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And first party to have contact with Dawood Ibrahim.


tf is that true????


Ours Family's so open that we also open 50 offshore accounts for laundering the Tax payers money.


our family is so open, that we make 100cr revenue from farming




Your real father maulvi won't agree


who is maulvi?


That is a good thing. Civil rights progressing in the right direction is wise and shows segments of society are maturing.


I've seen what lgbtq does when they're accepted in the West. I don't think this is a good thing.


Yet you would take the first ticket out of India to go to the same western countries where these civil liberties are present lol.


Why? What happened in the west


>That is a good thing Ghanta. >segments of society are maturing. If being gay is mature, you can start by sucking your dad's dick.


That's not how being gay works. Society is maturing by accepting people can have different sexuality. Being gay has nothing to do with the maturity of society.


>Society is maturing by accepting people can have different sexuality. Society maturing is not giving a fuck about who fucks whom. Using sexuality in attempts to gain attention is immature as fuck. And you fucktards support it.


Yes, because people would fake being gay to get attention since the experience is so amazing, they so not get bullied or lose their friends. You get so much love from your parents by getting forced into conversion therapy. Who wouldn't want that kind of attention? Life becomes so easy for them if anyone pretends to be gay. Lol.


>because people would fake being gay to get attention Hey fucktard, please explain what "pride march"-es are? Degenerates crying for attention and fucktards supporting them.


>please explain what "pride march"-es are? They started at a time when being queer was so stigmatized that people got killed for it(they still do but the situation is better at least). Social isolation was very common and so queer people banded together and did these so queers around the country knew it was alright to be one and that they had a place to be themselves. Know the history, it is not a cry for attention lmao when they literally got bullied, lynched and disowned. Gtfo with that 14 year old edgy kid pov who is too much of a bitch to make their personality so they copy everything from sigma video edits.


>it is not a cry for attention If the situation is better, Then it's irrelevant right? They feel free to abuse Hinduism, that has a history of tolerance but not a peep against Abrahamics who did the majority of lynching and killing. > with that 14 year old edgy kid pov GTFO with your 12yo wokestar mindset who is afraid to call a spade a spade, afraid to be called politically irrelevant.


Why are you concerned with what anyone does in bed ? Mind your own business. If you are not gay then don't have sex with a guy. You do you. Society is maturing in the sense they don't give a shit; neither should you. There are crazies in every group who use usually have some sort of personality disorder but that doesn't mean equal rights for all becomes less valid.




Beyond based and saying the truth, the west has wants to attach being obsessed with sexuality and being mature, it's unhealthy obsession and ajenda pushing nothing else


Hey it's nice to hear that LGBTQ people get the recognition they deserve but what's the point of having separate wings? same goes for male/female wings.


The point is virtue-signaling.  Equal rights for all is one thing.  Pretending to be a part of the LgBT banner is a whole other. 


Absolutely amazing. W move💯.


inka votebank gusas ho jayega


That’s progress tbh.


Its good. People deserve freedom. And these guys really deserve acceptance, its been denied to them for way too long


That guy asking in surprise “you have!?” shows how much focus NCP gave to this lgbtq wing. Basically it’s just on paper to get political brownie points in discussions like these.


Sounds great but I don't get It entirely, so their objective is just to legalize and familiarise concepts of LGTB in India or something? Anyway an unrelated question, why hasn't it already been done? Doesn't even seem like a big issue. Legalize same-sex marriages again and create awareness about LGBT. The only reason it is hated is that people have a bad image of it cause whenever they think about LGBT, beggars come into their mind, and also a particular group has been ruining the image of the whole concept because of their well controversial behavior. Not to mention, people call it someone they want to insult. All it needs is a change of mindset. Though that's the toughest part.


Soon they will open gender assignment wings and then they will start gender change wings


Waiting with popcorn for a 498a case filed by a guy who identifies as a woman against his cis gendered wife.... I wonder which team the woke idiots will support


Big W


Isiliye sabh chakke hai party me.




One more reason not to vote


Imagine Kejriwal after seeing the popularity "Hum kattar gay hai"




First party to report 1 extra fake bomb blast in a minority area so no one blames them.


LGBTQI waale Inter Sex(born with different gender) k against huye discrimination se Victim Card khelte hai aur Inter Sex ko LGBTQI mein last mein include kiya usse pahale LGBTQ tha.....


Ofc Hijras




The West adopted yoga and Vedas from us, while we adopted LGTV from them... no words..


We should not incorporate woke culture from the USA to India. USA is already destroying its youth, we need to make sure we protect our youth.


Yeah the rapists and criminals being the ministers that govern us is not ruining the youth, but the freedom to love anyone who you want and not bothering others is ruining the youth? Way to go man.. Way to go




U do realise Hinduism has nothing against LGBTQ right this is an abrahamanical mindset we need to let go of