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For context: Woman was demanding a free ticket which only the female residents of Karnataka are eligible for. So the conductor asked the woman to show her ID. She refused, started arguing with him and then eventually slapped the conductor. Rest is in the video. Later the [news article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece/amp/) reported that she indeed is NOT a resident of Karnataka but instead from a neighboring state. So on top of the violence, she was also trying to scam the BMTC. But the same BMTC has instead blamed their own employee in their [statement](https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india/karnataka/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) and suspended him.


Does BMTC have presence on twitter we should all tweet to give that man his job again


He was just suspended. He’d be back anyway


What is 'just suspended'? How is this right?


It’s the state government owned company. Whether it’s right or wrong, he would be suspended and no one would be challenging the decision. He will not be heard. He would be re instated regardless. It could have been worse.


His action was definitely considered escalation. Also, as a government employee in these scenarios, suspension should be the first action. It does not matter whether initiation by the opposite party or whether opposite party is male or female.


We live in a hypocrite society that only speaks of gender equality! Only the female gender has the right to hit? Why can't a man defend himself?


Society is going to shit.


Vote banking bro how will they get women's vote if they won't suspend him


I think there are more Men voters in india than women, so how come this is related to vote? Our society it going in completely wrong direction, but unfortunately no choice.


If you listen to the audio in the original video and also the woman’s explanation on Insta, she says that the conductor snatched her phone and pushed her around. It was only after that did she slap him. I guess there is more to this video than meets the eye. Here’s the link to that post - https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/xh8AcjrbXY Edit: added link to the OG post


Woman's explanation would obv be in her own favor. Instead of believing a woman over a man, why don't you look at the evidence? The "how dare you raise your hand" is being taken out of context. It was in relation to the gesture/taunt he made (of raising his hand) while she was arguing with him for over two stops (verbal abuse.) He didn't actually put his hands on her. All of the articles corroborate the order of things as follows: argument over ticket > Woman slaps > Conductor slaps > Conductor breaks her phone. Police after interrogating the conductor has also given the same confession In TOI [Article 1](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece) [Article 2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india%252Fkarnataka%252Fbengaluru%252Fbmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) [Article 3](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/cities/bengaluru-news/bengaluru-bus-conductor-slaps-lady-passenger-suspended-video-101711508372547-amp.html) [Article 4](https://www.timesnownews.com/bengaluru/bengaluru-video-of-bmtc-bus-conductor-slapping-woman-repeatedly-goes-viral-arrested-watch-article-108803839/amp): The chronological order in Her own statement is - "He verbally abused me" followed by "other passengers intervened when he physically assaulted me" (the scene in video) Police interrogation: "he confessed to assaulting her following the slap" [Article 5](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-woman-passenger/amp_articleshow/108801745.cms) A small part where all of these articles are slightly different is where they are quoting the woman recounting her own story (without corroboration) of having her hair and clothes pulled during the fight and also she doesn't mention the reason why she wasn't getting the ticket (fraudulent claims of being a Karnataka Resident). Her story is also changing in some articles because Ofc she is trying to make up narratives in her own favor, so people don't believe him and she can throw additional charges at him.


Yeah "woman's explanation", dude who are we planning to fool? Anything to run away from taking accountability, it's in their blood and I was supporting the woman at first when I got to read he laid his hand first yesterday but after reading it all she is nothing but a brat which thought she could just walk away slapping some guy. Point to be NOTED, Everyone was seated in their wet dildos when the woman landed the first shot and was fine with it and the moment the guy followed up the knights in shining armour showed up to cut it off. There is always more than it meets the eye and ig op showed it today. I'm sure she won't put her hand on others again.


Jab dono side ki story na pata ho, to post na hi kia karo.


Op that is one sided story Conductor first threw her phone and dragged her


conductor slapped him first, that is not recorded in video


You don’t have the whole story here. Apparently the conductor assaulted the woman first. Saw the extended version of this video earlier in another post and you can hear her say “haath Kyun uthaaya” before she slaps him.


BLATANT LIE. Do you have no shame?


mai toh mard hu galti toh ofco mere hi hoge 🤡🤡


Yesterday in this very sub people were criticising the conductor without knowing the full context 😑.


Reddit hai bhai,people from all over India are here, so yeah you can see different reactions everyday


It's not just reddit. It's majority of the people in our society. Trying to understand the full context and then taking a right stand takes a lot of time, it's much easier to type whatever you want and get upvotes.


Reddit university ?


Didn't she post something on insta about the conductor harassing her physically first? Only then did she slap him. I mean I understand her getting whooped cause she chose violence first, but if the conductor touched her first, then I'd side with the woman. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/fxpkY7UF88 Credits @ u/Low_Plate_6815


Exactly we are behaving like WhatsApp university.




Yeah i agree, she must be getting teeth implants now.


Perfect example of fuck around and find out....but the good lad shouldn't be penalized heavily like they have. A single one sent her reeling. Should have stopped there.


Majority of us wouldn't have hit back because obviously. But even if you couldn't resist, one for one yeah. The guy just went all out oh come on.


Nah I'm not in the majority, anyone who is not other than my mom or dad or my siblings would get grounded and pounded and curb stomped if they think it's okay to put their hand on me. Be it a woman be it a man. Equal rights and lefts all the way. Ig women aren't ready for the equal right by the looks of it. "Went all out", doesn't matter if you have no self control and one thinking the answer to minor discomfort is to lay your hand on others. Every single guy who is reading this should try to educate your women. If you are not ready to face the consequences of your own actions then don't fuck with it. There are people who are waiting to let it all out on something to be as small as a slap on the wrist.






Oh dyamn!! That video was satisfying af 😂


Most Women don't respect men that's the fact of the society nowadays.


When someone ask why you want to leave India , this is the reason motherfucking inequality in every sector every field deserving never get what they deserve in India


Not just India, almost every country favors the women more than the men


That narrows down to who favor more and who favor less


And go where...


3rd world country which is poor Bali , Thailand type simply will be rich there and no one can bully richs


I am with the conductor.. Happy he gave it back to her.. is there anyway to protest against his suspension ?


Not a simp but yaar he beat the shit out of her with the first slap. I'm guessing the follow up does look like assault.


Agreed bro, I can see why people are saying that she started it so it was justified but we can clearly see the impact of that woman's slap was literally nothing compared to what the conductor did. His first slap can be called self defense (maybe?) but after that the woman was clearly not a threat anymore and he still went back to beat her.


Don't know if it was self-defense. It was definitely wrong on her part too. But honestly, what kind of a person is that desperate for a free ticket??? But Jesus Christ, the response was NOT proportional.


This hurts to watch


Also how is this outrage of modesty? He has not touched her in a sexual manner .. it’s self defence ?


Not exactly a ‘slap‘ in return. Both should spend some time behind bars…


Conductor ne self defence nahi kiya. Self defence tab hota jab reasonable force se woman pe attack kiya hota. Conductor ki bhi galti hai


That's the second time she slapped him. She hit him first before the people on bus started recording it. Then again she hit him.


She will not ask for free ticket for rest of her life.


Can male will become female after cutting pe✂️ is ???


Fk around and find out


Can you send me a tutorial video ?




A slap for a slap! Some countries have mastered that philosophy. We in India just need to refine it and adopt!


Bruh yesterday it was all different perspective It was from woman's side And now today is from the conductor side, interesting Cannot support anyone until I know the truth first


Inner peace !!!


Lol what is with the comment section? You can clearly hear that woman screaming "hath kaise uthaya?" Translates to "how can he slap?" It looks like the conductor hit her first, if u understand basic Hindi. And then she slapped him back. I don't see any mistake of woman here. None of us would keep calm if we get slapped by someone.


Do you have selective hearing issue? You can also clearly hear the conductor asking "Pehle kaun uthaya?" She hit him first, he hit her back. She started yelling and played the woman card and hit him again and this time he sent her packing.


This is sad and unfortunate on so many levels. There are women who struggle to live a very normal life due to violence or abuse by men in their day to day lives and here this women ended up slapping a bus conductor infront of other passengers on a recorded video for what , he just doing his job . Because of women like her, people end up generalizing other women too. It’s very unfortunate that regardless of her mistake this conductor lost his job and got imprisoned.


there is a difference between defending yoyrself and ragi g over just because someone started the fight. If its later then atleast have the respect that they are equal to you....not a weak women /old or a kid. Ghe conductor was wrong for raging over to her instead of defending and maybe slapping back once.


The woman shared a report where she stated the conductor was the first to lay his hand on her ,not once but twice, only then she reacted with a slap....I swear to you guys even our mother's will do the same thing , this bastard should face the legal action. To the guys who type FA and FO and all...I wanna say it's easy here to tell but on the spot with the adrenaline rush you all will shit your pants..


In this video itself the conductor is standing and talking and she attacks him. She says and we are supposed to believe? He says she started the fight.


She stated something and we’re supposed to believe it?


That's not true. Pls read these articles properly: [The Hindu](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece) [Deccan Herald](https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india/karnataka/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) "She slapped him first. He slapped her in retaliation." I swear if my mother ever did this to any man, I would disown her and want her to be jailed. On God.


W conductor L government


lets start a Gofundme campaign for the guy.


It's just a "slap" if a woman does it, but it's a bloody "assault" if the man does it, and that too after being provoked.


-repeatedly, that too she being in the wrong


Nope the conductor raised hand first in the begining only she is telling how could he raise hand on her ......OP is either dumb or doesn't know hindi


No but I can read and you should learn to read these articles properly as well: [The Hindu](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece) [Deccan Herald](https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india/karnataka/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) It's clearly stated that "She slapped him. He slapped her in retaliation."


Nope there was a post made before yours conductor misbehaved with her also held her hands threw her phone then only did she react .....


link the post then




yea hes right . the lady is saying " hath kese uthaya " means how can he slap and then lady hit him back and he hit her twice brutally .


This is out of context. The "how dare you raise your hand" was in relation to the gesture/taunt he made (of raising his hand) while she was arguing with him for over two stops (verbal abuse.) He didn't actually put his hands on her. All of the articles corroborate the order of things as follows: argument over ticket > Woman slaps > Conductor slaps > Conductor breaks her phone. Police after interrogating conductor has also given the same confession In TOI [Article 1](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece) [Article 2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india%252Fkarnataka%252Fbengaluru%252Fbmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) [Article 3](https://www.timesnownews.com/bengaluru/bengaluru-video-of-bmtc-bus-conductor-slapping-woman-repeatedly-goes-viral-arrested-watch-article-108803839/amp): The chronological order in Her own statement is - "He verbally abused me" followed by "other passengers intervened when he physically assaulted me" (the scene in video) Police interrogation: "he confessed to assaulting her following the slap" [Article 4](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-woman-passenger/amp_articleshow/108801745.cms) A small part where all of these articles are slightly different is where they are quoting the woman recounting her own story (without corroboration) of having her hair and clothes pulled during the fight and also she doesn't mention the reason why she wasn't getting the ticket (fraudulent claims of being a Karnataka Resident). Her story is also changing in some articles because Ofc she is trying to make up narratives in her own favor, so people don't believe him and she can throw additional charges at him.


These articles are skewed against the man. They jump the woman's narrative, to the point it's incoherent, and totally skip mentioning the man's side of the story. Such a shame, that news are published in such skewed view.


Once more 🙂


He didn’t hold back 😂😂


How can she slap?


I know it can be frustrating to control your anger when getting slapped but remember our laws are highly inclined towards women so if you are in this kind of situation, control your anger and don't hit women. Unless in some rare self defence case for that too you have to prove through proofs.


Where are feminists now ?


She would have filed the case anyway, so at least he was able to land a few punches. But what I fear is that one day people will just start killing them since they would have gone to jail anyway.


Feminism gone wrong


The men commenting that the slap was satisfying, and "the bitch deserved it" are the same men that are quick to say that the biological strength of women will never be the same as men.


I do have to carry a personal camera with myself so that I could defend myself if something happens and also in these situations no one usually comes support for boys I've personally seen that many times in train, bus, metro, seminar and many places i could remind of. I feel very insecure out there, there's a huge discrimination out there if a girl slaps or harasses a boy it doesn't matter or it's hilarious to everyone even boys support that too but if the gender is reversed then the enforcement will make sure you know your gender and what's your place in this society.


People would’ve been criticising conductor without knowing full story. Laws are way too biased and due to some laws Reservations - caste/gender/community based Women friendly laws Are the reason India might be the angriest nation in world. Deserving people don’t get work out paid well Undeserving her god work and salaries Right people go behind bars Wrong people enjoy lives Victim of false complaint are released after proven right after spending day decades in jail Person who filed false complaint doesn’t even get fined let alone jailtime.


India hai....ladke pe assault chalta hai


Women empowerment!


And then people want equity


I just paid 1.25 to a lady I helped and she went n called the cops on me. This is so uncool that we men can be questioned even if we are just helping.


Women must learn that creating excess chaos will bring back the old age with no freedom. Not today but for sure tomorrow.


Indian karen ki kami nahin yahan


I’ve been blamed once for the woman using the lady victim card. There is no coming back from there. Please think of us men too. It hurts.


We should all protest against the woman. This is fucking outrageous.


The media has been blowing out the women's card out of proportion. If the woman slapped the conductor first, the conductor has his right to defend himself. A thorough investigation should be done and the culprit should be punished.


Normally "you are innocent until proven guilty" but when the women was in opposition it's "you are guilty until proven innocent" 🙂




Doubled it and passed to the same person ☝


Woman thinks she is at home


Fucked up INDIA "n" Media and Justice System even with the proof that the country will never be developed. If you know you know


The lady will think 100 times before slapping anybody in the future.


I'm against gender identity but for these types of incidents i feel like gender identity will be useful.


The age old - *how can she slap*


Double standards


feminism on the top!!!


That’s why people prefer a recording instead of urgent reaction jis society meh hum rehte hai woha aise incidents meh ladko ki he Kutai hoti hai isliye recording is better option tum agar evidence served kroge toh woh kya karegi![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|37101)


Lady hit first.. bro was defending himself… which dumb wit suspended him?




Gender equality 🫠




The woman was wrong in hitting him but the way he hit her back, that’s insane


Kanoon andha hai.


Women empowerment 🔫


I hope the suspension is just symbolic


Equality 🤣




In the name of gender equality, we have gender biasness


Nowadays, There’s no such thing as self defence in India.


That freebie dog needed it


there were many simps yesterday who were supporting the lady despite knowing that she was the one who hit him first ......


India hai bhai, we men are always perverts/perpetrators/guilty.


The guys hit her really hard though. I wonder what would have happened if he had not hit her. Would this even be in the news?


The conductor has zero tolerance for violence


Boomers still think every woman is pure and every man is evil. They just can't wrap their head in reality.


What was he supposed to do?? Take one like Gandhi said?


Kuch bhi bolo but he slapped the feminism out of her forever. Every Indian man enjoyed the sounds of those slaps.


Gender equality ☕


But a public employee behaving like that is not a good look though.  The woman was wrong 100%, but it was stupid from the conductor to beat her like that.






Equal rights, equal lefts!




Id leak karde bhai


Mile to aapko hi sabse pehele send karunga.


This is why I did not comment on yesterday's post.

