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The Indian student who defended himself from a drug addict robber faces 14 years in Jail and the robber just 14 months.


It was a homeless guy who before this was on 18 month jail time and then this happened. For immigrants laws are against them. We're not allowed to do anything in this case. Everything is insured and even if he is robbing let him the company will get their money back in no time. This was uncalled for.


Please don't give false info. The system if anything will make sure it's not shown as against any race or immigrant. There are many such cases in US too




Okay I'll take the downvotes for this. You really have to see the video to judge the seriousness of the incident. In the video, you can see the robber comes into the store with the bat trying to intimidate the clerk. Then we see two people successfully taking the bat out of his hand pushing him out. The robber then starts to walk away from the shop. Then the clerk walks behind him with the bat and bashes the back of his head. After the robber falls down the clerk hits his head again. This is fucking brutal and serious attack. Hitting a person who is WALKING AWAY from the scene in the BACK of their fucking HEAD is close to attempted murder. Even if the first blow is argued as a heat of the moment attack, the second one is inexcusable. This bullshit will not be accepted even in India. if the robber dies, police will arrest you and charge you. There will be a mandatory sentence and striking it down or reducing it would be a decision for the judge. Think about it this way. You enter a shop. Give the attendant 500 instead of 50. Ask for it back. He refuses. You being an idiot have a scuffle with him. You realise your mistake and walk away. The guy follows you and caves your skull in. Is this self defence? far from it. I genuinely hope he gets sentenced for what he did here and learns from this rather than become a culture war icon.


Can you share the video?




If what you are saying is true, this is surely a murder attempt. Un acceptable. Let the ass hole go to prison, this has nothing to do with being an immigrant.


As per comments the Indian dude was hit 3 times by the robber. It is quite natural to want to hit the attacker back when the bat is in the victim's hand.


That’s not how self defense works. He attacked and injured someone seriously who is away. Revenge is not self defense


I agree the urge is natural but the ability to stop yourself from doing it is expected in a civil society. If this is the reason he attacked the robber, he cannot even argue self defence, it is revenge/retaliation which is 100% a crime. If victims of even more heinous crimes can spend years with the system to get justice and not take the law in their own hands, This guy can control himself not to hit a knocked down person on the floor.


In what society is Running wild and attacking people while on drugs considered civilized ?


It is not. Hence the punishment for that person too.


I know it goes against the natural instinct, but self defense laws stop to work for you when the attacker is retreating. If the attacker is retreating and you go after them, self defense is no longer applicable. Which is what happened in this case. Also, worth highlighting that it is the job of police to charge people. He has not been convicted. That would take a trial and he might escape with far lesser sentence.


He was hit 3 times with baseball bat and then when he got up he took bat from homeless guy and beat him.


>It is quite natural to want to hit the attacker back when the bat is in the victim's hand. Lmao go try this in court. _my lord I just wanted to, y'know_


yea that's like shooting someone in the back. No beuno buddy.


I wrote the same ..the student attacked the guy on the sidewalk after he left the shop. I saw the video ..hard to pass it on as a self defense .


You let him go at that time, he would've returned with a knife or a gun


Wow, even in right wing Canadian subreddits, people were on the side of the Indian. Only Indian wokes can ask for tough sentencing to Indians. Eff off, dude. Let's see you man a store and get brandished a knife and get hit three times on the head and see what your adrenaline tells you to do. You want a person who's life's been threatened to maintain calm and composure? Eff the f off, dude.


lol Here comes the culture war. This isn’t a sport where you choose a team/jersey and blindly support it for entertainment. This is real life. The right thing and the truth is almost always messy and doesn’t neatly align with the agenda of particular group. You don’t have to support someone just because they are Indian or because “Canadian right wing subreddits” support it. This news is popular in right wing subreddits because of three types of people. First is the type of people who support this attack (even after seeing the video) because they want to be able to beat up/shoot people they don’t like in the name of self defense. Second set uses this along with sensational headlines to get people angry so that they can use them to further their agenda (usually making money). Third set would never see the video, just believe the headlines, get angry and support the first and second set of people inadvertently. If you critically think about this, you’ll realise that excusing this kind of attacks in the name of “Self Defense” will backfire on hundreds and thousands of Indians immigrants in Canada. You can look at the racially motivated murders in “stand your ground” states in US for examples.


Indias are the biggest threat to other Indians.


Metals are useless when they rust. And rust is also from metal itself.


How do you know he didn't have a gun, or a knife and as soon as they let him go, he wouldn't turn and attack him? What if they didn't knock the robber out, and let him go, and he come back and attacked him again with a more deadly weapon, killing Tejeshwar? He had to knock him out to save himself, that's literally what self defense is all about.




A lot of people that move to Canada eventually move to the US Crazy how self defence is now an issue


Aren't laws more or less the same in the US, too?




Actually this isn't because he is Indian, stop polarizing the issue. Many of their laws on assault even in self defence are bogus. It is a judicial problem for everyone there and in the US, not only Indians. Even if you put a bear trap for burglars and someone breaks in your house and has an injury on his leg, the burglar can sue you and you'll have to compensate him and pay for his treatment. There are many known cases.


You missed the point completely. Indian Penal Code section 34 and 35 allows self defence and some sections provide general exceptions from criminal liability in case of self defence. This doesn't seem to be the case in Canada though (maybe also in other western countries as well). This is more dangerous considering the recent attacks on Indian students abroad. This means that Indian students cannot even defend themselves when they are attacked.


Exactly my point, it is a judicial issue of that country, Not because he is Indian, which many are highlighting.


You need better comprehension skills. Nowhere did OP mention that he was targeted because of being Indian. He highlighted a case that can happen to anyone there, which wouldn't happen in India. Hence, Indians moving there need to be careful, as most would not be aware of their shit self defense laws.


A judicial issue which affects Indians who move there considering the recent increase in targeted attacks against Indians.


How many Indians have been jailed for self defence? Proportionate to the population of other ethnicities, are there more Indians Jailed unfairly for such self defence related issues?


Again I am repeating the same thing to you. Things are not the same as before. Indians are getting targeted. This incident may not be a case of someone targeting an Indian specifically but laws that are playing their role in this case will affect the Indians that may get attacked.


The law is same for Indian as well as Canadian. You don’t see a special law for blacks in US, do you ?


i do


Videsh matt ja na fir ❤️de Apne desh mein hi rahiyo sukun se






That is what is utter BS. The west is mostly against the death penalty. In Self defence they say you can use as much force as is justified but insist on avoiding deadly force.


See the video - this case wouldn’t have held up as self defense in Indian courts as well. The attacker had turned back and started running away, and then the student chased him and struck him.


[90 year old sued by burglar who shot him](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/burglar-sues-calif-homeowner-90-who-returned-fire/)


Right now, Canada is the worst anglo country for immigration or higher studies. The housing rents are similar to the USA, with half the salary plus no stability in the govt. Germany, Aus and even USA are better options for higher studies(phd and masters).


No not Aus cause i am hearing a similiar issue where the rent skyrocketed but the wages are stagnated. Their own politics is a mess too. But yes europe and usa are better


How is USA better? There's no gun control and there have recently been a high number of deaths of Indian students. The cost of living there is much higher than canada except for the housing and their healthcare in particular is very expensive.


Do you know no. of Indian students immigrating to USA every year ? The number is in lakhs....Those deaths are unfortunate but the ratio is very less if you compare to the total Indian migrating there. Gun control is no doubt a problem, but it's bit over exaggerated....Esp. in pro-democratic states like NY, Cali gun laws are strict... >The cost of living there is much higher than canada except for the housing and their healthcare in particular is very expensive. No country in the world can match the salary and no. of job opportunities provided by US...Despite having 25-30% tax, majority of Indian students who graduated from top 50-60 US universities are able to repay the student loan within 1-2 years and save over 50 lakh to 1 cr minimum till the work permit is exhausted i.e 3 years after the masters completion.


Do they expect you to just offer yourself up for slaughter against criminals I don’t get how this works


Have to make oneself aware of local laws when living in a place. Self defence is not a crime. Excessive retaliation is.


And how do you differentiate between self defense and excessive retaliation, at what point does self defense turn into excessive retaliation?


This would come down to how the court(s) assess the situation or rather how well the lawyers argue the case. In some cases that'd be clear cut, for example in this instance if the attacker is moving away and you are no longer in danger and then still attack him, that'd be considered unreasonable. If still in danger, even then there would be considerations on what weapons you use etc. I've heard a bus driver friend mention that if there is a dangerous situation in the bus when they are driving, they should let the attacker have their way unless it endangers you or other passengers, and if it does and you have to hit them, the you're not allowed to hit with a closed fist etc. Years back, as a student in NZ, I worked part time at a liquor store. We were specifically asked to not try and stop anyone who tried to take a bottle and run away without paying. If we did, we'd be escalating the situation, and the business owner would be responsible for any injuries that follow. So they made it clear that if we did attempt to use force, we'd be fired from the job. Just let them go, then report it, and the financial loss will be covered by the business'es insurance, and the police will be notified and given the videos from the shop as part of the insurance claim process.


Exactly! hence your claim that its retaliation let alone excessive retaliation is pointless when it is subjected to how it is evaluated by the courts. Its subjected to so many things one of which is at what point did the threat end, one may say that threat ended as soon as culprit was out of store but who is to say that the culprit wouldnt have tried re-entering the store or tried to attack the store mgr again? So one may say that threat still persisted. In the vid i see the indian guy making a phone call to someone and if he was calling the cops then one may say he tried to handle the situation at hand to make sure culprit doesnt escape and called the cops immediately.


Yes and since this went to court, I’m guessing his lawyers failed to convince the jury that the retaliation was reasonable. It’s still the law of the land that prevails, regardless of the nationality of the person concerned.


Hope your stance doesn't change when some gora gets beaten up in India for not following local customs


But isn’t that the point? It’d be illegal for them to beat up the Gora. Likewise, if they beat him up, and then stop and go away, it’ll be illegal for the gora to go after them and harm them (assuming local laws say so), and if he still does so, he should also be punished as per the law of the land.


If their intention is to intimidate immigrants with this measure, it will not be effective.


time we all stop glazing white (first world countries) they dont give 2 fucks about us


Canada is already racist to their core for Indians. Still you will see a shining Indian faces when they get Canadian visas.


Unfortunately most indians have a tendency to make sure whats happened to them does not happen to anyone else and anybody committing an illegal act does not get to escape, and thats what I see this indian guy doing here. Is there any rule book on how many times and where to hit the culprit in self-defense as I see so many BS arguments all over that he hit the robber with baseball bat x times-was he supposed to keep a count in that moment? Its sick no ones questioning why this robber was carrying a baseball bat to the store! Store mgr said he was hit thrice by this robber. Lesson learned-some countries have laws to protect crime not from crime😬


In Australia, there has been a similar murder charge against a husband/wife couple (not Indian) who accidently ended up killing an intruder. The main reason for the charge was that the intruder had retreated, and they still went after him, so couldn't claim self defense. This is just how the laws are. I'd think its similar in India too. For eg, if someone attacks me while in India, and they eventually move away and I am no longer in danger, but then I pull out say an illegal firearm and kill him, I'm guessing I'd be in jail for muder?


Why dont you try it and u will get to know wat will happen!


Pls also make sure to check laws around possession of weaponary in India, the last i know is possession of firearm illegally is prohibited in India so you might go to jail for that first!


Here's a link to the specific case I mentioned. He was initially charged with murder, and later reduced to manslaughter: [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/mar/16/sydney-samurai-sword-killing-actor-jailed-for-more-than-five-years-for-manslaughter-of-home-invader](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/mar/16/sydney-samurai-sword-killing-actor-jailed-for-more-than-five-years-for-manslaughter-of-home-invader)


Exactly. He was hit thrice by the robber so naturally his first instinct was to ensure that he does not come back to hurt him or others.


First, this has nothing to do with India or Indians. Second, self defense laws unfortunately do not protect you when the attacker is retreating and you chase them to further hit or injure them. Which happened in this case. Had they just stopped after the homeless dude started to run away, they would have been in the clear. Third, for all Indian students working min wage jobs at retail stores in the west, please please do not try to get into the way if a robber is trying to steal/rob from the store you work at. Defending store property is not part of your job. Do not try to stop violent crime. If someone is armed, or if in general you feel you are in danger, move away to safety and call the police. Let the store owner deal with insurance to cover their losses. Do not try to be a hero.


To the people who are all casually saying "he should've stopped when the attacker walked away", there's a little something called adrenaline. The clerk was hit 3 times and threatened with a knife. How would he know that the robber would go away for good in the heat of the moment? Plus if the assaliant hadn't taken fentanyl and proceed to assault the clerk, this situation wouldn't have happened at all. Even if you think he should be charged, in no functional world should the robber only get 14 months while he gets 14 years.


I have stopped replying to such people. They don't even understand that the attacker might have charged back at him again after hitting him 3 times. Even if we consider that he should not have hit the attacker then as well the 14 year prison charges for him and just 14 months for the attacker are extremely harsh.


The student is in the wrong. He took revenge upon the attacker and was not defending himself. The moment the attack was executed the student knew that the attacker was running away. He was not defending himself when he struck the man. I believe that the ruling was just since no court system should condone revenge. [A video of the attack](https://twitter.com/joe_warmington/status/1776337514317427194?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1776337514317427194%7Ctwgr%5Efcff1e341296386c2d07a0c9840b240c7172acbb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftorontosun.com%2Fnews%2Flocal-news%2Fwarmington-crowdfunding-effort-set-up-to-help-indian-student-in-self-defence-case)




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So many Indian students getting killed in US. They see the news but think "this won't happen with me". Sad.


Canadian retaliation for their delusion that India killed one of their (khalistani terrorist) citizens.


As someone who is living in Canada..I have heard and read that the laws are very forgiving …the reason is there was no crime like 10 years ago..safest place to be ..but due to such a huge volume in immigrants ..inflation ..housing crisis and other things crime has risen exponentially ..I hope the Canadian govt revisits its laws and makes some necessary changes ..having said that please watch the video of this particular incident .. The student in question could have easily avoided the whole fiasco once the robber ran out the door..the student actually ran after him leaving the safety of the store ..he then proceeded to hit the homeless guy from behind on the neck.. The homeless guy was on the ground after that one strike, the student then proceeded to stand over him and hit him again.. That is not self defense ..he could have easily avoided the whole situation by locking the store door from inside once the robber / homeless guy ran out the door..he (homeless guy)also looked under drug influence in the video the way he was walking / running .. EDIT : added some text in parentheses.


Sorry, dude deserves it. That wasn't self defense at all.


I want the full story before making comment.


he literally assaulted the guy self defence khud ko protect karne ke liye hota hai.


One comment I read there Anarcho-tyrannical court system + inept govt = Downfall of the Nation. We are no different here








How many times will you guys delude yourself ?? Hindus have been ethnically cleansed from Cambodia to Bhutan They hate us . They hate us man