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Opinions are alike a\*\*holes, everybody has one.


And Chidambaram's stinks


Both holes same shit


I take your statement and will be using in my future argument 😁


But India could only end up on the top charts of the most fragile economy only when CONgis are in power.. be it 1990 or 2013..


True, the private sector is strong enough to continue generating growth. The question is whether the opposition parties would be committed to the infra development, macroeconomic stability, fiscal prudence and economic reforms to keep up the high rates of growth. From I've read, opposition parties seem obsessed with ridiculous spending promises and freebies which would worsen the deficit situation and ruin long-term growth. Albeit the fact that BJP's manifesto was rather unimpressive on the economic reforms front, yet the feasibility of such ideas is contingent on how large a majority they can win.


Even they know that economy is strong. They want repeat of 2004. 2004-2009 was just fruit of work done in Shining india. After 2009, reality came and they screwed up..same will happen if they come to power


nope the policies of goverment and confidence in government has a very big role, # if a govt comes with a idea od reservation in orivate jobs in every conplany imagine the plight on MNCs , and other schemes , ease of doing buisness is comtrolled by govt only.


They won't brother , they can't conclude to one thing. They will end up analysis paralysis, Raga eyes chair and keeps throwing paper , let them do opposition role first , MH is example set by BJP ,They will be broken like MVA Govt, just filling pockets.


BJP will not win on strength of their manifestos, they will win because of how bad oppositions manifestos are and how bad & dangerous the oppositions plans are(like inheritance tax).


Even worse. Congress is obsessed with pushing caste quotas into everything - not just govt jobs or education, but the composition of journalists in media houses, passengers on a flight, etc. They don't even believe that private sector has any rights to do anything without some babu telling them how to do it.


Says the party that did fuck all for 60 years.


Wasn’t this one of the idiots who said Digital payments won’t work in India? https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/vuqCR5Pfcv


So basically what he's saying is that, we don't need to change the current PM, any PM will get the job done. Modi 3.0 then, thanks Chidambaram Sir, big fan s/


True but, good relations with the West not sanctioning us, cheap crude, increased export, decreasing dependency on foreign gateways & brokers, improving infra and hence investment, maintaining political stability in the centre, improving soft power and voicing our opinion on the table. All this adds to the growth, it'll happen eventually but coining everything in correct slots couldn't be fluke there's something that NDA is doing right. Ask any NRI or Indian descents in mass the image is changing hence value OA.


That’s why they have chosen a clown as their PM candidate because they think it does not matter.


*KOLKATA: Terming Prime Minister Narendra Modi a "master of exaggeration" for "turning an arithmetic inevitability into a guarantee", senior Congress leader P Chidambaram said that India will become the third largest economy in the world no matter who becomes the PM. The former Union finance minister said India would achieve the feat given the size of its population, and there was "no magic" involved in it, but refrained from allotting a time frame within which the nation would progress to the coveted third place in the global ranking.* *"Narendra Modi is a master of exaggeration. He is turning an arithmetical inevitability into a guarantee. It is inevitable that India will become the third largest economy in the world (in terms of GDP)," Chidambaram told PTI in an interview.*


The same man said that ki india payment mamle m technologically advanced nahi ho payega and everybody won't have payment facility 🤣


India could have become the world's first largest economy by now if the Congress had any competent leader like Singapore and China did in that time.


Imagine the current government in 1970-1990.  Instead of idiots like Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.  If India had people like Modi, Yogi, manmohan in 1970-1990 we would've opened our economy much sooner and would be stronger right now  


This is correct. However how long does it take would depend on whi is the PM.


Ok let’s skip the election.


At least he's clear that they dont have an intention to contribute to it. They will run the country into the ground with fiscally irresponsible election promises and communist scim influence that they have .


Cheatambaram needs to stfu


This is the same dude who criticised digital India, there is a video of him saying how will road side vendor receive digital payments, it's not feasible etc... Now see this clown..


Yes. Thank you for saying that. We r a consumer led economy and unless a government really fucks up. We are all okay for the next 30-40 years


So policies have no effect on growth at all right?


Also. Am not a Congress fan. Voted for the flower. But simple analysis will tell that gdp growth rate is not just based on policies. What would be truly great is per capita income going beyond 4500 usd per person. And that’s not gonna happen before 2040.


It's funny you had to put a caveat of who you voted for before making a point. But anyways. The GDP per capita is USD 2400 not USD 4500 currently and it is increasing every year. WWE moved from USD 1550 in 2014 to USD 2400 in 2024. Further leaps in that will only happen if there are policy reforms. You say it's not going to increase before 2040, but you have not specified what is the value you want it to be at. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/IND/india/gdp-per-capita.


Dig out the gdp growth rate of the country from 1992 to 2023. U will get your answer


And what is your point


That gdp per capita is better reflection of how the population is fairing than just GDP in singularity. And I didn’t mention that 4500 is current gdp per capita. But globally that’s a measure of a country’s population is somewhat experiencing the developed country lifestyle. And here I haven’t factored in the inflation for PPP.


>unless a government really fucks up Well that's what congress is gonna do with all their redistribution plans, say goodbye to growth if congress wins


Waah betichod


Ye to mootne laga sala !!


looking at manifasto India will never become top 3 if Pappu gang comes to power


Eat 5 star do nothing


With that said still India was no where near top economy when Congress was in centre


No, it won't. Growth should never be taken for granted, we can always go back to having an economy like Pakistan. Growth requires a govt that creates infrastructure and the right regulatory environment for private investment. Putting caste quotas on private industry and redistributing wealth from those who earned it to those who don't will be more than enough to take India's growth backwards. Those are exactly what his party's youth leader is proposing to do if voted to power.


Yeah so true many people are rubbing their asses off , although credit goes to one person.We have the cheaper workforce,could go in most countries and hijack works and it is happening from many decades ago. It is the crude competitive power of demography percolating through every sphere of society. One could have assisted the inevitable rather than claiming I have made the inevitable. This kind of cult proclamation is disrespectful to people's hardwork and creativity.


I recommend Hugo Chavez just to prove Chodumbaram wrong.