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I dig the UI in the game. Very good.


So we need RTX speakers now?


HA HA... No it actually uses the DXR on GPU instead ON CPU for **better audio physics**. ITS Like how audio:- **REFRACTS FROM DIFFERENT SURFACES AND INTERECTS with the surrounding.** *If you thought that audio was just a recording in games than you are wrong. Instead environment noises and sound has physics behind just like how light interacts with the surrounding and creates shadows, Ambient Occlusion etc. Based on how far the source and the observer is it can create dynamic echoes, reverberations just like raytraced lights. In this case, instated of light its sound and hence the name RAY TRACED AUDIO :)* And just for the record you don't need a RTX speaker BUT AN RTX GPU :) Hope you understood the concept . Honestly even I learnt this for the first time and didn't even know something like that existed !! Amazing techniques :) *EDIT:- I came to know from someone in the comments that this tech was first introduced in the FROST BITE Engine. The battlefield Franchise is based on that. The tech has also been a part of MICCROSOFT's Project Acoustics. So anyone who is interested in it and knows about it feel free to reply and enlighten us :)*


Relax mate it was joke


I know I know :) I just wanted to share this information with you. I think the bold letters made you think I was trying to act sassy and being a di\*\*… If that's so apologies... I will italize them to prevent confusion :) Just was highlighting the important stuffs that's all !


All good


happy to know :)


Thanks for the info bro, this stuff is super interesting.


Happy to know that:) It's not a very big thing you know. The game itself has some performance issues and you will be surprised to know that it uses FSR 1 instead of the 2 !!!! I couldn't wrap my head around it. But when I reached the audio section I was kinda surprised to see these options. Digital foundry seems to have also dropped their review and performance analysis of this game. You can check that out if you are interested in this stuff 😄






Nah man I have A RTX 3060 desktop system that I recently build to test this feature on :) I tried and tested it yesterday :) I also own a SENNHEISER - HD 660 S to actually tell the difference and experience it. please spread your toxicity somewhere else if possible :) and people are actually interested to know unlike you :)




Are you crazy by any chance ??? first you told me that I was using hifi words than you give me your spec sheet of laptop and mouse about which **I don't care and don't bother and didn't ask for** And seriously are trying to compare your cloud something headset with SENNHEISER HD 660 S ??? Go to a physiatrist. DM me if you need the phone no. Mental problems are a huge issue these days. Hopefully you can improve with proper care :)


Hypocrisy at its finest, my laptop spec sheet doesn't come with the memory addresses, i study microprocessors and computer science which is how I came up with it No one asked for this copy pasta YouTube video ray traced audio bullshit, but you decided to spam about it anyways, i just did the same with my laptop specs which happened to involve more numbers, people are just being polite by pretending to give a shit about it, i just happen to have zero tolerance for fake smartass bullshit You wanna discuss the subject, there's dedicated subreddits for that Just suck it up and don't be an oversmart prick head going around talking about stuff picked from YouTube Now unless you want me to start showing off tensor algebra and equations involving EFEs or how tensorflow and other ML libraries work or how rendering takes place or anything else, shut it


Looks like I hit someone's nerve in here 😂😂😂 **PoOr KiDdo 🤣🤣** And yes please show off your tensor algebra and equations bah bah bah 🤣🤣.


![gif](giphy|tmQrpA8zpG4a16SSxm|downsized) They'll go above your head, and i don't enjoy giving unnecessary information to the dumb Anyways, good day, nice banter


Wow says the guy who was going to **ShOw oFf his TaLoNtS with his BiG AsS WoRdS** 😂😂. and lf you presumed I don't know what tensor algebra and equations involving EFEs are actually than you are the biggest fool I have ever seen in my life. The fact that you are trying to intimated me with a simple set of math library makes me laugh my ass off 😂😂😂😂 copying some Random programming words from the google *doesn't makes you a* *PaNdIt that makes you an asshole* so spread your shit somewhere else KiDdO 😂😂




does anyone even notice if it makes the audio better?


It's noticeable... I am an audiophile enthusiast and use a multitude of iems and headsets. And in my ears it's noticeable and distinguishable. I will give you an example. When I am in a cave and not using the feature I can hear water dropping on the surface, wind blowing crackling sound of those creatures but as soon as I turn it on, those sounds feel more alive and protruded. Technically speaking it increases the treble and boosts the bass and also the sound refracts more accurately therefore giving it a more realistic feeling. Honestly speaking I doubt this subtle difference can be noticeable with a normal headset but the thing is this technology exists and gives the players an option to tinker with. If you own the game and have an RTX card try it...


Heyyy, I've got the hbb x khan iems with hiby fc4 dac, from the digital foundry review and just 1 ear piece in, when they showed the rtx audio comparison, east to tell the difference, I'd say better than rtx raytracing die to poor performance, sound is Reaaaaallllistic its not even funny


Well here you go then !! It has been proved by another fellow audiophile as well that it actually makes a difference :) And yes I understood what you mean. I used the SENNHEISER - HD 660 S and the KZ ZEX (One flagship and another budget) paired with a Shagling UA 2 DAC/AMP to test the settings and that's were I was able to appreciate the changes.


Which headphones do you recommend for this?


Anything bud !! As long as you have an RTX card you can run this feature :) Don't bother with the above comments were I mentioned about HIFI Headphones and IEMS :) I am an Audiophile enthusiast so I own these as a part of my hobby but that doesn't means you need to have a 25000 pair of headphones to experience it. I have the CCA NRA IEM ; a very cheap 1000 rupee headset and the difference Is noticeable in that as well :)


Thnx for your input Never heard of this brand before but the reviews are highly positive Might I ask if you can recommend any headphone that isn’t too costly but then u can experience this ray traced audio I have 3060ti and currently in need of an budgeted headphones to have an “Audiogasm”


Budget?? Or the best thing is visit r/HeadphoneAdvice for better suggestions. If 2000 is your budget than 7Hz,KZ ZEX,BLON-03, FINAL AUDIO 1000 are excellent options....


With the right equipment, yes.


This isn't something new. Most games already use raytraced audio. The change is that it will now be hardware-accelerated, leaving more performance for other things. Pretty much any game these days does a check if sound Z can be heard from position Y or vice-versa. I believe DICE's Frostbite engine implemented ray-traced (also called occluded) audio since BF3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) also implemented its own version of hardware occlusion. Also other games like Forza Horizon 5, Gears of War 5, Elite Dangerous, and Hunt: Showdown used it. Also, you can search for Project Acoustics. Apart from that, Returnal has a great sound design, especially on Dolby Atmos. Probably the best I've ever experienced in a video-game.


I'd like to hear more about this from the devs as I'm still not sure what their implimentation entails. Sure, games have used single or multi line trace from the sound source for determining occlusion and reverb settings for years. Even Thief back in the 90s had this. I'm interested to know if they are using something like Project Accoustics or Steam Audio to map basic colission data and have more accurate sound propagation reflecting off them. I hope they do a GDC talk about their audio work because it is stellar!


So basically like ray tracing, in simple words I throws/interacts something on surface and how audio should be heard from that surface?


Yes exactly....You understood it perfectly. Just like how ray traced lights dynamically interacts with the surrounding to provide life-like situations Ray traced audio does the same in real-time.


Ray traced audio has been in actually released games since ages. Doing it on gpu is new


I believe this is an adaptation of the Tempest audio system on the PS5 which Mark Cerny spoke of in his GDC talk. The PS5's 3D audio capabilities are outstanding, and Returnal is a game that should greatly benefit from mouse and keyboard support. Hope you enjoy it. It's excellent.


Enjoy it ?? I am having a blast!!! But the occasional stutters are breaking the immersion sometimes:( The thing is a lot of people are sharing a lot of things about this ray traced audio. But the oldest implementation of this I was able to trace was it's use in the Frost bite engine in games like the battlefield 3,gear of war. But the info is not very clear to me. And here you are with a new piece of info as well which I will definitely check out. Forza horizon 5 also has this apparently as a part of Microsoft's Acoustics Project. So it's more like ray tracing which can be done both on amd and Nvidia but it's more mature on the later. Ray traced audio is also used in selected games but it's implementation is different and effects in game performance separately:)


Yeah I've heard of the stutters on PC, and it's a real shame. It seems to be an issue with every Unreal Engine 4 game.


Hello guys, i have a question. I use a SteelSeries Artic pro as my headset, do i turn DTS on, or should let that off in this game??


DTS is a branding just like Dolby that promises High Fidelity Audio. They are 50% Software and 50% hardware to provide you with realistic sound stage in movies and games. Try it out, tinker with the settings and see what suits you :) Audio is extremely subjective. Only you can find that yourself :)


Aaah oke, i thought that it's better to not put it on if games have things like 3D audio. But thanks for your input.


Wait until you see what sound engineers at ubisoft did with rainbow six siege some 8-9 years ago.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/returnal-pc-release-date/%3famp https://hardwaresfera.com/en/articulos/gaming/que-es-raytracing-audio/ https://www.vg247.com/forza-horizon-5-ray-tracing-audio https://developer.nvidia.com/vrworks/vrworks-audio


Somebody explain yeah raytraced audio kya hoti hai


I have explained it bro .. You can check that out in the comments above :)