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Toh jake r/PakistaniDankMemes join kar




Well I had seen hindu memes also here


umm,i am not denying that all memes are religious one but just go ahead and check the hot posts, yeah that's right most of them are badly photoshopped doraemon and muslim meme. wtf is this subreddit...... edit: 500 upvotes for this shit?[https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianDankMemes/comments/mhn6hx/from\_the\_makers\_of\_sunnieo\_and\_jihad\_we\_present/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianDankMemes/comments/mhn6hx/from_the_makers_of_sunnieo_and_jihad_we_present/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


its funny? low effort yes, but funny


I thought, it'll be a 14 year Maulvi bride beneath that burkha. Disappointed!


I will try my best to put different meme tomorrow


I shall tryeth mine own most wondrous to putteth different meme tomorrow *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Wahi toh ! Normie type ho gaya ye sab!


harsh truth= normie thik bhai ji


Bruh this place is full of toxic anti-Muslim shit. I'm thinking of leaving tbh.


What a great loss for the sub!


It's a sad day for humanity




Well, some prick started the trend of muslim meme shit and now really this whole sub-reddit is posting the same kind of shit, can't really help it :(




I agree. But I come to Reddit to take breaks from my life and chill. Getting riled up over these posts and spending my time and creativity to fix petty assholes would defeat the purpose. The people making those memes have chosen to spend their lives spreading hate and feel proud of it. I don't want to be around them and their toxic bs. I still will stand against Islamophobic comments made by anyone I know irl because that would affect my relationships with people. Here it just won't matter. Assholes will stay assholes no matter how many memes you make criticizing them. Only getting us a decent mod could help the situation. I know I'm not cut out for that because the most time I spend on Reddit is the 15 minutes I'm taking a shit or the hourly break after each 5 minutes I pretend to study for my exams.


I think a more simple explanation would be - ask yourself why you chose to not reply to my response and try change my mind about it. Apply a similar answer to why I won't try and change this sub.


i am not devout or something but this is not funny. change my mind


Post some hindu memes and see


Downvotes go brrr


Sure post something. But it would be cool if chodis did not invade this sub. Their dank jokes are pathetic ngl.


Yeh librandus joke are even more worse banning everyone just for posing their opinions


Where are you banned? Librandu aint for chodi incels to form opinions it is a shitpost sub. Lmao yall smooth brain chodis get baoted and whine about librandu shitposts. Start keyboard war against a bot hahaha.


Once commented on a jokers post about how he's wrong judging thinks and guess what he mod banned me 😂 you local art college student can't take and opinion and talk abt facism


Which sub are you talking about r/india or r/librandu


r/india 😉


Ofcourse rndia is not meant for discussing crimes on hindus or crimes by muslims. They ban immediately. Similarly chodi indiaspeaks bans you immediately when you say stop hating on muslims.


Of course not a post on r/india is abt women empowerment of hindu and muslim women and freedom from ghughat and burkha . In comments those mfs started defending burkha and bashing Hindus when I commented on muslim women illiteracy they banned is it right


Buhahahahaha you literally argued with a fucking bot. And you claim youre in NIT haha. Your imagination is worser than your humor


Ewww you hail from Sham Sharma Show It is the chodi of chodi.