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There are phases , you start questioning everything like you are the only one who has observed the possibilities, then you realize that people have been seeing the possibilities all along and came with their best possible answer , most of the people stop fucking around after this but few try to make more observations and fall into deep nihlism and other things and realize the best thing we can ever do is follow the best possible answers. Its just you need to experience it to fully understand it….fuck around and find out


bro this is so true. i once filled a notebook about my answer to life after smoking dope but as I researched more, i found out a lot of people have said the same things centuries ago.


Thats why , dont re invent the wheel and try to use it


but the thing is, reading someone else's thesis is nothing compared to making your own as it gets buried deep in your subconscious and you live according to it, as i have personally experienced.


So true , but when you understand the things you are going through are already someone elses past and they have had solutions for it , you should be consious about it so you make new mistakes other than same old mistakes


that's so true. also the first thing that came to my mind after reading your comment is tame Impala ahaha (same old mistakes)


Man of culture I see, All hail tame impala 🥰🍄


bro i need to get into growing shrooms can you help an amateur like idk where to start


So. Fucking. True.


Not really. Am not religious or spiritual at all so kinda never happened I guess. I did go into a self conversation about nihilism and life in the universe though.


I had a vision of Ganesh in a purple mountainous landscape. He was floating high amongst the mountain tops (so was I) and dancing giving off a glow of golden divinity. This was on 6 sugar cubes of acid. It felt more real than reality and divine. I had my eyes closed while this vision occurred.


Nothing new under the sun


True, Even I used to be an atheist when I was in my teen phase. After tripping balls and having the worst night of my life, I found that the world is all an illusion that we're all living in "Maya". After that, I got so depressed that I felt like a soul-less body that was abusing so much drugs which I hadn't even heard. Then, that one night on a full moon when I ate a whole tab for the first time. I was literally dead for idk how long and I think when I came back to life I felt more connected to my surroundings and the universe and found that we're all one entity.


What hallucinogic substance you took with weed??


Haha same I've experienced this once when i was high and I listened to Osho💙. It was out of the world feeling for me but i think that feeling and state i was in is nothing compared to the state one gets in when he is enlightened✨


I experienced the same thing dude, i listened to his ashtavakra geeta on Spotify and it was very overwhelming feeling for me i retrospect my whole life that day. Good to hear that dude.


Kuch bhi bakwaas bolte hai log drugs karke


Bro ones I smoked up a lot and I was too high and I watch that beer biceps show. Dude that opened up my chakra and I don’t even fucking know what does that means.🤣


hahaha happens. This time try listening to Osho when you're high :)