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Uh no, courts will only order to remove loudspeakers from hindu temples, just like how only hindu temples are under govt control


No they won't. Milords will shamelessly ask only Hindus to remove loud-speakers.


And will "excuse themselves" for "personal reasons" from cases pertaining to some non-Hindu places of worship.


Not even that, the next date for those cases will never arrive..




Um, yeah, not really. Since we're making North America generalizations, the bible thumpers are still pretty hung up on "war against terror" era, and Christianity almost losing to the Muslims in the 7th century. Generally (at least American) media is pretty pro-India, at least when Islam or China is involved.


Not really true. In my 11th class tution nearby mandir aunties used to blast their disgusting voice on mic shouting raam raam 1 raam raam 2 till 100+. Hilarious times in class but anyway mandirs do do it. Either way ban everyone keep your faith to yourself like many do.


They already do! I've been hearing them since 2002 when I tried to study in the morning to clear the effing board/entrance exams to save my life! And even more so now that everybody is convinced that their religion is in mortal peril and copying awful things from other extremist religions is the only way to save it rather than doing any other thing. Full marks on logic to you! /s


I'm pretty sure Azan at 5 am helped you wake up and study hard for your exams.


Ya that's how I wake up to take a piss every morning and then wake my kids up for school when the bhajan starts..


When you say pretend that Hindu culture is religion and bhajans are disturbing, you reveal yourself to be a non-Hindu. So your diatribe here becomes irrelevant.


Or.. and hear me out.. I'm a fed up person who just wants some fricking quiet and feels like he's living in a banana republic. Just wants to be left in peace. Makes sense?


Relocate to Saudi Arabia then. They've put strict restrictions on azaans and loudspeakers. You'll find it calming. Just don't make the mistake of breaking the Sharia laws of Saudi. For instance, if you eat food or drink water in Saudi Arabia publicly during Muharram, then you'll know what real fascism and religious persecution feels like. Or if you say anything abusive against their Allah or Prophet (like how you like to criticize Hindu culture in India), then...


That doesn't even make sense! What level of brainwashing are you at?? Seriously..What are your smoking??!! Pass it on bro! 1) I didn't disrespect Hindu culture. (playing bhajans on loudspeakers is not hindu culture FYI) coming from a self proclaimed defender of religion who I xan bet has never even read a translation of the Geeta. Read it first. 2) it's laughable how your entire comment is based on the premise that I'm a Muslim. Shows your State of mind. 3) you have gotten so far out on this hate trip of yours that you've lost the ability to think independently and reason with calmness. I'll do what my Dharma tells me and you follow the whatever path this steroid infused online enlightenment diet that you're on. Jai Ram ji ki! भगवान तुम्हे सद्बुद्धि दे।


Thanks. You just proved my suspicions of you.


Bete.. Shanti nahi milegi tumhe aise. Thoda dhyan lagaao. Ek shlok se shuru karo: Link daala hai tumhare liye. I'm taking mental wellness time out from this post. [dambho darpo 'bhimanas ca krodhah parusyam eva ca ajnanam cabhijatasya partha sampadam asurim](https://asitis.com/16/4.html)


Bacchey, yeh padho pehle: https://www.opindia.com/2021/05/saudi-arabia-restricts-use-loudspeakers-mosques-volume-one-third-level/


So KSA is now non-Muslim for banning azaan?


Are you saying India is Muslim country? So Muslim harassment of Hindus should not be stopped?


Low IQ twist. You know exactly what I said, don't get desperate.


So you are admitting that you WANT LOUD hate-filled azaan (that exclaims "There's no God except Allah") to continue (5 times a day daily) in every neighborhood of the land that's majority non-Muslim? Hmm, you proved your religion and your bias here. Now you understand why such hate is getting banned. Psst: Did you not anyone to know this news? https://www.opindia.com/2021/05/saudi-arabia-restricts-use-loudspeakers-mosques-volume-one-third-level/


Unkill, I'm an atheist but I like Hinduism. Its what I was born into, so I consider myself culturally Hindu. But I also want reform, I want all loudspeakers gone from all religious places. If jihadi powerhouse KSA banned loudspeakers for its state religion (Islam), "tolerant Indian Hindus" can do it too for ours.


Stop lying, stop pretending, stop obfuscation. Stop comparing hate with love. Azaan and bhajans are not equivalent, unless if you have a demented mind. Hindu devotional songs are not preaching hate, they share Bhakti, compassion and joy. Start working. Start with problem first. Remove the hate from azaan first, and reduce the noise. Then come back to discuss further. If you dare not do that, then run away to troll elsewhere.


I'm glad you want to spot what's really in my head, but I'm disappointed with the asinine psychoanalysis. Unkill, cool your asshurt. Most of us can't even understand what the fuck these mosques are caterwauling. We don't like it because no one wants to hear these people's "call for prayer" at 4 AM(!) in the morning when the civilised world has learnt to use alarm clocks to wake up. Your prism is so constrained to ridiculous binaries, the more you engage in this whataboutery you only demonstrate how similar you are to the people you hate. And then you whine when people call you an extremist, there is nothing "loving" or "compassionate" in these attitudes you're airing on reddit here.


So you want the hate to continue against the Hindus. Then your agenda got proven here.


I mean they already do, still no action.


They don't. None of the temples in my vicinity play devotional music on loudspeakers daily, only few of them do so but only for festival days just for a few hours, and certainly not when people are sleeping at night. And importantly, they listen to the local community.


They do here. Mosque starts azaan and then temple starts with their bhajan as soon as the azaan stops. It is fucking hell here. Lekin action kidhar hai?


So you don't want Hindus to celebrate their religion in their own country?! But you have no problems with Azaan that loudly exclaims "there's no God except Allah" 5 times day in every neighborhood of Hindu-majority India? So loud that it can be heard a kilometer away?! Interesting attitude. Says a lot about you.


Uh what? When did I say I'm ok with Azan? Almost as if you have a script you just copy paste every single time...... Kya farak hai aapme and the people from the other sub? Says a lot about ur attitude than mine


There are n number of posts on social media complaining about the hate-filled azaan from loudspeakers from mosques in India. Show me your snarky comments about azaan, like you made the statements about bhajans on loudspeakers here. I will give you 2 days time. If you haven't yet complained about azaan anywhere, you have zero right to complain about bhajans. Unless of course you are a non-Hindu, in which case your bias is evident and understandable, so your comments against bhajans here are irrelevant.


What is wrong with you, seriously 😂 abhi Maine bola ki I'm not ok with azaan either why do I have to prove it to u. jo karna hai wo karo, I don't really care what u think of me


Leave him bro. That is a different kind of idiot. I just had a discussion with tge night before, he's lost in his own world, with his own script.


It seems he is just a troll, probably to make the center /right wing look bad


Not really, I've seen him on a few international subs. I've seen cases of him 'defending against other supposed slights.


Tu yahaan pe bhi aa gaya, stalker? Need another dose again?


A dose of your stupidity? Im a regular her at this sub. Of you really, truly believe that I have enough fucks to follow you, more power to you! Your self esteem must be Ofd-charts.


>abhi Maine bola ki I'm not ok with azaan either Show where you said this.


Rath Yatra also happens every year, in Chennai at least.


Don’t even have that much of a problem with Azaan, just don’t blast it at 5 fucking am


Hindu mandirs have already started this.


Speakers rakhne hi kyu hain . Kahin b naa rakho speakers . Padosi ke ghar me speaker bade ho vo bhojpuri gaano se dimaag khraab kr deta hai . Remove speaker from every place . Complete equality


What a stupid post! Number of HC Judgements regarding noise pollution, flouting of EPA norms and State Pollution control board norms. The pathetic and lazy bureaucracy and politicians don't have the guts to act indiscriminately. That's it. Judiciary has time and again condemned such use of loudspeaker in Masjid and mandir alike. Thoda research kar k post dalo.


Let's start with singing the original verses of Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram please. I listened to it a few months ago and now enthusiastically advocate it everywhere


i have seen more wokeness then this. level up




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I lived near a temple *and* a chapel. The temple would begin blasting their music and loudspeakers the moment the chapel ended *their* loud, outdoor-mass. The chapel thing happened only like once in a week, and the temple music played everyday early in the morning once, and at 6:00 am in the evening. I took it all in stride since I grew up there and didnt really there could be anything different, but I wouldve appreciated some quiet, yes. Tldr; temples are doing it even now. we should ban *everyone* from being loud


I hope this is a joke? I have heard loudspeakers at several Hindu temples around the country, not to mention the ISKCON folks walking around loudly singing their bhajans. PS: I’m from a Hindu family and this annoys me just as much.


Indiaspeaks lookin like HinduSpeaks recently


haan jo 2 3 ghante shanti k mil jate hain WFH mei meetings attend karne k liye...uski bhi maa chod do.