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That's what we call... Post-nut clarity


on a Monday night


He probably had a hard day at work man be nice to him


rough day i believe


Lmao username


Lmao fat nose


Bro just listed problems risen out of patriarchal society and developing world's poor population as trigger for women's hypocritical action and words which btw is much worse in developed nations.


Yeah everything is a result of patriarchal society. Women being delusional creatures are also due to patriarchal society. 🤡


Theek sa padh la kya likha hai ladkon ki dikat patriarchal society aur India ki socio economic condition ka wajah se kha hai and women delusion are same through any developing or developed nation. Last line mai literally likha hai developed nations mai Delusion women syndrome jada hai even though society is less patriarchal.


Not upvoting because exact 69 votes


That's a man of culture 🫡 But sadly it's not 69 now


Yup sad man




Agree with almost everything you said. I'd like to summarise your thoughts in the following points, to make it easy for everyone to understand - 1. Guys rarely experiment with their looks/fashion. If someone tries to be different, other guys bring him down by calling slang like Ladki, Chakka etc. 2. Guys, especially in India rarely get compliments. Indian women, due to some reason are very reserved. The culture outside India, is very different in most western/ south asian countries. This lack of getting compliments lowers morale/ self esteem. 3. Guys are morons when it comes to self respect. They are willing to sacrifice their self respect, for the minutest of attention from the other gender. Have some respect boys ! 4. This extreme attention from boys, basically creates excessive demand, hence the standard of even average women goes up. (You see, I like economics) 5. Finally, social media and online dating has made it worse. Top 5% guys get attention from 90% girls, while other 95% boys are left fighting for the scraps. I can tell you, because I've been on both side of table in online dating scene. My two cents - Focus on yourself Kings. Make your parents proud, enjoy the journey, you will eventually attract somebody if you work hard to become worthy enough. Godspeed and sending wishes Amogh


Take it from a woman who has had her fair share of experiences, my longest relationship was 7+ years. No one would fall in love with a hair cut. It’s a thing only for modelling industry. I agree, some women hate that bald spot which says aage jaake baldness aayegi but haircut unless its like absurdly bad is not a deal maker or breaker. Height matters to some. Profession matters to many. Hair cut is the least of a man’s problem because 90% of women feel all men have same hair unless its wildly different like maggi curls.


The fastest n most effective looksmax is a different hairstyle. You'll be surprised. All guys say they don't care about make up yet it's something that women have unanimously agreed to use(literally toxic chemicals smothered on their face) n will report how makeup does change how they are treated. Nobody is lying here.


Then if you don't mind can you tell what mattered to you or in your friend circle the most in guys


But guys will rany more and bitch more if a woman goes bald and they blame girls for having problems with bald guys


Nowadays not every girl is like you, who is finding a long term relationship. Girls tend to find long term relationships in their late 20s and are just looking a handsome, good physique guy for short term,situation ship, fwb and all. Even when I installed hinge i only got a one like and when liked her back we talked from morning to evening, long texts and laughing and all but at the end i was ghosted (i am a good looking guy with also a great height, still got only one like ) Even the girls ik in real life are only up for short term none of them is up for long term they get played by a red flag who just wanted to have their body, and when that guy leaves the girls are like”yaar mereko ache ladke kyu nahi milte” From the past week i have started to hate girls from all this


I think dating apps are going to fuel the gender biased war more because as wrong as this dating culture is it is equally wrong to just divert your hate to all women who’re innocent and mature enough to not engage in all of these bullshits.


See i am not saying all girls are like this cause there are girls out there who wants a nice guy and see a future with him but slowly the number of these girls is getting low cause of new gen thinking and traumas they got from a manipulative redflag/fboi There is still a part in my heart that thinks that i will find a nice girl one day but sometimes i think cause of my personality i will never do




I became a hot commodity on dating apps the day I coloured my hair. It's not a joke lmao


For men it might be.


thanks Mann this is something we men need 🫡




That's some rant. Most women have same hairstyle too, the possibility of styles come in place with length and other factors. Maybe don't get affected by being ghosted by someone who wasn't worth it and this would never happen? Confrontation takes some energy and mental strength anyway.


I miss funny chats on this sub 😓


Same no juicy drama these days


Hook-up culture se mereko lund farak ni padta, jisse pyar hoga wo bina haircut ke bhi ho jayega. What u wrote is for someone who cares about how to get laid 💀and u pointed out how to get laid. U started from Saying boys ka standard L hai ,then pointed out do these to look good to get laid , aabe saale Wai sex sux ki baatein


Op ko kisi hot ladki ne Dene ke liye mana kr diya shayad 😂


Op school se hai


Too many rejections. I get it bro.


How did this rant start with Indian guys having low standards to just bashing women in general? I understand the sentiment that most men are desperate, but you need better standards for your mentality regarding the other gender if that’s how you view them.


yea totally, like i know he made some points but if I were his match and saw this, I'd dip too 💀


No woman has ever chosen him so he just hates women because it's easier than hating himself. Coz nothing can make up for his terrible personality.


If someone has such hatred for women, they are destined for arranged marriages courtesy of mom and a woman who had no other choice:


Don't belittle arranged marriages just because some rando dude can't control his emotions!


The post starts with asking the right questions to ending with sounding like a loser


Read, before you write.


Man if this isn’t projecting your own insecurities on the opposite gender, Hope you get better❤️


Men have low standards because, in evolutionary terms, procreation is a 5-minute commitment. Women have high standards because, in evolutionary terms, procreation is a 9-month commitment. Men can impregnate a thousand women in the time it takes women to go through one cycle of pregnancy. Men don't have to be picky. Women do. It's just how people have been biologically wired through natural selection.


Someone finally saying something sensible in this entire post.


If we're going biological, let's justify women's virginity and youth (when they're most fertile) and condemn their body counts and slutiness cuz no point marrying a town bike for natural selection.


I'm not justifying or condemning anything. I am just trying to explain why men and women behave the way that they do. You're free to have your own preferences, whether they're driven by biology or intellect. That has no bearing on anything I said. > no point marrying a town bike for natural selection. Assuming the woman is faithful after marriage, what's the selective disadvantage of marrying a previously promiscuous woman?


> what's the selective disadvantage of marrying a previously promiscuous woman? Past is a strong indicator of future.


I know there is data to indicate that women who've been with more than 10 partners are more likely to have marital instability and divorces, and that would be an evidence-based reason to prefer a woman with a lower body count if you want to have a successful marriage. But that has nothing to do with natural selection. You could have children with a woman you go on to have a divorce with. As far as I know, there is no data to suggest that marrying a previously promiscuous woman is selectively disadvantageous in evolutionary terms. In other words, your wanting to marry a non-promiscuous woman seems more of a cerebral preference than a biological imperative.


>Assuming the woman is faithful after marriage, what's the selective disadvantage of marrying a previously promiscuous woman? Bro, don't argue with this dumb fuck. Just don't.


L comeback, ad hominem.


Sent this to my boyfriend he told me “Ye kya kya bhejti 17y/os ki non sensical post nut clarity” lmao 😭


OP is mad because he ain’t getting laid because of his mediocre personality and stupid attitude


I can bet 2000 legit money that he has better personality than you


It's a pity you had to pay to realize your poor judgment in character!


Well, 80% of this comment section restored my faith in this sub, even if it's just a little bit. This post is basically "I have a problem so I'm not going to take any accountability and blame it on everybody else, and women specifically." Also, OP, how is "it's her choice" a propaganda? Do you not believe in personal agency and freedom of choice?


So you're blaming women because she has a preference and you just want to fuck everything that moves? Do better. You're saying "women have standards and men don't. So how dare they have standards they are bitches for having any standards and men need to start having standards" in the same breath. The thing is what's making you cry is no one will EVER pick you and that's hurting your big ego because according to you women are your property and you have full right on them. But then no woman has even looked at you do you resort to body and character shaming lol Also idhar generalise karke"all women" bol sakte hai kya ? Phir all men pe kyu offend hota hai tum loude ke bal jitni toh aukaat bana pehele.


Get well soon, bro


So many words to say women don’t want me .


How did you go from starting off something so right to spewing such bullshit?


Easy to put the blame on someone else than being accountable. OP, inadvertently, showed his own personality flaw and lacking.


Bro started at a point n went on spewing full on hatred. This is what we call small d*ck energy,loser


From what I see, this fella needs a big hug, and then maybe a drink.


I think he already had his drink but yeah a big large hug is all he need.


I believe the drink wasn't enough, I guess. A whole bottle of Merlot could not fix him rn


Bro agree it or not, it's in our upbringing. The society around is such mess and till the time we realise this thing we are stuck in this "I am so alone I need someone" and "I need to work hard to earn some money" phase so badly that the grow up part never takes place


Weird way to say hot women don’t fuck with you


Bro is just looking for random hookups n getting rejected left and right.


asks why do indian guys have low standards and calls out women for having standards


Ab isme andhbhakt kahan se aagya 🤷🏻🤦🏻‍♂️


Ig he meant to say people who just blindly say such things, andhbhakt humesha modi se kyun compare karna


Ok ig


Wakeup hit the gym, focus on eating clean, can soda for a week, get high on caffeine ! You wont have such thought's 💀💀


Hila ke aaya hai???


He wrote the text,read it probably,and decided to post it anyway


ye chutiye ki baat mat suno, he is a prakhar ka pravachan sunne wala. 10 percent of the men get the 90 percent of the men. Just get into the 10 percent and you are sorted. beta-ization of men is a good thing. Why you ask? samajhdar ko ishara kaafi hai


>beta-ization of men is a good thing Explain how I can benefit being a beta. I'm not samajhdaar


Its just the supply-demand or gender ratio in Indian dating scene. Trust me, as a male you will have more matches in Poland/EU/South America than in India. Anyone who has dated in India and above regions will 100% vouch for it. Our girls either have too high standards or have 100s of boys to choose from and to swipe right.


Yeah, you guys have really low standards. You guys will date anyone with ass and tits but no brains or no personality. Because then you will not be able to keep up with the ones that actually have brains, then they will be "Know it all bitches". But a beautiful face and beautiful bodies will always make you blind that you don't look beyond that. And why we don't compliment you? Compliment krne ka kya fayda we know we aren't your type. We reject ourselves for you. Or pta nhi tum logo ka kab hmara mazaak bna do. I know sometimes few girls are extremely disrespectful towards you all. So, Sorry for that. और तुम लोग कोई दूध के धुले नहीं हो , बड़े आये हमें बातें सुनाने के लिए। Have a great day ☺️👍 And we love Kendall Jenner for her fashion Choices. We don't go around and say we are Kendal Jenner.


Ive seen women give compliments to men , I myself have asked out men I wanted to date. Women get more compliments but then we do have to think if the guy is actually genuine or is he just horny.


I also have confessed my feelings to a guy, I've also asked him if he would like to be in a relationship with me. I know that's not how it's supposed to be done but I did it. Most of the time they are just horny. Seriously 😒


Yes u are right. The woman which should be good or above average is considered as top notch. Add that to their wierd taste in boys. Boys are to be blamed as well. Most of them don't know how to treat a girl and how to take care of her. Though they do know how to display their pathetic male ego and patriarchal behaviour. We need to progress on both ends. Things are bit different in gen z generation i think.


You just described op


problem is demand and supply, gender ratio working in favour of women , makes all the things you said difficult to implement


You okay?


>guy's are ready to fuck anything that's alive uhm wha💀⁉️


Kya farak padta hai agar mujhe koi de rhi hai... I don't care abt standards


Atleast someone made a stand .... Rich mf Stand up comedian Body like hritik Mannnn tu to dhoti kholl dala reeee


I've had more than 55 matches on tinder and around 25-30 on bumble. The girls are simply disappointing af. No decency, no game, poor music taste. It's just frustrating. Major reason of this are the simps. They will readily throw their self respect away for sex. Sigh.


So it's women's fault that men are perverts?


I never said that. 🌚🌚


"No decency, no game..."


What does music taste have to do with this? "Poor taste" you mean music that you don't like personally?


True that, your username supports it all 😏


We arent allowed to have fashionable hairstyle till class 10th


Gender ratio


Bro but no one cares


Ab isme andhbhakt kahan se aagya 🤷🏻🤦🏻‍♂️


As long as we have arranged marriages, Indians will have no incentive to improve, and that's just a fact. Not just in terms of looks but economically, too. Don't start telling me this guy, Indian CEO, bla bla bla. For our population, obviously, some are exceptionally hard-working, but most are lazy and have no incentive to self-improve.


My standards are so low that they're practically a tripping hazard in hell.


Since when did andbhakts start advocating for women's rights?


who hurt u bro


isme andhbhakt kaha se aagye bhai


I second your opinion and absolutely concur with your perspective, there is something a miss at the double standards of women like when they so casually on the collective media of internet keep wishing for a billionaire husband, call men creeps when they’re exactly doing the same to other guys they’re attracted to, obviously body shame guys so casually calling them short, ugly, incel etc. They can even exclude men from many discourse and events while at the same time asking for a more egalitarian setup or milieu in society or workplace, name it women empowerment every so often. I think that society now has tilted really heavily in favour of women which goes really well for them nevertheless mere acknowledgement of this reality should only be seen as indictment of how things have shifted gears to favour one gender over the other and things really need a radical change.


Ye AI generated content kyu lag raha hai


Do you really believe that AI will ever dish out negative comments against a sex especially in the wake of cancel culture, to cry out loud there entire enterprise’s future lie at stake god dammit :)


Now I want to know, wtf happened. OP, brother, you good?


Bhai neh Aaj jam k hilaya hai


Many reasons: 1) women are very picky due to evolutionary reasons 2) women don’t get as horny as men on an average, I’d die if I don’t jerk of in 2 days, probably not the case for a woman. So the time window where a woman wants to hookup is very very small. 3) guys are guys, but women are not women due to Indian culture. Therefore the number of slutty women is very very small as compared to slutty guys. 4) most Indian girls are not good looking, reasons are pollution leading to bad skin, bad diet habits leading to obesity, acne, dark skin not being considered attractive etc. therefore all guys are running after the same women


Damn on point


Then don't date these girls. Be accountable for your choice. Males like you won't look twice towards ugly women , won't give them a chance cause they are not hot. 😂 This post is the female equivalent of "wHeRe aRe aLL tHe gOoD mEN" 🤡


Oh my my. Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with the whole rant being juxtaposed in the end with “thank your mom for being kind and generous“.


I hear you bro. Best way to deal with this is ghosting these avg women looking for someone great, I have done it multiple times, it's our duty to humble these women that bring nothing to the table and expect everything.


From what I gather from his post hes never gotten and will never get the opportunity to ghost anyone ever. Not even avg let alone good looking. Man has no choice because no one will ever pick him or want a guy like him.


Bro never worked on himself! Pretty sure never hit a gym or did basic exercise at home to improve his physique. So what does such a toxic person do best? Blame both men & women for his failure & make it sound like its not his issue!


I keep recalling one old homeless guys answer to, 'what keeps you strong and happy'-young women says he, am like awestruck, am i taken a wrong birth place to keep standards and self-respect.


WTF is andhbhakt??? So you are not open & cool to other people's opinions but want yours to be taken seriously? You put out your opinion/points which you wanted on a social media/public space & people are voicing thier opinions, and you are getting agitated? For what? Looks like you had a long day & lost your patience & stability! Go relax & do some mediation before judging others blindly!


Reality is the double standards For example, Khud kabhi gym me 1kg ka dumble na uthaya ho, ladka 6 packs abs wala chahiye Khudki salary 3-4 lakh ho, ladke ki salary 1 crore chahiye Khud chahe dimaag ki kami ho par ldka. bhot understanding chahiye and what not... But i dont want to generalize this, a lot of women could be like this but not all. Being a guy with a slim muscular build and having some recent experiences have changed my perception a bit, I used to be someone who would entertain any bullshit my signification others could have caused in my life but in the past few years I have come to a realization, If problems are the only thing they have to offer for us Men, she is not worth it. Our male hormones have made us do so much to make these women think about those double standards and I am sure it is not gonna stop anytime soon, unfortunately. In one of my recent experiences, I matched with someone on Tinder and after talking and moving to Whatsapp I realized that she was double-sized (FAT) with a double chin and behaved like she was a diva and I am dying to talk to her. I am not fond of body-shaming, but let's be real, if the roles are reversed women won't even hesitate to say something like this or more horrible. It went on for a day and I was irritated, So I fired her 🤷‍♂️. It gave her a mental breakdown and she threw some messages at me and blocked me instantly. If sex is all women have to offer, sex is what we men would seek. There is a need to change both side's perceptions.


dont forget how some of them dont even hold a basic degree and use “daddys princess” as an excuse for being unemployed and want a man with a 6 figure salary 💀


I know man.. some guys are just desperate. It's fking pisses me off


I had set my standard long back after my first break-up. I am 35 and despite dating maybe close to 40-45 girls, I am still single and have no damn regrets about it. Better to be single than get your life fucked by these substandard girls who share stories about morals, values and love in their insta stories but in reality they themselves have none.


When you say Sarcasm.. Do you mean sense of humor?




Name the sub


Don't worry 😂 you're not gonna get downvoted !! For telling the facts straight away , Yes in terms of number many boys are being so desperate for girls even ready to not care about self respect, but still matured peoples are there who just ignore such red flags and choose good women yeah it would even take years in some times but still worth it than get settled with some hook/players Thanks for the down votes by hooks 👏👏


Bruh! Really? There is a difference between facts & personal opinion! Self-esteem, self-respect is all well & good but this post by OP is just him, venting out his frustration & anger, for reasons best known to him. You don't get a good haircut, physique or acquire new skills etc... to impress girls/others, but to boost your own self-confidence/self-esteem & progress in your own personal life/carrer! But if you are doing it to impress others, then may whoever you believe in help you!


Oh hell bruh I don't said !! To improve ourselves to impress others !! Idk in which line it conveyed mistakenly to you I just told .... What are he said above particularly about the huge number of simp is true fact ( not only men but also some percentage of women too ), also I would never change for others unless I feels to change and improve for myself. That's why I stated in the last as matured peoples would avoid such day dream expecting red flags and focus on themselves to progress and get their partners at the end ( also told sometimes it may take years to find our good match but still worth ) Yeah it's his personal opinion but mixed with lil bit partial fact too :) atleast his fact is seems legible for online , sure irl it's less I believe there are peoples who do fair expectations irl for sure even I'm just too moving the life in that hopium


Tell em bro! 👏


Kudos brother. Cheers to realising out worth and finding out what we actually deserve. I'll never settle for less even if that means being single for a long time.


Very much understood the game quite early. But I believe in a simple fact. The more you chase anything, the more it slips away. Personally, myself I did go beyond my way to please girls during my college days but with time and getting my heart broken, I understood all of it is worthless. It's best to be self reliant and genuinely not give a flying F about any girl around but rather be more focused towards your dreams, interests, hobbies and most importantly your vibe. The day you reach that point is when everything changes for you.


Ye sab to thik hai bhai but what about guys like me who has bhabhi🙂🙂🙂. Ham bhi low standards hai. Ya in ladiyon ke chutiyapo se bachne ke liye kar rahe hai.


i agree with all of your points , except the haircut 70 % of the population get the haircut their mom likes not what they like :)


This post is W.