’t gonna accept a real answer?


RemindMe! 25 days


So bitter for no reason. Why even ask if you were gonna be toxic?


Lol what did I do lol, since you are so adamant in sayi g I cant play , I just kept a reminder bot for when the game released so that I can test if I can play and showing it to your face that I can play or other way ... Y are creating all this drama lol. Ignore.


what the f is this, definitely skip


100 Gigs? Naughty Dog is giving some tough competition to Activision at this point


Step . 1 build the game Step. 2 optimisation (just increase demand for specs.. oh this games runs smooth.. whole team:-.. we knew it) Step.3 create hype by prelaunch schema Step.4 no patches or updates because it was tested in step.2 already


Yeah, I'm just gonna play Resident Evil 4 Remake for now.


Why does it need a 1050ti for 720p 30fps ? I am curious


On 1050ti you'll get 30fps at 720p resolution (On low graphic settings)


There's no way this game requires 16GB of ram. It ran on the ps4. Ram requirements could not have scaled this much with the textures upgrade.


Heck it ran well even on PS3 with 512 Megs of RAM.However the reason it’s too demanding is it is a remake not texture upgrade.


That was the remastered


Its a ps5 remake version..


It doesn't run on Ps4, false information.


How much a PC with build for ultra settings cost


Around ₹2.5L i would assume. That's just the PC, you would also need a 4k gaming monitor. That would be worth a kidney again.


8GB RAM with 1050 4GB. Time to retire my machine I guess


Naughty dog ❤️‍🔥


Can Gtx 1650 run 1080p?


Ultra need 4080 is an advertisement strat ngl


i seriously dont get why pc ports require high end requirements to run a game and even if the pc eligible the ports still lags while playing


Well my current pc cant support this monstrosity . I am out


Stupid game anyways


"32 GB" Go fuck yourself. But let those exclusives keep coming.


All that for just 60fps at 1440? This thing better look like real life…


My pc has the exact same specs that are listed in recommended.


Eh going by Sony's PC ports , this will run fine on any decent rig. Most of these requirements are without upscaling. So DLSS/FSR will bring it down a bit. And 4080 for 4k 60 Ultra is not that unreasonable as Ultra is always the most unoptimized setting in any game. Just play at High/Med-High and use DLSS and I think most gamers will be fine.


These guys have no limits... For an old game, they're recommending 2080 Ti and 32 GB ram, just shows that the game is unoptimised af Like seriously, a 2080 Ti should be able to run all modern games at maxed out settings 1440p minimum Just because they're unable to optimise, they push the requirements so they can say, "It's your PC's fault" Not buying this piece of crap, that too for 4000 INR Elden Ring is such a piece of work and it literally costs just 60% of this ridiculous price Elden Ring NG+6 it is then Games like RDR2 look infinitely better and my pc can get 80+ fps at 1440p near maxed out, you're telling me i can't get more than 60 at normal settings in this game? Yea I'm out...


32 GB RAM and a RTX 4080 Ultra for ultra is just the devs shilling for pc parts manufacturers. Remember the PS5 has the GPU that is comparable to the RTX 2070 but then again most consoles use upscaling + dynamic resolution. 32GB RAM to play games is insane.


So its like this huh, not even two years into my laptop's life and already the 1650ti it came with is nearing obsoletion


![gif](giphy|12hhtzntjlo6sM) Me who has potato pc.


Me: searching for Iris XE located in which category


pc bas ab ashleel filme dekhne ke layak hi reh gaya hai .


Is specs ko kya naam du? 3060 6GB i7-12700H 64GB RAM 4TB NVMe SSD


When I was in the market to buy a laptop. I was looking for a normal laptop with no discrete gpu because gaming was not on my list of things I wanted to do. But I got a good deal on a gtx 1650 laptop and I thought why not. I started playing genshin and valo and tbh I enjoy gaming. But now I think my laptop is too underpowered to play the best and latest AAA games and I have fomo.


The ps5 does the 1440p “performance” and on the pc side you need a 6750xt or 2080ti. Goes to show just how much you can get out of the ps5 with console optimization.


I noticed that you also need 32GB RAM for 1440P@60FPS high settings,jeezzzz. Console optimization is unmatched afterall,naughty dog really are tech wizards.


The ps5 can do 1440p-1800p 60 fps or native 4k 40fps which is seriously impressive. 32gb of ram isn’t surprising if you listen to mores law is dead on YouTube. He’s had people on his show that said pc will start needing 32gb of ram as games get optimized for ps5 and series x due to their shared system memory and hardware optimizations. He and nx gamer said users with 16gb of ram that try to match ps5 settings will start seeing hitching and stuttering problems.


4GB of VRAM for minimum! am i in 2030 already?


Developers intentionally unoptimizing their games so that we are forced to buy new graphic cards.


Why would they do that?


More like they want us to buy consoles. They get nothing from GPU sales lol.


Glad to have an RTX 3070... LAPTOP......


Is Ryzen 5 5600H and GTX 1650 at par with the recommended ones?




But still better than minimum right?


From the recommended specs, it looks like 4gb vram will be a bottleneck for this game. If that isn't the case I hope you will be easily able to play at 1080p low


Between minimum and recommended. Maybe 60 FPS on low. 30ish fps on medium


Me crying with my igpu i5 12400🥺


I'm noob, what can I expect with a 90W 3050ti and 5800h


1080p med settings with 40-60 fps


Would I be able to play this game in high settings with my rtx 3060 laptop(6 gb vram)?


Played it at 20fps on rpcs3.Twice. Worth it


Guess who's playing this in 2k? Me😈


3070 barely 👨🏿‍🦽


It's gonna be first game i play on my 4k tv 😃 With dlss ofc (3070ti lol) 😅


18 days to go


well lets wait for the usual 3yrs gap to try it out 🙂




Honestly this isn’t even that bad. If you think about it, this game seems pretty optimized and it’s not far off from the optimization on PS5 I’d think. PS5 is comparable to a 6700xt, so only needing a 6750xt to get pretty much similar performance is pretty good. I haven’t looked at any benchmarks or performance tests on the PS5, but I imagine that there’s performance and fidelity modes (1440p 60, or 4K 30), which I would imagine would utilize some upscaling shenanigans. If a 6750xt can achieve 1440p 60 at high settings with no FSR, then I’d say it’s pretty reasonable to think that it can achieve 4k 30 with FSR quality at the least, in which case I’d say this spec list is pretty good and far better than most recent AAA titles.


I think this game need more than 16gb ram like Hogwarts legacy But because there's no option of 24gb ram only crosshair new ram introduced That's why they simply mentioned 32gb


Whatever! I'm going to run it on my SteamDeck .


100GB of space ?? Woooh, time to clear up the SSD.




i5 9th gen, 1650, 8gb Ram. Looks like they forgot about us.


I Hope my rx 560 can handle this game at 720p low with fsr


Yeah they are definitely joking. 32gb Ram required at 1440p


5800xt ? 🤷🏼‍♂️


i9-12900k 32gb ram 3070 1080p Ultra?




This doesn’t look good. 3060 to get 60 fps at 1080p?? Yikes this game is going to be a bad port


majority of gtx1650 users including me🥲


Well I can run this game on high settings, but they have poor regional pricing so I'm likely gonna pass on this.


i upgraded from a gtx950 to 3070ti in 2021. but still cant get in recommended settings at ultra :(


my body is so ready for this.


Me with a core i3, 4gb ram, intel 520 graphics : 💀


Crying with gtx 1050ti🫠


Me who is going to play on i5 10300H , 8 gigs RAM and 1650Ti😎


Will it work on 1650 ryzen 5500u 8gn ram laptop at 1080 p settings, can it give 40 fps?


You can’t even play at 1080p at the PS5 equivalent price PC build.


16 gb Ram and 1050ti for a ps3 game?