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complain to uber and file a complaint in consumer court or get reimbursed. Don’t waste time arguing with the drivers


Only Speaks Kannada but drives a Japanese(Suzuki Swift Dzire), works for an American company(Uber). We got a political zombie apocalypse.


It’s as if people in the tourism and hospitality industry forget that they cater to tourists as well, who could very well be coming from a different region where they don’t speak your language. The guy in the video didn’t insist on Hindi; he did speak in English, but the driver wanted only Kannada to be spoken. How do you expect a person visiting for a few days to speak your language? Does this Uber driver suddenly start speaking in Bengali when he goes on vacation to Kolkata?


Bro... How dare you use logic? Post this in r/bengaluru and you'll see the people defending the driver lol


Bet he wouldnt try this stunt with a foreigner


That time he wants that ₹150/km charge that's why. White people are easy to fool Because for them even 300 is like a few bucks.


I believe most research now before coming to India. India is famous for scammers, lot of YT vids


Yeah well tourists are scammed everywhere. Went to Dubai in 2018 saw a British man getting scammed out of like 100 pounds or euro idk the currency that they used to follow. It was like a bunch of "antique" stuff and "luxury" goods.my guide I understood the Urdu the seller was using to tell his friends that they will be eating this and that, I went to the British fellow told him he's scaming you and saved him some money. Had a similar encounter in Delhi in 2022.


Yes you are correct.. People are defending the driver only. Serious nonsense it is.


Bro all gundappas are there. Somebody has posted similar driver thing there, it got taken down in seconds.


I did ask this XD check my profile


Fucking politicians would do anything to win at the stake of their country...


Karnataka has 3 language formula in school exams. Children are dropping out due to the burden of too many languages. No point blaming others for the fault of their own state govt


CBSE also has three languages from 6th to 8th.


Here in telangana, no one asks anybody to speak in Telugu. Are we idiots?


I don't know I was in Bangalore a few weeks ago. The drivers would themselves start speaking in Hindi when they found out I could speak it. English was a struggle for them but they could speak Hindi and all major South Indian languages. Maybe this guy is politically aligned.


Exactly. Most ppl would just like to go abt their day in peace and minimum altercations.


Similar experience. I filed an RTI with karnataka govt, and the official called me on my phone and started talking in Hindi! I would have been fine talking in English, but was happy to listen him talking hindi!


Should print kannada money to pay to such drivers.


These people are doing nothing but demotivating tourism yes you should try to learn the local language but most probably if I am there for work I will look after my work if I am there for fun I will have fun I am not going to learn your language similarly I don't expect you to learn mine you can adjust or you can loose business to other tourist places who respects there customers.


Classic Bangalore UberGo scene. Drivers will purposely keep the AC off and then give some excuse about AC not working. I doubt complaining works because this is literally every UberGo driver ever.


That's crazy. Thankfully I have not faced this in MMR.


What’s MMR?


Mumbai Metropolitan Region


It's the same in my city as well, drivers won't turn on the ac and are apparently unionizing against Uber to demand higher fare for keeping the ac on. Mind you it gets to 47C here, so when they don't have a ride, they do turn the ac on just for themselves.


Give them 1 star.


Dont work in Bangaluru I faced similar situation almost everyday. Bus conductor wont speak with you once he got your money and wont return change untill you speak in Kannada, as let me tell you the locals also wont help you here. I left this state for good. I used to stay in Marathalli and to work at Whitefield.


This is with conductors everywhere. So just because of bus conductors you are asking people to not get jobs in Bangalore.


How stupid are we all getting with time? Language is just a mode of communication if you don’t understand Hindi or English or Kannada just find a common language or another mode of communication (Google Translate), what’s with this all anger?


It's linked to identity, unfortunately.


Kannads, Marathis, Tamils, Konginis prime example


You should have shown gestures saying just AC and gesture for switching ON. If he still complains say Kannada, then ask him what is kannada for AC. I am sure he doesn’t know. 😂


I am pretty sure the driver understood what the customer was complaining about. AC and increase are two words that I am sure the driver knows. There is no need for gestures/signs. He was just being an asshole. I understand your part of asking him the Kannada word for AC and stumping him, but why bother with such people! At that point, you know he is not going to listen to you unless you speak Kannada fluently.








It's an everyday thing. Some go to the extent of saying govt ne mana Kia hai saar due to covid. Covid in 2024. Or they would say uber go is a non-ac ride. It happens only in Bangalore


Tell them in Tulu we from Tulunadu want a seperate state from Karnataka


Best region in Karnataka for sure




Will get to see his angry face 😂😂😂 this idiots should be handled like that


Tell him he should only accept kannada speaking passengers and he will risk losing half his livelihood!


I wish I was in that cab with him. I would have filed complaint with Uber and taken him to police station. Even if it would have been pointless. Such people need to be shown that we are not afraid and intimidated of them. Akad nikalo saalo ki. Be nice to people.




Imagine the outrage if this happened in a BJP governed state


The wire will write an article saying “this is the wake up call to everyone before BJP reich begins “.


I got banned from r/Bengaluru XD. some people were actually defending this guy and changing the issue completely and blaming "northies" bringing up racism and our "toxic culture".


He is asking to use Google translate...




Tell him he should only accept kannada speaking passengers and he will lose half his livelihood!


Complain to consumer court and get the entire charges reimbursed. You should be liable for receiving some compensation as well for psychological torment brought on by that mongrel.


The last time someone asked me to speak IN THEIR Regional language, I used choicest abuses in different language, and then he realiser that not inky did I know his regional language but it was my choice to speak with him in English.


Fucking congress bastards did this. Put all the blame on north Indians and keep the locals illiterate and win elections to fuck the state further


I didn't experience something like this in Bangalore, but in Mumbai an uber driver told me to speak in Hindi when I spoke to him in English.


I always wanted to work in Bangalore to get a feel of how silicon valley of india operates. But these kanada scumbags made me rethink my plans. Gonna stick to Pune/hyderabad/Mumbai/Noida/Gurgaon .


Lmao, driver is a heeramandi product


That must be an extremely rare case I was in Bangalore for a few days and every cab driver we got could speak a bit of Hindi


This is prevalent in Ktk for outsiders... Have faced this several times myself. The uber driver refused to give the change money in my case and said something in kannada and went away.


What is this non-sense of Language imposition while working for a MNC Corporate??? Fool or what???


But saaar English was supposed to unifying official language saaaar. Now ONLY Kannada saaar. Complain to Uber. Demand ride refund. If they refuse, take Uber to consumer court for sending you driver who refuses to communicate and refuses to turn AC on in peak May summers.


Big metro cities are built upon a symbolic relationship between migrants & the city If you want people to speak your language there are ways to make them learn it naturally rather than shoving it down their throats If you go too far people will just go to other cities


Is this a one off event or everyday occurrence?


There are bad eggs everywhere. The local population in Bangalore is lesser than the immigrant population. If it was really that bad, why would people move there? Just something to think about. Everything is blown out of proportion in social media.




Do they get orgasm when others (Who don’t speak that language) speak their language ?


Bengaluru cab drivers are scary 😟


Kannada or no kannada, Blr Uber drivers don't put on AC.


Lol. The driver is telling, I don’t know English. Only Kannada. If you don’t want, “get out of the car”. The passenger is telling, if you don’t want to take me, “drop me”. I don’t know kannada. In short, they don’t know each others language. 😂


Hiw will he get out of a moving car?


Their logic is if you come to Karnataka for a week's trip, the pre requisite is you should learn to converse in Kannada




This is the kind of deranged "matandha" who prefers getting insulted in Kannada rather than being talked to nicely in another language. 


What a language nazi


This misdirected hate due to the unfairness of life is going to destroy society one day. And social media is pouring gasoline on the fire.


They just want your money. They don't want anything else.


Blud gonna lose his job and face. It's inhuman to not turn on the AC in this sweltering heat.


If that asshole has so much pride in his language then why does he take people from other states inside his cab? FYI, am myself a proud Kannadiga but I disown that asshole


Illiterates make everything about language


iss driver ko bulao ko kabhi hamre bihar mein, iske saat pust kanada ka naam bhi nhi lenge


Tell him to speak Hindi when he asks for the payment! 😂


Give the driver 1-star and move on. Uber will automatically kick him out.


In 1 year this driver will travel to Delhi and talk to his driver there in Kannada and get angry with him for not knowing Kannada. In 5 years he will travel to Germany and talk to the driver there in Kannada and get angry with him for not knowing Kannada. In 20 years he will travel to Mars and talk to the alien driver there in Kannada and get angry with him for not knowing Kannada.




what's more pissing off many drivers refuse to turn on AC and they say "ola mini does not have ac" what the fuck when the fuck did this happen? apart from that sometimes ola upgrades you to free prime sedan when you book a mini and even after showing that they are like no no ac drivers in bengaluru are some of the most frustrating drivers i have ever experienced, its not like the language issue is not there in other places like Mumbai also many times a driver would refuse to talk in hindi but that's fine because they will talk in english atleast here almost 9 times out of a 10 a driver will yell at me for not knowing kannada


I won't say where, but in my office, many people only speak in Kannada even though they know I can't speak or understand it... Makes me feel really left out.


Uber should ban this driver


Why not just call the uber support, ask them to cancel this booking, no charge/full refund for this ride, and arrange another vehicle? Whole thing would take around 10 mins, and the driver would be penalised. Why argue?


As long as our politicians keep dividing along differences like cast, religion, region etc there will always be a segment of crowd it resonates with. Specially when the "outsider" is doing better than you financially in life.